Things I look for when wanting to read a fanfic:
- Something good, lol. Not to be mean, but it's really hard to come across a good fanfic, and when I actually do I squeal. Loudly and obnoxiously, until the kids complain.
- Something well-written. I really like a story to have good grammar and be mostly free of spelling mistakes. And when it comes to the point I have to correct things in my mind as I read, I stop.
- I'll read mostly anything, genre-wise. I do like romance, unlike what seems most everyone here. I like slash, too (*blushes*), as long as it's well-written. One genre I can't get into is Sci-Fi, really the only sci-fi I can handle is Star Wars, and not much of that. I'm boring that way.
- Anything by Anastacia, starbeamz2, mersey, honey, I'll read it. I do have my favorite authors, and I have been known to re-read something that I've read before just to get my fanfic fix.
Things I don't enjoy reading and avoid:
- Anything involving girl singer opens for the Boys and falls in love. Just, no, please.
- Anything involving the Boys being kidnapped--wait, I'm writing one of those. Nevermind!
- I hardly ever read anything with Nick. I don't know why, but I tend to stay away from Nick stories, unless it's a short or by someone I read all the time. Yes, I know, I write Nick, but that's completely different.
- If I see a summary and the summary is full of grammar and/or spelling mistakes, I tend to avoid it.
- Crossovers usually turn me off, because it's all I can do to focus on the Boys, and having to learn new characters that are already developed just gives me a headache. There are exceptions, of course, but mostly I stay away from them.
Basically? I'll read anything, as long as it's not sci-fi, the summary is well-written, and I don't have to correct grammar and spelling in my head. *is easily pleased*