I want to meet a Backstreet Boy! (or five!)

I am so cheap when it comes to these meet and greets and such. Truth is that I actually have a couple of "connections," that might actually help the process along (the Kentucky girl thing has its perks...not that I've seen any of them), but I'd kind of rather keep fantasizing about the "chance meeting." An old friend of mine acted in a web series with Brian's brother, Harold-- make out scene and everything, and the story goes that he's "going to see what he can do" about maybe helping us meet them at our concert in Cincinnati. I'll believe it when I see it.
Oh, and Nick's red sweatpants have their own Twitter account. I mean, I would know

(I promise it's not me-- I found it when I was looking for a picture for my story banner...Sorry Mare! I think every time I mention a banner, I'll follow it with "Sorry Mare!" hehe)