Reviews For American Honey
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Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 07:35 pm Title: Chapter 44

Awwwww so cute together. Can't wait for more

Reviewer: luna610 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 07:15 pm Title: Chapter 44

Yay! Loved this chap. I love whenever AJ makes an appearance :) And he's totally a hot grandpa! Lol at him cursing in front of the kids at the wedding and I love Brenna! Especially when she was asking for "rich people food" ROFL

Author's Response: haha yeah I loved Brenna's request for the rich people food. Like she's poor. Her grandpas are Kevin and AJ for crying out loud! :) You're not the only one that enjoys an AJ appearance. Glad I could bring it! :)

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 06:37 pm Title: Chapter 44

"Did I ever mention that I love you for your brains?" dad asked mom as we pulled into the VIP garage at the hotel. Mom laughed.
"You might have mentioned it once. Or twice," she replied teasingly.''
--Oh we know!

"I DON'T LIKE CHEESE IN MY CAKE!" Landon screamed. Mom took his flailing hands and knelt down by him.
"Landon, you need to stop screaming," she explained to him patiently. "This is a fancy event and you have to use your quiet fancy voice okay?"
Landon stared at mom. For a split second I seriously thought he was going to yell again.
"Okay," he whispered.
I smiled. Mom could have twenty kids and still be able to handle us all.''
--Livvy's an angel!

"I SEE HEW!" Landon yelled. I watched as he ran in Brenna's direction.
"He's such a pimp," I said with a laugh. I could somehow imagine my dad at that age doing the exact same thing. ''
--awww the childish love.... they are in a magical zone.

"Uncle AJ!" I said happily. He stood up and we hugged.
"How you doing superstar?" he asked. i laughed.''

"I'm waiting for a call about getting back into the studio fuckhead," AJ said. Dad grinned. Landon opened his mouth and mom seemed to sense disaster. She covered his mouth.
"Never repeat anything Uncle AJ says," she explained.
We all laughed.''

"I want claws!" he wailed. From the next table over I heard his female counterpart.
Uncle AJ was in mid-sip of his water. He covered his mouth quickly and started to cough. Molly slapped his back. Once he stopped choking, he turned around.
"Want some of mine Brenners?"
A second later she was sitting on AJ's lap with a huge white bib around her neck. Landon was sitting on dad's lap. Two happy kids started to dunk lobster meat in butter.''
--- I WANNA RICH PPL FOOD!!! AHHHAAA awww AJ is such a great grandpa!

"There's always Vegas," Uncle AJ said.
"NO!" mom and dad said in unison.''
-- hahhaa

I saw something fly up into the air. We all looked up. It was a lobster claw.
"Oops!" Landon said.
It landed right in the middle of the table. Brenna clapped.
I glanced up at Kay. She was greedily drinking down what looked like champagne.
I was going to have to keep my eye on that girl tonight. But even as I said that, I felt Trevor's hand squeeze my knee. Pleasant butterflies began in my stomach.
Something told me that I was going to be easily distracted as the night wore on.''
-- Oh boy.. this party will make it white hairs look nice....

Okay, my man is back, so I'm happy!

Author's Response: I figured you'd enjoy the Carters and McLeans sharing a table! :) AJ is a good grandpa. I'm sure he misses Brenna now that Shel's in Kentucky. :(

Reviewer: NeelaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 06:28 pm Title: Chapter 44

"So how's life grandpa?" dad teased. AJ smirked.

"I'm waiting for a call about getting back into the studio fuckhead," AJ said. Dad grinned. Landon opened his mouth and mom seemed to sense disaster. She covered his mouth.


Author's Response: LoL AJ called Kevin that on Twitter a couple days ago and I about died laughing. Kevin hasn't tweeted since January. But, just the fact that he said it right around Landon and Liv swooped in...haha I love it too :)

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 05:31 pm Title: Chapter 44

I'm gonna start this out by saying that all of the Landon and/or Brenna moments were adorable/hilarious! :D I love these Backstreet reunions. :)

LMAO at AJ's Vegas wedding suggestion getting shot down and "Never repeat anything your Uncle AJ says." Two of my older siblings got married in Vegas: One to her high school sweetheart a few years ago, they've been together off and on since they were 15 and have one kid - my nephew who's 13. The other married his long-time girlfriend of 5+ years last year. They've got two kids so far, my second nephew and first niece who are 2 and 4. :)

lol Poor Kay with having to do all of that stuff 'cause she's in the wedding party. I'm definitely sure that Brooke will be distracted by Trevor for the night. ;) Great update, on to Fallen Angel!

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 04:40 pm Title: Chapter 44

Trevor opened his mouth to say something else, but before he could, I saw something fly up into the air. We all looked up. It was a lobster claw.

"Oops!" Landon said.

Slippery little boogers, aren't they?

Love to see AJ~~~~~

Author's Response: LoL got to love Landon...haha Carters and McLeans sharing a table should have been banned...but it's SO amusing!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 04:37 pm Title: Chapter 44

Oye vey in a half shell. Least Leighanne hasn't told Kay she HAS to dance with the dude she walked down the aisle with. I was told that already - oye vey. I don't dance - unless drunk - or if it's BSB - lol.



Author's Response: LoL I dance for BSB! haha that should be a t-shirt. I hate to dance. I can but I don't--kind of like Liv back in WTB. :) I hate bridal party dances...because they're usually fast and corny!

Reviewer: kaiah Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 04:02 pm Title: Chapter 44

I love Landon, easy as that :)
Can't wait for Brooke and Trevor to spend more time togheter.. He sounds like a true gentleman!

Author's Response: Landon's pretty special. :) Brooke and Trevor will get more time together. He is pretty much a gentleman. Of course he's a teenager too, keep that in mind...

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 04:00 pm Title: Chapter 44

Ah young love. I hope they do end up getting married & have a marriage like her parents do. I also hope Trevor's parents end up dying a horribly painful death. What? They deserve it. Keep up the excellent work.

Author's Response: I love young love. Of course I love well established love too like what Nick and LIv share too. :)

Reviewer: ALM Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 12:10 pm Title: Chapter 44

lol at Joe giving Trevor staredown sorry sweetie it will never happen with Brooke.

Also Landon going to say the same thing as AJ, AJ should of know better lol. I just love that kid hehe he diff his father son lol

Author's Response: LoL Joe's the pimp daddy...I still <3 my Joe! AJ doesn't have a censor switch... :)

Reviewer: No_Angel Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 12:05 pm Title: Chapter 44

--"I DON'T LIKE CHEESE IN MY CAKE!" Landon screamed.-- Landon never fails to make me LOL, literally.

--"What else? A night of Pepsi or Coke is wild and crazy fun! Or maybe I'll really live dangerously and go with some Mountain Dew."-- NoNo is a total smartass!

--"I SEE HEW!" Landon yelled. I watched as he ran in Brenna's direction.


"He's such a pimp," I said with a laugh. I could somehow imagine my dad at that age doing the exact same thing.-- hehehe, yep, so luvs Landon. And yeah, can totally see Nick doing that too

--"Never repeat anything Uncle AJ says," she explained.-- BEST advice ever!

-- "I want claws!" he wailed. From the next table over I heard his female counterpart.

"I WANT RICH PEOPLE'S FOOD!"-- too frickin cute!

--"She's not getting married until she's fifty," dad said.-- pretty sure that's what alot of dad's say :)

--"Think I'll be invited to your wedding?" he whispered.-- yeap, pretty sure he'll be one of the main parts ;)

--I glanced up at Kay. She was greedily drinking down what looked like champagne.

I was going to have to keep my eye on that girl tonight. But even as I said that, I felt Trevor's hand squeeze my knee. Pleasant butterflies began in my stomach.

Something told me that I was going to be easily distracted as the night wore on.-- hopefully Brooke manages to keep a close enough eye on Miss Kay....

Author's Response: yeah Landon makes me LoL too. This is what happens when I work with adorable three and four year olds all day. I store up all their cuteness for these stories! I too love Liv's advice...never repeat AJ. That's trouble right there! Brooke had good intentions of watching her bestie...but she's also got a genuine, sweet (and hot) guy with her. decisions, decisions...

Reviewer: elleinad Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 05:09 am Title: Chapter 43

i cannot wait to see what chaos/ dram ensues at this wedding

Author's Response: Oh you know there's going to be some!

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 03:41 am Title: Chapter 43

Okay, I have to print the ENTIRE chapter! I totally can see the past paying another visit but now to Mclean-Richardson and Carters! BEAUTIFUL!

So, here I go!

"Landon, you're staying with me and mommy."
Landon jumped up and down. "YAY!"
Landon had this thing about sleeping in his own bed. Ever since he was old enough to get out of his crib, mom and dad seemed to wake up every morning with him sandwiched between the two of them. Mom would take him back to bed and sure enough, he would always get out.``
--Awww, kids are so cute!!! I still like to sleep at mom and dad bed.. shhh

``Because of my early start, the Carters actually left on time for a change. Trevor took my hand. His eyes kept drifting back to my profile.``
-- Miracle!

``We were directed to our seats on the groom's side of the church. It was filling up fast. I ended up sitting behind a pretty redhead that looked like she was having a heck of a time trying to get her little look-a-like daughter to sit down. I leaned into Trevor a little to get a better look. I smiled.’’
--Good Lord, SHELBY IS BACK!!!!!!!!! I still can’t believe that Howie and Alex wasn’t there!

``While we were talking, her mini-me stared up at me. I vaguely remembered her from my birthday party. I searched my brain for her name. Before I had a chance to ask her, she gave me a huge chipmunk grin.
The girl held up her dress. She was wearing underwear with bright pink and yellow stars all over them. Shelby tugged the dress back down.
"Brenna, behave."
--THANK YOU! I'm laughing so hard at the scene! Lill B is Shelby all the way.. poor parents and grandps!

"Daddy, be a horse!"
He laughed. "Not now, Brenners."
I closed me eyes. Our conversation had attracted another participant. Landon began to bawk like a chicken. Brenna joined in.``
--Hello, hello future!!

"She's in rare form today, isn't she?" Uncle Kevin asked Shelby. She laughed.
"That's because she's got a helper."
Mom had given up trying to cover Landon's mouth. He crouched down by her leg, braying like a donkey.''
--Helper.. oh boy!

"If we stand far enough away," Noah whispered to Trevor and me. "we can pretend that we're not with them."
I laughed. "One look at us and everyone knows we're Carters, NoNo."
--Step back.. back... BACK... AWAY BACK!!! Yes, the Carters are so looked alike.

"The Littrells are experts at big events," I explained.
--You tell me!

"Kay's dress is puke!" Landon declared as mom and dad talked to Baylee and Claudia.
"Puce," I corrected.
"PUKE!" Brenna screamed. Landon turned around.
"PUKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" they screamed in unison.
As if on cue, Peyton, Noah, Trevor, and I all took three huge steps away.
"I don't know them, do you?" Peyton asked. Noah and I shook our heads.
"Not at all."
-- Oh boy.. I knew the PUKE would come... so knew! Those 2 yelling PUKE!!!!
Carter's? WHO??

"I like your family," he said with a smile. I laughed.
"We're kind of a package deal," I explained. His smile widened.
"I like that."
And I liked that he liked that. Between my crazy little brother, Peyton who was already swapping her flats for sneakers, and Noah who seemed in a daze after talking to Kay, we were a mess. And the evening was still young.
I had a feeling that it was going to be an interesting night.''
--Interesting night... that's for sure!

Author's Response: Just to clarify, all the guys were there...its just that they didn't all get to sit together. Howie and AJ will come with the reception chapters for sure! lol Like I mentioned before, I think Landon and Brenna were more entertaining than the wedding. and no matter how far those three try to escape, Pey, Brooke, and Noah will always be Carters :)

Reviewer: sofdlovesbsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 12:44 am Title: Chapter 43

Sorry meant to put Brenna not Breanna.lmao

Reviewer: sofdlovesbsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 12:43 am Title: Chapter 43

Love this chapter,very nice. Trevor and Brooke are a cute couple and Yay for the Shelby/Mason/Breanna appearance that makes me happy. Love Backstreet wedding's it gets everyone
Breanna and Landon perfect combonation Maybe they are the future couple when they get I am glad Trevor likes Brooke's family.

Author's Response: Backstreet weddings totally get the whole gang back together again...and craziness insues :) Brenna and Landon are two cute little kids. they are a lot like yesteryears Mason and Shel :)