Reviews For American Honey
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Reviewer: elleinad Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 04:16 am Title: Chapter 25

yes! go team carter!

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 03:36 am Title: Chapter 25

Okay... SOOOOOOO MANY things to point and comment:
''My little Noah was becoming a man.''
''There was a time not so long ago when a party wasn't a party unless I was there. And now I was just the parent.''
''In a span of a few moments I went from a fifteen year old guy back to a scared, guilty six year old.
Chasing down Garrett was my chance to make up for letting Brooke down all those years ago.''
''As far as I was concerned, Kay was mine to protect too. I mean, sure she never gave me the time of day, but I loved her. She was the most beautiful girl on the planet. It frustrated me to no end how stupidly I acted when I was around her...''
''I had gotten a high level of irrationality from my dad.
It was coming out full force tonight.''
"You haven't seen nuts," I said. "You tried to violate my daughter you piece of shit."
"I caused a little trouble," Noah said. I glanced down at Garrett. He was vomiting on the pavement.
''It won't be the first time for me," I said. "Welcome to your rite of passage son." We looked at each other and high fived.''

I'm SURE Liv will go to heaven... ALL these crazy Carter genes. WTH is wrong with Carter girls??? POOR ONES take all the issues.... the guys are nuts! But, even this crazy italian would go for the kill too.
Poor Noah. He still blames himself for Brooke's situation plus now with Kay, when he knows....
And now these double Carter police incident... LORD!

Author's Response: LoL there was a lot going on wasn't there? Carter genes scare me...Liv had no idea what she started when she decided to procreate with Nickers! haha

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 01:20 am Title: Chapter 25

Team nick and Noah all the way hehe amazing job so can't wait for more. It just keeps getting better and better.

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 01:00 am Title: Chapter 25

Roflmao. Right of passage is getting arrested. Dear God, Carter. I hope you tell them cops he violated Brooke too. Show them your daughter's bruised body & ripped up party dress.

*finishes Garret off soon as Nicky & Noah leave* You NEVER harm a member of the Backstreet Family jackass!!!!!!!!!!!!



Author's Response: LoL well I never said they used common sense... :)

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 12:01 am Title: Chapter 1

Hell knows no fury like a parent protecting their child! I know that Nick and Noah are probably going to end up paying, but it was worth it! What a great chapter Jen! Can't wait to see how it plays out.
Any WTF is up with high school boys......"can I get a piece of your sister's ass?" ummmm...hello......FREAKS!

Author's Response: You know it's really sad, but working in the library I can honestly say that teenagers today are horrible...especially some of the boys. Some of the things I've overheard...ugh

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 11:32 pm Title: Chapter 25

Wow. Will Nick and Noah arrested? Can't wait to find out.

Author's Response: We'll just have to see!

Reviewer: CarterFanUs Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 11:25 pm Title: Chapter 25

WOW talk about not letting ppl getting in ur away lol diff like father like son.

The sad thing is that it will be Nick and Noah get in the most trouble and Garrett could get of scott free :( maybe granpa will help again that will help Nick + Noah pls pls hope they do not get in trouble to much

PS hope ppl see what lowlife Garrett is when they see Brooke's marks.

what will you do if it was your child that got hurt like what Brooke did

Author's Response: oh we don't even want to talk about what I would do if that happened to my child...what Nick and Noah did was minor compared to what I would do. Of course, Nick and Noah did it up pretty well :)

Reviewer: cookies Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 11:22 pm Title: Chapter 25

Yes. Now THAT'S the stuff. Although, now that Nick & Noah went all Cowboy on their asses, I'm sure police & lawyers are sure to follow. No worries, I'm sure Nick has a rolodex full of lawyers who specialize in "Apeshit on Ass" behavior. LOL Can't wait to see what's next!

Reviewer: No_Angel Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 10:39 pm Title: Chapter 25

woohho! GO CARTER MEN!

Reviewer: NeelaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 10:35 pm Title: Chapter 25

ohhh yeah I looooved it sooooo pleeeeeeeease NEXT :) PLEEEEEEEASE :)))

Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 10:20 pm Title: Chapter 25

Goooooooo Nick and Noah!! Garrett deff got what he deserved! And the assholes in the party sayin shit too.

For the reviewer that said Liv would be upset...I don't think so. As a mother, if that happened to MY daughter, I'd want to be right there giving my two kicks worth in too. After all, after Liv seen the bruises, she said she hoped Nick would kill him or she would. And good for Nick for nailing Garrett's dad..but I fear the punishment just might be harsher for Nick and NoNo..that's how the judicial system works....the guilty get squat but the ppl avenging get the punishment. It's sickening...

Author's Response: You're right, Liv wanted to kill Garrett too...I just don't think she'll be happy that they went all 'Roadhouse' on everyone else along the way. That's going to make it worse than had it just been Garrett as the target. But of course that's why there's the next so until then I'll just say, I agree with ya!

Reviewer: NeelaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 10:02 pm Title: Chapter 25


Author's Response: LoL did Nick and NoNo bring the smack down enough for ya?

Reviewer: SweetDsPixie Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 09:46 pm Title: Chapter 25

perfect father and son bonding! Loved the last line.
Garrett and those other jerks deserved the raft of Nick and Noah. They got what they deserved.
I hope they dont get in to much trouble.

Author's Response: Ah we'll have to see just how much trouble they get into...they caused some hell

Reviewer: rachel21 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 09:44 pm Title: Chapter 25

Nick and NoNo just put the smack down. Woot. But now charges are going to put on them. Its worth it though.

Author's Response: Yeah, they don't do a lot of thinking about repercussions when they're beating the shit and balls out of everyone do they?

Reviewer: mary Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 09:43 pm Title: Chapter 25

oh man nick! rite of passage, i dont think liv will be too happy about that one but good for them!

Author's Response: LoL something tells me mama Liv WON'T be happy about how far Nick and Noah went...