Reviews For Perfect Ten
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Reviewer: NeelaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 09:43 pm Title: Chapter 23

LOOOOOOVE!!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!!!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!! Well to certain points I hate it lol but I guess this is understandable. I hope Nick and Liv get the chance to have a proper talk they need each other and I hope it will seperate them for forever!!! I hope she doesn't do anything stupid with Brian!!!

Please and I am begging here update!!!
thanks xoxo

Reviewer: nickslilmami Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 09:19 pm Title: Chapter 23

Brian is such a great friend to Liv and it's just what she needs to help keep her sane. I'm hoping Nick will fix this thing with Zoe and patch up things with Liv, they really belong together.

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 07:25 pm Title: Chapter 23

Lord those kids have the stubborn Carter gene. (hahahaha) Livvy has more patience than I ever did. I would have swatted their butt. However I sense trouble with her & Brian. I hope nothing happens. Keep up the as always excellent work.

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 06:28 pm Title: Chapter 22

Oh lord I am glad Brian is there for her but I hope they don't have an affair. Keep up the great work.

Reviewer: riotgurl3278 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 04:02 pm Title: Chapter 22

Gotta love the little Carter Rugrats lol!They are a perfect distraction from the whole Zoe mess.I hope Brian being in the doghouse,and Liv being mad at Nick doesn't cause more drama,But I have a feeling it might.Anyway,Great Chapter!Can't wait for more!

Reviewer: Sez Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 11:34 am Title: Chapter 21

Poor Liv

Reviewer: Kidnicky69 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 10:46 am Title: Chapter 21

It's raining and just read through everything, so much that I had to login in. Is it even possible to flip a desk without flipping a desk? O-M-G at this loon Zoe. I hope there's a big fight coming up between them. Oh man, I was feeling angry and i'm not even in the story!

Reviewer: PaulaKTBPA Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 10:22 am Title: Chapter 21

Although it's not really Nick's fault what happened, I understand that Liv is really mad about this...I would too!

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 06:44 am Title: Chapter 21

Wow...God, I hope Nick doesn't get Zoe pregnant.

Reviewer: Mrs Emmett Cullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 06:05 am Title: Chapter 21

Ooh, maybe brian should have given her a heads up. Then again brian shoukd have stopped it to begin with! Can liv go and finish taking out the bitches eye! Seriously i'll help!

Reviewer: mary Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 04:55 am Title: Chapter 21

I had totally forgotten the brian and liv thing!

Reviewer: riotgurl3278 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 04:44 am Title: Chapter 21

Well,Atleast Brian did something right in this whole situation.I really think that Nick should have left the tour and gone home to face Liv in person,However, She may have castrated him,Or worse if he had been in her presence when he said the words"I slept with her."So,Maybe it was better that Brian was there instead of Nick,And why aren't they suspecting that Aaron had something to do with this?It's almost exactly what happened with Liv and Brian in Vegas that time and It screams of Aaron's handy work.
And if Zoe tries to say she's pregnant or that Nick attacked her or something like that,I hope they nail her to the wall!
If she did get pregnant,It was probably planned all along and I wouldn't put it past Aaron to get her pregnant himself and try to play it off like it was Nick's baby.I have a bad feeling that this is gonna get way worse before it gets better.Great Job!Can't wait for more!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 04:19 am Title: Chapter 21

Well, it wasn't all Nick's fault. Just like her & Brian. Truth be told he should not have said that shit to Liv, but if he'd been in his right mind, he would NOT have slept with that Zoe bitch.



P.S. Is it bad I'm still team Nickers?

Reviewer: rachel21 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 03:45 am Title: Chapter 21

Ok seriously Nick. I know you're on tour and all but you couldn't tell her face to face. I feel so bad for her even though he was drugged because he didn't listen to her. :(

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 03:43 am Title: Chapter 21

So now Livvy needs to decide if she will forgive him. He forgave her & Brian but this is a bit different. I bet it gets uglier from here on out. I bet Zo the ho pulls the pregnant card. Lord lady please post another chapter asap.