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Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 02:02 pm Title: Meeting Sharon

I seriously can't believe that these girls (and that one guy) are gonna go through with this... LOL. And I liked how Sharon emphasized that she didn't want the girls to show up in skimpy skirts because AJ and Brian won't be interested in them when they're laying on the floor, dead. Lol.

Author's Response: Well? I can't see AJ getting the jones for a dead chick because she wore a black leather mini skirt...he's not a sicko! lol.

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 01:57 pm Title: Attention All Backstreet Boys Fans:

Backstreet groupies... are gonna try to save the day?!? AWW HELL NAW!! Lol. Groupies can be lethal I suppose. And I LMAO with the discussion of the Nickalex code. I would love to know how AJ and Howie's names came to be, but I absolutely LOVE Brian's name... Shakaka, LMAO!! I love that movies. Thanks to you, I want to go watch me some Ace Ventura now. BUMBLEBEE TUNA!! :P

Author's Response: BUMBLEBEE TUNA!!!! I am glad that you enjoyed the little glimpse into thier language, lol.

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 01:50 pm Title: You Are Now Entering Florida

Damn... I hope Kelly and Erika don't ruin Nick's cover!! That's the last thing we need, some groupies letting their obsession get the best of them and further jeporadize the lives of the guys'!!

Author's Response: Nick's cover has been blown so many times already! It is definately the last thing we need, for it to happen again.

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 01:46 pm Title: Mind Reader

I totally LOL with Nick telling Steph that no one can be annoying-er than him, LOL. And man, you did one helluva job conveying and portraying Nick's feelings and mixed emotions for being in this sticky situation. I'm beginning to see the kick ass side of Steph already, and it kinda reminds me of... me!! Lol. Talk big and walk tall... that's the way to roll!! Lol.

Author's Response: Is it possible for anyone to be more annoying than Nick? I dunno...he's pretty good at it, when he wants to be. I am glad that you were able to see Nick's mixed emotions and fristrations, it was hard to write without getting too overboard, but still get the point across. and YAY for kick ass chicks!

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 01:42 pm Title: Alternate Identity

Haha, Steph is TOTALLY enjoying being married to Nick, I just know it! Lol. I hope these two can keep the charades up!!

Author's Response: are you sure it's not NICK enjoying it? He IS the one who came up with the idea. lol

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 01:38 pm Title: Starting to Hate MTV

Wow... if I was Nick, I'd be shiting bricks right now!! Not only are Brian and AJ still being held hostage, but Kevin was just shot!! I totally didn't expect those words to come from Howie and Kevin though... wait, what am I saying?! I expected those words/threats from Kevin, and Howie... well, we all know better than to piss him off, thanks to Nick being on the receiving end, lol. Man, I hope all will be okay. *rushes to read next chapter*

Author's Response: I KNOW! Poor least I didn't kill him! lol. As for pissing Howie off, I remember the whole thing where they all threw Nick out of the dressing room in tightie whities...and then, when they let him back in, he plowed into Howie and Howie's Like "I kill you!" LMAO. Ah you gotta love that man. HAHA.

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 01:33 pm Title: MTV News

Aww shit... SUSPENSE!! Lol. Totally kidding. Man, poor Nicky... stuck in a tough situation.

Author's Response: see? it's not all that bad. at least there's no kissy kissy. HAHA

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 01:29 pm Title: Only One Person

Wow for Steph figuring Nick out. And the dude should totally relocate... no ifs, ands or buts about it. Well, okay... maybe I don't want there to be any sparks between the two, but like Nick said, it'd be for her safety. :D Lol.

Author's Response: Figures, you want him to get out of dodge, before he has the chance to like her!

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 06:52 am Title: De-Coding

Aww... I kinda got emo on the message from AJ. I seriously couldn't imagine being in Nick's position. Poor kiddo. As for the names, hell I give Nick props!! If that was me, and someone called me by my "fake" name, I'd forget and be like "Uh... who you talking to?!" LOL. And you totally made me hot for Carter in this chappy, lol.

Author's Response: poor Nicky! I'd hate to be there, too. I agree on the fake name thing...I would be like "huh?" and why did this chapter make you hot for Carter? I don't get it. thenks for your feedback!

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 06:41 am Title: Nickalex

Okay... so "The Simple Life" is playing a little too much in my head, lol. And I couldn't help than to constantly go "aww" over Nickalex, lol. I really like reading stories when people have these two converse or it's basically just them, and I really love how you write the both of them. Like you said, you do one helluva job when it comes to writing Nick, lol. Poor dude's gotta work while his other four brothers are reaping all the benefits!! Lol.

Author's Response: lmao. I never watched 'the simple life'...I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I am glad you like the story, though. and Nickalex was one of my major strokes of genious!

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 06:35 am Title: The Prosecution Calls Nickolas Carter to the Stand.

I can't believe you MADE me stop reading where I was at. :P Just keeding. I told you this before, and I'll tell you this again, I really love how you portray the "hidden" relationship between Nick and AJ. Actually, the way you wrote this chapter I could picture EVERYTHING happening, from them being in the station to look at the lines of criminals to the court house. You balanced out the intensity and humor rather well, and I really enjoyed that. Of course, I completely LOL with Nick's blunt responses to the defense attorney. And the way you wrote the defense attorney btw... PERFECT!! You had me seething and hating this bastard, lol. I totally pictured AJ and Kevin snapping up in defense when that guy called Nick out, lol.

Author's Response: hook, line and sinker...I think I've got you!rn

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 04:34 am Title: How It Happened

YAY FOR NICK NOT BEING THE DAMSAL IN DISTRESS!! Lol. This is bad for me to say this, but I'm glad Nick didn't go in to help... they always say "bad things sometimes happen to good people." And that's sooo cute that he picked AJ to go with him down to the station. I like when people touch up on how close Nick and AJ are. :] *scampers off to third chapter*

Author's Response: lol... I didn't know if you would get into this or not, but it sounds as if you are. I'm so excited!

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 04:28 am Title: Me Then vs. Me Now

Oh wow!! First Michael, then Kyle, now Jonathan?! Sad that Nick no longer exists... and I LOVE how AJ was left to care for most of his belongings/money. But, like Nick said, they both have a relationship MANY people wouldn't understand. I seriously can't imagine being placed into this situation... and it would be Nick to get himself into something like this, lol. The ending part kinda reminded me of Nick being the next Paris in "The Simple Life" or something, lol. AJ would totally be Nicole, lmao. But anywho, I guess I'd feel the same way if I went from the life of the rich and famous to an average working American. Sucks to know how he's relocated and changed all the time. Poor Nick.

Author's Response: WOO! *sings* Rebby likes my stoooooryyyyyy!!!

I really hope that you won't be disappointed, I put a lot into this one. but it's totally opposit of LATB! Lmao. thanks for reviewing, hun. you know I luve ya *muah*

Reviewer: scarlett Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/17/08 01:09 am Title: Helpless When She Smiles

oh, Nick... tell her please.

Author's Response: she'll figure it out eventually, even if he doesn't tell her. haha

Reviewer: scarlett Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/17/08 12:55 am Title: Shhhhhh!

Nick! the nerves!! hahaha.. poor guy.. he's going to get grilled! LOL.

Author's Response: lol. thanks for always leaving reviews!