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Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/15/08 03:45 am Title: Helpless When She Smiles

loved it! (im a bit sleepy to go into anymore detail, but i do love it :) )

Author's Response: I'm glad. Thanks for reading and reviewing, even though you were tierd!

Reviewer: nikki p Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/14/08 08:11 pm Title: Helpless When She Smiles

awwwww he's got the family approval! but i swear that if he doesn't tell her i'm gonna kick his arse!!! and he better not do it while they're at the airport either because i'd still kick his arse lol what is up with guys waiting till the very last minute to tell people how they feel?

Author's Response: I know! *rolls eyes* men are so lame, sometimes. I mean, who would even regect him to begin with? lol. she DOES have old magazines, and all thier albums including his solo! DUH! *grin* thanks for the review!

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/14/08 07:34 pm Title: Helpless When She Smiles

awe!  can't wait to see what nicky does next!

Author's Response: who knows, with that boy! lol.

Reviewer: brandy_d Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/14/08 07:04 pm Title: Helpless When She Smiles

Man I really hope Nicky boys grows some balls pretty fast.....I can't wait to her what Jordans reaction is going to be!

Author's Response: lmao. Nicky boy is bein a chicken. *bawk bawk* I am really happy that you have continued to read. thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/14/08 08:45 am Title: Helpless When She Smiles

aw poor nick .ahahah they just made him sing on the spot. oi vei.

Author's Response: lol, yeah, talk about puttin a guy in a weird position. thanks for your feedback!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 07:08 am Title: Getting Down To Business

WHOA! Good use of foreshadowing in earlier chapters, Kristal. I totally forgot that AJ mentioned to Nick in an e-mail that he'd broken up with a Sharon! Hopefully the whole rescue mission goes well..

Author's Response: the foreshadow was quite by accident, lol. you'll have to read on and see how the rescue goes.

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 07:04 am Title: Another Round

LOL As if he brought up the whole resign comment! That's too funny, but she's right, it was bound to happen with him moving around so much! So now they're stuck together hm? This is definitely going to start getting interesting, especially with the whole fan thing happening.

Author's Response: lol. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to put that in there! they are stuck least, for a while. I am glad it is getting more interesting for you. I think you will continue to find it more interesting. lol. thankie for all your reviews, Steph. *MUAH*

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 06:48 am Title: Meeting Sharon

I hope the girls manage to stay safe but I doubt they will given the dangerous situation they are about to get themselves into...

Author's Response: saftey will be a big issue for them. they are dealing with some bad people!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 06:44 am Title: Attention All Backstreet Boys Fans:

Aw, so he trusts her enough to give her some basics of Nickalex. That's good. And how awesome is it that the fans are rallying to save the boys?

Author's Response: yeah, he probably figures that he doesn't have much choice. he would do about anything, at this point, if he thought it would help he friends. *sigh* desperate situations suck. thanks for all the feedback!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 06:39 am Title: You Are Now Entering Florida

Of course Nick is running into all the Backstreet fans. Oh well, I suppose it's still nice to be adored even if it's blowing his cover. And LOL at him hearing their girl talk.

Author's Response: lol. he's got those pesky fans everywhere! *sigh* he loves em, though.

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 06:36 am Title: Mind Reader

I'm glad that Nick's got ChelSteph (yes that's what I'm going to call her otherwise I'm going to get confused!) with him, it would suck to have to go through this alone. They're so cute!

Author's Response: ChelSteph...lmao...I think you'll change her nickname a few more times before you get fully caught up, but that's just a guess. it is good that he has someone to help him through it...too bad he doesn't know just how much she is really helping him. can't wait to see what you think of the rest of the story! thanks for all the feedback!!!!!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 06:33 am Title: Alternate Identity

LOL oh man, I loved Dani's reaction. I love the fact that they're on the run, this should be interesting. I can only imagine how cute the two of them talking in the phony accent would be.

Author's Response: I'm glad you like the story so far! them being on the run leads to a lot more drama...don't you worry! and, yes, it would be funny to hear Nick talk in an accent, lol.

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 06:29 am Title: Starting to Hate MTV

Whoa... thank goodness Baylee is okay. If I were Nick I think I would hate MTV too, yeesh.

Author's Response: yeah...MTV sucks. poor guy! thanks for all the reviews!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 06:27 am Title: MTV News

UGH what the fuck? As if the others are in danger now GRRR! I mean at least Nick's safe for now, but who knows how long that'll last when MTV has announced to the world that he's in the WPP? ARGH! Poor Nick :(

Author's Response: *raises eyebrows* I luv ya, Steph. Don't worry, I haven't killed anyone, yet, in this story. lol.

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 06:22 am Title: Only One Person

Ergh, I can't believe Steph figured out his secret! Okay.. I can, but still. That sucks cause now she's in danger.. and Nick might have to move, and they totally had a moment there.. and I am getting way too into this lol okay moving on..

Author's Response: i am glad you are getting into it. you just