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Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 06:18 am Title: De-Coding

LOL Dani and Steph crack me up. Of course Nick would look better as a blonde! And a bit of a resemblance? Hehehe. Also, it must have taken AJ and Nick years to come up with that language and code because damned if I can figure it out.. but I guess that was the point. On to the next chappie!

Author's Response: lol, don't underestimate the power of the male brain when it comes to useless things like that. *grin* boys are smart when they wanna be.

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 06:11 am Title: Nickalex

Muhaha, I told you I would catch up eventually! I can't imagine having to work in a grocery store after not ever having a real job and being rich an famous.. yikes. Poor Nickers. Oh well, at least he's got kick ass co workers ;)

Author's Response: WELCOME BACK!!! yaya, I hope you enjoy it...lots of twists and surprises ahead!

Reviewer: brandy_d Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/01/08 02:19 am Title: Shhhhhh!

good one....looking forward to another update. I hope we don't have to wait to long for Nicky boy to finally come clean about his feelings to jordan.

Author's Response: I am glad you are looking forward to reading more, I will try to update soon! as for Nick...who knows when that boy will fess up! lol. thanks for reading and reviewing! *muah*

Reviewer: nikki p Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/31/08 05:43 am Title: Shhhhhh!

ROTFLMFAO!!!! oh that is FUNNY! Leave it to Sam to tell everyone else...He mus've liked Nick a LOT :-) So is the 3rd degree coming yet? That's going to be purty funny lol...can't wait to read more :-D

Author's Response: lol, I am glad you liked it! Sometimes you really get a good feeling about someone...Nick was so nervous and then did nothing but talk about HER. naturally, Sam must like him! Oh, don't you worry...the 3rd degree will come! thanks for your reviews!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/31/08 12:28 am Title: Shhhhhh!

hehe, well, it SEEMS like they like him :)

Author's Response: hmmmm. they just might!

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/30/08 09:05 am Title: Shhhhhh!

hahah i love the way you write. so comedic! and i love her family! i cant wait to see what happens. their moment was so cute.

Author's Response: aaaaaw, thank you! I am so happy you like my writting! her family is a crack up, huh? the 'alone' time with Nick could be good or bad for Nick. poor guy! and yes, I was trying to give them thier own little moment, in the midst of all Nick's nervousness. thanks for always reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: BSBfan4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/30/08 06:23 am Title: Shhhhhh!

lol update soon.

Author's Response: thanks. I'll try my best to work on the next chapter soon!

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/23/08 06:43 pm Title: Sunshine and Fucking Rainbows

That is so freakin awesome that Sam is okay with Nick liking his sister. Now is Nick going to actually tell her, or chicken out again? If he doesnt, Sam surly will clue her in! I loved the emotional issue reference. It does make sense. Love is a huge emotional issue... Loved this chapter. You need to quit cutting off like this...haha

Author's Response: aaaw, I'm sorry...did I cut off too soon? lol. I am glad that you liked the chapter. Sam made referance that he could tell Nick was sincere...otherwise Sam probably would have chased Nick off with a shotgun. HAHA. I'll try to update again soon.

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/22/08 10:06 am Title: Sunshine and Fucking Rainbows

haha that was adorable. i could totally imagine nick getting worked up like that. haha. great chapter. cant wait to see if he tells her. or more so how he tells her.

Author's Response: Yeah, I was picturing Nick all upset and pacing the floor, lol. I haven't figured out what's next, but I'll try to figure it out soon. thanks for being a faithful reader!

Reviewer: nikki p Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/22/08 06:43 am Title: Sunshine and Fucking Rainbows

ahaha I liked the part when he asked what color her eyes were, it reminded me of Monster in Law when JLo is walking the dogs and she asks the guy lol...that's cute that he gives permission I hope you update soon! I wana see how he tells her!!

Author's Response: lol...I haven't seen that movie in a long time, I forgot about that! I'm glad that you liked the chapter. Thanks for reviewing, I'll try to get another chapter up soon.

Reviewer: BSBfan4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/08 06:30 am Title: Sunshine and Fucking Rainbows

can't wait to read how Nick tells her, update soon.

Author's Response: lol, I haven't decided on this part yet, but I'll send it your way when I do. lol.

Reviewer: scarlett Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/08 03:38 am Title: Sunshine and Fucking Rainbows

wow. he's in love. it's just an amazing feeling, you know. and oh, i forgot to tally how many times Nick mentioned Jordan's name, or how many times he didn't answer the questions concerning about his situation under the WPP. it seems like the session was all about Jordan, LOL! he's in love. weeee!!!! =) thanks for the update. =)

Author's Response: that's the way it was supposed to be! lol. he can't think of anything BUT her. *rolls eyes* That's why Sam wasn't worried about his mental state concerning the WPP and stuff becuas ehe OBVIOUSLY is too preoccupied with Jordan to go go through post traumatic stress. lmao. I am glad you liked it. If you decide to tally how many times he said her name...let me know the result. HAHAHAHAHA :-P

Reviewer: nikki p Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/21/08 06:29 am Title: Piranha

a car?!?! you gotta be kidding me lmao i really didnt expect that! but at least she doesnt have a boyfriend :-) and maybe Nick will confess his "love" of Jordan to Sammy, or he'll clearly observe it and encourage it *hopeful grin* i hope you update soon!

Author's Response: not a car...a truck, lol. I wrote the next chapter last night...just need to proofread and stuff. so it should be up soon. thanks for your feedback. I am glad you liked it!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/21/08 03:57 am Title: Piranha

ooo...its like an informal "lets meet my family" part of a relationship :D

Author's Response: LMAO, can you imagine what is going through Nick's mind?!? He still has three siblings and a father to he isn't even halfway into meeting the family, yet. poor guy.

Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/21/08 02:14 am Title: Piranha

Lol You're doing a lot of research for this story! j/k Nick needs to grow some cajonnes and tell Steph err I mean Jordan how he really feels!

Author's Response: lmao...woohoo for my 'research'. The CIA part did take a bit of effort, though. I found the site to be a bit confusing.

But, anyways, I had NO clue that you were reading this! I hope that you are liking the story so far. Thank you very much for your review.