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Reviewer: BSBfan4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/21/08 01:31 am Title: Piranha

lol wow I was surpised about the car thing, update soon.

Author's Response: were supposed to be surprised. I'll try to get another chapter up soon. thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: scarlett Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/21/08 01:00 am Title: Piranha

i actually had to look for that truck when jordan mentioned it. when i read the excitement in her voice, i thought i've got to see this truck and researched on it. i'd say, WOW. i would be in love to have that truck, too!! nice update anyway. looking forward to the session on the next chapter. =)  

Author's Response: roflmao...I was a bit love sick when I saw it too. I did my homework again, haha. I am looking forward to writting the session. I have some ideas but haven't worked it all out yet. I'll try to get it up soon.

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/20/08 09:42 pm Title: Piranha

ahaha. so its a truck. didnt see that coming. haha im glad though somehow i didnt see a kid fitting into the flow and tone of this story. great job. haha i love the fish and especially the bruce willis parrot. : )

Author's Response: overall it was supposed to be an amusing chapter. I am glad you liked it. There was no way I could put a kid in the picture, lol, it would be too much. *sqwuaaaaak yippie ciyay sqwuak mother fucker...sqwuaaaaaaak!*

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/08 08:58 pm Title: Piranha

lol cute!  love the way she got super excited about talking bout the truck, reminds me of a friend of mine!  lmao.  more soon!

Author's Response: YAY!! Dane wasn't some boyfriend to take away Nick's chances! lol. I'm glad it reminded you of a friend. I was hoping I didn't over do it, too much. *grin*

Thanks for the review! I'll try to update soon!

Reviewer: scarlett Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/08 12:18 am Title: DANE!!!

i write too, so it's very significant that a research work was made. i respect all the fanfic writers who do the homework. =) because some would just write away and just come up with lame things.

Author's Response: oh I know, right?!? then it sounds dumb because someone else did research and is all like 'that's not right' and then its plain embarassing! lol. thanks for reading and reviewing!!

Reviewer: scarlett Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/19/08 09:54 am Title: DANE!!!

for Jordan: don't she get it? the man had feelings for her. is she just trying to be oblivious about it?

Author's Response: *le sigh* poor Jordan just doesn't see it, does she? Perhaps she thinks he was trying to use the wife/husband bit to get laid? then again, maybe she just doesn't see it. *shrugg* you'll have to wait and see!

Reviewer: nikki p Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/19/08 06:45 am Title: DANE!!!

i have to review this again because my mom got me thinking when she called our dog Brutus her baby...Could Dane be a dog by chance???

Author's Response: hmmmm, good guess! maybe that's the answer! or maybe you're WAY off base. isn't it possible that she DOES have a boyfriend?

Reviewer: scarlett Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/19/08 06:08 am Title: DANE!!!

i admire your perseverance with the research work! =) i wonder who's Dane? hmm, a son? =)

Author's Response: why thank you. there was no way I could have tried to fake the information! Dane is her 'baby', DUH, didn't you read the chapter? lol. seriously, you'll find out soon enough! thanks for your reviews!!!!

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/19/08 05:41 am Title: DANE!!!

Please let Dane be.....well, if she called him her baby, then I doubt it is a friend. *sigh*  Unless she ran PAST the guy in the truck and towards her friend, holding her baby She can't have a boyfriend though....Nicky needs her! haha. The CIA infor was interesting. Its always great to do research so that info can be accurate. Makes for a better story! Awesome chapter. Please update soon!

Author's Response: aaaaw, it's so good that you think Nicky needs her. that's kind of the main point right now, lol. as for Dane, you'll just have to wait and see! I am glad that you thought the information was interesting...I couldn't have faked that one, lol. I'll try to get the next chapter up today or tomorrow!

Reviewer: nikki p Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/19/08 05:32 am Title: DANE!!!

Awww Nicky like her! How cute!! The scene in the last chapter on the bench was cute! What's so important about Marquette?? Update soon please :-)

Author's Response: lol, thanks. remember? Marquette was where he was living in his little cabin. I'll try to update again soon!

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/19/08 04:41 am Title: DANE!!!

lets hope its a dude holding her kid dane? hahaa
one can hope ya? poor nicky has had it bad enough as it is.

Author's Response: are going to LYAO when you find out about Dane! *grin* I already have THAT part of the next chapter written out. I will try to have it up soon!

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/19/08 04:14 am Title: It's Not All About You!

Is he going to tell her he totall is crushing on her or chicken out and make something up? hmmm.... The fight was interesting. I cant blame Nick for being a little peeved...but she was only doing her job...and DID go out of her way to befriend him. So much drama....but so sweet all the same. Loved the chapter!

Author's Response: aaaaw! THANKS! guess sent this review just as I was putting up the new chapter! I hope you like how things are going. I still have a few twists up my sleeve before this is going to be over! Thank you so much, as usual, for sending me such wonderful reviews!!

Reviewer: scarlett Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/19/08 12:22 am Title: It's Not All About You!

hoping for an update on the next chapter. you left us hanging there, LOL! thanks for the update. =) nice work!  

Author's Response: I am actually working on the next chappie now. I am glad that you liked it and appreciate your review!!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/18/08 07:54 pm Title: It's Not All About You!

because he wants to be with her! but...he can still be a bsb, right?! lol. loved it!

Author's Response: lmao. you'll just have to wait and see what happens and how things unfold. thanks for reading and loving!

Reviewer: frickfrackgirl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/18/08 11:21 am Title: Say 'Hello' to My Little Friends

ok..I've stayed up till 6:30AM in the morning to read this whole story start to finish...THAT'S how into it I was..Please!!!!!! Please don't leave this cliff hanger for long!!! I loved this story!

Author's Response: *wide eyes* nuh uh! lol, I've done that before! I'll be like 'I really need to go to bed...just one more chapter' then three hours later, I am finishing and like 'damn, I should've gone to bed'! I appreciate the fact that you liked the story so much. I will try to update again soon! thanks for reviewing.