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Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/28/08 03:02 am Title: She Probably Planned This!

Nice. Very nice. What else can I say? I can't believe I actually read this much tonight. Lol. So much for doing the laundry. I just couldn't stop! Thanks for the good read! If it had been any longer in one sitting I wouldn't have gotten around to writing any more of "A Different Man" tonight. Lol. Still don't have enough to post a chappie yet, but I'll get working on that. Thanks again! Great writing!

Author's Response: you DID read quite a bit tonight. Thanks a lot for all the wonderful feedback and i hope that the story will continue to intrigue you! *muah* sorry about the lack of laundry doing...I've had that happen!

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/28/08 02:56 am Title: 'Serious' Is An Understatement

Okay, I have to say this. I'm getting a visual that involves the roles the Boys played in the video for "The Call". You know, black leather coats and stuff? Brian dodging bullets and running after some crazy girl. Nick almost wrecking a car. You get the point. Anyway, it's crazy. Great chappie. Hope they come up with a good plan to get Aje out.

Author's Response: AJ looked super hot in that video............*shakes head* sorry, I zoned out for a sec. Anyways, thanks for all the reviews!

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/28/08 02:50 am Title: SHIT...RUN!!

Wow. Glad Brian is okay. It just figures that AJ isn't in the same room as him. I hope they find him soon. This is a great story!

Author's Response: You know that AJ will get found. lol. I am glad that you are liking it so makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/28/08 02:44 am Title: My Life Is A Twisted Movie!

This is getting tense! I'm so glad I am reading so much of it at once. I think the suspense of having to wait for updates would have killed me! I liked the Charlie and his angels thing. It's cute and quite fitting. I just hope there are only a few guys in the next room! Good job!

Author's Response: tense? whatever do you mean? and yes, there were people that were getting aggitated with having to wait for updates. *grin*

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/28/08 02:35 am Title: Getting Down To Business

Nice plan. The ex-fiance thing was a bit of a shocker, but a good twist. I just hope they can get to the guys! Great chappie!

Author's Response: I like twists. Can you tell? Hmmm. Maybe we need a few more. anyways, thanks, again, for reading.

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/28/08 02:30 am Title: Another Round

Are the girls gathering on the TV? I can't imagine what else it would be. Oh yeah, the resign/reside thing was great. he he!  But the pass code was even better! Loved it! You have a great sense of Nick's lovable goofiness. Well, I'm just hoping all of this goes down before they have to board a plane to Hawaii. That's a damn long flight. It drove me crazy when I went. Great job!

Author's Response: Lucky...I wish I had been to Hawaii. Must be nice. I think you are the only one to comment on the pass code, lol. I laughed about it forever, when I came up with it. I am glad you got a kick out of it. Thanks for all your feedback!

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/28/08 02:23 am Title: Meeting Sharon

Okay, I just have to get this out of my system. I think I would have explained to Nick that there was someone who knew the location of AJ and Brian. Then, I would have had him take us to Kevin or Howie's houses, or at least try to contact them in some way to explain it to them so THEY could get the authorities to help out. Okay, I just had to say that, because truthfully, your version is way more entertaining! Can't wait to see how it goes!

Author's Response: let's face it...this is SUPPOSED to be entertaining and only halfway realistic. roflmao. but, they are trying to keep the Boys out of the whole thing. Plus, there are more pieces of the puzzle yet to come to light. *grin*

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/28/08 02:16 am Title: Attention All Backstreet Boys Fans:

The whole Ace Ventura thing was genius. It's almost believable! Great job! I just hope this doesn't go horribly like it could when all of these girls try to bombard the gang. Girls that age aren't known for their ... well ... ability to organize and stay in control. Hope it works out. Won't Brian and AJ be in for one hell of a surprise!

Author's Response: Which Ace Ventura part did you like? the bumblebee tuna or shakaka? i thought it to be quite fitting, lol. a mob of girls attacking some gang members...hmmm. sounds like a bad version of Die Hard, or something.

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/28/08 02:09 am Title: You Are Now Entering Florida

Did Nick really believe a couple of girls that age wouldn't recognize him? That's laughable. Lol. I would be wetting myself if I were them. He he! Anyway, enough with how I would embarass myself. Great chappie!

Author's Response: uh, I wouldn't be nearly as bad with Nick as I would be if it were AJ! lmao. I am such a sucked for that tattooed freak of lovely nature! *blush* sorry, back to the subject at hand, thanks for all your wonderful reviews. I am happy that you are intrigued. and um, shall I suggest Depends?

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/28/08 02:04 am Title: Mind Reader

If only guys would just learn to vent like us sensible women, huh? Lol. Great chappie. I hope they are getting closer to Florida. I don't know how much longer I can stand the suspense. By the way, I have to agree with you about the stinky hair dye thing. I have colored mine way too many times and it still gags me to smell it. Lol.

Author's Response: LMAO! guys vent...there is a rare sight! there is a hell of a lot of suspense coming, my dear. someone mentioned something about all the twists I have added in. *evil grin* can you handle it? ;-) I hope so because I like hearing what you have to say about the whole thing.

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/28/08 01:51 am Title: Alternate Identity

So the idea of Nick with that accent is just too hilarious to handle. I just knew Steph would pull through and that Nick would have to go. What about Kev, though? How is he? I sure hope Nick and Steph come up with a good plan!  I'm hopeful about AJ and Brian getting through this, but the likelihood of them both being completely untouched isn't great. Great job!

Author's Response: aaaaaaw, thank you so much! It tickled me all shades od pink to know that you are liking it. I have tried really hard on this one. alot of thinking and hours awake to put it together...a few chapters re-written, too! lmao. hopefully it will continue to amuse you and keep your interest!

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/28/08 01:43 am Title: Starting to Hate MTV

Wow, never expected that kind of language from those two. Kevin gets hit? Are you kidding me? Good thing it was in the shoulder. I swear, MTV really does suck. Lol! Keep up the great work. Not sure how many chapter I have left before I run out, but update soon anyway!

Author's Response: lmao, you got a few before you run out, hun. No, I am not kidding, Kevin really did get popped in the shoulder. And thier language was SUPPOSED to be a surprise...I mean they can't ALWAYS be perfect. lol. I am happy that you are still enjoying it. thankies

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/28/08 12:48 am Title: MTV News

Okay, so I definitely didn't expect this little twist. And poor Baylee. Awe.... Hope they get some news soon. At this point, I think Nicky may just have to leave the WWP thing altogether and go be with the other guys and Leighanne. Who knows? It's all crazy! Gotta keep reading! Great job! By the way, thanks for the reviews you always leave for me on "A Different Man". I really appreciate 'em!

Author's Response: lol, I caught everyone off gaurd on this part. I am so excited that you are enjoying this story! As for "a Different Man" you are welcome for the reviews I have given. There will be more to come soon...I kind of got side tracked and need to get back on track. anyways, thanks for all your feedback, hun!

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/28/08 12:42 am Title: Only One Person

Ahah! I was waiting for this to happen. I hope he stays. I'm sure that's where the story is headed, but I can't wait to keep reading! I loved the bit about him not being able to sing. Can you say irony? Lol. Great job!

Author's Response: lmao. I am glad that you are enjoying the story. I can't wait to see your reviews for the next few chapters! *evil grin* I hope you will like where it goes.

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/28/08 12:23 am Title: De-Coding

Funny stuff. I was sure they were gonna do his hair blonde anyway and he'd be given away. Lol. The song thing is hilariouis. I can almost see Nick rolling his eyes. Love it! Gotta read more!

Author's Response: lol, I am happy that you are liking the story so far. You KNOW they had to bring in one of the BSB songs. I hope you continue to like it as it unfolds. thank you so much for reading!