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Reviewer: brandy_d Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/27/08 08:27 pm Title: She Probably Planned This!

really great so far....looking forward to an update soon.

Author's Response: thanks...I'm glad you like it so far!

Reviewer: BSBfan4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/27/08 06:11 am Title: She Probably Planned This!

oh no update soon.

Author's Response: lol, I will try. ;-)

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/27/08 04:11 am Title: She Probably Planned This!

lol...she is trouble...not sure if its a good or bad way yet. I feel for Nick though...wanting to be treated normal and all, but I can understand his friends paying the case worker to keep him safe. What is gonna come of Sarah and Blake and Brian now...??? Hmm...Dying to know!

Author's Response: lol, well, I am working on the next chapter so it should be up soon. she is definately a daring one, isn't she? the big question is...will it help AJ or make things worse? even, I am not completely sure on the answer to this! I mean, how long can her luck possibly last? or is it not even luck at all? lol, the story is leading me in many different directions! *pulls hair* we'll find out soon enough though. thanks again for reading and giving such wonderful feedback. you know I luv ya ;-)

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/27/08 01:27 am Title: Nickalex

Great chapter. Sad, but great. Hard to picture Nick with all these disguises, but it makes me laugh. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention before that I totally loved the part where Nick says that AJ can say everything with one look. I get exactly what you mean by that. Awesome!

Author's Response: I would like to see what Nick would look like, lol. and, yes, AJ's eyes can say it all *sigh* he is so cute *drool* oh sorry, got lost for a sec, anyways...I am excited to see what you think of the story as you continue to read!

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/27/08 12:45 am Title: The Prosecution Calls Nickolas Carter to the Stand.

Interesting. I had a feeling this is how it would go. I wonder why Nick was even forced to testify. I would plead the 5th myself, but I'm a wuss. Lol.

Author's Response: Maybe Kevin persuaded him to do it. or his conscience, maybe? hmm. maybe I will have to work that in later, if he explains things to someone, or something. *shruggs* we'll see. Thanks again for reading and sending me feedback!

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/27/08 12:36 am Title: How It Happened

Ooh, a murder. That's crazy. Poor Nicky. I wonder how this is all going to go so sour.... Great writing!

Author's Response: lol, yeah, I can't even imagine what witnessing that would be like.

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/27/08 12:31 am Title: Me Then vs. Me Now

This is one of the most clever story ideas I've read in fan fiction, and that is saying something! Lol. You seem to have a pretty good grip on Nick's personality, too. This story intrigues me big time. Can't wait to see what's to come. Gotta keep reading!

Author's Response: wow, thank you! I am happy to see that you are reading this. I like your writting style and am anxious to see what you have to say about the story. thanks for reading. I look forward to your feedback!

Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/26/08 03:45 am Title: She Probably Planned This!

loved the update... what the heck is this girl thinkin??? u gotta update soon, cant leave it like that.. update ASAP.. :) pretty please

Author's Response: haha, I plan to update within a day or two...I have some ideas flowing again. thank you for being patient and staying on board with the story. *muah*

Reviewer: Nikki P Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/26/08 01:37 am Title: She Probably Planned This!

Haha!  I love Sarah!!! And Nick is really slow lol...but it does explain why she wanted to learn Nickalex hehe

Author's Response: lol, I don't think it was a plan from the beginning, just kind of a last minute thing. but you never know...I'm not sure what she's thinking. haha. thanks for reading and for you review, hun!

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/26/08 12:00 am Title: She Probably Planned This!

haha this story is great. twist after twst. haha. wait a tick! cant wait for more great job!

Author's Response: lmao. twist afte twist...wait until the next. thanks for reading!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/25/08 09:23 pm Title: She Probably Planned This!

haha, the title of the chapter made me think it was about sharon..shannon? one of the two haha. loved it :)

Author's Response: i kind of figured it would make people think that. lol. thanks for not loosing interest in the story...even though I got side tracked on LATB. I think I am back on track with some ideas for this one though. thanks again, hun!

Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/22/08 07:36 am Title: 'Serious' Is An Understatement

holy shit! why the heck did u stop there? u coulda kept going u why the heck do they only want aj?? sharon better not be in on this whole thing.. i'll go kung-fu on her update soon gurlie!!!!

Author's Response: welll come on and join can kung fu all you want! lol. I am happy that you liked the chapter. I will try to update again soon.

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/21/08 04:01 am Title: 'Serious' Is An Understatement

please let aj be okay! i love how much brian is into it, and thought it was funny that brian didnt really flinch much when nick was called blake hehe. update! (and i ill try to update mine by tuesday, i sorta lost track of time haha)

Author's Response: I wanted to take Brian out of his normal character a bit, but not drastically. And, after all that has happened (Nick and some chick saving him, fans swarming the place, finding out Nick is married, and everything else) you can't blame him for not being too surprised...he DID know Nick was in the WPP. *shruggs* I am happy that you are finding this story entertaining. thanks for the review!

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/21/08 03:23 am Title: 'Serious' Is An Understatement

That is just effed up that the police are in on all of this! Wow...that was a twist! But what do they want from AJ? Puts Nick in a difficult situation now....stay or go...

Author's Response: lol. I have been planing that part for a while but didnt know how I was going to put it in. Why else would they not be busting butt to find the guys? I mean that's why the fans got involved to begin with...there had to be a reason behind it all, lol. Nick is just faced with all sorts of crap in this least he isn't relying on Kevin to fix it all! haha, that's a step up for him.

Reviewer: BSBfan4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/20/08 07:28 pm Title: 'Serious' Is An Understatement

yay they found Brian, update soon.

Author's Response: lol, yeah, they did.