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Reviewer: Nikki P Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/20/08 05:03 pm Title: 'Serious' Is An Understatement

The cops are in on it too?!?! Oy vey! And Sharon.....What is she up to? Are they keeping AJ to force the two to become married or something?? Nick should call the FBI people at least they should be able to help or someone is really going to get hurt..

As for Nick & crap what was her real Sarah they're already technically married, and they make a good couple and she could always be his new body guard *bursts out laughing* Not to mention they're a cute couple. *grins*

Hope you update soon!

Author's Response: her real name is Stephanie, lol. I am happy that you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for contiuing to read and leave me feedback...I appreciate hearing what you have to say.

Reviewer: Babyg Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/17/08 03:35 pm Title: SHIT...RUN!!

oh my gosh i love it!!!

Author's Response: i'm glad that you do! thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/16/08 04:46 am Title: SHIT...RUN!!

update, pretty please!!

Author's Response: already left a review for this chapter, silly must be really anxious. i'll tell you a secret...*whispers* so am i! lol I am all jittery trying to figure out how I am going to do the next few chapters. *rolls eyes* I don't outline my stories...I take them one chapter at a time and let the story lead me to where it wants to go...most of the time (this story included) I have NO IDEA how it even going to's as much a mystery to me as it is to you!

Reviewer: Nikki P Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/15/08 03:12 pm Title: SHIT...RUN!!

Trouble is going to come isn't it? *pouts* lol Those two really should get married for real, if they both make it out...and why did Sharon give them the wrong room????

Author's Response: Now first of all, what makes you think there is trouble afoot? I mean come one, there hasn't been any, yet...LMAO. second of all, why do you think they should get married, hm? I am just curious because I haven't decided if anything is going to come of that friendship. anyways. as for will ALL make sense......eventually. muah ha ha *starts coughing*

Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/15/08 07:20 am Title: SHIT...RUN!!

i freaking loved this chapter! brian is so cute when he is confused... i hope aj is ok.. update soon!!!

Author's Response: I'm so glad you 'freaking loved' it! Brian is ALWAYS cute, lol. I will do my best to get another chap up soon. thankie for showin the love!

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/15/08 06:25 am Title: SHIT...RUN!!

ya! she is kick ass! one down one more to go!

Author's Response: lmao. hopefully it will be fairly easy to find Aje. *shruggs* I am going to work on the next chap today so it might be up tonight or tomorrow. thanks for reviewing...I appreciate it every time!

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/15/08 05:18 am Title: SHIT...RUN!!

YAY...they found Brian. He sounded so confused  about the husband thing though. Poor thing! These girls are kicking ass knocking out the bad guys. And Nick....cowering in the shadows. HA. I loved the chapter. Cant wait for the next!

Author's Response: aaaaw, yay. I am so happy that you liked it. I guess, it just goes to show that you can't mess with our Boys and get away with it! lol. It almost like the motherly instinct to protect her young, LMAO. anyways, thanks for being a faithful reader!

Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/14/08 06:55 pm Title: My Life Is A Twisted Movie!

oh my heck! fantastic update.. these girls kicked butt...haha i really hope their are no more guys on the other side of the door..update soon gurlie!!

Author's Response: lol, i am glad that you liked the chapter. I will try to get another chappie up soon. Thanks!

Author's Response: lol, i am glad that you liked the chapter. I will try to get another chappie up soon. Thanks!

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/14/08 03:51 am Title: My Life Is A Twisted Movie!

Wow....some mission, but they are doing fantastically so far!  Now they just need to save the guys. I am so loving this story so far! It is incredible. Please udate soon? I am anxious to see what unfolds next!

Author's Response: somehow, I am sure that saving the guys is going to be a lot easier said, then done. lol. who knows...I haven't exactly sorted out what is going to transpire next. I have a few ideas but don't know which way I am going to go with it. *shruggs* we'll see. I am stoked that everyone is all anxious to see what happens! and I am glad you like it, so far. I hope you will continue to read. *insert Nick's cheesy grin, here*

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/14/08 03:40 am Title: Getting Down To Business

Hopefully this Sharon chick really is out to help. If not...she needs to DIE DIE DIE!!!

Author's Response: LMAO. I don't even know how to respond to Is it getting any more twisted for you? Oh, boy...I have some ideas for the chapters to come! I can't even process all the thoughts I have. Maybe I watch too many action movies.

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/14/08 03:29 am Title: Another Round

What is going on? Thankfully I have another chapter to read to find out! YAY!!! That sucks that Chels now has to change identities and go with Nick. I feel for her. At least they are in it together. Hawaii sounds awesome though. Lucky...who would complain about that!

Author's Response: lmao. are you REALLY that into it? *warm fuzzies* I have been so dedicated to updating this one because quite a few people seem to like it. I am glad that you do, too. I think you are a wonderful writter and to have you enjoy one of my stories is flattering! *muah* thankies, again!!!!!

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/14/08 03:19 am Title: Meeting Sharon

Such a screwed up situation...and hopefully these fans can take the guys down. I mean...15 gang members vs how many girls? Gosh, I hope it works...

Author's Response: good grief, Miss Speed Reader! lmao. It only takes you like five minutes to read a chapter...I wish I had that kind of skill, maybe then I would spend less all nighters reading fics! lol. anyways, don't worry, the 'screwed up'ness will get worse before it gets better! I promise. *evil grin*

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/14/08 03:10 am Title: Attention All Backstreet Boys Fans:

Wow..never EVER mess with BSB fans...haha. There will be thousands there to stampede those bastards! haha! Its cool that Chels is wanting to learn the Nickalex language to help. Hopefully she succeeds and does not dissapoint or make things worse. (I just got off work and rushed home to continue reading....does that tell you how awesome I think this is. I cant find a bad thing about it.)

Author's Response: "I just got off work and rushed home to continue reading....does that tell you how awesome I think this is. I cant find a bad thing about it."

NO WAY! Are you serious?!? you have NO idea how good you just made me feel! I just hope that it continues to live up to such high standards! *still blushing* thankie a ton!

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/14/08 02:58 am Title: You Are Now Entering Florida

Please dont tell me that these girls are somehow linked to the gang and are taking Nick to his death? lol. That would so be something I would do...haha. I cant believe he didnt put his contacts in though! That is so typical of a Nick move! lol. Another awesome one!!!

Author's Response: well, hello again! teehee...I am glad you came back for more. ;-) I hope you are still enjoying this story. thank you so much for reading and giving me feedback! let me know where I can improve. *smiles*

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/13/08 09:06 pm Title: My Life Is A Twisted Movie!

i so want them to be rescued now! and damn those girls are tough! loved it!

Author's Response: I wanted them to be all bad @$$ and doing all the work while just draggin Nick along. lmao. I am so weird, I know! I am happy you liked it and will do my best to get another chapter up soon!