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Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/13/08 09:04 pm Title: My Life Is A Twisted Movie!

oh man badass sara she got his neck. sweeeet. haha nicks hilarious. such a girl. reminds me of that show he did describing how he took care of paris when they were being followed in the car. he said he takes care of his ladies. lol. cant wait for more!

Author's Response: well, I am happy that you enjoyed the chapter! It's really getting good and even I am all pumped about the next chap. I got a few ideas and haven't quite decided which one I am going with so it should be fun! Thanks fro reviewing.

Reviewer: BSBfan4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/13/08 08:10 pm Title: My Life Is A Twisted Movie!

wow this is really getting good, update soon.

Author's Response: I promise to try! It might be a day or two, but I am excited too! thanks for reading along *grin*

Reviewer: Nikki P Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/13/08 07:48 pm Title: My Life Is A Twisted Movie!

I knew you would end it there!  "I am quickly coming to the conclusion that either: A, she has done this shit before or B, she watches WAY too many action movies!" And "I must be Charlie and these are my angels" hahaha gotta love Nick!! You better udate soon!!! Suspense is killing me!!!

Author's Response: you knew I would end it there, huh? am I THAT predictable? LMAO, I am glad he ammuses you! I will try to update again soon. It has been just me and the toddler since Thursday, so I was able to get a lot done. but the man and his daughter come back it might be a day or two before I can get another chap done. THANKS for your continued input, I love it!

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/13/08 04:02 pm Title: Mind Reader

Im really starting to like Nick/JR/Elliot and Steph/Chels together! They are sweet! I think they have a thing for each other too...hehe

Author's Response: they are definately making a bond aren't they? lol. I am glad you are seeing that they have a connection. I have plans, lol but they might not be what you expect. *insert AJ's smirk here*

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/13/08 03:39 pm Title: Alternate Identity

So I am not sure where they are going....I am guessing to save the rest of the guys? But why, when it is just going to endanger the lives of both of them? At least Steph covered for Nick when talking to Dani. She is keeping her word on that. Another great chapter!

Author's Response: as for where they are going...let's just say it gets interesting! lol. This IS Nick we are talking about here! I hope you are still enjoying it and I look forward to hearing more from you! thankies, Ashley.

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/13/08 02:52 pm Title: Starting to Hate MTV

Holy shit...Kevin got shot??? During the press conference??? Why?How? *sniffle* At least it was only in the shoulder...but God...please let everyone be okay. I'm glad Baylee was released though. Thats a good thing!

Author's Response: It's horrid isn't it? Good thing it's only a story and not reality. I would have freaked! You HAD to know that I wouldn't have the heart to make anything happen to cute little Baylee!!! I mean, come on...he's so sweet. thankies for all your reviews...I am feeling al loved and stuff.

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/13/08 02:43 pm Title: MTV News

OH NO! They got Bri and Aje now...with Baylee? What kind of sick freaks are these....kidnapping a child?!?! It's horrible. Hopefully Steph is as trustable as she seems. Nick will need somebody like her now more than ever. Another great chapter.

Author's Response: Thankie, again, Ashley! I am happy that you are reading it but even more happy that you are liking it.

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/13/08 02:22 pm Title: Only One Person

So Steph recognizes him. That DOES complicate things a bit! Wow. Poor Nick. He just wants a normal life and people keep figuring him out. She seems trustworthy enough, but I know her safety is on the line now. I hope he ends up staying though. I really am loving this story. It has captured me! You're a really good writer!

Author's Response: aaaw, thank you! I am so happy that you like the story! I am flattered that you think I am a good writter *warm fuzzies*. and thank you for your reviews!!!!!!

Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/13/08 06:16 am Title: Getting Down To Business

awesome update! i really hope everything goes okay, and no one gets hurt! i cant believe sharon used to be aj's ex!... update soon!

Author's Response: I have the next chappie ready to go up and will probably update today sometime. ;-) I am glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for always reading!

Reviewer: BSBfan4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/12/08 11:41 pm Title: Getting Down To Business

update soon

Author's Response: okay ;-)

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/12/08 09:42 pm Title: De-Coding

Its only a matter of time before they figure out who 'JR' is. haha. They will have fun at the club. Nick/JR needs to get out! The code letter from Aje was pretty cool. I got so confused reading it though til it was decoded. Haha. another awesome chapter!

Author's Response: said my chapter was 'awesome'! lol. I like your writting a lot and am happy that you are enjoying my story. I know I'm not the best writter so it makes me feel good when people get into my stories! thanks again...SO much!

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/12/08 09:33 pm Title: Nickalex

The whole Nickalex thing is quite creative, I must say! At least Nicky can communicarte with  somebody in his old life in some way...for now, at least. His normal life doesnt sound terrible..but definitely different than what he is used to. Got a break from work, so Iam back to reading for now...til I go back in 20 minutes *sigh*  its a 12 hour work day for me! YAY

Author's Response: lol...I got worried, when I didn't get any more reviews from you, thinking that you stopped reading because you didn't like it or something! *sigh of relief* sorry to hear about the long work day, those suck! thanks for still reading and sending me feedback!

Reviewer: Nikki P Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/12/08 08:13 pm Title: Getting Down To Business

Wait so how many are actually going into the building?!?!? AND SHE'S AJ's EX?!?!?! Talk about a twist! I don't know if I trust her now...and how can you end it there?! lol I hope you update soon!! Pretty please :-)

Author's Response: yeah. that was an unplanned twist, lol. back in th de-coded chapter, in AJ's message to Nick, he mentioned breaking up with Sharon. I just noticed that TODAY! LMAO. I had already named the leader of the fan attack Sharon so the I was like "hmmmm, this totaly reads 'unexpected twist'." roflmao. I'm a dork...I know.

I am working on the next chappie should be up soon!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/12/08 08:00 pm Title: Me Then vs. Me Now

well, you did throw me with the backstreet raid, and the electricity part. for a second i thought i completely missed my guess! lol

Author's Response: that was, kind of, the point dear! teehee ;-P I don't want this story to end up in a completely predictable, cliche kind of thing...I want to keep people on thier toes like "O my gosh...I totaly didn't expect that!" or "wow, that didn';t happen quite like I thought it would." rnrn*shruggs* I guess, if I threw you off, that means I am doing my job halfway decently! By thew way...did you pick up on the Sharon part? She was mentioned in a previous chapter.rnrnThanks huh! I like hearing what you think of everything.

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/12/08 07:28 pm Title: Getting Down To Business

nicky to the rescue!

Author's Response: lol...MAYBE! who knows what might happen though. do you think it's going to be that predictable? or maybe there's another twist! hmmmmmm.