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Reviewer: Stephanie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/17/08 03:26 am Title: De-Coding

Uh oh. I smell trouble ahead. Update soon please!

Author's Response: *snifs air* hmm, smells to me like a skunk got hit. but maybe that is what trouble smells like? Thanks for reading and reviewing...i appreciate the input!!!

Reviewer: Babyg Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/17/08 02:55 am Title: De-Coding

oh nooo. You know I have a feeling their gonna find out he's really Nick!!

Author's Response: do you think so? Hmm. maybe they will see that 2+2=4 *shruggs* but then again...maybe not.

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/17/08 02:51 am Title: De-Coding

uh oh. someone's recognizing him! we need a lil more drama!

Author's Response:'ll have to wait and see.

Reviewer: BSBfan4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/17/08 02:10 am Title: De-Coding

lol update soon :)

Author's Response: thanks for your review! i will try to update again soon.

Reviewer: Babyg Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/15/08 10:31 pm Title: Nickalex

coolness! Update soon!

Author's Response: thanks...i will

Reviewer: nikki p Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/15/08 12:39 am Title: Nickalex

Well at least he gets to see what both sides are

Author's Response: yeah, he does. lol I hope that you will continue to read. Thanks for the feedback!!

Reviewer: chaoscarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/14/08 06:12 pm Title: Me Then vs. Me Now

cool part,could you post some of these nickalex conversations?I'ld like to see it.

Author's Response: I was thinking about including some of thier messages...I may do it later on. I am glad you liked the chapter. Thanks for responding!

Reviewer: BSBfan4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/14/08 05:44 pm Title: Nickalex

aww Nick and AJ have a secret language, lol update soon

Author's Response: i thought it was cute *shruggs* Thanks for your input!!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/14/08 04:59 pm Title: Nickalex

haha, i want to read some of these nickalex conversations. they sound interesting. and maybe he should say he is gay so he wont get attached to them in a loving way if he has to move again?

Author's Response: I was contemplating on putting in some of the conversations...I still might do that. Thanks for continueing to read...and for your review! *smiles*

Reviewer: paty Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/14/08 02:55 pm Title: Nickalex

well what to say
it was great as always
saying goodbye was so sad and Bay bay was so sweet and nickalex thing was pretty smart too
anyway updated soon

Author's Response: I am glad that you liked it. BayBay is a total cutie! I kind of thaought the Nickalex thing would be cool so that Nick had some kind of connection to his past. Thanks, as always, for your feedback!!!

Reviewer: Babyg Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/13/08 11:16 pm Title: The Prosecution Calls Nickolas Carter to the Stand.

holy wow! Love it! Can't for more this is so interesting!

Author's Response: i am so excited that everyone is finding this so interesting! i am working on the next chapter so it should be up soon! keep reading and reviewing please... i like hearing from you!

Reviewer: nikki p Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/13/08 05:52 am Title: The Prosecution Calls Nickolas Carter to the Stand.

Oh poor Nicky! :-( I would be scared ****less if that happened to me!
I'm loving this story so far, more soon please :-)

Author's Response: thank you so much for your feedback! i will try to write more soon!

Reviewer: chaoscarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/13/08 04:22 am Title: The Prosecution Calls Nickolas Carter to the Stand.

wow cool story!I wanted to write something like this myself lol

Author's Response: I am glad you like it. thanks for continuing to read ;-)

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/13/08 02:14 am Title: The Prosecution Calls Nickolas Carter to the Stand.

poor nicky! and maybe its just me, but it took me a bit to realize that age=aje=aj (usually i see people type aje not age). but good update nonetheless :)

Author's Response: lol...i didn't even realize i did it that way. *shruggs* oh well. At least you liked the update. thanks for reading again.

Reviewer: BSBfan4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/08 09:36 pm Title: The Prosecution Calls Nickolas Carter to the Stand.

update soon.

Author's Response: i will try. thanks for your feedback...i am glad you like the story.