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Reviewer: Babyg Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/08 08:50 pm Title: How It Happened

dude that would suck!

Author's Response: lol. thanks for reviewing again.

Reviewer: paty Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/12/08 07:32 pm Title: The Prosecution Calls Nickolas Carter to the Stand.

oh my that was great
i love how nick made fun of that guy and the end was great too really another great chapter

Author's Response: why thank you for your opinion! I am glad that you enjoyed it. I was trying to lighten things up just a bit and we all know Nick can't stay serious for very long. teehee.

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/08 07:22 pm Title: The Prosecution Calls Nickolas Carter to the Stand.

Man that lawyer was such a dink lol (But I guess that's their job :P) Poor Nick having to go through all that and then having to be sent away from his friends and family. Looking forward to more!

Author's Response: I know defense lawyers are always snooty. Unles you're being defended...then they are great. lol. anywho, I am glad to hear that you are looking forward to more of the story. I hope that it will continue to interest you! Thanks again for all of your feedback!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/08 05:58 pm Title: How It Happened

oooo....i bet the guys still on the loose know nicky saw....this reminds me sort of a mary kate/ashley movie, i cant remember the name of it though.

Author's Response: you know what? now that you mention it, I think I remember that movie. *thinks* hmmm. Thank you for your input on the makes me happy *grins*

Reviewer: paty Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/12/08 02:38 pm Title: How It Happened

yey just saw this chapter
wow awesome this story is gonna be amazing i can already tell now
keep writing
can't wait for next updated

Author's Response: well thank you for the compliments on the story! I can't believe so many people are into it! lol I am going to be posting the next chapter this afternoon! please keep reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: BSBfan4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/08 06:50 am Title: How It Happened

can't wait to read more, update soon.

Author's Response: i am glad that you are looking forward to reading more. thank you so much for your feedback!!

Reviewer: DaniGiggles Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/08 05:07 am Title: How It Happened

Interesting concept... nothing I've ever read before. Good job. What a horrific thing for Nick, or anybody for that matter, to experience. Interested to see what's next :)

Author's Response: I don't even know what made me come up with the concept. It just came to me at work this morning and it drewed in my mind all day! I am glad you are interested. I have got the next chapter almost done so it will be put up tomorrow. Thanks for your review...I appreciate it!!!!

Reviewer: bouncerok Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/08 04:54 am Title: How It Happened

update update update please asap

Author's Response: I am going to take a stab in the dark and guess that you like the story? lol. I am actually almost done with the next will be up tomorrow I PROMISE!! I appreciate your feedback, thank you!!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/08 04:19 am Title: How It Happened

Oh man, that would be just terrifying. Poor Nick for having to see something like that :( Really great use of dialogue!

Author's Response: I couldn't imagine witned=ssing something so horrid. Thank you for you review and the compliment on the dialogue. I hope you continue to read!

Reviewer: nikki p Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/12/08 04:12 am Title: How It Happened

lol wow...This is a very interesting story. Makes me wonder what would happen if they ever did get put in WPP....

Author's Response: I know, right? Could you imagine our Boys being gone? Eesh...bad image! Anywho, I glad you are enjoying the story and hope you will continue to read. Thank you a butt load for your review!!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/08 02:30 am Title: Me Then vs. Me Now

Really interesting and fresh idea! I could not imagine Nick with black hair LOL. Great start, update soon! =)

Author's Response: thank you very much for your feedback! i hope you will continue to read.

Reviewer: Babyg Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/08 02:15 am Title: Me Then vs. Me Now

haha I would like to know!!!!

Author's Response: and you due time! thank you so much for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: bouncerok Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/08 01:14 am Title: Me Then vs. Me Now

ok it a great start please update asap thanks

Author's Response: why thank you for your review! I am excited about writting this story, so updating should be preety frequent!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/08 12:28 am Title: Me Then vs. Me Now

yes i would *nods* lol.

Author's Response: then you will have to read the updates that i will be putting up later tonight. i am glad it is intriguing you so far. thank you so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: BSBfan4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/11/08 11:58 pm Title: Me Then vs. Me Now

this sounds interesting, so what happend? Update soon.

Author's Response: i am hoping that i will be able to keep it interesting for everyone! I have a lot of things twirling in my mind for this story! i plan to update later tonight...i am actually working on it right now ;-)