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Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/06/08 05:35 am Title: Trouble Is

omg do u know how bad i feel not leaving fb on these last few chapters.. :( i have been so busy with my new job, i just read and go to bed! anywayz, i really hope that she is okay.. update soon gurlie!!

Author's Response: aaaw, well thanks for keeping up on the story, though. I appreciate any feedback...even if it's only every now and then. I'll try to update soon, so you can find out what happens!

Reviewer: nikki p Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/05/08 06:37 am Title: Trouble Is

oh no no no you can't have her die! i know that feeling Nick has oh so well...kinda ironic really when an anniversary is today...please please dont let her die! that'd probably kill him...that or Sam would.

Author's Response: lmao..she doesnt least not anytime soon..I dont really plan things too far ahead, so who knows how the story will end...but I have no current intentions of killing her off. at least, I dont think i do. lmao.

Reviewer: brandy_d Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/05/08 02:53 am Title: Trouble Is

NOOOO!!!!! you can't leave it like that!!!! The last two chapters were great. I love how Nick is getting all of his feelings out on paper....PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!

Author's Response: I am so happy that you have enjoyed the updates! I will try to post again soon!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/05/08 12:16 am Title: Trouble Is

what happened?! and dont worry, i believe ya about the lyrics ;-) lol

Author's Response: lmao. I am glad that you believe that the lyrics arent mine. lol...but some dumb fool is liable to think they are. anyways, I am glad you are still reading the story...I hope you will like what's to come!

Reviewer: Dewfreak Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/04/08 01:00 pm Title: Trouble Is

NOOOOOOOOOO, CLIFFHANGERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, please, PLEASE update very soon! I can't take the anticipation!!!

Author's Response: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! Cliffhangers keep you comin back, lol. It's about to get interesting up in here! Be warned. lol. I'll update soon, I promise.

Reviewer: scarlett Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/04/08 10:41 am Title: Trouble Is

i felt emotional over this song.. because i can really relate to it.. the first time i heard it on their album, that's my instant song.. an additional to the soundtrack of my life, only that i change the pronouns to HIM instead of HER, cause i'm a woman. =)

love bites, hehe

Author's Response: emotions are a good thing.......maybe, lol. But, yes, love does bite.

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/04/08 09:36 am Title: Trouble Is


How could you end it like this?! Are you trying to kill me with anticipation or something?! This was NOT what I was wanting when I said that you should update this damn story!! What the hell is wrong with you?! Lol. Just keeding. Now, you better hurry the hell up and get to getting out another damn update damnit!! Lol.

Author's Response: Screw you Carter! ROFLMAO! Well, Rebby, I told you it was gonna be a suspense builder. the next chapter is probably going to be similar in that sense...a little more will happen though. and you know you love me! talk to you later!

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/04/08 08:43 am Title: Trouble Is

ah you are killing me. i had to play the song while i read this. i dont care for the song much but i like it a lil bit better cause of this chapter. haha. he came all the way to nick. man it must be bad.

Author's Response: lol at you playing the song...I didn't have it handy so I had to 'play' it in my head. I'm glad you are still enjoying the story and I will try to update soon...who knows why Sam came...maybe she misses Nick so much that Sam wanted to fix things?

Reviewer: AJsKellyMouse Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/04/08 08:29 am Title: Trouble Is

Oooooh you!  You have to be just trying to get me back for Unexpected Love.  I'm all excited to know what happened!!!!  Update soon!!!

Author's Response: get you back? why....whatever do you mean? lol.

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/03/08 05:00 am Title: 4 A.M.

6 months! oy. thats ridic! i cant believe thats what happened. argh.

Author's Response: Aaaw, don't worry, the story isn't over yet!

Reviewer: AJsKellyMouse Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/03/08 02:08 am Title: 4 A.M.

Aww poor Nick!  I loved the chapter though! :)

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for listening to me rant about helped me come up with some good ideas. *muah*

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/02/08 11:28 pm Title: 4 A.M.

Yay for an update!! But argh for it not being enough!! Lol. Poor Nicky was shipped off with no way to get back to Jordan!! I'm glad he didn't didn't get to sneak off to get to her, cause he would've put them in MORE shit!! Lol. And I love AJ's sarcastic ass, but you already knew that. :P Can't wait for the next update hun!!

Author's Response: Whoot! Rebby llikes the non-romantic lame-o! HAHA. you know I love ya!

Reviewer: nikki p Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/02/08 09:06 pm Title: 4 A.M.

awww poor Nick! He seriously needs to try to get in touch with her! does he remember the hotel he stayed in that night he ended up at her place? gosh lol

Author's Response: I know...he's a dork isn't he? lol. H But, he's a man, what do ya expect?

Reviewer: AJsKellyMouse Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/27/08 02:47 am Title: Helpless When She Smiles

I'm so excited I've caught up!  I love the awesome twists you've got going on!  I'm so excited to see what happens next!!!

Author's Response: YAY! Thanks for the feedback. The twists confuse me sometimes, but at least it keeps things interesting!

Reviewer: AJsKellyMouse Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/26/08 07:42 am Title: SHIT...RUN!!

Oooh this is so exciting!  I love the way you are keeping the suspense up!  I can't wait to catch up so I know what happens!

Author's Response: LOL. glad to see you back on board! I'm glad you are liking it.