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Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 03:09 pm Title: Helpless When She Smiles

LOL, so cute that Nick was getting interrogated. That makes me wish I had older brothers. :( Lol. And c'mon Nick... you DO want to go back to living your normal life as a Backstreet Boy. I'm sure Jordan could join ya as well. Who said you can't have your cake and eat it too?!? Lol.

Author's Response: Hmmm, makes you wonder how things will turn out!

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 03:04 pm Title: Shhhhhh!

Aww... poor Nick couldn't last a night with Jordan!

Author's Response: you mean he couldn't last a night withOUT her. lol

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 03:00 pm Title: Sunshine and Fucking Rainbows

Haha, Nick is in love with a kick ass chick!! Maybe he needs to get himself a gal like this one day, lol.

Author's Response: Maybe he should! I'll nominate you if you nominate me! *wink*

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 02:56 pm Title: Piranha

Haha, Dane is her truck!! Coolio!! And LOL at Howie being the pirhana!! Here I thought that damn fish was Kevin!! Lol. And I couldn't help than to laugh at the fact of how highly Nick spoke of AJ and how he missed the guy, and when they finally meet up, AJ's already getting on his nerves by flirting with his "fake" wife, lol.

Author's Response: much did you laugh at her being in love with her truck? And yes...Howie, the one everybody would least expect, is the flesh eating piranha! I laughed a lot when writeing that part! As for AJ...isn't that how it miss someone SOOOOO much but then after 5 min of being around them, you're ready to kill 'em. HAHA

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 02:48 pm Title: DANE!!!

Now don't tell me that Steph/Sarah/Jordan is gonna turn into a typical ho!! Lol. Just keeding. And damn girl, have I told you that I love how you did the proper research upon writing this fic?! Makes me appreciate the story even more!!

Author's Response: I am glad that you like the accuracy of the story. There have been blunders (in earlier chapters) than I had to fix...but, in the end, it makes it seem like I meant to put those errors/holes into the story, because they end up patched later. HAHAHA I'm a dweeb!

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 02:44 pm Title: It's Not All About You!

Wow... the perfect married couple life!! Lol. And I made it through the romance part... YAY ME!! Lol.

Author's Response: there wasn't even any reall romance in this, you really do need some breaking in, huh?

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 02:39 pm Title: Say 'Hello' to My Little Friends

Wow... so Nick's "fake" wife is a CIA agent huh?! I had a feeling she had to be someone working undercover... I mean, not only was she unruly and mouthy, but she was kick ass as well!! I knew she had to have learned those moves and tricks from SOMEWHERE!! Lol. Still want to know how this all ties in with AJ though (besides Sharon).

Author's Response: Ah, so many questions, yet to be answered! lol. I'm glad that some things have been cleared up, for you, though!!

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 02:33 pm Title: She's A Mouthy One

Oh no Sarah... I was beginning to like your kick ass style, but now you need to SHUT THE HELL UP!! Lol. And, like I said, I knew Sharon (that bitch) had something to do with this, lol. And here I was expecting AJ to be the mouthy one... Sarah done stole your spotlight honey!! Lol.

Author's Response: lol, you crack me up! Of course, Sharon has SOMETHING to do with it. and yes, AJ's spotlight has been stolen...poor guy, I hope he deals with it okay! lol.

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 02:29 pm Title: She Probably Planned This!

Oh great... I KNEW Sarah's mouth was gonna get her in trouble, lol. And another "aww" moment for AJ paying off the case worker to relocate Nick all the time... and for Brian helping. I wonder if this is the reason why they want AJ so bad... but I think there's more, like um... SHARON!! Lol.

Author's Response: lol, Sarah's mouth is dangerous! AJ and Brian are such sweeties aren't they?

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 02:25 pm Title: 'Serious' Is An Understatement

I knew there was something fishy about that Sharon chick!! I mean, if Sharon wasn't really behind this, why would the guys want AJ so bad?! Huh?! HUH?!? Lol. And I find it rather adorable that Brian is getting engaged on the action, lol.

Author's Response: lol, Brian is excited about hyjacking a car...teehee, hard to imagine isn't it? as for Sharon...that's more complicated.

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 02:21 pm Title: SHIT...RUN!!

Haha... so not only is Steph a I-watch-a-lot-of-action-movies-thus-making-me-a-kick-ass-chick-like-Uma-Thurman-in-Kill-Bill kinda gal, but she's compassionate!! Lol. I would love to know where the hell she learned all her kick ass moves from!! Lol. Yay for them rescuing Brian, now off to find and save AJ!!!

Author's Response: YAY...Brian is free, sort of. lol. Glad you are into the story. Still no lovey doveyness!

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 02:16 pm Title: My Life Is A Twisted Movie!

Okay... so the girls are kick ass, but that's besides the point!! Lol. I kinda chuckled at Nick realizing that he almost died... I was like "Well, DUH dude... you are risking your life by going in there!" Lol. Alright, sorry these reviews are getting shorter, but I want to hurry on to the next chapter, lol.

Author's Response: Nick doesn't always think everything through. lol.

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 02:11 pm Title: Getting Down To Business

Oh yah... and CURSE STUBBORN NICK!! Lol.

Author's Response: you gotta love him, though!!

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 02:11 pm Title: Getting Down To Business

Okay, I sooo had a feeling that this Sharon was the same Sharon I was thinking it was, but I wanted to continue on in the story before I said/asked anything. Damn bizzle. She seemed suspicious at first, but with the way you write, you make it hard to figure out who's side she's on. Damnit Kristal!! Lol. Just keeding. Off to read the next chapter. :]

Author's Response: LMAO. It was supposed to be a bit confusing, a lot of people forgot about Sharon being mentioned before...that's why it worked as a good twist. So, I guess you are liking the story, huh? Well, thanks for all the reviews, hun!

Author's Response: LMAO. It was supposed to be a bit confusing, a lot of people forgot about Sharon being mentioned before...that's why it worked as a good twist. So, I guess you are liking the story, huh? Well, thanks for all the reviews, hun!

Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/25/08 02:07 pm Title: Another Round

So... Blake and Sarah from Hawaii, eh?! I could totally see Nick as an... Ikaika from Hawaii, with his long, blond locks and puka shell necklace... looking like a typical surfer dude. HOT!! Lol. And I completely lost track of his names/identities, lol.

Author's Response: *sigh* that's what I was thinking...TOTAL HOTTIE!!!