Happenstance by Bianca
Summary: Elisabeth Walker is an upstanding attorney, wife and mother. She has the perfect life...to everyone else that is. A trip back home to North Carolina changes everything in the blink of an eye. Their paths crossed...their lives changed...was it a mistake, or was it Happenstance?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Alternate Universe, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: Yes Word count: 45453 Read: 51400 Published: 10/16/05 Updated: 10/16/05
Tears In The Night by Bianca
Elisabeth pushed herself away from her bedroom door and walked over to her dresser to find a t-shirt to sleep in. She had just pulled the oversized shirt over her head when she heard a banging at her door and the knob was furiously jiggling back and forth. Can’t you just please leave me alone until a decent hour? Please? With a heavy sigh, Elisabeth walked over and unlocked the door, opening it slowly.

Not waiting for the door to open completely, Kaitlyn barged in and caused the door to shove into her mother. “You were out a long time,” she spat hatefully and looked at Elisabeth in disgust.

“Kaitlyn, go to bed,” Elisabeth’s reply was short and her expression was one of annoyance.

“No,” came her defiant answer. “I’m not going to bed. And just so you know, I called Daddy and told him you were having sex with some boy you met down here and he’s not happy.”

Elisabeth’s face paled as she absorbed what her daughter said. “You what? Why would you tell him something like that?”

“Look, Mom, I’m not stupid, okay? I saw him looking at you and you were acting really stupid around him,” Kaitlyn’s young face was twisted with a look of loathing.

Just as Elisabeth was about to comment, the phone began to ring and her daughter began to smirk hatefully.

“And by the way, I just called him to let him know you were home; that's probably him now,” she said and picked up the telephone. “Hello?”

Elisabeth watched as Kaitlyn greeted her father sweetly, and felt her stomach churning. She knew Joshua would believe Kaitlyn no matter what she said. He won’t care about anything I have to say if Katy already told him everything. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she took the phone from Kaitlyn’s hand and tried to prepare herself. “Hello?” her voice came out a whisper.

“Well, how is my wonderful wife? Doing very well…so I’ve heard,” Joshua’s voice sounded loudly.

“I’m doing as best as I can be considering all you’ve put me through,” she shot back quickly becoming angry.

“Why Lizzie, I don’t know what you’re talking about. You know-”

“Save it Joshua.”

“You save it, Elisabeth,” his voice darkened causing a chill to travel up Elisabeth’s spine. “I hear you’ve been romping around with some boy that you met…tell me you aren’t that ignorant Elisabeth.”

Turning to look at Kaitlyn, Elisabeth covered the receiver and pointed toward the door. “Get out, now. You and I will talk in the morning.”

Instead of protesting, Kaitlyn did as she was told.

Giving her attention back to Joshua, she forced a laugh. “So, you are going to believe our 13 year old daughter? May I remind you she hates me and would do anything to make me the villain? She has no proof of me sleeping with anyone. Besides, why should I share my bed with anyone when I’m married to you and clearly in love? After all, we both know that you love me and stay faithful no matter what,” her sarcasm was as thick as her southern drawl. “What do you care anyway, Joshua?”

“I care for the sake of my children,” he yelled into the receiver and Elisabeth had to pull the phone away from her ear.

“Let me tell you something, Joshua, the day you can look at me and say you love me and mean it, I will believe you. If you can ever look at me and honestly say that you have never cheated on me I will not think twice about staying with you, but until then, I will do what I want. Just the way you do.”

“No, that is where you are wrong Lizzie." he laughed a cold menacing laugh. "You've committed adultery.”

“You've cheated on me a countless number of times Joshua-”

“I will be filing for divorce and I will get custody of Katy and Jake…you can bet on that. Don’t fuck with me, darling. You will want to save that for Nick.”

Elisabeth didn’t have a chance to respond before the line went dead. He’s going to try and take my children from me… Grabbing a pair of shorts out of her dresser and slipping on a pair of sandals, she grabbed her keys and started down stairs. Before she got to the staircase, she saw Kaitlyn was watching her at the end of the hallway.

“Damn it Kaitlyn, I said go do bed. Now!” she shouted and watched as her daughter obediently went into her bedroom and shut the door.

“Elisabeth, where are you going?” she heard her mother call from the top of the stairs.

“Out,” she shouted back and slammed the front door behind her.


Nick turned the car onto his street, softly humming to himself. He hadn’t been this happy in a long time…if ever. All he could think about was Elisabeth and the romantic day they had spent together. She was like an addiction…the more he had, the more he wanted. Just thinking of her made him flush with desire. Pulling into his driveway he saw a familiar car parked in his spot. Getting out and walking up to the porch he came face to face with Dee-Dee sitting on the top step hugging her knees tightly to her chest.

“Dee-Dee? What are you doing here this time of night?” he asked quietly.

Dee-Dee looked up at him with worried hazel eyes. Her long blonde hair was a mess and she looked like she was going to be sick. “I didn’t know where else to go, Nick,” she whispered.

Sitting down beside her, he put his arms on his knees and offered a friendly smile. “What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” Stupid question…of course it’s not. Why would she be on my front porch in the middle of the night if everything was fine?

“No,” she said as her chin began to quiver and tears appeared in her eyes.

“Well, what is it?” he asked trying not to sound too impatient. He hated guessing games.

“Nick…” she paused and took a deep breath, “I’m late.”

“Huh?” he didn’t quite understand why she was telling him she was late. “What are you late for?”

Dee-Dee rolled her eyes and let out a groan. “Nick, I’m late,” she said the word slowly and hoped he would get where she was going.

“You’re late…” he echoed her statement. Maybe he was stupid or just too damn happy, but he wasn’t following her at all. Repeating it once more in his mind, it suddenly hit him and he knew exactly what she meant. “You’re late?”

She nodded and kept her eyes averted to the porch. “I was supposed to start my period two days ago, and I know it’s really soon, but I just get worried about this and I didn’t know what else to do.” Her words were all running together and Nick suddenly felt a lump rising in his throat.

“It’s not mine,” he said in a cool tone. “Can’t be. We used protection.”

There was no way Dee-Dee could be pregnant…not by him at least. He stood up abruptly and looked down at her. She was still sitting in the same position she had been in when he drove up, but now she was sobbing lightly, obviously scared.

“I think you should get out of here,” his voice was soft, but forceful.

“What?” she stood up to look at him. “I just told you that I haven’t had my period and could be pregnant and you’re telling me I need to leave? Let me enlighten you, Nick…if I am pregnant, it’s yours. I haven’t been with anyone else, so that’s not an option. I know we used protection, but that doesn’t mean things can’t happen.”

“Look, Dee-Dee, it’s late and I don’t feel like dealing with this crap right now. So, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna go inside and get in bed. You’re welcome to stay out here on the porch if you really want to,” he told her and started inside.

“Why don’t you want to deal with it, Nick?” Dee-Dee’s voice filled with a mixture of hurt and anger. “Is it because of that whore everybody has been seeing you with?”

Nick stopped in his tracks and turned to look at her with cold eyes. “Since when is my life any of your business? And Elisabeth is not a whore, so stay out of it.”

“Oh, sure,” she blurted sarcastically. “Okay, first of all, she’s married and has kids. Second of all, you haven’t known her for a month and you’re already sleeping with her? Yeah, totally not a whore.”

Before Nick could think about his reaction, he had Dee-Dee by the arm and his face was inches from hers. “My life is none of your business. It’s none of Graham’s business either,” his voice was low and angry. “Elisabeth is not some street whore that any guy can pick up, and the only reason you have a problem with her is because you’re jealous. Now, I said you need to leave.”

“Oww…Nick, you’re hurting my arm,” Dee-Dee’s voice was soft and fresh tears rose in her eyes. “Please, stop. You’re scaring me.”

Realizing what he was doing, Nick’s expression softened and he released his grip on her arm. It was red and he would be lucky if it didn’t leave a bruise. “Dee…I’m sorry.”

“Don’t…” she whimpered and backed away. “I’ll just go.”

“No, Dee-Dee,” he said and pulled her to him, resting her head against his chest. “I’m really sorry. I don’t know why I did that.”

Dee-Dee only nodded slightly and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I know why…you love her don’t you?”

Nick opened his mouth to reply but quickly closed it again. Letting out the breath he seemed to be holding, he simply nodded.

“It’s obvious, Nicky,” Dee-Dee said with a sad smile and rested her head back on Nick’s chest.

Nick sighed, feeling terrible about how he had just treated her. He began to rub her back, trying to comfort her as she began to cry again. Just then, a set of headlights fell over them, and Nick put his hand up to see who had pulled into his driveway. “Oh, shit…”


Elisabeth stopped the Denali, but didn’t get out. She watched as Nick tried to shield his eyes from the headlights and saw his face immediately fall. He had been caught.

“That son of a bitch,” Elisabeth yelled throwing the car into reverse.

“Elisabeth!” Nick tried to pull away but Dee-Dee had him by the shirt.

“If you leave Nick, I'll tell her about the baby. I'll tell her that you slept with me while you were sleeping with her.”

Nick pushed her away, breaking free of her grip as he stumbled backwards on the porch. “Shut your mouth Dee-Dee.”

Dee-Dee watched, eyes wide and mouth gaping, as Nick raced off the porch at lightening speed.

“Elisabeth!” Nick called again and took off down the street behind the large white Denali. Luckily, there was a stop sign at the end of the street and he was in front of the vehicle before she knew it. “Lizzie…”

Elisabeth looked at him with tear filled eyes and tried to stay calm. He had his hands on the hood of her SUV and was panting for breath after having to catch up with her. Lowering her window, she took a deep breath and tried to gather her thoughts. “What is it, Nick?”

“Lizzie…I know how that looked, and-”

“And let me guess. It’s not what it looked like?” she cut him off and rolled her eyes, determined to keep her tears from breaking free.

“Yes, it’s not at all what it seems,” he cried and cautiously came around to her door. “She’s just a friend who is having a hard time right now and she didn’t know where else to go.”

“Nick, you really don’t have to explain. I understand really,” Elisabeth forced a tight smile and avoided his large, glassy eyes.

“Lizzie, please, you have to believe me,” Nick’s voice was blanketed with desperation and his blue eyes filled with tears. He didn’t know what to say to get her to listen to him; she was pissed. I really can’t blame her…

“No, Nick, I don’t have to believe you because you don’t know how many times I have heard that phrase in my life. It’s all I ever hear,” she shouted and gripped the steering wheel so tightly her knuckles were beginning to turn white. Looking straight ahead, she laughed cynically, “I’ve gotten so used to being treated like shit by the man I love; it’s like second nature to me.”

“No, you don’t understand-”

“Oh, I understand perfectly, Nick,” she interrupted him again. She was in no mood to hear him out; she’d had enough of this for one night. “I’m sorry I took your advances the wrong way. But that’s not really my fault, is it?” Glancing at Nick briefly, she ignored his tears. Crocodile tears… “I’m sorry that I interrupted such a special Hallmark moment; I should have just stayed home. Sorry for bothering you.”

“Elisabeth, please,” he begged as she pulled forward and shook her head no.

“Please, just stop, Nick. Please,” she said before making a right turn. She didn’t know where she was going, but she knew she was not going home.

“Damn it,” he shouted as he sank to the curb and put his head in his hands. When he felt Dee-Dee’s hand on his shoulder, he shrugged her away. His voice was thick with tears. “Dee-Dee, you need to leave, now.”

“But you really don’t need to be alone,” she protested and started to sit down beside him.

“No,” he shouted. “Get out of here…leave me alone.” He didn’t want to see or look at Dee-Dee; he knew that no matter what he said to her right then, it would be out of spite and he would later regret it. All he wanted to do was figure out a way to prove to Elisabeth that she had misinterpreted the situation. She has to believe me…

“You're a fling for her, Nick. Something she can tell her friends that she did this summer. But it won't last, Nick, she can't make you happy,” Dee-Dee said kneeling beside him and stroking his hair.

“And what, Dee-Dee, you can?” He replied in a shaky voice watching, with tears in his eyes, as the Denali disappeared around the corner.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=5453