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Summary: Elisabeth Walker is an upstanding attorney, wife and mother. She has the perfect life...to everyone else that is. A trip back home to North Carolina changes everything in the blink of an eye. Their paths crossed...their lives changed...was it a mistake, or was it Happenstance?
Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Alternate Universe, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 17
Completed: Yes
Word count: 45453
Read: 50324
Published: 10/16/05
Updated: 10/16/05

1. The Truth Comes Out by Bianca [ - ] Liked (2952 words)

2. Beaches by Bianca [ - ] Liked (2588 words)

3. Haven?t I Seen You Somewhere? by Bianca [ - ] Liked (2995 words)

4. Lizzie by Bianca [ - ] Liked (2722 words)

5. The Right Kind of Wrong by Bianca [ - ] Liked (2948 words)

6. The Second Time Around by Bianca [ - ] Liked (2997 words)

7. Something Like That by Bianca [ - ] Liked (3055 words)

8. Can You Feel It? by Bianca [ - ] Liked (3649 words)

9. If Hearts Could Speak by Bianca [ - ] Liked (2598 words)

10. Tears In The Night by Bianca [ - ] Liked (2567 words)

11. Another Side Of You by Bianca [ - ] Liked (2334 words)

12. A Loving Husband by Bianca [ - ] Liked (1944 words)

13. Thank You by Bianca [ - ] Liked (2324 words)

14. Get The Point? by Bianca [ - ] Liked (2995 words)

15. Unsettled by Bianca [ - ] Liked (2385 words)

16. Come Away With Me by Bianca [ - ] Liked (2619 words)

17. Kiss the Rain by Bianca [ - ] Liked (1781 words)