Revenge of the Slaughtered - Nick Strikes Back! by Rose, Louise, RokofAges75, starbeamz2, JennayHeartsNick, KeelieRose86, Carter-Orange, DelphinaCarter, Alexsgirl_ritz, catseye1769

After being killed so many times, enough is enough. Oh my God, Nick's back again...and this time, no fan is safe.

A spin off to the round robin 1000 Ways To Kill Nick Carter

Disclaimer - All fans killed are fictional or have given us the okay to kill them! :)

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Horror, Humor
Warnings: Death, Graphic Violence
Series: 1000 Ways To Die
Chapters: 29 Completed: No Word count: 37901 Read: 56453 Published: 08/11/11 Updated: 04/28/13
Kill #18 - Taco Bell Hell by catseye1769
Author's Notes:
Tracy I hope you like this. And I know you will be watching the people at work a lot more closely.
Tracy's pov
Tracy stood at the drive through waiting for another customer to come and cursing her manager to the deepest pits of hell.

"Motherfucking, fat assed, worthless, lazy, smelly piece of moldy dog shit, I could have been watching NKOTBSB getting their groove on but no that fat fuck schedule's me to work so his scummy ass can go get some. Probably has to pay for it. I swear if I get the chance I will put him in the deep fryer just to watch him suffer."

Nick's pov
Nick was driving to the local Taco Bell after the concert and thought that he needed to find one of them tonight. When the concert was going on he could feel the urge to kill so strong that when he hugged the girl he brought on stage he almost strangled her right there.

He knew he had to be more careful because since his number of kills were rising he also knew more people would be working the cases and he did not want anyone to tie them together. The killing and eating seemed to work well and the overdosing on pills too. But his favorite was making clothes out of them. Seems everyone liked his new jacket. Even Leighanne asked about adding it to her Wylee line. That made him laugh. Oh what he wouldn't give to see her face if she actually found out what it really was.

Finally he spotted Taco Bell and went through the drive through. As he pulled up he noticed a woman hanging out the window and she was cursing someone to a deep pit in hell. He heard what she said and though "Oh this is too perfect. I think I will have some real fun with this one. I'll show her what real suffering is."

Tracy's pov
She hung out the window still cursing when she saw a black Range Rover pull up to her window. When the driver roll the window down and she saw who was driving her jaw hung open.

"She said "Oh my lord it's you. I was supposed to go to your concert tonight but my damn manager made me work."

Nick replied "Well if you want I can come back when you close and we can have out own private concert. But you have to promise to not tell anyone and to turn all of the cameras off. No one can know I was here. Everyone thinks I am at the hotel asleep. I snuck out for a snack."

Tracy said "Oh I promise I won't say a word and I'll turn off the cameras."

They talked for a few more minutes while his food was made then he drove off after promising to come back.

A few hours later Tracy was locking up after everyone but her had left when she felt pain explode in the back of her head and everything went black.

When she came to she was hog tied with chains and suspended over the fryers. She tried to scream but her mouth was taped shut.

Nick said "I heard you cussing your manager out because he made you work tonight. Your a greedy selfish bitch. You have a job but you were complaining about not being able to go to some concert and you are one of the cunts that killed me so I thought I would return the favor. Now you for some reason I feel like being merciful to you so I will give you a chance to live. All you have to do is dislocate your shoulder, bring your arms around the front and chew your hand off to get the key i put under your skin then unlock your chains. You have exactly 5 minutes. Think you can do it. Oops let me take the tape your mouth."

He ripped it off causing Tracy considerable pain since he had put extra crazy glue on it.

She managed to say "Why are you doing this to me? Our writing was all in fun?"

He said "Because all of you psycho bitches thought it would be fun to kill me again and again. I want you to feel what it is like to die a painful death. Now enjoy and remember you have five minutes."

Nick whistled as he walked away "Burn baby Burn".

Tracy screamed her head off then realized no one was coming so she manages to wrench her arms over her head and bring them around to her front while in considerable pain. The gross part was when she had to start chewing through her own hand to get the key to unlock her chains. She cried as she chewed but before she could get to the key Nick stepped back in and said "Oh I forgot to tell you killa I lied. There is no key."

She really screamed and struggled then. But as she got lowered closer to the oil she saw Nick smiling and the bastard actually waved to her.

When her feet hit the oil she screamed and said "You fucking asslick I always did like N'Sync better. Justin has always been a better singer than you and better looking you worthless has been."

This pissed Nick off so he hit the release button and she was plunged into the oil. He heard her final screams as she was boiled alive.

Later on that night Nick walked into his hotel room carrying a bunch of fried food and found all of BSB and NKOTB plus their new manager Kevin waiting for him.

Kevin said "Damn Kaos what took you so long to get the food? You seriously run on Backstreet time?"

Nick just grinned and replied "Well it took awhile because I had to wait for it to cook then the fryer exploded and what a mess. Now dig in."

Donnie noticed Nick wasn't eating then said "Hey dude why aren't you eating any of this?"

Nick replied with a sick grin "Oh I ate earlier. Enjoy fellas. It took a lot for me to get that. I got it from some hole in the wall call Tracy's."

He thought 18 down so many more to go.
End Notes:
Enjoy and please review. It is hard work boiling someone alive then disposing (eating) of them.
This story archived at