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After being killed so many times, enough is enough. Oh my God, Nick's back again...and this time, no fan is safe.

A spin off to the round robin 1000 Ways To Kill Nick Carter

Disclaimer - All fans killed are fictional or have given us the okay to kill them! :)

Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Horror, Humor
Warnings: Death, Graphic Violence
Series: 1000 Ways To Die
Chapters: 29
Completed: No
Word count: 37901
Read: 68860
Published: 08/11/11
Updated: 04/28/13
Story Notes:

New round robin...new rules. Everyone's welcome to participate.

1. In every submission, Nick MUST kill a fan. That's the point of this LOL.
2. Editing rule still applies, watch your grammar and such. Anything unreadable/incomprehensible will get deleted.
3. Please no deleting anything, we learned from 1000 Ways, didn't we? Just ask me (Rose) to do it LOL.
4. Label each chapter correctly, like Chapter One would be "Kill #1" and then the title of your submission.
5. The last line MUST be some variation of "*number of kill here* down, so many more to go".
6. Once someone on the list below is killed, pick someone else on the list. If you do not wish to be killed twice you have to let us know, or we'll assume it's okay.
7. Keep Nick a human (yet immortal since he survived "1000 Ways" lol) Backstreet Boy. Just for the sake of continuity :)
I'll update as people die LOL.

Have fun!

Real Fans Who Have Given Us The Okay To Kill Them:
Rose - dead
Julie (RokofAges75) - dead
Sarah (starbeamz2) - dead
Steph (Carter-Orange) - dead
Tracy (DelphinaCarter) - dead (twice, can't be killed again)
Mare - dead
Lore (PurpuraLipstick) - dead
Marguerite (catseye66) - dead
Sagar (sagar_k) - dead
Rachel (Kentuckychickrk)
Jen (FrickFrackGirl) - dead
Chris (carterkid)
Vanessa (Howies Girl)
Karin (twofaced)
Erika (kevmylove) - dead
Michelle (michxxblc )
Ritz (Alexsgirl_ritz)
Steph (Sakabelle) - dead

1. Kill #1 – Boys Will Be Boys by Rose [ - ] (779 words)

2. Kill #2 - Don't Try This At Home by starbeamz2 [ - ] (1454 words)

3. Kill #3: Re-Wrap by Louise [ - ] (633 words)

This will make more sense if you read #22 on How To Kill Nick Carter.

4. Kill # 4 No Blood in my beautiful hands by Alexsgirl_ritz [ - ] (822 words)
This would probably be the most boring story in here... I just can't bring myself and let Nicky kill fans in a bloody way.... *hides*

5. Kill # 5-Be Careful What You Wish For by JennayHeartsNick [ - ] (1809 words)

6. Kill #6 - How Nick Carter Killed Fanfic by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1920 words)
I'm taking the place of a deleted chapter with this spoof of The Grinch... Merry Christmas! =D

7. Kill #7 Sick As My Secrets by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1993 words)

8. Kill #8 – Drop Dead Beautiful by Rose [ - ] (987 words)

9. Kill #9- Taking The Plunge by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (707 words)
Hope you enjoy. Rose is a bad influence. The girl in the story is a fanfic author but nobody in particular.

10. Kill #10-Twisted Fantasies by JennayHeartsNick [ - ] (717 words)

11. Kill # 11 - Blame Rose... by Alexsgirl_ritz [ - ] (817 words)

12. Kill #12 - Recipe for Revenge by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1578 words)

13. Kill #13 - Baby, You're a Firework by starbeamz2 [ - ] (1419 words)

Lucky #13 :)

14. Kill # 14 - Bullseye! by Alexsgirl_ritz [ - ] (786 words)

15. Kill #15 - Just One Kiss by KeelieRose86 [ - ] (622 words)
So, like, I couldn't really go all bloody with it. Cause ewwww! But I took a shot anyway! Hehehe ~Keelie

16. Kill #16 - A New Suit by catseye1769 [ - ] (1163 words)
This is for Jen. Sweetie I hope you will still speak to me after this =)


17. Kill # 17 My Heart Stays With You by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (733 words)
This is probably the goriest thing I have ever written. Ali I love you I promise. This one is for you, my partner in crime :D

18. Kill #18 - Taco Bell Hell by catseye1769 [ - ] (1036 words)
Tracy I hope you like this. And I know you will be watching the people at work a lot more closely.

19. Kill #19 - Happy Deathday! by Rose [ - ] (747 words)
He's baaaaaack...

20. Kill #20 - Nick the Ripper by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2789 words)

21. Kill #21 The Perfect Fan by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1638 words)

22. Kill # 22- Dont Eat The Raspberries by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1234 words)
This is written for sakabelle aka Steph. Hope you like it :)

23. Kill #23 - Blood Diamond by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2828 words)

24. Kill #24 - Kitt Fit Kill, Part I by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1148 words)

25. Kill #25 - Kitt Fit Kill, Part II by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1690 words)

26. Kill #26 - Kitt Fit Kill, Part III by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1142 words)

27. Kill #27 Waiting For A Star To Fall by Carter-Orange [ - ] (2138 words)

28. Kill #28 Just Want You To Know by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1696 words)

29. Kill #29 Knicknack Paddywack by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (876 words)
Katie is a real person, she gave me permission to write this little story. Enjoy!