Summary: Elisabeth Walker is an upstanding attorney, wife and mother. She has the perfect everyone else that is. A trip back home to North Carolina changes everything in the blink of an eye. Their paths crossed...their lives changed...was it a mistake, or was it Happenstance?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Alternate Universe, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: Yes
Word count: 45453 Read: 51398
Published: 10/16/05 Updated: 10/16/05
1. The Truth Comes Out by Bianca
2. Beaches by Bianca
3. Haven?t I Seen You Somewhere? by Bianca
4. Lizzie by Bianca
5. The Right Kind of Wrong by Bianca
6. The Second Time Around by Bianca
7. Something Like That by Bianca
8. Can You Feel It? by Bianca
9. If Hearts Could Speak by Bianca
10. Tears In The Night by Bianca
11. Another Side Of You by Bianca
12. A Loving Husband by Bianca
13. Thank You by Bianca
14. Get The Point? by Bianca
15. Unsettled by Bianca
16. Come Away With Me by Bianca
17. Kiss the Rain by Bianca
The Truth Comes Out by Bianca
“Mommy, can I have some Corn Pops?” Six year old Jacob Walker cried from across the spacious kitchen.
“Yes, Jake, you may,” Elisabeth Walker said as she finished making his lunch for school. Fishing in her pocket book, she pulled out a five dollar bill and placed it on the counter for her daughter. Turning to the stair case, Elisabeth called up the stairs. “Kaitlyn, you’re going to be late! It’s your last day...c’mon.”
After a few minutes, her thirteen year old daughter made her way into the kitchen. “Mom, you should really chill out.”
“Katy, I really don’t need your attitude this morning,” Elisabeth warned. She loved her daughter, but for the past few months, she had been lashing out and had become very rebellious. “You don’t have time for cereal because you’ll miss your bus, so grab a Pop Tart and eat it on the way to school. I’ve gotta get going. Make sure Jake gets on his bus, and don’t forget your lunch money. Please be good today.”
“Sure thing, Mom,” Kaitlyn said rolling her eyes.
“Oh, and don’t forget that you’re father is coming home tonight; we’re all going out to have a family dinner.” Before Kaitlyn had an opportunity to protest, Elisabeth was out the door and in her car.
She had a long day ahead of her and she wasn’t looking forward to it at all. There were meetings scheduled for most of the day, as well as client meetings. She also had a presentation to prepare for the next day. Her husband would be home from a business trip that evening. Letting out a quiet sigh, she hit the speed dial for her office.
“Anderson and Walker, this is Jill, may I help you?” her assistant greeted pleasantly.
“Jill, it’s Elisabeth, would you please tell Gary that I’m stuck in traffic and I’m going to be a little late for our first meeting.” After she ended the call, Elisabeth looked around at the traffic. “Today is not going to be a good day.”
“Mrs. Walker, you have a telephone call on line one,” Jill buzzed in, interrupting a meeting with a client.
“I asked you to hold all of my calls, Jill, can you please take a message and tell them I will call them back shortly,” Elisabeth replied through clenched teeth. She only had one more meeting left, but she still had a few clients to see. She told Jill to take a message from anyone who called unless it was an emergency.
“It’s Mr. Walker,” Jill said quietly.
Wonderful…what this time Joshua? she thought and cleared her throat. “Put him through,” she said to Jill. Clearing her throat again, she gave her client an apologetic glance. “I’m sorry; this will only take a minute.”
Turning away from the impatient man sitting on the other side of her desk, she took a deep breath. “What is it Joshua?” she hissed as soon as she had her husband on the line.
“Well, darling, I love you, too. Oh, my trip has been wonderful,” he said sarcastically. “You really know how to make a man feel loved, Lizzie.”
“I’m in the middle of a meeting with a client, Joshua, so this needs to be quick. Are you calling to tell me that you won’t make it home tonight? What’s the excuse this time? Flight cancelled?” she asked, trying to keep her composure. She didn’t want to play these games with him right now, especially when she had a client. “Look, Joshua, I’ll call you back in a half hour.”
“Lizzie…do not hang up…damn it…”
Ignoring Joshua’s angry words, she ended the phone call and turned to the man. “I’m sorry Mr. Hargrave…that won’t happen again.”
“Mommy, where’s Daddy?” Jacob asked, his eyes wide as they sat in his favorite restaurant—McDonald’s. “I thought you said Daddy was coming home tonight.”
Smoothing down his sandy brown hair, she looked into his large hazel eyes and tried not to let him see that she was upset. “Daddy got delayed, Jake. He’ll be home in the morning.”
“Sure he will,” Kaitlyn rolled her eyes as she stirred her McFlurrie. “He’s always gonna be home ‘in the morning.’ What else is new?”
“Kaitlyn, I’d appreciate it if you would drop your attitude, okay? Just because you’re pissed off at me and the rest of the world doesn’t mean you need to hateful to your brother. Please apologize.”
“For what?” Kaitlyn asked angrily. “For telling him the truth?”
“Katy, be quiet…people are starting to stare,” Elisabeth said in a stern voice.
“So, let them stare. Just because you hate Daddy doesn’t mean you have to make him hate Jake and me,” she said before storming out of the restaurant to the car.
Looking down at her distraught son, Elisabeth pulled him close and wrapped him in a warm hug.
“Daddy hates us?” his eyes were brimming with large tears as he crawled into his mother’s lap. “I’ll be good, Mommy, I promise. I’ll help Katy be good, too.”
Holding back tears of her own, Elisabeth tried her best to comfort her son. “No, Jake, Daddy doesn’t hate us. And none of this is your fault, sweetie. You’ve been perfect,” she smiled and gave him an Eskimo kiss. “Daddy is coming home tomorrow, so don’t you worry about anything. Katy is just upset with Mommy, okay?” When he gave a short nod, she ruffled his soft hair and placed her chin on the top of his head. “I love you, Jake.”
“Guess who’s home,” Joshua Walker called as he entered his home. “Lizzie…Katy…Jake? Anyone home?”
When no one answered, Joshua shrugged and made his way over to the answering machine. No new messages. He’d decided to find a flight that night instead of waiting till the morning, and now no one was home. He figured his wife had taken the kids to get dinner. Feeling his stomach rumble a little, he went to the kitchen to find something to have for dinner. After he got his dinner in the oven, he heard his wife’s Navigator pull into the driveway.
“Daddy!” Kaitlyn greeted her father excitedly; Jake soon followed. Elisabeth was a little less than excited to see him.
“Joshua,” she greeted coolly. “I didn’t expect you home tonight.”
“Yeah, Daddy, I thought you got stuck,” Jake tugged eagerly at his father. “Guess what! I got to bring our class pet home for the weekend Daddy.”
Joshua smiled and gave his wife a quick glance. She was putting away the dishes that he had left out on the counter. She always found something to keep her busy when she was upset. “So, where did your Mom take you for dinner?”
“McDonald’s,” Kaitlyn replied with a groan. “For some reason, she’s been a real bitch today.”
When the words left her daughter’s mouth, Elisabeth tensed up and slowly turned around. No one said anything. Narrowing her eyes at the thirteen year old that looked so much like herself, she tried her best to not lose her temper. “Go to your room, Kaitlyn.”
“Why should I?” Kaitlyn began to protest. “I’m only being honest, Mom. You’re always in a bad mood and you blame Dad for everything. Why don’t you just pull the stick out of your ass and get over it?”
Elisabeth stood stunned at the words that had just come out of her daughter’s mouth. Kaitlyn was only thirteen years old and she was talking to her mother like she was an equal. If Elisabeth had ever spoken to her mother with that attitude and language, she would have had more than just an attitude problem.
Being brought up in an upper-class southern home, Elisabeth had been taught to respect her parents, as well as anyone older than herself. She always said please, thank you, sir and ma’am; her parents would have it no other way. She was a picture perfect debutant—a true southern belle. She was always polite and quiet and she never tried too hard to be the center of attention. After marrying Joshua, she had all hopes that he would help her instill the same values in their children, but he had only laughed her off saying, “We really should try to be more modern. You know, we don’t have to be your parents.”
This was now one of those times that Elisabeth wished she had pushed Joshua to bring up their children the way she had been brought up. Although Jacob was an angel, Kaitlyn had always given her trouble. Not knowing what to say, she just looked at Joshua to gage his reaction. She jumped when she heard Kaitlyn’s bedroom door slam shut. “Thanks for your help, dear,” she said sarcastically.
“Jake, why don’t you go play in your room,” Joshua told his son.
“Yes, sir,” he said and toddled up the stairs.
Elisabeth smiled to herself when she heard how polite her son sounded. She could only hope it would last. Her thoughts were ended abruptly by her husband.
“What are you smiling at?” Joshua asked in a hateful voice.
“Nothing, Joshua. So, why did you break your neck to make it home tonight? Did you lose your hot piece of ass? Or did you actually start to feel guilty?” her sarcasm was as thick as her southern twang. “Maybe you have a different excuse for me. I’m looking forward to some new stories.”
Not letting Elisabeth say anything else, Joshua grabbed her by the shoulders and lowered his voice. “You know, Kaitlyn only talks to you the way she does because she knows she can. If you’d put your foot down instead of trying so hard to please her, maybe you’d be a better mother.”
“What do you know about being a mother? You don’t even know how to be a father. Or a husband for that matter,” she said and broke free from his unyielding grip. “Joshua, you have no right to tell me how to be a mother. You’re never home because of business meetings, and God forbid you try to make it to one of Katy’s soccer games or Jake’s open house. You’re too set on finding your next bed warmer to be concerned with your children. They are your flesh and blood; the least you could do is be there for them some of the time. You know, I gave up on you a long time ago; I sacrifice my happiness for those two,” she flung her arm in the direction of the stairs. “I know you don’t love me anymore, Joshua, but I’m not gonna break this family up for myself. If that’s going happen, it will be your fault. I’ve done far too much to save this family to be blamed for that.”
Unable to hold back his anger, Joshua delivered a staggering slap to his wife. “What right do you have telling me that I will be the break down of this family? Lizzie, you don’t want to screw around with me. Do you understand that?”
Straightening back up, Elisabeth quickly collected herself and narrowed her eyes at Joshua. She was sick and tired of being treated like nothing. Her daughter, husband and various other people thought she should be seen and not heard; she didn’t have a mind and opinion of her own…well, they were sadly mistaken. “If you hit me again, Joshua, you’re going to have more problems finding your next whore. I’m going to bed, I trust you can find the guest bedroom. Oh, and by the time you wake up in the morning, Katy, Jake and I will be gone. Their last day of school was today and since there is nothing planned for summer we’re taking a family vacation while Daddy prepares for yet another business trip.
When she was safely locked in her bedroom, Elisabeth collapsed in tears onto her massive bed. As much as she loved her children and wanted to keep their fairytale family image together, she wasn’t sure how long she could go on pretending they were happy. She had to be happy at some point, didn’t she?
“Elisabeth, sweetheart, what are you doing here?” Abigail Butler was more than a little surprised to see her daughter. Her attention quickly turned to her grandchildren. “Katy, Jacob…aww…my darlings!”
“Lizzie Layne, my baby girl,” Robert Butler wrapped his only daughter in a warm hug.
“Daddy! I’ve missed you so much!” Elisabeth smiled, feeling safe and loved for the first time in too long. “Mom, I hope you don’t mind us visiting on such short notice. Joshua is on a business trip and we wanted to come see you.”
“No, you wanted to come,” Kaitlyn didn’t hesitate to correct her mother.
“Katy,” Elisabeth scolded.
“Kaitlyn Olivia Walker,” Abigail gave her granddaughter a hardened glare. “You will not talk to your mother in that tone; you will be respectful. Do you understand?”
Elisabeth watched in amazement as her daughter’s hateful expression quivered and finally broke. She could tell that Katy knew she had no choice but obey her grandmother; while they were visiting anyway. The teenager nodded meekly and found a seat in the den.
“Jacob, you lucked up buddy boy,” Robert picked up the enthusiastic little boy and ruffled his hair. “Grandma just finished making cookies. What’s say you and me go dig in? Sound good to you?”
Jacob nodded frantically and grinned. “I think that’s a good idea Grandpa.”
Turning to her daughter, Abigail frowned. “You look tired, sweetie, is everything all right?”
Elisabeth smiled at her mother. “Yes, ma’am, I’m fine. I told you, we just wanted to visit.”
“And Katy made it very clear that you wanted to visit, so fess up. What’s bothering you?”
Elisabeth sighed and followed her mother to the patio. Sitting down in the white wicker chair, she looked out at the Atlantic Ocean. This had been her favorite place growing up; she had nearly forgotten how peaceful she felt there. She watched the waves roll in and remembered how she would play for hours in the surf. She wouldn’t come back to the house until the sun had disappeared letting the stars come out of hiding and a chill had crept into the breeze. She missed that so much sometimes, but Joshua refused to move the family to North Carolina. He just didn’t like the South.
“Elisabeth, what’s the matter? I can tell something is wrong,” Abigail brought her back to the present. “Please tell me.”
“It’s Joshua. Mom, I just don’t understand what I did to deserve this,” Elisabeth blurted out, feeling her tears rushing forward.
“Deserve what? I thought things were going wonderfully,” her mother looked confused.
“No, it’s not. Far from it, actually. Joshua is seeing other women behind my back. I’m not sure when he started having his affairs, but I do know he’s having them. He always has a business trip to take or he has to work late. He gives the typical excuses. We fight all the time, well, whenever we see one another. Jacob doesn’t know exactly what’s going on, but he sees Mommy cry and that upsets him. And Katy…where do I start explaining that? She’s rebelling something terrible. I just don’t know how to handle her anymore, and she blames me for everything that’s happening with her father and me. It’s just too much for me to handle sometimes.”
“Why did you wait so long to tell me what’s going on?” Abigail placed her aged hand on top of her daughter’s youthful one. “You know you can talk to me about anything.”
“I thought if I ignored what was going on, it would just all be in my mind,” she grasped her mother’s hand. “And last night, Joshua hit me.”
“He what?” Abigail’s eyes filled with tears. “Does he do that often?”
“No, that’s one thing I can say about him…he has never hit me before and I don’t think he will again. I didn’t expect it, that’s for sure. I just keep hoping everything will get better. I don’t want to get a divorce because of Katy and Jake. It would devastate them.”
“Yes, it would, but you have to think about yourself sometimes. They would get through it.”
“No, mom, divorce is not an option right now. Not until Jake is a little older anyway. I still love Joshua with all my heart, but I know he doesn’t love me. As some people would say in the movies, he loves me, but he’s not in love with me. I just don’t want to put the children through that kind of trauma right now. Kaitlyn resents me enough as it is. If Joshua and I split up now, she would hate me. Mama…what do I do?” Elisabeth leaned into her mother’s warm embrace and wept.
“You follow your heart, Lizzie, it will lead you where you need to go,” Abigail whispered as she caressed her daughter’s hair.
“Dee-Dee, listen, I just can’t go on a cross country trip right now,” Nick Carter tried his best not to laugh into his cell phone. He had been sent out to run various errands for his grandparents, and unfortunately, he had forgotten to switch off the phone. “Look, I’m really busy right now, I’m gonna have to call you back.”
Nick pushed the “end” button on his Nokia and tossed it in the backseat of his dark green Jeep Cherokee. “I wish she would just leave me alone,” he snickered to himself. He had been seeing Darla Dawn “Dee-Dee” Matthews for a couple weeks and he couldn’t take much more. She was a sweet girl, God help her, but she was entirely too clingy for his tastes. And ever since she had found out that Nick wouldn’t be spending the summer with his mother in Goldsboro, she had been pushing for him to drive to California with her. He actually thought he might leave her in the desert somewhere just so he wouldn’t have to hear her annoying giggle and gum smacking. Just the thought of being stuck in such a confining space for 3,000 miles made him shudder, so he tried to turn her down as politely as possible.
“Hey, man, what’s happening,” he was greeted by a childhood friend, Graham Addison, as he walked across the parking lot towards the large grocery store.
He would never understand why a food chain was named Food Lion, but there had to be reasons, right? “Hey Gray-ham,” Nick grinned, cracking on his friend’s name. “What’s up? You loafin’ around town?”
“Pretty much…I was thinking about grabbing my stuff and going surfing. You up for it?”
“Nah, I can’t right now,” Nick shook his head and grabbed a shopping cart. “Gram has me shopping for her. I just got back from Lowe’s and Home Depot in Shallotte. I’ve got a lot of stuff to do for Gram and David before I can even think about hitting the beach.”
“Suit yourself,” Graham said with a nonchalant shrug. “I’m gonna go scope out the hotties.”
Nick made his way around the vast supermarket picking up all the items on his shopping list. This was his last stop before heading back to his Grandmother’s beach house. He let out a thankful sigh as he continued to shop. Knowing his grandmother, she would let him have the rest of the day off and he could go “scope hotties” with all his friends.
He hated that he had to waste half a beautiful day shopping, but it had to be done. Every summer, his grandmother and her husband stocked up on supplies for hurricane season. Being right on the beach made it mandatory to be prepared for those kinds of events. That was why he had to drive all the way to Shallotte. Sunset Beach was a beautiful tourist spot for beach-goers, but they couldn’t get ply wood and such for reasonable prices. Nick knew that David would be pleased with the money he saved. Parking himself in the checkout line, he picked up a gossip magazine and flipped through it while he waited. For some reason, even as large as the store was, they only had a few check out lanes open. Why they had ten lanes would forever remain a mystery.
“Hmmm, looks like J.Lo and Ben Affleck still have yet to choose a wedding date,” he smirked to himself and realized an older lady was watching him in amusement. Feeling his cheeks flush, he promptly placed the magazine back in its place and moved with the line. Luckily, he didn’t have to wait much longer and he was soon on his way back home.
“Oh, Nicky, thank you so much for going out and getting all of that stuff for me,” Winifred Gaines greeted her 23 year old grandson with a warm hug and kiss on the cheek.
“Yes, thanks son,” David greeted his step-grandson. “You really saved your grandmother and me some time and labor.”
“It’s no problem,” Nick smiled and gave his grandmother a kiss on the cheek
“Nicky, sweetheart, you can go and spend the rest of the day with your friends if you like,” Winnie’s soft-spoken voice was comforting to him. “I know you would rather be spending time on the beach instead of wasting it inside.”
“Okay, thanks Gram. David, do you need any help with anything else?”
“No, I think we have everything covered,” David smiled, his tanned, lined face lighting up. “You go have some fun.”
“Hey Nickolas!” Graham called out when he spotted his friend making his way across the warm sand to the group that was gathered near the surf. “I thought you couldn’t make it, you know, since you’re such a hard worker.”
“Yeah, well, I got the day off Graham, you gotta problem with that or you just scared I’ll steal all your hotties?” Nick questioned with a smirk.
“Where’s your girlfriend, Nick?” one of the guys standing with his surfboard by his side asked causing the group to erupt in laughter.
“Ha ha ha,” Nick mocked their laughs. “She’s not my girlfriend, Chase, so you can just get over that.”
“Really now?” Chase’s girlfriend Joylyn asked raising her eyebrows. “That’s definitely NOT the story Dee-Dee has been telling.”
Nick chose to ignore their taunting and headed for the water. Even now when most of his friends were in their early twenties, they continued to act like they were still in junior high school. Sometimes, he wondered if they would ever grow up. Dipping down into the water, Nick began to relax; he loved the summers he got to spend here. They were always the ones that proved to make the best memories. He hated to admit it, but he was somewhat relieved when his mother told him he could stay in Sunset Beach instead of making the usual trip to Goldsboro. It wasn’t that he didn’t love his mother, but honestly, he didn’t really know her. She had only come back into Nick’s life within the past five years, and he was still learning to adjust.
Nickolas Carter was an “accident” he had heard many times. His mother, Jane Spaulding, had been seeing a college student from the next town for a few months when she discovered she was pregnant. Being only 15 years old, she was scared and confused, so she agreed to let her mother raise her child until she was older and more mature. After she gave birth, Jane would be leaving to go live with her father in Texas. They both agreed that Nick would be well-informed on the situation and from the time he was old enough, he knew that Winnie was his grandmother and when he was ready, he would meet his mother.
Understanding the situation, Nick never asked more than they were willing to tell and he never complained. Growing up, he never had any complaints; he had all he needed. While they may not have had many luxuries like other kids his age, they always had enough and they were happy. Looking back on the way he was brought up, Nick was happy about the decisions that his mother and grandmother made. Then, when Nick was almost 18, Jane finally came back into his life.
She insisted that he start spending his summers with her in Goldsboro so they could get to know one another. It wasn’t how he would have chosen to meet his mother, but Nick did not protest her requests and neither did Winnie. He had spent a large portion of the past four summers with Jane, but she decided they should take a break this year. It had come as a surprise, but Nick didn’t mind. He knew that if Jane needed space, he should give it to her.
Coming back toward the shore, Nick asked Joylyn to get a towel for him so he could dry off. After getting the extra moisture off himself, he sat down on the warm sand and watched the rest of his friends joke and cut up. Spotting a cooler a few feet away, he concluded he could use a nice cold soda and maybe a snack. When he stood up he stretched a little before turning toward the cooler. All of a sudden, a girl who looked to be in her early teens collided with him and she was sent flying to the ground with a loud ‘oof’.
“Damn,” the pretty, dark haired girl called angrily. “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?”
Nick had to laugh at the girl and her attitude and the fact that she was rubbing her obviously bruised bottom. “You’re the one that ran me over…sheesh.”
“Yeah, whatever pretty boy,” she flipped her long hair over her shoulder and continued on as quickly as she had run into him.
Shaking his head, Nick resumed his quest for refreshment still laughing about the hit-and-run girl.
“Nick, one of your friends is on the phone,” David called from the TV room.
Nick took a quick glance at the clock on his wall before replying. “Uh, do you know who it is?”
“No, sorry, but it sounded important.”
Nick groaned and walked across his bedroom to the telephone. “Hello?”
“Nick! I’ve been calling all day,” Dee-Dee’s perky voice filled his ear causing him to groan again. “Where have you been?”
“I told you I was busy today,” he said. He didn’t know why she insisted on keeping such close tabs on him. They weren’t an exclusive couple or anything, so why did she think she needed to keep track of him? “I had a lot of things that I had to get finished.”
“Well, Joylyn told me you were with them on the beach today.” She sounded like she was pouting and Nick was growing more impatient by the minute. “I just kinda got the feeling that you didn’t want to hang out with me today.”
“No, no, it wasn’t that Dee-Dee,” he was beginning to feel guilty. As much as he didn’t like her, he couldn’t deliberately hurt her feelings; as annoying as she was, she was too nice for her own good. “I, uh, didn’t expect to be on the beach today, but Gram gave me the afternoon off.”
“Oh, okay. Well, Joylyn said you would be at the restaurant tonight and I was just calling to let you know I would be there, too,” her voice was cheerful. “Do you wanna go see a movie or something after dinner?”
“I can’t,” he said quickly. “I have to be up early in the morning. Hey, I’ll see you in a little while.”
Letting out a quick sigh of relief, Nick decided it was time to get ready to meet his friends. Even though he really didn’t feel like going now that he knew Dee-Dee would be there, he knew he couldn’t cancel now. Dee-Dee would take it personally. I’ll just break it off tonight…not that there’s anything to break off.
“Nick, I was beginning to think you weren’t coming,” Dee-Dee met him at the door of the local pizza place. She stood on her tip-toes and pecked his cheek softly. “I’m glad you made it.”
Forcing a charming smile, he nodded. “I had to get ready, Dee-Dee.”
“Yo, Nick, no more PDA’s,” Chase called loudly across the small restaurant, causing everyone to stare.
He could hear people snickering at his friend’s loud comment and only gave him a glare. “Yeah, okay. At least someone is gettin’ some PDA’s.” Ignoring the rest of their smart ass comments, Nick slid into a booth and was quickly followed by Dee-Dee.
“What are you gonna have, Nicky?” she asked, popping her gum loudly.
“Well, since we came to Pizza Village, I’d say pizza,” he was trying his best not to lose his patience. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings or embarrass her in front of all these people.
A waitress was soon standing at the end of the table ready to take drink orders and he didn’t have to worry about saying anything. After everyone had given their order, conversation quickly started back up again and Nick was surprised when he felt Dee-Dee’s hand on his leg. Clearing his throat uncomfortably, he reached down and moved her hand from his leg to her own. “Uh, Dee-Dee, I think we need to go talk.”
“Oh, okay,” she smile, raising her eyebrows suggestively.
Nick quickly made his way out the door to the “front porch” of the restaurant. It looked just like a house; warm, cozy and inviting. “We need to talk.”
“Okay, Nick. You said that already,” she smiled and leaned against the banister. “What’s on your mind?”
“Well, I don’t know how to say this…Dee-Dee…I uh,” he hesitated unable to find the right words to gently let her down. He felt terrible when he looked into her green eyes; she looked so innocent and naïve. “I don’t think we should see each other anymore.”
“O-oh…I, well, okay,” her eyes filled with hurt. “Do I need to leave? I mean, I will. You know, so it won’t be weird. I don’t mind.”
“No, you stay and have fun, okay? I’ll go,” he offered a smile. “I’m really sorry.”
Nick turned to walk down the few steps and before he knew it, he had bumped into someone. Man, twice in one day. “Oh, no,” he groaned and found himself staring into the same caramel eyes he’d seen on the girl at the beach earlier that day.
“I beg your pardon,” her soft voice was tinged with a southern accent as well as a hint of annoyance.
Nick squinted his eyes a little to see her better in the dark and was embarrassed to see that it wasn’t the teenager from the beach, but a woman who just greatly resembled the girl. She had the same long dark, shiny hair and soft features. Her full lips held a soft pink tint and her cheeks appeared to have a natural blush. Nick found himself lost in her eyes, but he would quickly be brought back to that porch.
“Hello, are you listening to me? I said excuse me,” her voice didn’t seem as soft as it had just moments ago.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he could feel a blush creeping up his neck and into his cheeks. Looking past the beautiful woman he could see the girl from the beach. She was smirking at him. Great, he decided to keep his thoughts in his head that time. He snuck another quick glance at the attractive woman before she disappeared inside then turned and made his way to his Jeep. After all that just happened, he was ready to go home and get in bed. After all, he had a long day in store for him tomorrow and he could use the extra rest.
Haven?t I Seen You Somewhere? by Bianca
“Mother, I’m thirty, not thirteen,” Elisabeth called from her bathroom. “I know how to dress myself, okay?” She was getting ready to go to a few local law firms for interviews. It had been a week since she and the children had arrived in Sunset Beach, and her mother had talked her into seeing about relocation. She hated the thought of leaving the firm she was a part of now, but she didn’t know if she would be staying in Chicago with Joshua or not. She stared in the mirror for a few minutes trying to decide if she looked professional enough. Smoothing down her hair a bit, she caught a glimpse of her wedding band and contemplated whether or not to take if off. She decided to leave it on; maybe they would be more likely to offer her a position if they thought she was happily married.
“Oh, sweetheart, you look dazzling,” Abigail stepped back to admire her when she came into the kitchen. “You’re going to knock their socks off.”
She gave her mother a tight smile. “Thanks, mom. I shouldn’t be gone too long, so we can go out for a late lunch or early dinner when I get back. Does that sound okay?”
“Yes, that sounds wonderful,” Abigail smiled. “I’m sure Katy and Jake will be looking forward to it.”
“Well, Jake will be. Oh, and Mom, if Katy goes down to the beach, make sure Dad and Jake go with her, okay? She hasn’t been including Jake and I really don’t like the idea of her down there alone.” Elisabeth didn’t wait for a response. She wanted to get this over with; it was like beginning her career all over again. Taking a deep breath, she climbed into her mother’s Denali and gave herself one last pep talk. “Come on Elisabeth…you can do this. You won’t regret it.”
Checking the clock, Elisabeth became a little anxious. She had to drive from Sunset Beach to Wilmington and she was running late. That wouldn’t be the ideal first impression she needed to make so she picked up her pace. Please, don’t let me get pulled over. Soon she was cruising steadily along at 70 miles per hour and praying to everything holy that she would get to Wilmington on time and without a speeding ticket. She should have prayed a little harder.
“Oh, no,” she groaned when she saw the blue lights flashing in her rearview mirror. “This is just wonderful.” Slowing down, she stopped right by the overpass and nervously began to chew her bottom lip. When she saw that the state patrol officer was almost to her door, she lowered the window and prepared herself for the worst.
“Good morning, ma’am,” he greeted in a stern but pleasant voice. “You do realize why I pulled you over, don’t you?”
“Yes, I do. I’m so sorry,” Elisabeth began but he interrupted her.
“Well, then, I will need to see your license and registration.”
“You don’t understand,” she glanced at the name tag on his uniform. “Officer McMillan, I’m on my way to Wilmington for an interview and I can’t be late.”
“Well, if that’s the case,” he said, making her think she was off the hook. “I’m still going to have to write you a ticket. License and registration, please.”
“Please,” she didn’t want to cry, but she would turn on the waterworks if she had to. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d had to cry to get out of a speeding ticket. “This is my only chance at getting this job. I need to be on time.”
“Well, ma’am, I really wish I could help you, but you’re only holding yourself up by not cooperating,” he said, obviously losing his patience. “You were doing 72 in a 45. Now, if you’re aware of the law, I could take your license on the spot, but I’m trying to cut you some slack and just let you off with a ticket. Now, if you’d rather I handle it the other way, I will gladly oblige, but if not, I need to see your license and registration. And don’t bother crying, it doesn’t work on me.”
Half an hour later, Elisabeth was finally entering Wilmington and her mood was a far cry from being cheerful. “I can’t believe that asshole gave me a ticket. Okay, yeah I can, but c’mon. Give me a break.” She would have called ahead to the firm to let them know she would be a few minutes late, but she didn’t know the number. She just had to hope she didn’t get lost.
As Elisabeth drove through historic downtown Wilmington, her mind overflowed with long forgotten memories of her teenage years. Wilmington had been the setting for her first date when she was 16; springtime in beautiful Greenfield Park. She would never forget the park being filled with azalea bushes that were in bloom with various shades of pink and lavender flowers. It seemed as though every place she passed, there was a chest full of memories unlocked. Why did she wait so long to come back?
“Oh crap,” Nick flew out of bed and into the bathroom. He quickly stripped off his pajamas and jumped in the shower. It was nearly 8:45 and he was going to be late. He had promised David that he would be in Wilmington before 10 to get some supplies he needed for his shop. If he hurried and left in the next few minutes, he wouldn’t be late. He had to be back in Sunset Beach before 1:30. “Please, please, don’t let me be late.”
Nick was out of the shower five minutes later. Rushing around his scattered bedroom, he grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of khaki short that he thought might be clean. A few wrinkles never hurt anybody. Besides, who am I trying to impress? He quickly grabbed his keys and rushed through the kitchen, making sure to grab a Poptart to hold him over until he could eat some lunch.
“Nicky, what’s the hurry?” Winnie asked in a worried tone.
“I’m late, Gram. Don’t tell David, okay? I love you.”
He was out the door before she had the chance to respond. Shaking her head a little, she smiled and went back to reading the paper. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do when he moves out.”
Nick cranked up his radio when Good Charlotte’s “The Anthem” began streaming through his speakers. It was another beautiful summer day that he had to waste shopping. To be totally honest, he complained about having to run so many errands, but it wasn’t as bad as he made it sound. He would do anything for his grandmother and David and they were well aware of that. He just had to give them a hard time sometimes.
Bobbing his head to the catchy beat, Nick rolled down all four windows and enjoyed the warm breeze. He hated having to run the air conditioner because he loved the fresh air, but in the afternoons, the humidity was too high to be comfortable with just the windows down. He figured he would enjoy the fresh air while he could stand it. A pair of flashing blue lights half a mile up the highway caught his eye and Nick thought he should buckle his seat belt before the officer decided to give him a ticket as well. Poor soul, they must not be from around here, he thought as he passed the white Denali. They must be from the big city where you have to drive 100 miles per hour everywhere you go.
Nick made it to Wilmington with ten minutes to spare. He would have just enough time to get David’s supplies for his shop and maybe stop by the mall to check out some new surfing gear he’d had his eye on for the past month or so. He resolved that he would only stop by the mall for that; he’d go in, get what he needed, and leave. It was simple and everyone would be happy. Looking at the clock, he saw that it was 9:53. “I’m gonna be home with plenty of time to spare.”
“Great, thank you,” Elisabeth smiled and shook Joseph Winters’ hand before exiting his spacious, glassed in office. The firm was unbelievable; it was the most similar to her firm back in Chicago and everyone seemed to know exactly what to do in every situation. Unfortunately, they also knew how to let someone down as easy as possible. They just didn’t have any positions to fill at the moment. It’s funny; neither did the first three firms. She hoped that her fifth and final interview went better than the other four.
She had no problem finding the office building and showed up twenty minutes early. That was always a plus. “Be as early as possible as often as possible,” her father had always told her when she was younger. She had to snicker just a little at his motto. After all, it had gotten her where she was today.
Elisabeth smiled to herself, feeling more confident than she had all day long. It was 12:23 and she had a good feeling about her interview. It wouldn’t have been her first choice under other circumstances, but she couldn’t afford to be picky with this. Besides, she would be happy working there if she did in fact get the position. They were honest and upfront about their expectations of her and told her they would be in contact with Anderson and Walker. Once inside her vehicle, she rested her head on the steering wheel for a moment; she had to pray she would get this job. It was her first step in getting away from all the negative things in her life. Maybe once she had relocated and the kids got used to living down south, Kaitlyn would be more open to her as well. She had to have a sliver of hope.
“Gracious,” she said pressing her hand to her rumbling stomach. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was.” She decided that since the day had turned out much better than she thought, she would make her trip business and pleasure. “I’m gonna hit the mall.”
Nick walked around the small surf shop that opened up every spring, looking at the boards and other gear he had wanted since he’d spotted it the month before. He’d saved his money to get it; he was determined. David paid him well and he didn’t need to work anywhere else, although he’d told his grandmother and David many times that he could go out and get a real job to support himself. He hated feeling like he was mooching off of them. He was 23 years old and he still lived with his grandparents. Granted, he’d only moved back in two years earlier to help his grandmother when David had a heart attack. He kept up with business at the shop until David was okay-ed by the doctor to return to work, and he actually could have moved back out after about six or seven months. It just seemed much easier for all three of them if he lived there.
Nick was gathering up the things he’d picked out and was about to go pay for them when he heard someone ask for the time. 12:44. “Oh, shit,” he said, quickly dropping his merchandise on a display in the middle of the store. He had to be home by 1:30 so he could watch the shop while David took his grandmother out. He’d promised he would be back in time for them to leave and enjoy the rest of the day. Now, he only had forty-six minutes to get home to Sunset Beach and he knew he’d be late. His grandparents never got to go and enjoy a night together, and Nick was about to ruin it for them even more. “They’re never going to trust me again.”
He booked it towards the Sears wing of the mall and made his way out to his Jeep. “I cannot let them down. I’m always late,” he grumbled to himself. For some reason, he always seemed to lose track of time and ended up being late. He was never more than half an hour late and he always called to let them know what was going on, but he still couldn’t help but feel terrible about it. Amazingly, David and his grandmother never seemed to get upset or lose their temper; they always smiled and accepted his many apologies telling him that it was okay and he shouldn’t worry. Sometimes he thought he had been blessed with the wrong grandparents. He wasn’t about to give them up though.
Starting up the Jeep he saw that it was 12:50. “Oh, no,” he moaned. Picking up his cell phone, he dialed his home and waited for Winnie’s sweet voice to answer at the other end.
“Gram…” he tried to sound sweet.
“What’s the matter Nicky?” she sounded concerned. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, but I, uh, I’m gonna be a little late,” he felt guilty already. “I’m really sorry. I know you and David don’t get to go out that often. I swear I’ll make it up to you, Gram.”
“Darling, don’t swear. And don’t worry, either. It’s okay if you’re a little late. David and I can still go out, okay? Just be careful coming home.”
“I will, Gram. I’m really sorry. Gosh, is David upset?” he questioned as he backed out of his parking space. When he looked to the left, he almost fainted. A large, white SUV was pulling out at the same time and apparently the driver didn’t see him, because it backed right into his front end. “Shit!”
“Nickolas!” Winnie scolded him. “What’s going on?”
“Damn it…I just got hit by another car. Stupid idiot just backed up all on top of my Jeep. Damn. Oh, sorry Gram. It just scared me. I’ll call you back in a little while. Love you.”
Getting out of his Jeep, Nick looked at the front and wanted to cry. How fast had that guy backed out of the parking space? “Geez…why the hell did this happen today?”
“Oh my God,” he heard a soft, feminine voice coming from behind. “I’m so sorry.”
“What the hell were you thinking? Didn’t you look before you pulled out of that space?” Nick shouted before he realized what he was doing.
“I beg your pardon?” the woman’s concern quickly turned to anger. “Who the hell do you think you are? I’ll have you know, I did look and there was not another car when I put my vehicle into reverse. Did you stop and look to see if another car could be backing out at the same time?”
“Look, lady,” he turned around and found himself staring into an oddly familiar pair of dark brown eyes. All of a sudden, he forgot whatever had been about to roll off his tongue. “I…uh…”
“Well,” she was becoming impatient. “Spit it out.”
“Have we met?” Nick asked as he studied her beautiful features. She had creamy brown eyes, with just a hint of green and her skin was slightly tanned. Upon closer inspection, he could see a slight smattering of freckles across her nose and on her forehead. Her dark chestnut hair was pulled half up and there were a few wisps falling into her eyes. She didn’t look much older than him, but he couldn’t be sure of her exact age.
Placing her hands on her slender hips, the woman sighed in annoyance. “Excuse me?” She was getting tired of playing games with this guy.
“Haven’t I seen you somewhere?” Nick asked, taking in her beauty. He didn’t know what it was about her that made him want to stare, but there was something. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and he was sure this couldn’t have been the first time he had ever laid eyes on her. “You just look so familiar.”
“Well, I’m afraid that you’ve got me mixed up with someone else. I’m not from around here.”
As soon as she said that, he knew. She was from Sunset Beach. She was the beauty that he bumped into leaving Pizza Village the night he broke it off with Dee-Dee. The one he had mistaken for the bitchy girl that had plowed him over at the beach that same day. “I knew I’d seen you before! You’re from Sunset Beach.”
Her eyes went wide when he said that. “Well, no, I’m only visiting for the summer. How did you know?”
“I bumped into you the other night. Look, I’m sorry I got so mad; it just doesn’t seem like this day can get any better. I’m Nick,” he said politely extending his hand. “I’m not always like this, I promise. I guess we both had to bump into one another somehow.”
Smiling at his goofy grin, she placed her petite hand in his. “I’m Elisabeth.”
“Well, it was nice to finally meet you. Now, how ‘bout we figure this mess out?” he asked with his most charming smile.
“I’m really sorry about your Jeep,” Elisabeth apologized again as she pulled out of the service station. The damage to Nick’s Jeep had been pretty bad, even though she hadn’t been moving fast. She felt terrible about causing so much trouble and offered to give him a lift back to Sunset Beach. After all, they were going to the same place.
“It’s okay,” he gave her a half smile. “Truth be told, I was actually looking for a reason to get a new car. My Jeep was getting up there in miles, so yeah. Too bad it was my fault.”
Smiling at his boyish grin, Elisabeth gave him a sideways glance. He was handsome; the kind of guy she would have dated in high school. A tall, blond haired, blue eyed surfer looking guy. He was tan and had a very nice build. She decided that his smile was definitely his best feature. Sizing him up once more, she decided that he was in his early twenties; twenty-four at the oldest.
“So…” Nick started, sounding a little uncomfortable. He was a little intimidated by Elisabeth and didn’t know what to talk about around her.
Sensing that he was uneasy, Elisabeth decided to pick up conversation. “So, are you originally from Sunset Beach?”
“Born and raised,” Nick smiled. “My Grandmother and her husband raised me. What about you? You don’t strike me as a small town, North Carolina girl. What’s your story?”
Now it was Elisabeth’s turn to feel discomfort. “Well, I was born in Wilmington and I lived at the beach during the summer. I wouldn’t say that I have a story though.”
Getting the feeling that she didn’t want to talk about it further, Nick nodded and watched the passing trees and cars. “How long are you going to be visiting?”
“Most of the summer. It’s the first summer I’ve been back in years,” Elisabeth tried not to sound desperate, but she was trying hard to get Nick to change the subject. She was anxious to talk about anything but herself. “You can turn on the radio if you want.”
“Gram…David…I’m home,” Nick called as he entered his home. It was nearly 4pm and he felt terrible about not being home on time for them to go out and enjoy themselves. “Anyone home?” he called and got no answer. Walking into the bright kitchen, he found a note on the table. Picking it up, he had to smile.
Sorry you had an accident today, honey. David and I were able to get Gabe to come work at the shop today and we still made our dinner date. If you need anything, call David’s phone and let us know. If you decide to go anywhere, be careful and we’ll see you tonight. We love you.
She had to be the absolute sweetest woman on the planet. Folding the piece of paper, Nick pulled his wallet from his back pocket and tucked it safely away as he did with any note his grandmother left him. Walking into the den, he saw that the answering machine was flashing so he played back the messages. There was one from Graham telling him about a huge party that night, one from Chase telling him about the same party and what to bring, one for David which he saved, and one from Dee-Dee which caused him to groan and roll his eyes. When will she get over it? Deciding that he might just head over to that “kick ass party” Nick headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower.
After ten minutes or so, he was out of the shower and dressed. The only problem was that the party didn’t start until 7. That’s when the answering machine caught his eye again. Someone had called while he was in the shower. “It’s probably Dee-Dee again,” he mumbled and pressed ‘play’ and headed for the refrigerator.
Nick, hey, it’s Elisabeth. I forgot to give you my insurance information. If you could just give me a call on my cell phone, the number is 555-0850. Thanks.
Looking at the phone, Nick smiled. At least he finally had her number.
“Katy, stop being so hateful to your mother,” Abigail told her granddaughter in a stern voice. “She’s only looking out for you.”
“Oh, yeah, right. Everyone is only looking out for me. Psh, whatever. I’m sick of everyone just looking out for me…I can take care of myself,” Kaitlyn said and stormed out of the room.
Sitting back in her chair, Elisabeth gave her mother a helpless look. “I really don’t know what to do anymore, Mom. She’s out of hand. If she wants to go back and stay with Joshua, maybe I should buy her a plane ticket and let her go. What would be the harm in that?”
“You would be letting her run all over you, that’s the harm,” Abigail said flatly. “Katy thinks she can do whatever she wants; everything is going to be handed to her. If you keep trying to find a way to please her, she will never respect you.”
“I just don’t want her to make the same mistakes I made. I want her to have a normal childhood.”
“She can still have a normal childhood if you stand your ground. Put your foot down Elisabeth. Don’t let her get the best of you and that will get the best of her. You’re her mother, and you have to accept the fact that she’s going to make mistakes, but you can help her. Just don’t try to shelter her too much. I’m afraid that’s what I did to you.”
Reaching across the table top, Elisabeth placed her hand over her mother’s. “No, that’s not what happened. Everything that’s gone wrong with me has been my fault. I guess I was born to screw up.” Before Abigail had a chance to comfort her daughter, Elisabeth’s cell phone began to ring. “Sorry Mom. Hang on. Hello?”
“Elisabeth, hey, it’s Nick. Is this a bad time?”
“Oh, hi Nick. No, it’s not a bad time,” she greeted pleasantly. Sweeping a strand of dark hair from her eyes, she avoided her mother’s curious stare. “I forgot that I needed to leave you my insurance information.”
“Yeah, if you want, we can meet for dinner tonight and discuss it then,” he said hopefully.
“Well, I dunno,” she said hesitantly, still avoiding her mother’s eyes.
“Oh, okay, that’s cool. I understand, a lady like you must stay pretty busy,” he laughed and tried to hide his embarrassment and disappointment. “I-”
“You know, I really don’t have anything to do tonight. Dinner would be nice,” she said quickly. “What time?”
“Well, whatever time is good for you,” he laughed. “I would say I would pick you up, but since I’m without transportation...”
“Yeah, I can pick you up since I did ruin your Jeep. I remember the best seafood place down by the marina. How’s 7?”
“That’s perfect. You know my address. I’ll be here,” he tried not to sound too eager.
“See you then,” Elisabeth smiled and ended the call. “What?” she asked her mother who was still staring intently. She also looked slightly amused.
“Nothing, darling. I think I’ll go and check on your father and Jake. They seem too quiet…they’re probably up to no good. Have fun on your date.”
Before Elisabeth had a chance to protest, her mother had left the room. “It’s not a date,” she muttered to herself. So, if that was true, why did she have first date butterflies fluttering around in her stomach?
“Hey,” Nick greeted as he climbed into the large Denali.
“Hi,” Elisabeth smiled. As soon as Nick was completely inside the vehicle, she made sure to look before pulling away from his house.
“I’m glad you decided to come to dinner with me,” Nick said trying to fill the silence. He wished he knew what to talk about around Elisabeth because he really felt like he wanted to get to know more about her; the only problem was actually knowing how to get to know her. “And I know the place you’re talking about. It’s great.”
“Yeah,” a wistful smile crossed her face. It had been years since she’d been back, but she would never forget Capt’n Jack’s Seafood Shack. It was a fond memory of hers that she knew would be with her where ever she was. Living in the Midwest made it hard to get quality fresh seafood and she missed that terribly. “I love this place. I come here every time I’m down.”
“Really? This place is my favorite,” Nick grinned, thankful that they had at least one common interest. He could only hope that there was more to Elisabeth like he suspected.
After a short drive, they arrived at the marina and quickly spotted a small restaurant with a long line outside the door. It wasn’t a large building at all. It was so small, that all you could do was place an order and take it somewhere else; there was no inside seating. That’s part of the reason Elisabeth loved it. Walking over to the line that had already grown longer, she turned to Nick and smiled. “It’s just like it used to be.”
Stopping behind the petite beauty, Nick took a deep breath and enjoyed the salty breeze. “I’d say we have a half hour wait.”
“45 minutes,” she countered with a captivating smile. “Trust me, Nick, this is something I’ve never forgotten about. I could be in Chicago and when I thought about this place, I could smell it; almost taste it. God, I’ve missed this place.” After Elisabeth’s predicted 45 minutes, she and Nick had their food. They didn’t have anywhere to eat because all of the picnic tables surrounding the little hut and overlooking the water were taken.
“Where are we going to go?” Elisabeth questioned, biting her full lips. “I’m starved.”
“I have an idea,” Nick gave her a secretive smile and started toward the dock.
“Where are you going, Nick? You can’t just get on a boat that’s not yours,” she called nervously. “That’s breaking and entering.”
“Chill out, Lizzie. Oh, it is okay if I call you Lizzie, isn’t it?” he called over his shoulder without slowing his pace.
Elisabeth watched helplessly as Nick continued down the pier before she decided she’d better stop him. She couldn’t let him get into any trouble and she definitely couldn’t do anything against the law. “Nick! Wait!” She took off behind him and nearly knocked him down.
“Whoa, are you okay?” Nick gave Elisabeth a worried glance before stepping aboard a large schooner. He set down his plate of food then turned and took Elisabeth’s plate and placed it on top of his. Extending his hand, Nick smiled. “Well? Are you coming?”
“I don’t think we should do this, Nick,” she glanced around uncertainly.
“It’s only breaking and entering if it’s not your property. I know I don’t look all that bright, but I do know the law,” he gave her a silly half smile and pulled her onto the boat. “Did you think I would actually get on a boat that wasn’t mine? Are you crazy?”
“Oh, man, I’m stuffed,” Nick said rubbing his full belly. “I can’t believe I ate that much.”
“Me either,” Elisabeth smiled and looked around at her setting. It was a beautiful June night. There were no clouds in sight and the sky looked like diamonds had been scattered across it.
“Hey,” Nick’s voice snapped her out of her trance. “You feel like takin’ good ole Lizzie out for a sail?”
“Excuse me?” she gave him a confused glance.
“Uh,” he smiled, his cheeks reddened slightly. “Lizzie is the name of my boat. Sorry.”
“Oh,” she smiled and felt her own cheeks flush. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he shrugged. “So, what do you think? You up to sailing?”
Thinking about it for a second, Elisabeth decided that there was nothing to lose. She should have a little fun, shouldn’t she? “Sure.”
“Great,” Nick grinned like a little boy.
After a few minutes, Nick had gotten the schooner freed from the restrictions of the ropes and they were leaving the company of the other boats that lined the marina. It was nearly 9:30 so there would be very little traffic to worry about. They had a smooth exit from the dock and were soon heading into the open stretch of ocean. If it was one thing Nick loved, it was sailing at night. He used to go frequently with David when he was a little boy and he’d loved it so much, he started saving to get himself a boat of his own. He had worked like a slave every summer until he was 15 and finally saved up the money to buy Lizzie. She was his prize; he would spend hours at a time just sitting on the deck watching the sun set. It was his thinking spot and he had never brought anyone on board with him until tonight.
“This is beautiful,” Elisabeth whispered from her spot at the front of the boat. She was stretched out on her back looking up at the diamond-speckled sky. “You can’t see the stars in Chicago.”
Nick could hear a hint of sadness in her soft voice. “I couldn’t live somewhere I couldn’t see the stars. It would feel like part of my soul was gone.”
“Yeah,” she said absently. “That’s how I feel sometimes. But,” she quickly put her shield back up. “doesn’t everyone at some point?”
Nick gazed at her with concern. Why was she trying so hard to put up a wall? What did she have to hide?
“So, how did Lizzie get her name?” she smiled, propping herself up on her elbows.
“Well,” Nick hesitated. “I had a friend when I was younger, her name was Elizabeth, but everyone called her Lizzie.”
“That’s sweet,” Elisabeth smiled and craned her neck to feel the cool, salty breeze glide across her cheeks. “So, where’s Lizzie now?”
“She, uh, she died when we were 11,” Nick averted his stare to the deck of the boat. “We were racing home from the beach one day and, uh, she didn’t look before she ran into the road. There was a car coming and it just couldn’t stop in time…”
“Oh, Nick, I’m so sorry,” she said and went over to sit by him. “I had no idea.”
“No, you didn’t know, it’s not your fault,” he shook his head and dabbed tried to discreetly dry his eyes. “It’s hard to deal with sometimes, but I know she’s better off now.”
Feeling terrible for bringing up such harsh memories, Elisabeth was desperate to change the subject. “Do you come out here a lot?”
“Yeah,” he whispered looking at the moon. “I love it. It’s like everything just goes away when I come out here. No one knows where I am, so they can’t bug me. There’s nothing I have to deal with when I’m here and I love that feeling.”
Looking up at Nick, Elisabeth felt something click inside of her and before she knew what she was doing, she had turned his face toward her own and captured his lips in a fiery kiss. Her head kept telling her how wrong it was. “Elisabeth, this isn’t something a faithful wife would do to her husband,” her head screamed. Somehow, though, all she could hear was her heart. “This is what you’ve needed all your life. Take hold of it, Lizzie. Take it and don’t you dare let go.”
The Right Kind of Wrong by Bianca
When their kiss finally ended, Nick was staring down into Elisabeth’s enchanting, chocolate eyes. He had been caught off guard when she pulled him into a soul searing kiss; however, he quickly recovered and gave in completely to her soft, warm lips. He could still feel the kiss lingering on his lips and he gave her a questioning glance. “I…uh…um…” he stumbled over his words not knowing what to say.
“Oh, God, I’m sorry,” she quickly slid away from Nick and hugged her knees tightly to her chest. Closing her eyes, she rested her chin on her knees. “I shouldn’t have done that; I’m so embarrassed.”
“No,” he cried and closed the gap she had put between them. Letting out a deep breath he smiled and gently moved a few silky strands of hair away from her face so he could see her. “I don’t know what to say, but that’s not a bad thing.”
“I shouldn’t have done that, Nick. I’m really sorry,” she nervously ran a hand through her hair. “We can just go back now if you want to. I know you have to be busy.”
Scooting around so he was sitting directly in front of her, Nick took her hand in his and laced his fingers through hers. “I don’t want to go back yet. Is that okay with you? You just surprised me, that’s all.”
Elisabeth looked up and looked into Nick’s eyes. He looked desperate; like a little boy begging his parents to let him stay just a little longer. Gently easing her hand from his, she gave him a tight smile and nodded slightly. “Okay, we don’t have to go back yet. I really am sorry though. I feel like such an ass…”
“Get out of here,” Elisabeth laughed as Nick told her about the time he got caught filling all of Graham’s shoes with cement. She soon had tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. “What happened?”
“Well, he told my Gram and I had to replace all his shoes,” he said with a shrug. “He still doesn’t know it was me that put electric blue dye in his shampoo…he thinks that was Chase.”
“I cannot believe that,” she laughed and turned her gaze back to the sky. “I never did anything like that when I was younger. The worst thing I did was lie about where I was going to be and then I went to a party instead. I guess I got mine for that though,” she said with a cynical laugh. Suddenly it seemed like she wasn’t there with him.
“Well, what was that?” Nick asked and rolled on his side, propping his head up on his hand.
“Huh?” she asked and realized what she said. “Oh…Well, nothing important.”
“Oh, okay,” he gave and understanding smile.
Looking back toward the sky, Elisabeth let out a soft sigh. What did she have to worry about if she told Nick? He had spilled his guts about so many things in the last few hours and he didn’t even know her. “It’s kind of funny really. See, that was the only time I had ever done anything like lie to my parents and that’s the one time everything happened. Do you want to know what happened that night?”
“You don’t have to tell me. I understand it’s personal.”
“I got knocked up,” she said bluntly and watched as Nick’s eyes grew larger. Offering a small smile, she shrugged. “I was 16. I went to a party and told my mom I was at choir practice. I met a guy named Joshua, and well, everything happened really fast so it’s only a blur to me now.”
“Oh,” he said quietly not knowing what else to say. That was the last thing he expected her to say.
“I was young and stupid…you know? I didn’t think something like that could or would ever happen to me, but I was dead wrong. And I’m still paying for my mistake to this day.”
“What happened?” he asked curiously, but afraid he was prying a little too much. He didn’t want to make her mad.
“I had my baby when I was 17. Kaitlyn Olivia Walker,” she said with a smile. “And I got married, which is the only thing that I really regret.”
“Well, why don’t you get a divorce?”
“It’s not that simple,” Elisabeth said, sadness suddenly filling her voice. “I wanted to stay together for my children because I wanted them to have both of their parents like I did. They are the only reason that I’m still with Joshua. God, if it weren’t for Katy and Jake, I’d be single now.”
“Don’t you think that it’s better to be happy and single with your children than to be stuck in a bad marriage?” Nick asked, dipping his head so that he could look into Elisabeth’s eyes.
“Kaitlyn hates me enough already. I can’t even imagine how bad it would get if I left Joshua…she worships the ground he walks on. Jake is a mama’s boy and I know he would deal with it eventually, but not Kaitlyn. We don’t have a good mother-daughter relationship and I know if I left her father, she would blame me for everything. Even if he is the one running around with other people and leaving me to wonder where he is and what he’s doing.”
“Elisabeth,” Nick’s voice was soft and caring, “don’t you think you deserve to be happy?”
“Hmmph,” she snorted. “Happy? I don’t even know the meaning of the word anymore. I can’t even remember the last time I was ever really happy, well, until tonight.” Looking into his crystal blue eyes, she had to smile. He was a breath of fresh air if she ever needed one.
“I think that you need to do whatever makes you happy and stop worrying about other people. Kaitlyn will be upset if you leave Joshua, but trust me, she will get over it, and eventually, you two will get closer. I promise. I hated my mom for the longest time, but then I grew up and I realized that letting Gram and David raise me was the smartest thing she ever did. And I thank her for that now. I’m not gonna lie, it’s hard not knowing my dad and barely knowing my mom, but when I stop and look back on how I grew up, I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Kaitlyn is 13, right? She’s gonna be a brat, so don’t even worry about it,” he grinned. “You don’t have to take my advice, but just think about it. Make yourself happy for once.”
Elisabeth crept through the front door of her parent’s house, trying to be as quiet as possible. It was nearly 5 in the morning and she had not called and let anyone know where she was or if she was okay. Heading for the stairs, she was sure she was in the clear.
“Where have you been?” her mother’s voice startled her. “I’ve been worried sick.”
“Good grief, Mother, don’t you know not to scare someone like that?”
“You didn’t answer my question, Elisabeth. Where have you been?”
Sighing in annoyance, Elisabeth walked to the stairs and started for her room. She didn’t want to have to deal with this right now; all she wanted to do was get in her bed and get at least a couple hours of sleep.
“Elisabeth, I want to talk to you,” her mother’s voice was stern.
Stopping on the third step, Elisabeth looked up at the ceiling and groaned. “Why right now? Can you please tell me why this can’t wait for a few hours?”
“It can’t wait because you have been gone for nearly ten hours without calling and letting anyone know that you were okay. And let’s not forget the fact that you have two children. Do you know how it looks for a married woman to be hanging around a younger, good-looking man? It does not say much for your reputation.”
“Mother, please, just because I got knocked up when I was 16 does not mean I’m dumb enough to let that happen again. Besides, I did not sleep with Nick, despite what you might be thinking,” she spat, rolling her eyes.
“How dare you speak to me that way? Now, you’re beginning to sound like Kaitlyn.”
“You know what?” Elisabeth turned and looked at her mother. “Maybe I don’t care what anyone else thinks. So what if I went out with a younger man. And yes, he is damn good-looking, but what does it matter? Why can’t I enjoy myself while I’m here? All you care about is your own reputation and what people are saying about “Little Lizzie Butler.” Who cares? I sure as hell don’t and neither should you! Besides, you don’t know how I feel right now and if you did, you would probably feel like shit for trying to make me feel worse than I already do. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be perfect for you and Daddy, but everyone has their flaws. As it turns out, mine was stupidity. If you would like to continue this conversation later, that’s fine with me, but right now, I’m going to bed. I’ll be up in a few hours.”
Abigail watched in astonishment as her daughter stormed up the stairs and slammed the door behind her. She would definitely be continuing that conversation.
Nick walked into his house and tried to be quiet enough not to wake anyone up. He had left his grandmother a note explaining that he was going to get some dinner with a friend and they might go sailing, so she knew not to expect him home early. She was well aware that when he went sailing, it was for hours at a time, but he was sure she was shocked that he’d taken someone with him.
Tip-toeing to his bedroom, he began to strip off his clothes so he could put his pajamas on and crawl right in bed. He was going to be half dead tomorrow, but it was well worth it to him. Going to his dresser, he didn’t even realize that his window was open.
“Nick,” a voice scared him, causing him to cry out.
Turning to see who was in his room, he flipped the light switch and flooded the room in a bright shower of light. “Jesus, Dee-Dee…what are you doing here?”
“I needed to see you, Nick. I’m sorry, I didn’t know what else to do, so I climbed in your window.”
It wasn’t until that very moment that Nick realized exactly how crazy this girl was. “Okay, Dee-Dee, do you know what Gram would have done if she would have found you in here? You can’t just go around climbing through windows whenever you feel like it. That’s against the law, in case you didn’t know.”
“Nick…I had to see you,” she pleaded with him. “I love you.”
“Whoa…hold it right there,” he held up a hand and backed away as she slowly advanced on him. “Look, I dunno if you’ve been drinking or what, but I really think you need to leave, okay?”
“You don’t understand,” she began to cry. “I thought we were gonna be happy…together forever, ya know?”
“Dee-Dee…sometimes you just don’t click with someone. Look, you really have to go before you wake up my grandparents,” he told her and motioned toward his open bedroom door. “I’ll show you out, okay?”
It wasn’t until he put his arm around her shoulder that he realized she had in fact been drinking. “But Nicky…I don’t wanna leave…I wanna stay here with you.”
“Nope, c’mon, Dee-Dee, I’ll take you home, okay?”
“No, it’s not okay,” she slurred, slinging her arms around his neck. Placing a sloppy kiss on his lips, she smiled. “I wanna stay here with you.”
Nick grabbed her by the arm when she began to disrobe. “No, I can’t let you do this…you’re only gonna embarrass yourself. And Gram will kill me if she wakes up and finds you here,” he said as he desperately tried to drag her out of the room. He had to get her home and he had to do it fast; David was an early riser.
“NO!” Dee-Dee screeched drunkenly and pulled away from Nick’s grip. Tossing her top to the floor, she gave what she thought was a sexy gaze. “Don’t you want me, Nicky?”
“Darla Dawn Matthews! What on earth are you doing?” Winnie’s voice filled the conversation. She watched as Dee-Dee sat down on the bed, but kept her eyes locked on Nick. “Nickolas! I cannot believe this.”
“No! Gram, it’s not how it looks…Dee-Dee went to that party tonight and I just got home from sailing a few minutes ago. She was here when I got home.”
“I think you should get her home,” Winnie said in a firm voice and glanced towards Dee-Dee who had already fallen asleep.
“Yes, ma’am,” he said, trying his best not to snicker. Now he had to figure out a way to get Dee-Dee home without waking her up. He was praying she wouldn’t get sick, either.
“Good morning,” Abigail greeted walking into the kitchen where her husband and grandchildren were eating breakfast.
“Morning, dear,” Robert greeted.
“Hey Grandma,” Jake grinned. “Guess what! Papa is taking me fishing today!”
“That’s wonderful sweetheart,” she smiled. “I hope you catch a fish bigger than you. Good morning, Katy.”
“Morning,” came Kaitlyn’s lifeless response.
“Where’s Elisabeth?” Abigail asked while pouring herself some coffee.
“She went to the grocery store. She should be back in a few minutes,” her husband answered.
“Yeah, then her and Katy are going shopping,” Jake smiled and shoveled a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.
“That sounds like fun,” Abigail smiled.
“Not really, but according to her I have no choice,” Kaitlyn huffed. “She wants to spend some time “bonding.” What a crock.”
“You might have fun,” Robert offered as he flipped through the morning paper. “I thought all girls liked to shop.”
“Whatever. I’ll be in my room.”
Abigail watched as her granddaughter stormed off in the same fashion as her daughter had just hours earlier. “I honestly don’t understand why Elisabeth and Katy don’t get along better; they are just alike.”
“What’s that mother?” Elisabeth asked as she entered the bright kitchen. “You know you really shouldn’t risk saying something like that when Kaitlyn is so close. There’s no telling what she would do if she were to hear that.”
“Well, darling, Jake and I are gonna go get our fishing gear,” Robert announced kissing his wife on the cheek. “See you later, pumpkin.”
“Bye Daddy,” Elisabeth smiled. Stooping down to Jake’s eye level, she wrapped her arms around him tightly. “I love you, baby. Go have fun.”
When Abigail was sure that Robert and Jake were out of the kitchen, she sat down across from her daughter at the bar and gave her a worried glance. “I’m concerned about you, Lizzie.”
“Why?” she asked as she spread cream cheese over a bagel. “Because I’m not sitting on my ass and dwelling on my problems like I always have? Is it because I’m actually enjoying myself while I’m here?”
“Elisabeth, you need to lower your voice. I don’t appreciate your tone.”
“You know what? You don’t appreciate anything about me. Ever since that night when I met Joshua, you have treated me like an outcast. Am I not good enough to be your daughter because I got pregnant before I was married? I’m the same person I was then, in case you haven’t noticed. People make mistakes,” she said and gave her mother a hard look.
“I just think you need to think before you hang out with that Nick boy again, Elisabeth. I’m only looking out for your best interest,” Abigail softened her tone. “You’re not an outcast and I love you just the same, but I’m worried that you’re going to get in trouble. It’s wrong.”
“First of all, Nick is not a boy. He’s 23 years old,” Elisabeth dropped the uneaten bagel into the trashcan. “And have you forgotten that I’m 30? Stop worrying about what I’m doing and how it’s going to tarnish your upscale image because I know that’s the only reason you’re even bringing this up.” Elisabeth decided that she was going to go out and occupy her mind instead of staying and fighting with her mother. Glancing briefly back at her mother she took a breath. “And you know what else? It might be wrong to everyone else, but nothing I’ve done has felt wrong. If anything, it has felt right, so let’s just drop it.”
The Second Time Around by Bianca
Nick groaned and rolled over, trying his best to shield his sensitive blue eyes from the blinding rays of sunshine that were flooding in through the open blinds. Snuggling a little further under the blanket, he let out a sigh and tried to go back to sleep. Catching a glimpse of the large, red numbers on the clock across the room, Nick flew out of the warm bed. 10:17. “Shit!” he cried fumbling to find his clothes. “Dee-Dee, why didn’t you wake me up?!”
“What?” she rolled over and her mouth immediately turned up in a smile. “Oh, well, I thought you could use the rest. After last night, well, this morning…we both needed it.”
Nick rolled his eyes at her awful attempt to be a seductress and sat down to put his shoes on. “Don’t start Dee-Dee. I told you I had to be at home before everyone got up. I have a lot of stuff to do today.”
“Oh, I think you can put if off for a little while,” she dropped her voice to what she imagined might be a sexy whisper. Slinking up behind Nick, she wrapped her arms around him and covered his bare shoulder in soft kisses. “I love you, Nick.”
He rolled his eyes again. How many times could one person say that? She threw around that phrase like it was nothing at all and expected him to return it every time. Nick stood up and resumed the search for his t-shirt; he couldn’t leave not wearing a shirt. “Look, Dee, I promised David that I would be at the shop because Gabe can’t work today. Then I have dinner plans with Gram and David tonight. I asked you to get me up at 7:45. Was that too much to ask?”
Poking her pink lips into a pout, Dee-Dee crossed her arms over her chest and flipped her blonde hair. “Nicky…don’t get mad, please. I just thought it would be okay to let you get a little sleep.”
Nick watched as Dee-Dee leaned up and covered his lips with her own. Getting lost in the moment, his hands unconsciously fell to her waist and her hands were wrapped up in his thick hair. Despite Dee-Dee’s obvious attempts to keep him there, Nick broke the kiss and pushed away from her.
“I’m sorry, Dee-Dee, I have to go before I let my grandparents down again. I’ll call you later,” he said and finally found his shirt.
With an irritated sigh, Dee-Dee fell back on the bed. She had to wonder when she would ever get through to him completely.
“Good morning, Nick,” David smiled.
“Hey, David. I’m really sorry I’m late,” Nick apologized and immediately took his place behind the counter of the small hardware shop. “I am not leaving this spot until 4:30.”
David smiled broadly and Nick could see the deep lines in his aged face. Even if he wasn’t related to David by blood, he felt like it. Nick didn’t have a single childhood memory that didn’t have David in them. He had heard stories about his “real” grandfather, but in Nick’s eyes, David was as real as one could get. He was genuine and loyal and he never judged anyone. Most of all, David was a friend. “I swear, I’m gonna try and never be late again.”
“Don’t say that, Nick. I don’t mind that you’re late, so stop worrying,” David’s smile widened. “I’m gonna go run some errands, but I’ll be back as soon as I can. Then you’ll be free to go.”
“Take your time,” Nick said and picked up a magazine lying on the counter. “I don’t have anything to do tonight other than dinner with the folks.”
Smiling once more, David picked up his hat and car keys and left the store, the small bell attached to the top of the door jingling on his way out.
After a few minutes of silence, Nick decided he could use some music and he pulled the remote control from beneath the counter. He scanned the local stations for a minute or so, but found nothing but commercials so he chose to see what selections David had in the CD player. The first disc was country; Don Williams he was willing to bet. The second was one of Nick’s rock CDs and Nick had to smile at the third one. It was his grandmother’s CD; one she had asked him to make for her. “Good choice,” he grinned to himself.
Sitting back down behind the old-fashioned cash register, Nick resumed flipping through the magazine as Etta James belted out beautiful lyrics. Before long, Nick was singing “At Last” at the top of his lungs right along with her and he didn’t even hear the bell on the door jingle. Unfortunately for him, Nick had his back to the door and he was unaware of his company until he heard the clapping.
“Oh, no,” he closed his eyes tight and slowly turned. He half expected to see Dee-Dee standing there looking on in awe thinking that he had been singing to her. Instead, he found himself staring into the scowling face of a teenage girl.
“Can I help you?” he asked politely, still trying to place the girl on the other side of the register.
“Uh, yeah,” her voice was filled with attitude and she threw her hands on her hips as though she were a queen waiting to be served.
“Okay, what do you need help with?” he came from behind the counter and looked down at the girl. She looks so familiar.
“I need to use the bathroom,” she said and looked around the small store looking for a sign.
“Um, we don’t have a bathroom open to the public,” Nick answered, shrugging his broad shoulders. “Sorry.”
“Don’t you know that’s illegal? You’re supposed to have a bathroom that’s available to your customers,” she stepped closer and shook her head with as much attitude as any teenage girl could have.
“Well, then in your case it’s not illegal because you are not a customer. Sorry,” he gave his best smile and picked his magazine back up. Glancing over the top of the tattered pages, Nick watched in amusement as the young brunette stormed out of the store.
After a few minutes, Nick heard the bell jingle once again and waited before he turned around. He wanted to see how long he could mess with this girl.
“Excuse me?” a soft, annoyed sounding voice came from behind him.
“Yes?” he asked, still flipping the pages of the magazine. Turning around, his amusement faded and his stomach turned to knots. “Lizzie…”
“Nick,” she said, the frustration quickly fading from her tone. “I didn’t know you worked here.”
“You never asked,” he quipped with a grin. “It’s my grandparents’ shop…I just fill in from time to time.”
“Oh, I see,” she smiled. “Nick, do you think you could possibly bend the rules a little and let my daughter use your restroom? We’re just on our way out to the beach and we didn’t know anywhere else to go.”
“Sure, it’s right back there,” he pointed to the door marked “private.”
“Sorry about her attitude,” Elisabeth said quietly as she watched Kaitlyn stomp off to the tiny bathroom. “She’s mad at the world and takes it out on anyone who crosses her path.”
“It’s okay,” he smiled. “So, you’re going to catch some rays and get a nice tan, huh?”
“Yeah, but I practically had to drag her out of the house,” she rolled her eyes and pushed her hair away from her face. “I love it outside, but if she had her way she’d stay cooped up in her bedroom all day long listening to that dark rock.”
They were interrupted by the familiar jingle of the bell on the door. Nick smiled as Robert Butler and a small boy walked through the door. “Hey Mr. Butler,” he greeted politely. Smiling at the boy he said, “Well, hey there little man, how are you?”
“Fine,” Jacob said shyly and kept his eyes to the ground.
“Hi Dad,” Elisabeth gave him a kiss on the cheek and then stooped down to her son’s eye level. “Hey sweetheart, are you and Papa done already?”
Nick looked on in surprise at the fact that Elisabeth was Robert Butler’s daughter. He had known she made a good living as an attorney and was comfortable financially, but he had no idea just how comfortable she was. “What can I do for you today, Mr. Butler?”
“Not a thing, Nick,” he smiled and ruffled his grandson’s hair. “Jake spotted Lizzie in here and wanted to come see her. We’re actually on our way to the pier.”
“Well, I wanna go with Papa and Jake,” Kaitlyn’s attitude laden voice filled the conversations.
“I thought we were gonna go lay out on the beach and spend some time together since you didn’t want to go shopping,” Elisabeth turned to her daughter.
“We can do that some other time. I would rather spend some time with Papa,” she answered and walked past them out the door.
“I’ll talk to her, Lizzie,” Robert said and turned to follow Kaitlyn. “See you later sweetie, g’bye Nick.”
“See ya around Mr. Butler.”
Elisabeth let out a frustrated sigh and turned to see that Nick looked rather uncomfortable. “I’m sorry about that. I told you, she hates me.”
Nick was messing with the tattered magazine on the counter, folding and unfolding the corner of a page. Looking into Elisabeth’s deep brown eyes, he shifted his weight from foot to foot. “Why didn’t you tell me who you were?”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, come on Elisabeth. You know exactly what I mean.”
She was momentarily stunned by the tone of his voice, but quickly put up her defense. “Since when do I have to justify myself to you? Or anyone in this town for that matter? What difference does it make if Robert and Abigail Butler are my parents?”
Shifting his gaze from her intense stare, Nick sighed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so hostile…it’s just…I didn’t expect you to be Elisabeth Butler. It’s just…you’re from an entirely different world than I am.”
Elisabeth smiled and Nick found himself captured by her essence. She was everything he had ever looked for in a woman and here she was right in front of him, but still out of reach. How unfair could things get?
“Oh, please,” she scoffed. “That is a crock and you know it! I am no different from you just because of money. God, do you know how many times I have wanted to be someone different just because of my stupid last name? Everyone I have ever met has been threatened by me just because I come from money. I hate money.”
Nick smiled as he watched her cheeks flushed in anger and her brown eyes darkened. “I know this is gonna sound like a horrible make up line, but you look cute when you’re mad. Your nose does this little twitch thing,” he pointed to her nose.
Elisabeth covered her nose and her eyes widened. “It does not!”
“Yes, it does,” he laughed. “It’s too cute, though. Hey, can I make up for overreacting?”
“Nick, you don’t have to do that,” she protested. As much as she knew she already liked him, she couldn’t keep her mother’s words out of her mind.
“I know I don’t have to, but I want to. Just let me take you to dinner again tonight,” his blue eyes were pleading with her.
“Okay, dinner would be nice,” she smiled. “What time?”
“I’ll pick you up at 6:30,” he smiled. “Be ready to have a good time.”
“You betcha…I’d say you should come prepared, too.”
To Nick’s surprise, David showed up a little less than a half hour after Elisabeth left. He had offered to stay and work the rest of the afternoon, but David insisted that he go home and enjoy himself instead of being stuck inside the stuffy hardware shop. Now he was sitting in his kitchen staring at the small black and white television that was playing Days of Our Lives and eating a small lunch. He couldn’t help but be enthralled by the love triangles and all the drama unfolding. When he heard Winnie enter the kitchen, he quickly flipped the channel only to find another soap opera. Damn, I’m caught.
“So, what’s going on with Beau and Hope?” Winnie asked with a knowing smile. “Anything worth watching?”
Nick’s cheeks flushed pink and he took a sip of his soda. “Nothin’ but the same old stuff. How did you know that’s what I was watching?”
“Sweetheart, I’m old but I’m not stupid,” she laughed. “You’ve always loved that show. So, do you have any plans tonight?”
Fidgeting with the tab on his Pepsi can, Nick gave a short nod. “Actually, I’m having dinner with a friend.”
Winnie opened the freezer and pulled out some hamburger meat. Putting it into the sink, she turned on a slow stream of water to thaw out the meat she and David would be having for supper. “Oh, well, would this friend be Darla Dawn?”
Nick had to laugh at his grandmother. She never hardly ever used nicknames. “No, Gram, don’t worry. It’s someone you don’t know,” he said before he even thought about it. But, of course, she did know Elisabeth. Everyone that had been living in Sunset Beach for the last decade knew Elisabeth Butler. “We’re only going to dinner…I doubt there will be any sailing tonight.”
“There had better not be,” her voice was firm. “It’s supposed to storm tonight so I had better not hear of you being on that boat if it does.”
“Gram,” he walked over and wrapped his grandmother in a loving hug. “You know me better than that. I’ll call and let you know what’s going on, okay?”
“Okay,” she nodded.
“Hey, hit me one right here,” he grinned and pointed to his cheek. Winnie laughed but pecked her grandson where his finger had been. “Love ya, Gram.”
“So, where are you going tonight?” Kaitlyn asked, startling Elisabeth.
Glancing at her daughter, Elisabeth couldn’t help but be reminded of herself. Their resemblance had always been striking; they were often mistaken for being sisters instead of mother and daughter. Sweeping her long dark hair away from her face, Elisabeth offered a shrug and turned back to the mirror. She was trying very hard to ignore the hard stare that was boring into the back of her head. Kaitlyn may have only been 13, but she knew what buttons to push. She wasn’t stupid by any means.
“You’re going out with that guy aren’t you?” Kaitlyn asked, trying to get under her mother’s skin.
Loosing all patience with the interrogation that was going on, Elisabeth turned to face her daughter. “Since when do you start questioning my whereabouts? Have you forgotten I’m your mother?”
“It’s kinda hard not to forget when you’re trying so hard to be my friend. Why are you going out with someone else when you know that’s wrong? What would Daddy think?”
Elisabeth had to struggle to keep from laughing aloud. What would Joshua think? He would hate it, and he would tell me that I would not be going out with anyone. Yet, he would be out on the town with the next big breasted bimbo to shove her implants under his nose. She was infuriated at the thought, but kept her anger to herself. “If you must know, Katy, I’m going out with some old friends that I went to school with.”
Rolling her large, coffee colored eyes, Kaitlyn huffed what sounded like “yeah right” and stomped off to her bedroom just two doors down. “I swear, my parents will have to buy new doors for every room in this house.”
Feeling a presence behind her, Elisabeth turned and found Jake staring at her with wide, hazel eyes. “Mommy, where are you going?”
Pulling him onto her lap, she rested her head on top of his. “I’m going out with some friends. I’ll be back in a little bit.”
“Why did Katy get mad again?” he asked, his innocent voice tinged with sadness. “She gets mad a lot.”
“Yeah, she’s just upset with me. Don’t you worry about her, baby. Why don’t you go get Papa to play a game with you and I’ll be down there to tell you bye in a few minutes.”
When Jake scampered out of the room, Elisabeth turned once more and stared at her reflection in the mirror. “I hope this is right,” she whispered to herself. If this wasn’t as right as it felt, she would be proving her mother right and that was not something she wanted to do. Taking a deep breath, Elisabeth couldn’t help but wonder…I’ve heard love is better the second time around…is that what this is for me? She took one final look at herself in the mirror and felt herself hoping that this was, indeed, her second chance at being happy. After all, everyone deserves to be happy, right?
Something Like That by Bianca
Nick pulled up to the Butler residence and tried to keep the knots from forming in his stomach. He’d had plenty of crushes and his fair share of girlfriends, but never before had a woman had such an effect on him. He was normally cool and collected around women that intrigued him; it was different with Elisabeth. He had only just met her and he couldn’t keep himself from being nervous about what he should do or say. Any other time he would turn on a mega-watt smile and have her riding high on his charm. His friends jokingly called him a player, but he just saw himself as charismatic and likable. So what if he didn’t have a hard time with women?
For a moment he contemplated going to the door and knocking like a true gentleman would, but he remembered that Elisabeth had insisted he just blow the horn once or twice and she would be right out. He wiped his clammy hands on his khaki pants before reaching up and quickly pressing the horn twice. He hated that; it made him feel like such a jerk. After only a minute or so, he saw the large oak door open and Elisabeth came out. When Nick saw her, his breath hitched in his throat and he scrambled out of the car so he could open the door for her.
“Hey,” he smiled, his stomach doing flip-flops when he caught the scent of her peach shampoo. He opened the door for her, taking in her beauty. She was wearing a simple black dress, but Nick swore that the color black had never looked so good. She wasn’t fancied up in anyway, but that’s what Nick found so sexy. She’d look great in a tank top and a pair of boxers…
“Nice car,” Elisabeth smiled as she admired the vintage car. It was a 1966 cherry red mustang convertible. She felt a blush creep across her cheeks as Nick’s eyes traveled over her body.
“David was kind enough to let me borrow his sweet ride,” he grinned and started it up, revving the motor for dramatic effect. “So, are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be,” she smiled.
After a forty-five minute drive, Nick and Elisabeth arrived in Myrtle Beach. The drive had been filled with idle chit chat about little things along with a few awkward silences. Nick hadn’t told Elisabeth where they were going, only to dress nicely and she looked a little surprised when they pulled into the parking lot of Daemon’s. It was one of the nicest restaurants in the city and she couldn’t help but be a little more than flattered.
“Nick, are you sure you can afford this?” she asked before she realized how it sounded. “Oh, God, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just…I know this place is expensive and you have to worry about your car and…I just need to shut up, don’t I?”
Nick watched Elisabeth in amusement as she stumbled into an even deeper hole. “Yeah, I’d say that would help. Don’t worry about prices and stuff. Besides, if I run out of money, I’ll let you cover me.”
Elisabeth giggled slightly when he winked at her. It was when he put his arm around her that she tensed up. Geez, Elisabeth, make him feel like total shit why don’t you? Just chill out… she thought to herself and relaxed.
They were seated at the best table in the restaurant and began to look over the menus while there was another lull in conversation. Nick couldn’t keep himself from glancing over the top of his menu at Elisabeth. Why am I so damn nervous? he thought and wiped his hand on his pants once again. He quickly shifted his attention from Elisabeth to his menu when she looked up and found him staring. Great…now she’s gonna think I’m obsessive or something. To Nick’s relief, a waiter appeared to take their order and discomfort seemed to disappear.
“Do you bring every woman you meet to such nice places?” she teased and took a sip of her iced tea.
Nick laughed and began to fold and unfold his napkin out of habit. “No, actually, I hardly ever come here. I think the last time I was here was for Gram’s birthday. David and I brought her last year I think it was.”
“Well, to be honest, I’ve only been here once or twice,” she smiled and propped her head on her hand.
Nick smiled; it was infectious. She just had one of those smiles that made your heart melt no matter who you were or what you were doing. Before he could comment, their food was brought out and their conversation diminished as they enjoyed their meal.
“Thank you for dinner,” Elisabeth said as they exited the parking lot.
“I didn’t mind,” Nick smiled and made a left turn. “You wanna take a walk on the beach?”
No! Tell him no! her mind screamed. Instead she replied, “Yeah that would be nice.”
Nick grinned and found a parking space in one of the many small public spots. “I was hoping you would say yes,” he smiled and opened her door.
“Well, I always love a nice walk on the beach. Summer or winter. It doesn’t make a difference,” she said and followed him out onto the sand. The tide was out so the beach seemed to go on forever. Grabbing Nick’s arm for balance, she bent down slightly so she could slip off her heels.
Nick’s eyes danced with amusement as he watched her toss her shoes down beside a trash barrel. He decided that was a smart idea and slipped his shoes and socks off and tossed them down beside Elisabeth’s. “Getting comfortable, huh?”
“What are you doing?” she quipped and took off toward the warm water.
Nick chased after her tripping over his own feet and getting a face full of sand, causing Elisabeth to burst into a fit of giggles. “Hey, what’s so funny?”
“You are,” she laughed and dodged out of his reach. It had taken him no time to get back up and resume his pursuit. She squealed when he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, scooping her up into his arms. Her eyes widened when he began to wade into the water, stopping when it was just above his knees. “No, Nick…you wouldn’t.”
“Wouldn’t what?” he asked with an innocent expression plastered on his handsome face.
Elisabeth saw a glimmer of mischief right before he dropped her into the water and took off for the shore. “Nick!” she screamed when she surfaced just in time to see him tumble to the sand in a rage of laughter.
He sat up and tried not to smile as she stood in front of him looking like a drowned rat. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking. It was just an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.”
Elisabeth feigned a look of anger and pounced on Nick, startling him. They rolled around in the sand for a moment and when they came to a stop Nick was positioned over her, his hands on either side of her face. He slowly leaned down and gently brushed his lips against hers.
Elisabeth hesitated for a second until she felt Nick’s tongue slowly glide across her lips urging her to part hers. She opened her mouth slightly and as soon as their kiss deepened, Elisabeth felt a surge of excitement jolt through her body. She placed her hands on his face and slowly raked them through Nick’s tangled blonde hair. A tiny moan escaped her lips when she felt Nick’s hands travel down her body; she closed her eyes and leaned her head back when she felt his right hand ascending up her thigh as he pulled her leg to his side. His touch seemed to leave a trail of fire over her skin and she found herself wanting to feel him everywhere.
Nick left a path of scorching kisses across her jaw line and down her neck. He felt her body shudder beneath his when he gently began to nibble on the hollow of her neck and she was soon tugging at his shirt, trying to get it over his head. Breaking away from her silky soft skin, Nick pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it onto the sand so when the tide came in wouldn’t take it out into the ocean. Leaning back down his lips were eagerly greeted by Elisabeth’s and he slowly slipped her dress up and over her head. After a few minutes, all of their clothing lay scattered on the sand a few feet away and Nick’s lips were still performing their sensual assault on Elisabeth’s body.
“Nick…” he heard Elisabeth whisper, her breathing shallow. “Please…”
Nick pulled back, a few wisps of hair hanging in his blue eyes. “Is everything alright?”
Elisabeth let out a half sigh, half moan and arched her back slightly, longing to feel his warm skin against hers. “Please…” she closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip, “Don’t stop...” Pulling him back down on top of her, she began to cover him in warm, wet kisses…each one begging for more…
Elisabeth woke up to the feeling of cool water washing over her bare feet. Lifting her head up, she saw that she was wrapped up in Nick’s arms, their bodies still reeling from their intimate experience just hours earlier. “Oh, man,” she said quietly and tried to slip from Nick’s arms without waking him up. She would have to wake him up in a few minutes so they could get back to Sunset Beach, but she wanted to get dressed before then. After being married to the same man for 13 years, she had become quite self-conscious about her body and she would be embarrassed by him seeing her. Even after what happened.
She was able to get her undergarments on before he woke up, but just as she was about to slip her dress back on, Nick’s eyes fluttered open and he smiled up at her. She quickly got the dress on and picked up his clothes, looking away as she handed them to him. After a few minutes, Elisabeth felt Nick’s arms wrap around her waist and she could feel his warm lips on her neck. She closed her eyes enjoying the feeling for a split second, but she pulled away from him and kept her eyes to the sand.
“It’s getting pretty late,” she ran a hand nervously through her long hair. “I think we should head back.”
“Yeah, okay,” Nick said, feeling dejected. “Gram is probably going crazy.”
“Yeah…” Elisabeth sighed and started for the car. Oh, God, what did I do? How did I let that happen? Her mind was racing as she got in the car; she had never once been unfaithful to Joshua during their marriage. She began to think of Kaitlyn and Jacob and what was going to happen if anyone found out about her night with Nick. She felt a heaviness settle in her stomach when her mother’s face flashed through her mind. She’s probably waiting for me to come through the door so she can bitch at me…treat me like a sixteen year old again.
“Are you okay?” Nick asked as he backed out of the dark parking area.
Even in the shadows, Elisabeth could see the concern etched in his handsome features. Her stomach did a flip when she looked into his eyes and she had to look away quickly. “Yeah, I’m fine.” She glanced at the clock and saw that it was 2:43; it would be nearly 3:30 before they got home and she could already tell that the tension would be thick and uncomfortable. Every so often, she would sneak a peak at Nick. He was holding the steering wheel with his right hand and he had his head cocked to the side, propped up on his left hand. He looked miserable.
Finally, they pulled up in front of Elisabeth’s house and Nick cut the engine. He raked a hand through his hair—Elisabeth noticed he had a habit of doing so when he was nervous—and turned to stare at her. “Lizzie…did I do something wrong?”
“No,” she answered quietly, still unable to look him in the eyes. “It’s not you…it’s me.” I cannot believe I just used that line… she thought and rolled her eyes. “I just…I have some issues I need to work through right now. I’m sorry.”
Nick watched as Elisabeth got out of the car and walked into her house without so much as telling him goodbye or anything. He couldn’t help but feel terrible. He had enjoyed himself tonight, but he wondered if maybe he had crossed a line even if she had conceded to their actions; she never once told him no. Cranking up the car, he could only shrug and hope she would want to talk soon. God knows, I need to see her again…
Elisabeth was relieved when she saw that no one was waiting in the living room for her and the entire house was dark. “Good, maybe I can go take a bath in peace and get some rest,” she said and went to the window to make sure Nick had gone. When she saw that he was driving away, she started up the stairs and flinched when she hit the creaky step—third from the top, it had always squeaked and it always gave her away when she was trying to sneak in.
“You’re home late,” Kaitlyn came out of her room and stood at the top of the stairs with her arms crossed over her chest.
“And you should be in bed,” Elisabeth said and brushed past her daughter. She did not need to deal with an attitude right now; it would not be pretty.
“Yeah, and you shouldn’t stay out half the night. What kind of example are you being for me,” her daughter’s voice was blanketed with sarcasm. For a 13 year old, she definitely had a grown up way of talking to her mother.
“Kaitlyn, when you are older and more mature than I am, feel free to grill me on where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing, but until that day comes, which will be when either pigs fly or hell freezes over…take your pick, you need to mind your business and drop your damn attitude.”
Kaitlyn only gazed at her mother with a hard, amused glare. “What? You’re trying to be my mom now?”
Elisabeth only groaned and left Kaitlyn standing in the hallway. She didn’t care if her daughter went to bed or not, but she was going to take a bath and get all the sand off of her body. She jumped slightly when she heard Kaitlyn’s angry voice from behind her.
“You were with him, weren’t you?”
“With who?” Elisabeth didn’t turn to face Kaitlyn. If she looked at her daughter, she would give herself away.
“That guy from the hardware shop…what did you do…go swimming? Why is your dress wet? And where are your shoes?”
Elisabeth’s temper flared as her daughter interrogated her. Turning to face the teenager, she hardened her gaze. “Look, Katy, I already told you once to go get in bed. If you don’t do that right now, you will be sorry. Just mind your business and get out of here right now.” She watched as Kaitlyn’s expression softened and filled with hurt and she instantly felt regret. “Katy…I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, right,” Kaitlyn said and turned to leave before Elisabeth could say anything else.
“Yeah, great parental skills, Elisabeth,” she mumbled to herself and started a bath. “Now, she really will hate me…”
Glancing at the woman in the mirror, she pulled a hand through her long dark hair and felt herself being tugged back into her memories of being with Nick. She felt her entire body flush as she thought of the feeling of his lips on her skin as he sent wave after wave of pleasure pouring through her body. Shaking herself from that memory, she couldn’t help but smile. No matter how much regret she felt at that moment, she knew that she had done nothing that she hadn’t wanted to happen. She even found herself hoping it would happen again.
Nick sighed and got out of his car. He had been sitting in front of his house for about 15 minutes just thinking. He was startled out of his thoughts by someone waiting outside the car.
“Where the hell ya been?” Chase grinned as Nick emerged. “What did you do tonight?”
“Myrtle Beach,” he answered. “What are you doing here this late?”
“Late? Man, it’s early,” Chase laughed and followed Nick to the front porch, sitting down beside his friend on the porch swing.
“Yeah, right,” Nick laughed lightly and brushed some sand off his neck. He hoped Chase hadn’t noticed.
“Did you go by yourself or what?” Chase prodded as he started to move the swing back and forth.
“No, I had a friend with me, and before you ask, no, it wasn’t Dee-Dee.”
“Oh,” Chase nodded. “Well, who was it, then? Must have been a hot date…”
Nick shot Chase an inquisitive glance. “Why do you say that?”
“Well, you look like you’ve been frolicking around in the mighty Atlantic,” he chuckled and leaned closer to inspect his friend. “You’re covered in sand and your shoes are missing…did you go swimming in your clothes or something man?”
Nick smiled and thought about being on the beach with Elisabeth, loving her into oblivion. “Yeah, something like that.”
Can You Feel It? by Bianca
Elisabeth rolled over in her bed and looked at her clock. It was 6:15 am and she had probably been awake for two hours. It had been three days since her date with Nick and she had not seen or heard from him since. In fact, she didn’t really expect to after the way she had treated him. I can’t blame him if he doesn’t want to see me again… she thought and threw her covers off of her. She quickly made her bed and decided she could use a nice run on the beach making sure to leave a note on the kitchen counter so her mother wouldn’t send a search party out for her.
After finding her workout attire, she was on her way. It was already warm and humid; sure to be another nearly unbearable day. She crossed the small streets and made her way out to the beach, taking deep breaths of the fresh salty air. It had been a while since she had been jogging and even longer since she had been jogging on the beach. She had nearly forgotten how peaceful it was in the early morning.
After nearly half an hour, Elisabeth slowed her jog to a walk and began to catch her breath before she went back home. She stood at the edge of the shore letting the cool breeze that was coming off the water embrace her. Taking another deep breath of ocean air, she turned and began to jog back in the direction she had come from.
“Elisabeth?” she heard someone yell her name.
Turning around, she saw a tall blonde woman about her own age heading toward her. Elisabeth looked at the woman trying to figure out why she was beckoning her. As the blonde got closer, Elisabeth’s eyes filled with recognition and a smile began to spread on her face.
“Greta? Is that you?”
“I cannot believe it!” Greta exclaimed and threw her arms around Elisabeth’s neck in a friendly embrace. “When did you come back?”
Elisabeth laughed and returned the hug before stepping back to get a good look at her friend. Greta Henderson had been Elisabeth’s best friend all through junior high and high school, and she hadn’t talked to her in almost 2 years. “Wow, Greta, you look great!”
Greta blushed and pushed her blonde hair out of her face. “Thanks. You look great, too. Gosh, it’s been so long.”
“I know,” Elisabeth nodded. “I thought you moved away from this town like I did. I had no idea that you still lived here.”
‘Well, I’m on vacation with my husband; we’re living up near Charlotte,” she replied. “What about you? How is Joshua?”
“Joshua…” Elisabeth said his name as though it left a bad taste in her mouth. Crossing her arms over her chest, she looked down at the sand, “Well, he’s living it up I guess. I told him that I was bringing the kids down here for the summer and he could do what he wanted. It’s getting pretty bad with us, but it did last a lot longer than I thought it ever would.”
Greta frowned at the sadness displayed on Elisabeth’s face and in her voice. “If you want my opinion, I think you should just get out now. Liz, you could meet the man of your dreams and be the happiest woman on earth.”
Elisabeth cocked her head to the side and gave Greta a strange glance. “Yeah, I guess… Anyway, what are you doing out this early? I know you always loved to sleep.”
Greta smiled and her green eyes seemed to sparkle with pride. “My little girl was up early.”
“Greta!” Elisabeth smiled and hugged her friend again. “Congratulations! How old is she?”
“9 months. You will have to see her,” she said, the smile still on her face. “Why don’t you come over tonight and you can meet Lily. Then we could go out and get some dinner or something; Lawrence will watch Lily and we can have a girl’s night.”
Elisabeth smiled and nodded. “That sounds good. Are you staying in the same house?”
“Yeah, just come by some time this evening. I’m so glad we bumped into each other.”
“Me, too,” Elisabeth nodded. “I’ll see you later.”
She jogged back home and was relieved to see that no one was up yet. “Good, I can shower and hopefully have breakfast peacefully.”
“Good morning, Nick,” Winnie greeted her grandson when he found his way into the kitchen. She frowned when she got a good look at him. His hair was a tangled mess; standing up in every direction possible. He looked as though he hadn’t slept in a few days and the stubble on his chin was more than just a five o’clock shadow. “Are you okay sweetheart?”
“Morning,” he said unenthusiastically as he walked to the refrigerator and getting out the orange juice.
“Nick?” Winnie’s voice was full of concern as she repeated her question, “Are you okay?”
“Yes ma’am.”
Winnie watched as he poured a glass of juice and exited the kitchen just as quietly as he had entered. Smiling at David as he passed Nick on his way in, she sighed. “Have you noticed anything wrong with Nick?”
“Looks a little scruffy,” he answered with a chuckle.
Winnie just smiled at her husbands comment and checked the clock when she heard someone knock on the door. “I wonder who that is this early.”
David opened the door and found a grinning Graham.
“Good morning Mr. and Mrs. G. Lovely day isn’t it?”
“Morning, Graham. Would you like some breakfast?”
“No thank you, ma’am. Is Nick awake?”
“He sure is. In his room.”
“Thanks,” he said and started for Nick’s bedroom. He knocked once before going straight in. “Man, where have you been for the last three days?”
Nick looked up and smirked at Graham’s bright red and white Hawaiian shirt. “I’ve been here not feeling that wonderful. I think I’m coming down with something.”
“Man, that’s the funniest bullshit I’ve ever heard. Get dressed and come on…we’re gonna go out to the beach,” Graham said and left the room.
“What is this all about, man?” Nick asked as he and Graham began to wade into the water with their surfboards under one arm. “Why did we have to come surfing today?”
“Because you and I need to talk. What’s up with you, man? You’ve been acting so weird lately.”
“What do you mean?” Nick offered a chuckle.
“Well, okay, Chase said he saw you coming home at like 4 in the morning and your clothes were soaked. Who was the hot date with? I know it wasn’t Dee-Dee because she was at the pool hall that night.”
“No one,” Nick stiffened up and began paddling out a little further so he would be able to catch a good wave. “Didn’t you come out here to surf?”
Graham let out a frustrated sigh. “Somebody said they saw you with Robert Butler’s daughter…is that true? Cause man, you don’t need to mess with a married woman.”
Nick rolled his eyes; he knew it was too good to be true. “Why do you have to be all serious today? Let’s just surf and have some fun.”
“So, it’s true? You were with her, weren’t you?”
“You know what? I did not come out here to let you interrogate me on something that is not any of your business,” Nick said in a frustrated tone as he headed back for the shore.
“Tell me you didn’t sleep with her,” Graham called causing a few people nearby to stare.
Nick turned and glared at Graham as he also came ashore. “What the hell is wrong with you? Do you have to spread my business around everywhere like it’s nothing? I don’t want the whole town to know about what I do.”
“You did sleep with her, didn’t you?”
“Why the hell is that any of your business?” Nick asked defensively before he dropped his surfboard on the ground and stalked off.
Graham could only watch as his friend pushed through a small crowd of people that were trying to beat the rush of people that was sure to come. This is not a good thing.
“You’re going out again tonight, Elisabeth?” Abigail Butler questioned with a disappointed glance. “I thought you would like to stay in and spend the evening with your family.”
Sorting through the stack of mail lying on the counter, Elisabeth suppressed the urge to groan. Her mother would always treat her like a toddler, but she just wished she would leave her alone sometimes. “Mom, I have all summer to spend the evening with you, and I haven’t seen Greta in a long time. So, no, I will not be staying home tonight.”
“You really should be home with your children,” Abigail’s tone was almost condescending.
“Why? Am I a terrible mother? Is that what you think?” Elisabeth questioned as she watched her mother wash the few dishes that had been in the sink.
“No, that’s not what I said-”
“But that’s what you think. Look, I don’t know what changed these last couple weeks, but you have become a major pain in the ass when it comes to butting into my life. I’m sure that has a lot to do with all the talks you’ve been having with Katy; there’s no telling what she’s told you about me and how horrible I am.”
“She doesn’t hate you and you don’t have to hate me,” her mother’s face clouded with sadness. “I’m only trying to help you.”
“Well, stay out of it,” she retorted as the phone began to ring. “Butler residence.”
“May I please speak with Elisabeth Walker?”
“Speaking,” she replied, confused as to who was on the other end of the line.
As if reading her mind, the man said, “This is Michael Langley from Pittman and White.”
“Oh, good morning Mr. Langley. How are you?”
“Mrs. Walker, I’m afraid I am having some trouble. I have been in contact with your firm in Chicago and I’m afraid you’re no longer employed there,” his voice was soft and full of what Elisabeth could only detect as pity. “I was told you left with no warning; that you didn’t bother to call or contact anyone. I’m sorry.”
“No, there must be some mistake. I…oh God…” she trailed off and tried hard to fight back the angry tears that were quickly rising in her eyes.
“Well, I’m very regretful to have to say this, but without a firm’s recommendation, I cannot consider you for our position.”
“Okay, thank you,” she said and replaced the phone in a daze.
“Elisabeth, what’s the matter?”
“That son of a bitch,” she cried and put her head in her hands. “He’s trying to ruin my life.”
“What are you talking about?” her mother tried her best to console her. “What’s going on?”
Elisabeth straightened up and wiped her eyes. He is not going to get the best of me…no matter what… “Well, it seems as though I just left my job and now I’m unemployed; I’m sure I have Joshua to thank for that. He’s trying to make my life a living hell, but it is not going to work. I will not let him ruin me.” Rubbing her hands over her face, Elisabeth thought back to the day she left Chicago. Her boss—Jared Anderson—had been out of the office the entire day so she was just going to leave him a note explaining that she needed some time off. He was usually very understanding about those things because he knew what she was going through. Even if he was her boss, he was also a close friend and he knew everything that was going on between Joshua and Elisabeth. Before she left to take Jared her note, Joshua had offered to give it to him to make sure she and the children didn’t miss their flight to North Carolina.
“Oh, honey, I’m sorry,” Abigail tried to comfort her daughter.
Elisabeth shrugged off her mother and lifted the phone back to her ear, dialing the number to her firm back in Chicago. After two rings she heard Jill’s voice.
“Jill, hi, this is Elisabeth Walker. It seems there is a misunderstanding and I am a little confused about some things going on. Is Mr. Anderson around?”
“No, he’s out of the office today,” came her curt reply.
“Well, can you tell me what is going on, please?” Elisabeth nervously began to twirl a strand of her dark hair as she paced the length of the large kitchen.
“Mr. Anderson has had your belongings boxed up and he had them shipped to Mr. Walker. He said that if you felt like you were sick of the firm, he would respect your wishes.”
“Excuse me?” Elisabeth asked as confusion flooded her voice.
“When I called Mr. Walker he explained to me that you no longer wished to be employed by the firm and that’s why you left. I’m sorry you felt that way, Mrs. Walker, but Mr. Anderson has taken care of it.”
“Okay,” was the only reply Elisabeth could come up with. She suddenly felt like her throat was closing and she choked out, “Thank you.”
“Well, what happened?” her mother’s voice sounded far away.
“N-nothing.” Stubbornness took over inside Elisabeth and she plastered a smile on her flawless face.
“Darling, I’m so sorry,” her mother tried to reach for her but was once again shrugged away.
“Don’t be; it was time for a change anyway.” Elisabeth left the kitchen and went straight to her bedroom. Once inside and sure that no one was there to try and “be there” for her, she collapsed on the end of her bed and began to cry. Joshua was out for blood and if he wanted a fight, that is exactly what he would get.
“Oh, Greta, she’s beautiful,” Elisabeth cried when her friend brought her 9 month old daughter from the bedroom. “She looks just like you.”
Greta smiled and handed her baby to Elisabeth before easing down onto the couch beside her husband. “Well, thank you. Lawrence is a little jealous because everyone always says that, but I find if flattering.”
“Aww, well, she looks like both of you, but she just takes after Greta,” Elisabeth smiled in Lawrence’s direction. She pulled the infant closer to her, enjoying the feeling of a baby in her arms; she missed it so much.
After about twenty minutes, Greta got up and picked up Lily giving her a kiss before placing her in Lawrence’s arms. “Are you ready to go, Liz?”
“Absolutely,” Elisabeth smiled and stood up. No one would ever think that her whole world was crumbling around her.
Nick walked into the restaurant behind Chase and Graham. He hadn’t wanted to go out to dinner, but when they showed up unannounced at his door, his grandmother insisted that he go out and have a good time.
“Tell me again why you two felt like you had to “drag” me out of the house,” Nick asked, making quotation marks with his fingers.
“Because, my friend, you are bringing us down,” Chase grinned and threw his arm around Nick’s neck, pulling the tall blonde into a headlock.
“Yeah, man, learn to have some fun,” Graham laughed as Nick shoved Chase away.
When they were seated and looking over the menu, Nick stood up. “You two know what kind of pizza I like so don’t screw it up. I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you goin’ man?” Chase called.
“Do you mind if I go take a piss?” Nick turned to look him. “Okay, thanks.”
Shaking his head at his nosey friends, Nick pushed through the group of people that had accumulated in the entrance of the restaurant. “Excuse me.”
“No, it’s not that I’m scared of him. That’s not it at all; I’m more concerned about Kaitlyn and Jacob than anything else,” Elisabeth told Greta as they entered Pizza Hut. “Wow, it really is crowded in here.”
“Well, what do you expect for a Friday night?” Greta poked her tongue out. “Liz, I really think you should have Joshua served with divorce papers. You deserve so much more than he can give you and I think it’s time you dump him on his ass.”
“It’s not that easy,” Elisabeth mumbled as a waitress showed them to a booth. “That’s exactly what he wants and I am not going to give him that satisfaction.”
“What do you mean that’s exactly what he wants?” Greta asked as she opened the menu.
“He wants me to be the reason this marriage breaks up and I won’t let that happen. Kaitlyn resents me enough as it is, but she’s not going to hate me for leaving her father, too. I’ll let her see that he’s not as perfect as she makes him out to be.”
“I still don’t think you need to compromise your happiness to prove a point. Trust me honey, Kaitlyn will get over it if you two break it off. Don’t you remember how I hated my mother for leaving Dad? Now, she’s my best friend. It just goes to show you, just because you feel one way when you’re a teenager it doesn’t mean you will feel that way forever. Just consider leaving that bastard; you will be better off in the long run.”
“Yeah, I guess,” Elisabeth said and closed her menu.
“Oh, good,” Greta said and handed her menu to the man standing at the end of the table. “We’ll, have the-”
“Oh, no, I’m sorry, I’m not the waiter,” Nick smiled and motioned toward Elisabeth. “I just wanted to say hi.”
“Hi,” Greta said sarcastically.
“Nick,” Elisabeth looked up and felt herself smile. “How are you?”
“I’m okay,” he returned her smile and watched as she nervously tugged her hand through her hair. “I’ve been better.”
“Oh, where are my manners? Nick, this is my best friend Greta Henderson; Greta, this is a friend… Nick Carter.”
“Nice to meet you,” Greta smiled and curiously watched the exchange between the two “friends”.
“Uh, I was wondering if we could talk? I was on my way back to my table when I spotted you and well, my friends can wait,” Nick said as he jammed his hands in his pockets.
“Well…” Elisabeth started to protest.
“Go ahead, Liz. I’ll order for us, don’t worry. And take your time,” she winked at Nick.
Elisabeth took Nick’s hand and let him help her out of the booth before they headed out to the patio area of the restaurant. “So,” she said feeling a little awkward.
“I just wanted to apologize for the other night,” Nick’s voice was soft. “I don’t know what got into me and I shouldn’t have taken things that far.”
Sitting down on one of the cement benches, Elisabeth smiled and shook her head. “Nick, you weren’t the only one there that night and it’s not your fault. It takes two to tango; you didn’t force me to do anything against my will. I’m sorry, too. We were just caught in the moment.”
Nick smiled in relief and took her hand in his. “Lizzie…you’re all I can think about.”
Elisabeth looked into his eyes, shifting uncomfortably. Why did he have to say that? her mind began to scream. “Nick…”
Before Elisabeth could be rational with him, Nick took her face in his hands and seized her lips with his. He gently began to trace her lips with his tongue, begging her to open up to him. When she finally parted her soft lips, he slid his tongue into her mouth, entangling it with hers. After a moment, he was kissing her jaw line and down to the hollow of Elisabeth’s neck, setting her soul on fire. He followed the flushed trail back to her mouth before pulling away to look into her eyes.
Elisabeth looked deep into the gentle blue eyes that seemed to be questioning her. She could deny it no longer—there was something between them that she could not ignore.
Nick reached over and ran a hand through her mahogany hair; it felt like silk gliding through his fingers. He leaned in for another brief kiss before he picked up Elisabeth’s right hand and placed it on his chest over his heart. “Lizzie…I…you are all I think about anymore. Two weeks ago, I was a single guy with nothing to worry about and then I met you. There isn’t a second in the day that you don’t cross my mind.”
“Nick…” her voice was soft and she tried to pull her hand back, but Nick wouldn’t let her.
“Lizzie, please don’t push me away. You feel it too, I can see it in your eyes,” he said and pressed her hand back to his chest. “Here…can you feel it?”
“Feel what?” she asked quietly, tears stinging her eyes.
“That’s me, falling in love with you.”
If Hearts Could Speak by Bianca
Nick could feel his heart hammering faster and his throat went dry as he waited for a response from Elisabeth. He had gone out on a limb, yes, but he knew she felt the same way; it was written all over her face. Biting his lip, he felt Elisabeth’s hand, still placed over his heart, curl into a fist underneath his hands. He watched as she shifted her weight on the bench as she began to think about the confession he had just given her.
He felt his heart sink as Elisabeth stood up without saying anything. He assumed she was going to go back into the restaurant and leave him sitting there feeling like a complete fool. When she reached down and took his hand in hers, he looked up to search her soulful brown eyes. Maybe I’m not such a fool after all… Lacing their fingers together, Nick let Elisabeth lead him to his car. Wordlessly, they got in and began to drive, willing to go where ever their hearts were leading them.
Elisabeth opened her eyes and tried to get a hold on her whereabouts. Smiling, she remembered that she was at the Madison Inn with Nick. They had not said anything during the drive, but there were no words needed. The silence between them wasn’t uncomfortable or tense; it was very relaxed. They had driven for a while when they reached the cozy little inn just outside of Southport. Now, Elisabeth was waking up in Nick’s arms feeling very much in love for the first time in years. I could get used to this.
“Hey, you,” Nick’s sleep coated voice caused her to smile as she rolled onto her stomach and rested her chin on his chest so she could look into his eyes.
“Hey, yourself,” she whispered and placed a soft kiss on his chest. “Did you have a nice nap?”
“Yeah, I had very nice dreams,” he grinned and wrapped his arms around her. Pulling her even closer, he placed a loving kiss on her forehead.
Elisabeth sighed and enjoyed the feeling of being wrapped up in the arms of the man she loved. Suddenly, she sat up and wrapped the sheet around herself.
“What’s the matter?” Nick asked anxiously. A million and one scenarios flashed through his mind before her smile convinced him that there was nothing to worry about. Sitting up, he scooted closer to Elisabeth and tucked a few wild strands of hair behind her ear. “You know, I have never felt so right about something in my entire life. This is the way it should be.”
Elisabeth lifted Nick’s hand and kissed each of his fingertips before she placed his hand over her heart. “If my heart could speak, it would be screaming how much I love you.” When Nick cocked his head to the side and smiled, she placed her hand gently on his cheek. “I love you, Nick.”
Just hearing those words caused Nick’s heart to pound again. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her down across his lap and began to kiss her softly. “I love you, too, Lizzie. God knows how long I’ve been waiting for you.” Rolling over, Nick propped himself over Elisabeth and began to leave delicate kisses on her neck and shoulder. “I wish this could last forever.”
“Well, where could she be?” Kaitlyn growled as though a mother waiting for her daughter would. She hadn’t seen her mom since about 6:15 the previous evening and she had not come home. “She doesn’t even act like my mom!”
“Katy, hush right now,” Abigail called and picked up the telephone. Luckily, Elisabeth left Greta’s home and cell phone numbers in case something happened. “May I please speak with Greta? Oh, good morning, Greta, this is Abigail Butler. I’m just wondering if you’ve seen Elisabeth. She didn’t come home last night and I’m terribly worried. Oh, you haven’t? Since after dinner? Okay, well, if she calls or goes by there, please tell her I’m worried sick. Thank you.”
Kaitlyn watched her grandmother as she paced around the living room.
Suddenly, Robert appeared in the door way. “Abby, hon, I’m going to the hardware store, do you need anything from anywhere?”
“No,” she waved him off. She hadn’t told him about Elisabeth and she wasn’t going to. He would only tell her that their daughter was a grown woman and there was nothing they could do. There’s always something I can do.
“Papa, can I come with?” Kaitlyn asked before he could get out the front door.
“Sure, sweet pea. Let’s go,” he smiled and opened the door to reveal a cloudy, rainy day.
Kaitlyn climbed into the black Ford F-150 and scowled at the thought that her mother was acting like a teenager herself. Thinking back to earlier in the week, she remembered the blonde guy from the hardware store. Elisabeth had been acting like a school girl, blushing and giggling like an idiot. I bet she’s with that jerk. “Papa, who was that guy at the hardware store?”
“Which one?” he asked as they pulled onto Main Street.
“That young blonde guy,” she tried to sound as sweet as possible.
“Oh, that was Nick. He’s a nice boy. A bit too old for you though,” he winked at his granddaughter.
Kaitlyn tried not to gag. If he only knew how much she detested Nick right now. Putting on her prettiest smile, Kaitlyn followed her grandfather into the tiny hardware store and looked around for Nick. She stood back and watched as a couple people stood at the front talking to the man behind the counter.
“Good morning, David,” Robert greeted with a friendly smile.
“Mornin’ Bob. How’s Abby?” David asked.
Kaitlyn tuned out the conversation between the two men as she began to walk around the store. “This place is a dump.”
She continued her survey until she made her way back to the front and found that her grandfather was now at the other end of the store. They were the only ones left in there. Quietly, she walked over to the counter and stood there waiting for David to notice her. When he didn’t look up from the paper he was writing on, she let out an impatient sigh and threw her hands on her hips.
Finally, David looked up and peered at her over the top of his glasses. “Can I help you young lady?” his voice was gentle and patient.
Before Kaitlyn could come up with a smart mouthed reply, the bell on the door jingled as someone came in.
“Well, hello Graham. How are you doing today?” David smiled and placed his pen on the counter.
“Oh, I’m pretty okay,” Graham replied with a lopsided grin. “You haven’t, by any chance, seen Nick this morning have you?”
“No, Graham, sorry. He didn’t come home last night, but I think he called Winnie and said he would be home sometime today.”
As soon as the words came from David’s mouth, Kaitlyn began to fume. Nick had been out all night and so had her mother; that was no coincidence. She may have been 13, but she could put that puzzle together.
“I bet he was with my mom,” she blurted suddenly causing Graham and David to look at her strangely. “She didn’t come home last night either and I know they had to be together. Nick is like, stalking her.”
“Excuse me?” David asked with an amused expression and looked at Graham who could only shrug.
“Did you know my mom is married? And now she’s probably sleeping with Nick. When my Dad finds out, he’ll be down here to kick Nick’s ass,” her voice was rising with each word.
“Katy, what has gotten into you?” Robert came to see why his granddaughter was having a fit in front of David and Graham.
“Nick didn’t go home last night just like mom,” her voice was shrill and she stomped her feet. “Daddy’s not gonna be happy about that, Papa.”
“Come on, let’s go,” Robert was quickly losing his patience with Kaitlyn.
“But Papa, you have to do something…Nick is sleeping with mom…”
“That’s enough,” his voice boomed, causing Kaitlyn to jump slightly. “I am taking you home and I don’t want to hear another word about any of this, do you understand?” Kaitlyn nodded and Robert turned back to David. “Sorry about this. I don’t know what caused her to throw such a fit, but I’m sure her grandmother will find out.”
Nick rolled over and reached out to pull Elisabeth closer to him, but found her side of the bed empty. Alarmed, he sat up and looked around the room to see if she had snuck out; he let out the breath he was holding when he saw her clothes on the chair across the room and heard the shower going in the bathroom. Before he could get out of bed and go and join Elisabeth, the shower shut off and she emerged from the bathroom.
“Well, if it isn’t sleeping beauty,” Elisabeth laughed as she wrapped her long hair in a towel. “It’s about time you got up.”
“Yeah, well, I was tired. How long have you been up anyway?” he rubbed his eyes and stood up to stretch. Checking the clock on the bedside table, he saw that it was just after noon.
“Oh, only about thirty minutes,” she smiled meekly and let him wrap her up in his arms. Standing on her toes, she placed a soft kiss on his lips. “But that’s thirty minutes longer than you.”
“Oh, so you wanna be like that?” he scooped Elisabeth into his arms and tossed her on the bed, bouncing along with her.
Elisabeth laughed and tried to push him off the bed, finally succeeding after her fourth attempt. She giggled harder as he landed with a thud on the hardwood floor. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
“No, you aren’t,” Nick laughed and rolled his eyes as he rubbed his backside. Walking over to the window, he looked out to see that it was overcast and had been raining. He smiled to himself when he felt Elisabeth wrap her arms around his waist from behind.
“This is the perfect day to spend inside under the covers,” she said softly and kissed his shoulder. She placed another kiss on his shoulder before going across the room and pulling Nick’s shirt on and unwrapping her hair from the towel.
Nick turned and watched as she gently combed her hair and pulled it up into a sloppy ponytail. Her eyes seemed to sparkle like never before and she asked, “So, what do you think?”
“I think I would stay here forever with you, Lizzie,” he smiled and sat down in the chair by the window. He motioned for her to come over to him and when she did, he pulled her across his lap. “I know it seems crazy; I have never done anything like this before. I’ve also never felt quite like this about a woman. You’re different from anyone I’ve ever met.”
“I feel the same way about you, Nick. I tried so hard to deny the way you made me feel, but that’s impossible. You’ve made me realize that everyone gets a second chance if they look hard enough. Thank you,” she whispered as tears glistened in her eyes.
Reaching up, Nick lovingly wiped away the few tears that had begun to travel down her cheeks. “You deserve a second chance; you deserve the world. And I’ll try my damnedest to give it to you.”
Elisabeth smiled and pressed her lips to his mumbling, “I love you” over and over.
“You know, Robert, Elisabeth has been acting very strange lately and she still hasn’t come home or bothered to call. She’s been seeing that boy, too,” Abigail said and crossed her arms over her chest as she thought about what he told her Kaitlyn had said to David Gaines. It was nearly midnight and they were both still up hoping Elisabeth would be home soon. “What if she is sleeping with him?”
“Abby, that is absurd and you know it,” Robert said as he flipped through the newspaper. Surely, his wife didn’t actually believe their granddaughter. “Elisabeth is a grown woman and she’s not stupid; she knows what that could do. So she went on a couple harmless dinner dates? God knows Joshua has been doing a lot more than just having dinner. You and I both know he isn’t faithful to her, and I could kill him for that, but Elisabeth isn’t the type to stoop to his level.”
“Yes, I guess you’re right, but I can’t help but wonder. I worry about her so much,” she let out a tired sigh. “You know she lost her job?”
“What?” Robert put down the paper to look at his wife. “How did that happen?”
“Elisabeth said it was because of Joshua, but she didn’t give me details. Robert, I’m so worried about her,” Abigail said as she broke into tears.
“Shhh, honey, Lizzie’s strong and stubborn like you. There’s no need to worry.”
Kaitlyn rolled her eyes as her grandfather defended her mother. “What a crock,” she mumbled to herself as she hid in the kitchen stairwell, eavesdropping on her grandparents’ conversation. She scowled when he began to talk about her father. Mom even has Papa lying about Daddy. When her grandmother began to cry, Kaitlyn quietly crept back up the stairs to her room.
Walking over to the window, she saw an older model mustang convertible pull into the driveway. She watched in disgust as her mother leaned into Nick for a kiss; they seemed so wrapped up in one another that nothing could have gotten their attention. “God, Mom, why don’t you just undress for him right there.”
Crossing her arms over her chest, Kaitlyn closed the curtains and let out a frustrated sigh. “Yeah, a couple dinner dates. Right.”
“Is it me, or did this day just go by way too fast?” Nick asked as he pulled Elisabeth in for a kiss. The day had been perfect and he had begged her to stay one more night with him at Madison Inn, but she insisted that they come back to Sunset Beach.
“Yes, it did,” she said between kisses. “This has been so perfect, Nick.”
“I love you,” he whispered and crushed her lips against his. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her.
“I love you, too, Nick,” she said and tangled her hands in his hair. After one more kiss she reluctantly pulled away and got out of the car. Before she went inside, she turned and blew him a kiss then turned and quickly disappeared into the house. She didn’t stop until she was safely in her bedroom with the door locked. Everything had been perfect so far and she wasn’t going to let her mother and daughter ruin it. After all, if her heart could speak, it would be telling her that everything was right and she shouldn’t worry about what they had to say.
Tears In The Night by Bianca
Elisabeth pushed herself away from her bedroom door and walked over to her dresser to find a t-shirt to sleep in. She had just pulled the oversized shirt over her head when she heard a banging at her door and the knob was furiously jiggling back and forth. Can’t you just please leave me alone until a decent hour? Please? With a heavy sigh, Elisabeth walked over and unlocked the door, opening it slowly.
Not waiting for the door to open completely, Kaitlyn barged in and caused the door to shove into her mother. “You were out a long time,” she spat hatefully and looked at Elisabeth in disgust.
“Kaitlyn, go to bed,” Elisabeth’s reply was short and her expression was one of annoyance.
“No,” came her defiant answer. “I’m not going to bed. And just so you know, I called Daddy and told him you were having sex with some boy you met down here and he’s not happy.”
Elisabeth’s face paled as she absorbed what her daughter said. “You what? Why would you tell him something like that?”
“Look, Mom, I’m not stupid, okay? I saw him looking at you and you were acting really stupid around him,” Kaitlyn’s young face was twisted with a look of loathing.
Just as Elisabeth was about to comment, the phone began to ring and her daughter began to smirk hatefully.
“And by the way, I just called him to let him know you were home; that's probably him now,” she said and picked up the telephone. “Hello?”
Elisabeth watched as Kaitlyn greeted her father sweetly, and felt her stomach churning. She knew Joshua would believe Kaitlyn no matter what she said. He won’t care about anything I have to say if Katy already told him everything. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she took the phone from Kaitlyn’s hand and tried to prepare herself. “Hello?” her voice came out a whisper.
“Well, how is my wonderful wife? Doing very well…so I’ve heard,” Joshua’s voice sounded loudly.
“I’m doing as best as I can be considering all you’ve put me through,” she shot back quickly becoming angry.
“Why Lizzie, I don’t know what you’re talking about. You know-”
“Save it Joshua.”
“You save it, Elisabeth,” his voice darkened causing a chill to travel up Elisabeth’s spine. “I hear you’ve been romping around with some boy that you met…tell me you aren’t that ignorant Elisabeth.”
Turning to look at Kaitlyn, Elisabeth covered the receiver and pointed toward the door. “Get out, now. You and I will talk in the morning.”
Instead of protesting, Kaitlyn did as she was told.
Giving her attention back to Joshua, she forced a laugh. “So, you are going to believe our 13 year old daughter? May I remind you she hates me and would do anything to make me the villain? She has no proof of me sleeping with anyone. Besides, why should I share my bed with anyone when I’m married to you and clearly in love? After all, we both know that you love me and stay faithful no matter what,” her sarcasm was as thick as her southern drawl. “What do you care anyway, Joshua?”
“I care for the sake of my children,” he yelled into the receiver and Elisabeth had to pull the phone away from her ear.
“Let me tell you something, Joshua, the day you can look at me and say you love me and mean it, I will believe you. If you can ever look at me and honestly say that you have never cheated on me I will not think twice about staying with you, but until then, I will do what I want. Just the way you do.”
“No, that is where you are wrong Lizzie." he laughed a cold menacing laugh. "You've committed adultery.”
“You've cheated on me a countless number of times Joshua-”
“I will be filing for divorce and I will get custody of Katy and Jake…you can bet on that. Don’t fuck with me, darling. You will want to save that for Nick.”
Elisabeth didn’t have a chance to respond before the line went dead. He’s going to try and take my children from me… Grabbing a pair of shorts out of her dresser and slipping on a pair of sandals, she grabbed her keys and started down stairs. Before she got to the staircase, she saw Kaitlyn was watching her at the end of the hallway.
“Damn it Kaitlyn, I said go do bed. Now!” she shouted and watched as her daughter obediently went into her bedroom and shut the door.
“Elisabeth, where are you going?” she heard her mother call from the top of the stairs.
“Out,” she shouted back and slammed the front door behind her.
Nick turned the car onto his street, softly humming to himself. He hadn’t been this happy in a long time…if ever. All he could think about was Elisabeth and the romantic day they had spent together. She was like an addiction…the more he had, the more he wanted. Just thinking of her made him flush with desire. Pulling into his driveway he saw a familiar car parked in his spot. Getting out and walking up to the porch he came face to face with Dee-Dee sitting on the top step hugging her knees tightly to her chest.
“Dee-Dee? What are you doing here this time of night?” he asked quietly.
Dee-Dee looked up at him with worried hazel eyes. Her long blonde hair was a mess and she looked like she was going to be sick. “I didn’t know where else to go, Nick,” she whispered.
Sitting down beside her, he put his arms on his knees and offered a friendly smile. “What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” Stupid question…of course it’s not. Why would she be on my front porch in the middle of the night if everything was fine?
“No,” she said as her chin began to quiver and tears appeared in her eyes.
“Well, what is it?” he asked trying not to sound too impatient. He hated guessing games.
“Nick…” she paused and took a deep breath, “I’m late.”
“Huh?” he didn’t quite understand why she was telling him she was late. “What are you late for?”
Dee-Dee rolled her eyes and let out a groan. “Nick, I’m late,” she said the word slowly and hoped he would get where she was going.
“You’re late…” he echoed her statement. Maybe he was stupid or just too damn happy, but he wasn’t following her at all. Repeating it once more in his mind, it suddenly hit him and he knew exactly what she meant. “You’re late?”
She nodded and kept her eyes averted to the porch. “I was supposed to start my period two days ago, and I know it’s really soon, but I just get worried about this and I didn’t know what else to do.” Her words were all running together and Nick suddenly felt a lump rising in his throat.
“It’s not mine,” he said in a cool tone. “Can’t be. We used protection.”
There was no way Dee-Dee could be pregnant…not by him at least. He stood up abruptly and looked down at her. She was still sitting in the same position she had been in when he drove up, but now she was sobbing lightly, obviously scared.
“I think you should get out of here,” his voice was soft, but forceful.
“What?” she stood up to look at him. “I just told you that I haven’t had my period and could be pregnant and you’re telling me I need to leave? Let me enlighten you, Nick…if I am pregnant, it’s yours. I haven’t been with anyone else, so that’s not an option. I know we used protection, but that doesn’t mean things can’t happen.”
“Look, Dee-Dee, it’s late and I don’t feel like dealing with this crap right now. So, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna go inside and get in bed. You’re welcome to stay out here on the porch if you really want to,” he told her and started inside.
“Why don’t you want to deal with it, Nick?” Dee-Dee’s voice filled with a mixture of hurt and anger. “Is it because of that whore everybody has been seeing you with?”
Nick stopped in his tracks and turned to look at her with cold eyes. “Since when is my life any of your business? And Elisabeth is not a whore, so stay out of it.”
“Oh, sure,” she blurted sarcastically. “Okay, first of all, she’s married and has kids. Second of all, you haven’t known her for a month and you’re already sleeping with her? Yeah, totally not a whore.”
Before Nick could think about his reaction, he had Dee-Dee by the arm and his face was inches from hers. “My life is none of your business. It’s none of Graham’s business either,” his voice was low and angry. “Elisabeth is not some street whore that any guy can pick up, and the only reason you have a problem with her is because you’re jealous. Now, I said you need to leave.”
“Oww…Nick, you’re hurting my arm,” Dee-Dee’s voice was soft and fresh tears rose in her eyes. “Please, stop. You’re scaring me.”
Realizing what he was doing, Nick’s expression softened and he released his grip on her arm. It was red and he would be lucky if it didn’t leave a bruise. “Dee…I’m sorry.”
“Don’t…” she whimpered and backed away. “I’ll just go.”
“No, Dee-Dee,” he said and pulled her to him, resting her head against his chest. “I’m really sorry. I don’t know why I did that.”
Dee-Dee only nodded slightly and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I know why…you love her don’t you?”
Nick opened his mouth to reply but quickly closed it again. Letting out the breath he seemed to be holding, he simply nodded.
“It’s obvious, Nicky,” Dee-Dee said with a sad smile and rested her head back on Nick’s chest.
Nick sighed, feeling terrible about how he had just treated her. He began to rub her back, trying to comfort her as she began to cry again. Just then, a set of headlights fell over them, and Nick put his hand up to see who had pulled into his driveway. “Oh, shit…”
Elisabeth stopped the Denali, but didn’t get out. She watched as Nick tried to shield his eyes from the headlights and saw his face immediately fall. He had been caught.
“That son of a bitch,” Elisabeth yelled throwing the car into reverse.
“Elisabeth!” Nick tried to pull away but Dee-Dee had him by the shirt.
“If you leave Nick, I'll tell her about the baby. I'll tell her that you slept with me while you were sleeping with her.”
Nick pushed her away, breaking free of her grip as he stumbled backwards on the porch. “Shut your mouth Dee-Dee.”
Dee-Dee watched, eyes wide and mouth gaping, as Nick raced off the porch at lightening speed.
“Elisabeth!” Nick called again and took off down the street behind the large white Denali. Luckily, there was a stop sign at the end of the street and he was in front of the vehicle before she knew it. “Lizzie…”
Elisabeth looked at him with tear filled eyes and tried to stay calm. He had his hands on the hood of her SUV and was panting for breath after having to catch up with her. Lowering her window, she took a deep breath and tried to gather her thoughts. “What is it, Nick?”
“Lizzie…I know how that looked, and-”
“And let me guess. It’s not what it looked like?” she cut him off and rolled her eyes, determined to keep her tears from breaking free.
“Yes, it’s not at all what it seems,” he cried and cautiously came around to her door. “She’s just a friend who is having a hard time right now and she didn’t know where else to go.”
“Nick, you really don’t have to explain. I understand really,” Elisabeth forced a tight smile and avoided his large, glassy eyes.
“Lizzie, please, you have to believe me,” Nick’s voice was blanketed with desperation and his blue eyes filled with tears. He didn’t know what to say to get her to listen to him; she was pissed. I really can’t blame her…
“No, Nick, I don’t have to believe you because you don’t know how many times I have heard that phrase in my life. It’s all I ever hear,” she shouted and gripped the steering wheel so tightly her knuckles were beginning to turn white. Looking straight ahead, she laughed cynically, “I’ve gotten so used to being treated like shit by the man I love; it’s like second nature to me.”
“No, you don’t understand-”
“Oh, I understand perfectly, Nick,” she interrupted him again. She was in no mood to hear him out; she’d had enough of this for one night. “I’m sorry I took your advances the wrong way. But that’s not really my fault, is it?” Glancing at Nick briefly, she ignored his tears. Crocodile tears… “I’m sorry that I interrupted such a special Hallmark moment; I should have just stayed home. Sorry for bothering you.”
“Elisabeth, please,” he begged as she pulled forward and shook her head no.
“Please, just stop, Nick. Please,” she said before making a right turn. She didn’t know where she was going, but she knew she was not going home.
“Damn it,” he shouted as he sank to the curb and put his head in his hands. When he felt Dee-Dee’s hand on his shoulder, he shrugged her away. His voice was thick with tears. “Dee-Dee, you need to leave, now.”
“But you really don’t need to be alone,” she protested and started to sit down beside him.
“No,” he shouted. “Get out of here…leave me alone.” He didn’t want to see or look at Dee-Dee; he knew that no matter what he said to her right then, it would be out of spite and he would later regret it. All he wanted to do was figure out a way to prove to Elisabeth that she had misinterpreted the situation. She has to believe me…
“You're a fling for her, Nick. Something she can tell her friends that she did this summer. But it won't last, Nick, she can't make you happy,” Dee-Dee said kneeling beside him and stroking his hair.
“And what, Dee-Dee, you can?” He replied in a shaky voice watching, with tears in his eyes, as the Denali disappeared around the corner.
Another Side Of You by Bianca
***Three Days Later***
Elisabeth rolled over on her bed, and sighed forlornly. She had been holed up in her bedroom as much as she possibly could have been in the last three days. Her mother had begged her to come and spend some family time with them; anything to get her out of her bedroom. Looking at her watch, she saw that it was almost 3 in he afternoon and she was still in her pajamas. It was a beautiful day; it had been beautiful all week, but she didn’t feel like going anywhere. She looked up when she heard her door open.
“Mommy?” Jacob poked his head around the door, looking very upset. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, sweetie. Come here,” she motioned to her son, forcing a smile and opening her arms out for him. When he clumsily climbed onto the bed, Elisabeth wrapped her arms around him and rubbed his back. “Are you okay?”
“I miss you, Mommy,” his eyes were wide and his soft voice broke her heart.
“Aww…baby, you know I’m right here,” she felt guilty for neglecting her children. “I just haven’t been feeling good lately and I didn’t want to make you sick, too.”
Jacob nodded and hugged his mother tighter. “I love you, Mommy.”
Elisabeth smiled and returned his embrace. “I love you too, baby.”
Kaitlyn walked down the sidewalk on Main Street on her way to the beach. She was alone for the first time since they had been in North Carolina and she was loving it. She hated how her mother always said she had to have someone with her. She rolled her eyes at the thought of Elisabeth. She’s probably still sulking in her room. God, I hate her… Looking to the other side of the street, she saw Nick come out of the tiny hardware shop his grandfather owned. This is my chance, Kaitlyn thought with a sneer as she quickly crossed the street.
“Hey, Nick!” she called and watched him turn around with a questioning look on his face.
“Yeah?” he asked uncertainly. “What’s up?”
She rolled her eyes at the t-shirt he was wearing. Role model…whatever… “You’re the guy that’s been screwin’ around with my mom, aren’t you?”
Her abrupt question caught him off guard and caused a few passers by to look their way. “Wh-what?”
“You heard me, you dick,” she made no attempt at lowering her voice.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Nick smirked and started to walk away, hoping she would just leave him alone. He had to wonder if Elisabeth knew where her daughter was.
Kaitlyn glared at him and began to follow. “You kept my mom out all night and did God knows what with her. Did you realize she’s married? Or do you just not care?”
Nick could feel his cheeks beginning to burn with embarrassment. Lowering his voice, he got closer to the teenager. “Look, I know you hate me, but don’t go around spreading news that you have no proof of, okay? You’re gonna get yourself in trouble.”
“Oh, like I’m scared of you,” she scoffed and rolled her big brown eyes. “All I know is that when my Dad gets down here, he’s gonna kick your ass.”
Nick rolled his eyes in return. “That’s nice to hear,” he said and climbed into David’s beat up old Chevy truck.
“He will!” Kaitlyn yelled once more before he drove away. Turning around, she smiled to herself in satisfaction.
Elisabeth sat in the living room reading the paper when her mother walked into the room. She could feel her mother’s eyes boring into her from the chair across the room. She ignored it as long as she could, but finally had to put the paper down and look at Abigail. “What?”
“Elisabeth…can we talk?” Abigail sounded uncomfortable.
“There’s nothing to talk about, Mom,” she replied flatly, picking the newspaper back up.
“I think there is, Elisabeth. You are acting very strange and I’m worried about you.”
Before Elisabeth had a chance to say anything, the doorbell rang. She quickly stood up. “I’ll see who that is.”
Opening the large door, she came face-to-face with Greta. “What are you doing here?”
“Get dressed,” Greta said as she pushed her way into the house. Looking Elisabeth up and down, she shook her head. “You can’t go out lookin’ like that.”
“Go out?” she looked at Greta skeptically. “, we’re not going out tonight. You must have forgotten to call me, but I knew nothing about this.”
“Nope. I’m well aware that I didn’t call you; didn’t intend on calling, now, get your butt upstairs and get ready. We are going out,” she said in a bossy tone as she pushed Elisabeth to the stairs. “C’mon, we don’t have all night.”
“Greta, no…” she protested, but it was no use. Greta Henderson was not taking “no” for an answer.
Half an hour later, Greta was pulling Elisabeth, who was now dressed in a pair of curve-hugging black pants and a midriff bearing, red halter top, back down the stairs. “Let’s get this show on the road,” she said and sent a toothy grin in Abigail’s direction.
“Elisabeth, you’re not going out like that, are you?” she sounded appalled.
“She has no choice,” Greta smiled again before shoving Elisabeth out the door. “We’re gonna tear this little beach town apart.”
“Why did you make me wear this?” Elisabeth asked as Greta led the way into Hurricane, the local club. The only club or bar located in Sunset Beach.
“Because, you are too hot not to show yourself off. And trust me, you will be available soon; I just know it!”
Elisabeth rolled her eyes, feeling extremely self-conscious. She could feel people staring at her and she couldn’t help but try and hide her body from their watchful eyes. “I wish you would have let me wear what I picked out,” she whispered to Greta as they neared the crowed bar.
Immediately the bartender was eyeing the two women with a smile on his face. “What can I get you ladies, tonight?”
“Oh, I’ll have a Back Street Banger,” Greta smiled and looked at Elisabeth. “What do you want?”
“Nothing strong, please.”
“My friend will have an Alabama Slammer.”
(AN: Yes, I know what you’re probably thinking…but a Back Street Banger is a real alcoholic beverage and yes, that is a pun. I did my research. =D)
“Greta, I said nothing strong,” Elisabeth cried when the bartender handed them their drinks and winked at her. “What are you trying to do?”
“I’m only trying to get you to lighten up,” Greta smiled. “Let’s have some fun.”
***An Hour Later***
Greta looked around Hurricane for her friend, but didn’t see her anywhere. They had both been drinking, but once Elisabeth got started, she hadn’t stopped. And she certainly had not paced herself at all.
“Liz?” she called and looked around the crowded bar. When she heard some music start up and a group of men hooting and hollering, she knew what was going on. Making her way over to the crowd gathered at the bar, she was shocked to find Elisabeth dancing—on top of the bar. “Elisabeth! Get down!”
Elisabeth only smiled and shook her head “no” as she kept dancing, eagerly taking the $20 that was being handed to her by a heavy set, bald man in his late 50’s. “I’m having so much fun,” she slurred and shimmied to the end of the bar.
Greta watched in horror and disbelief as Elisabeth Walker continued her provocative dance atop the bar; the men were looking up at her, egging her on.
Elisabeth only smiled drunkenly, loving the attention she was getting.
“Man, chill out and have fun,” Chase told Nick as he wrapped his arm around his girlfriend’s waist.
“We are going to have fun,” Joylyn smiled at Nick.
“Yeah, right. Coming to Hurricane isn’t my idea of fun,” Nick protested as they entered the smoky bar. The lights were dimmed and slow, sultry music drifted into his ears. “Damn,” he laughed as he watched a woman dancing atop the bar. “When did they start having entertainment?”
Chase laughed and shrugged. “Who knows? Didn’t I tell you this would be fun?”
Nick chuckled and headed toward the bar to get a better look at the woman with the sexy moves. “Oh my God…”
“What’s the matter man?” a guy standing next to him asked. Taking a sip of his beer be smiled, “Damn, she is hot.”
Nick looked disgustedly at the man and pushed past him, trying to get near Elisabeth. When he was close enough for her to hear him, he called her name. “Elisabeth!”
Hearing her name called, Elisabeth stopped and looked around, beads of perspiration on her shoulders. “What do you want?” she slurred.
“Lizzie, I think you should get down. We need to talk about the other night.”
“Look,” she threw her hands on her hips and nearly tumbled off the bar. Barely catching her balance, she giggled and then gave Nick a serious look, “I ’ave nothin’ to say to yooouuu.”
“I just want to explain about the other night.”
“Lucy…you ’ave a lot of splaining to do,” she did a terrible impersonation of Ricky Ricardo before bursting into another fit of giggles. “Why don’t yoouu jus’ go back to that lil girlfriend of yours? Hmmm?”
“Lizzie, please? You don’t know what you’re saying. You’re drunk! Come on, get down,” he offered his hand up to her as she began to sway her hips once again.
“I said no! Now, take your lyin’ ass back to that lil girlfriend of yours!” she shouted and flipped her hair back, causing the men to go wild again.
“Damn it Elisabeth, come down here and talk to me.”
“Nick…you can’t fuck us both,” her voice was loud. “So, go back to her…I’m not getting in the middle of that.”
Taking a deep breath, Nick tried to calm himself down. “Well, what am I supposed to do when she might be carrying my child? Tell her to get the hell out of my life?” Looking around, he saw that every eye in the place was focused on them. Oh, shit. Shit shit shit!
Elisabeth seemed to sober up rather quickly when his last statement sunk in. “Let me down,” she said quietly to a man standing in front of her.
“What? You’re stopping?” someone shouted from the back.
Elisabeth only shot him the bird and rushed outside into the cool night air. “I think I’m gonna be sick…”
Nick came out right behind her just in time to see her, losing all the drinks she’d had before he got there. Rushing over to her, Nick pulled her hair out of the way and waited until she was okay.
Standing up straight, Elisabeth leaned back against the brick wall, eyes closed and a hand on her stomach. “Oh God…”
Holding up her hand she shook her head and kept her eyes closed. “Save it, Nick. I don’t want to hear it, okay?”
“No, why won’t you listen to me?”
“Why won’t I listen to you? For starters, you haven’t totally been honest with me…and I’m sick of being lied to by men. You’ve been sleeping with someone else and with me. I’m not ever going to be the other woman.”
“Oh, but it’s okay for me to be the other man?” Nick questioned.
Elisabeth looked at the ground. “That’s different.”
“How? How is that any different from you being the mistress? It’s no different, Lizzie! I’m the other man…but if it’s even suggested that you’re the other woman you get selfish and want out. Is that how it works?”
“No,” she said softly.
“This is another other side of you, Lizzie. I know what you saw the other night looked really bad, but what was I supposed to do? Yeah, I slept with Dee-Dee, but that was before I was with you. She was nothing more to me than a friend that I occasionally shared a bed with. But with you, it’s different. I love you. More than you could ever know. I know it hasn’t been very long, and that’s what scares the hell out of me, but you have to believe me.”
“I want to, Nick. I really do, but-”
“No buts, Lizzie. Please? I can assure you…if Dee-Dee is pregnant and it is my baby, that will not change the way I feel about you. Nothing could ever change that,” he said in a desperate voice as he pulled her close to him. “I will be here to help Dee-Dee because if that baby is mine, I want it to know me. I don’t want it to wonder who it’s father is it’s whole life like I did. But I swear to you, this is yours,” he said and placed his hand over his heart. “You don’t have to worry about that.”
Taking in his words, Elisabeth knew he was being sincere. He admitted he had made a mistake and he was willing to take care of his responsibilities. “I love you, too,” she said in a tear laden voice as she let him envelop her in a loving embrace. “Just please, don’t make me regret this.”
“Never,” he smoothed down her dark hair and placed a kiss on top of her head.
A Loving Husband by Bianca
The next morning, Elisabeth awoke with a raging hangover. Covering her eyes, she sat up slowly and tried to take in her surroundings. She threw her legs over the side of the bed and looked around at the bedroom. Where am I?
“Good morning,” Nick said as he came through the door, a glass of water and two aspirin in his hands. “How are you feeling?”
Gladly accepting the aspirin, she just shrugged. “I’ve had better days, that’s for sure. How much did I drink last night?” She wasn’t sure exactly what happened the night before, but she knew she had been plastered if she couldn’t remember much of anything. She could barely remember standing outside Hurricane talking to Nick, but everything before and after that was a complete blur.
Nick smiled and sat down beside her, gently running his hand through her sable hair. “I don’t know, but you were pretty trashed.”
“Yeah, I can’t really remember what happened.”
Nick chuckled to himself and shifted his weight on the bed. “Let’s just say you had Hurricane going wild when I got there.”
“What? How?” she asked quickly and tried her best to remember what she had done. She could remember Greta being there and then she remembered talking to Nick outside the bar, but she was still unsure about what she was doing before then.
“Well…” he hesitated, “Let’s just say last night was the first night I’ve ever seen entertainment like you.”
“Oh God,” Elisabeth’s cheeks blazed with embarrassment. “What was I doing?”
“Dancing on top of the bar,” he laughed as her eyes grew wide and her face turned another two shades of red. “Don’t worry, you didn’t undress; I think I got there before you could.”
“That doesn’t make it much better, Nick,” she mumbled and rubbed her hands over her face.
“Why don’t you go take a warm shower and I’ll make you some breakfast?”
“You don’t have to do that,” she started to protest. She was only a little hungry anyway.
Nick smiled and unexpectedly pulled her to him, pressing their bodies together. “I know I don’t have to, but I want to. I think if I’m making breakfast while you’re in the shower I’ll behave,” he said and cocked his eyebrow as a sexy smirk formed on his lips.
Elisabeth smiled and playfully pushed him away. Getting up she turned to look at him. “Who said you had to behave?” she questioned and left the room to find the bathroom.
Damn! he thought before heading to the kitchen.
Nick slowly made his way down the hallway to his bedroom, careful not to spill any juice or food. Gently pushing the door open with his foot, he saw that Elisabeth was sitting on his bed facing away from him. He watched as she applied a generous amount of body lotion to her legs and then began to massage it into her calves. Nick smiled and placed the tray on his bedside table.
“Here, let me do that while you eat,” he grinned.
“Oh, it’s okay. You don’t have to-” Elisabeth started to protest but Nick had picked the tray back up and positioned it over her lap. Then he promptly took a seat at the foot of the bed and brought her legs over his lap.
Elisabeth couldn’t help but smile at Nick as he gingerly began to work the sweet smelling lotion onto her legs. She couldn’t remember ever having a man take the time to do that for her. “Hmm, you’re good. Have you done this before?”
“Oh, no, not really,” he smiled boyishly.
“Where are your grandparents?” she asked after a moment of silence worry suddenly filled her dark eyes.
“They had some errands to run today so they are out till tonight.”
“Okay,” she said with a nod. “I know this wouldn’t be good if they found me here with you.”
Nick frowned at the doubt that filled her eyes. Is she having second thoughts? No, she just doesn’t want people to gossip…that’s it… “Even if they had an opinion of what I’m doing, they don’t ever say anything. They know I’m an adult and I can take care of myself; they’re very understanding when it comes to my privacy.”
Elisabeth forced a smile and took a sip of orange juice. They may have been understanding, but she was sure that they wouldn’t approve of her being an older, married woman.
“Are you okay, sweetie?” Greta asked quietly as they pulled up in front of the Butler residence.
Elisabeth nodded idly and stared out the window at nothing in particular. She decided it would be best if she called Greta to take her home so her mother wouldn’t jump all over her like she was a teenager late for curfew. “Yeah, I guess…”
“You don’t sound okay. Did something happen last night?” Greta’s concern made Elisabeth smile.
“No, nothing happened. I just…well…have you ever just really dreaded going home?”
“Aww, sure honey, that’s normal.”
“Yeah, I guess,” she mumbled. “Thanks for the ride home.”
“It’s fine,” Greta smiled and then added with a wink, “You were with me the entire night.”
“Thanks,” she leaned over and gave her friend a quick hug. “I owe you.”
“Don’t forget you said that,” Greta grinned and watched as Elisabeth slowly made her way up to the front door.
Getting inside, Elisabeth dropped her handbag on the table in the foyer and started for the stairs. She froze when she heard Joshua talking to her father in the den. What in the hell is he doing here? Slowly, Elisabeth walked into the spacious room and stood staring as Joshua sat on the couch, his back to her, talking to her parents who at the moment were laughing at some little quip Joshua had thrown out.
“Elisabeth, how are you sweetie?” Abigail smiled when she noticed her daughter standing in the doorway. “Did you have fun last night?”
"Loads," she answered evenly as Joshua stood and turned to face her, a sly smile on his face.
"Well, we'll leave you two alone." Abigail smiled, shooting her daughter a look that seemed to say "Joshua really isn't as bad as you have made him out to be." Robert followed suit, stopping long enough to give his daughter a kiss on the cheek.
“Ahh, Lizzie, darling…” Joshua’s voice was sickeningly sweet as he greeted her the way a loving husband would.
“Joshua,” Elisabeth stiffened as he laced his arm around her waist and placed a kiss on her lips. I’m going to be sick, she thought and tried to push him away. “What are you doing here?”
“Can’t a husband come see his wife?” Joshua feigned affection.
“Not this husband,” Elisabeth’s voice lowered and her gaze hardened. Shrugging his hands away from her body, she turned and started up the stairs. Unfortunately, Joshua was hot on her trail.
“Lizzie, baby…” he said in an annoyingly whiny voice as he followed her into the bedroom. Once inside the privacy of the room, Joshua’s demeanor quickly changed from loving husband to the son of a bitch he truly was. Grabbing Elisabeth roughly by the shoulders, he shoved her against the wall and dropped his voice to a menacing whisper. “Where the hell were you last night?”
“I went out with Greta,” she said trying in vain to free her small frame from his grasp. “If you must know, she took me out and got me drunk so I stayed the night with her. If you don’t believe me, call her and ask.”
“Cut the shit, Elisabeth,” he said and placed one large hand on her throat. “I know you arrived with Greta, but you didn’t leave with her.”
“Oh please, Joshua,” she scoffed, unafraid that he was threatening to choke her. “Why do you always assume something?”
“Because I know people in this town and don’t you forget that”
“Joshua, what are you talking about?” she asked and felt his hand slide away from her throat and into her hair. Before she knew what he was doing, Joshua swiftly moved Elisabeth from against the wall and shoved her down onto the bed. Elisabeth didn’t have time to react before she felt his body pressing on top of her. “Get off of me!”
“What’s wrong, Lizzie?” his face held false confusion. “Can’t a husband show his wife how much he loves her?”
Elisabeth struggled against his grasp. He had her arms pinned above her head and she felt his free hand sliding over her body. “Stop it!”
“Oh, I get it,” he nodded as his hand slid over her breast, “I’m not Nick.”
Closing her eyes, she tried to block him out, but it was no use. Joshua was taunting her; he was determined to make her miserable. “Please, leave me alone.”
“Does he touch you like this?” he asked and ran his hand up her thigh. Moving his hand around to her backside, he roughly pulled her body up against his. “Or is that how he touches you?”
Elisabeth squeezed her eyes shut and tried to fight back the tears that were pricking her eyes. “Why are you doing this? Stop!”
Joshua’s eyes darkened and he took Elisabeth’s face in his hand. “I want you to feel like the whore you are.” Not saying another word, he let her go and got off the bed.
She watched as he straightened his clothing and exited the room. Fighting the urge to throw her lamp at him, Elisabeth curled up on her bed as she began to cry.
Joshua walked quickly down the stairs and into the kitchen where Kaitlyn and Jacob were having a snack. Placing a kiss on his daughter’s forehead and ruffling his son’s hair, he looked at his mother-in-law and smiled. “Thank you for everything, Abigail.”
“Oh, it’s no problem hon,” she smiled warmly.
“Where are you going, Daddy?” Kaitlyn questioned, her eyes clouded with sadness.
“I just have some things to take care of, sweetie pie. I’ll be back soon and we can all go out as a family. Sound good?”
“Yeah,” she smiled.
“Okay, sweet pea. Love you guys,” he placed another quick kiss on both of their foreheads and walked out the back door. Getting into his rental car, he pulled out the cell phone. As soon as the person on the other end answered he said, “Thanks for the info. I’ll be in touch.” Everything was all working out.
“Yeah, it was pretty packed there last night,” Nick told referring to Hurricane. He was working the afternoon at the hardware shop because David had a few errands to run.
“It wasn’t that packed there the other night,” Graham replied as his cell phone began to ring. “Hang on a sec, man.”
Nick nodded and flipped through a sports magazine while Graham took his phone call.
“Okay, no problem,” Graham answered and the call ended.
“Who was that?” Nick asked as he continued to flip through the pages.
“No one,” his friend said. “Well, I should get going. Don’t wanna keep you from being productive.”
“Yeah right,” Nick laughed. “See ya later, man.” Letting out a quiet sigh, he checked his watch. Only two hours left, he thought and smiled.
Elisabeth sat up quickly, a loud pounding on her door dragging her out of a dreamless sleep. Looking around her room, she remembered that Joshua had been there when she got home. Suppressing her groan, she cleared the sleep from her voice and mumbled a quick “Come in.”
“Good to see you’re awake,” Joshua said and tossed a box on the bed beside her. “Put that on and get ready. The kids and I will be waiting downstairs.”
“What time is it?” she asked not moving.
“Dinnertime. Now get ready.”
Elisabeth waited until Joshua was out the door before she opened the box. Inside was a black dress. Pulling it out of its package, she examined it closely. It was long with spaghetti straps and an asymmetrical hem. The slinky material was sure to be form fitting. Slowly, Elisabeth got up and shed her clothes. She didn’t want to go out with Joshua, but she knew she didn’t have a choice. This was what he wanted. He had control now.
After about twenty minutes, Elisabeth had her make-up done and her hair was pulled loosely up with a few curled strands grazing her neck and shoulders. Grabbing a pair of strappy black sandals from her closet, she slipped them on and took a look in the mirror on the closet door. I hope we don’t run into Nick tonight, she thought sadly, desperately wishing she could call him. Okay, it’s now or never…
“Well, don’t you look ravishing?” Joshua met her at the bottom of the stairs and placed his lips on hers.
Quickly breaking the unwelcome kiss, Elisabeth looked at her mother. “We’ll be home early.”
Nick walked into his bedroom and checked his messages. Elisabeth told him she would call sometime during the afternoon and he had looked forward to coming home to a message from her. However, there was only a message from Graham. She’s just busy with her kids.
Flopping down on his bed, Nick let out a tired yawn and threw his arm over his eyes. He had been up the better part of the night making sure Elisabeth was comfortable and when he finally got to sleep it was dawn. Needless to say, he didn’t sleep long.
“Nicky, we’re home,” he heard Winnie call from the kitchen.
Meeting her in the hallway, Nick smiled and kissed his grandmother’s cheek. “Everything was cool at the shop.”
“That’s good darlin’,” she smiled and walked into her bedroom. After a moment she appeared back in the hallway. “What would you like for supper?”
“I’m not all that hungry-” Nick started before Winnie cut her eyes at him. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Okay, well, in that case we’ll have barbeque chicken. David’s out by the grill.”
“Alright,” Nick said and stretched a little before heading out to the back yard to help David. “What can I do?”
David turned to Nick, a pleasant smile on his face. “Well, we need some lighter fluid. Would you mind going to get some?”
“Nope, don’t mind at all,” he grinned.
Elisabeth sat in Joshua’s rented Mercedes and let her mind wander. She could hear Kaitlyn and Jacob arguing over something in the backseat, but they weren’t hitting one another yet, so she didn’t intervene. They were sitting in the parking lot of Food Lion, the only grocery store in town, because Joshua saw someone he knew. He had gone inside and she couldn’t see who he was talking to; when she asked him, he simply told her it was none of her business.
“Mommy, Katy hit me,” Jacob said as tears sprung to his eyes.
Elisabeth turned around to look in the backseat. “Kaitlyn, don’t hit your brother. You’re old enough to know that you don’t need to be forceful with him.” Switching her gaze to her son, she reached back and wiped his cheeks.
“So, what?” Kaitlyn cried throwing her arms up. “He’s a big baby and he only acts that way because you treat him like that.”
“Kaitlyn,” Elisabeth was in no mood to put up with one of Kaitlyn’s temper tantrums. “Sit back there and be quiet. I don’t want to hear another word from you.”
Huffing loudly, Kaitlyn crossed her arms over her chest and directed her attention out the window. “Bitch,” she grumbled under her breath.
Nick walked into the grocery store and was glad to see that it wasn’t packed with people. As he walked by the Deli/Bakery he decided he would provide the dessert for tonight as well.
After getting a chocolate cake, Nick rounded the corner to find the lighter fluid and ran into Graham who was talking to an older man. “Hey Graham,” he smiled and gave a polite nod to the man who simply looked at him with disinterest.
“Hey, bud,” Graham smiled and patted Nick on the back. Glancing at Joshua he motioned to his friend, “This is an old friend, Josh.”
“Nice to meet you, man,” Nick said and extended his hand.
Blowing off the handshake, Josh cocked his eyebrow and sized Nick up before directing his attention back to Graham. “Remember what we talked about. I’ll see you around.”
Nick watched, slightly amused, as Josh stalked off towards the front of the store. “What the hell was that about?”
“Nothin’,” Graham laughed. “He’s uptight sometimes.”
“Yeah, I noticed that.”
“So, what are you doing here?” Graham asked, changing the subject. “Thought you would be on a hot date with Elisabeth.”
Nick smiled at the mention of Elisabeth’s name. “Nah, she’s busy tonight. David is grilling out tonight so we’re having a family dinner. You’re welcome to come if you want.”
“That’s okay. I won’t intrude,” Graham smiled. “I think I’m gonna meet up with Chase and Joylyn. We might head down to the beach. Baja is supposed to be hot tonight.”
Nick rolled his eyes at the mention of the club. The last time he had gone to Club Baja with Chase and Graham, they had gotten him drunk and then on stage in a men’s boxer contest. How he had ever lived that one down he didn’t know, but he did know that he would never go back. Not with them, anyway. “Have fun.”
“What? You don’t wanna come?” Graham grinned and slapped Nick’s shoulder. “I heard they’re having a boxer contest tonight.”
I knew that was coming. “No, I’m gonna stay in tonight,” Nick forced a smile. “You have fun though, okay?”
Graham just laughed loudly as Nick rolled his eyes again and set off for his lighter fluid.
Elisabeth looked at Joshua as he got back into the car. He didn’t say anything to any of them, just cranked the car and sped out of the parking lot. Staring out the window, Elisabeth smiled as she thought about Nick. She was supposed to have called him, but she knew he would understand. She would explain everything tomorrow.
“See something you like?” Joshua’s deep voice forced its way into her thoughts.
“I just love it here,” she said with a sigh.
“Oh, yes, you have to love a small town that is going no where,” he mocked her.
“Well, not everyone is cut out for the big city,” she snapped back quickly, anger filling her eyes.
Joshua let out a laugh that only made Elisabeth more furious. It’s not the town she’s staying for, he thought sardonically. “This place is for bumpkins and you know it. You belong in the city as much as I do.”
“No, Joshua, I don’t,” Elisabeth countered and turned her attention back to the quickly passing scenery.
Almost half an hour later Joshua was pulling the car into the parking lot of a fancy Italian restaurant. Wordlessly, he got out and opened the door for Elisabeth with a sickly sweet smile.
She tried her best to shrug his hands away from her body, but he was adamant in touching her somewhere. She smiled when she felt Jacob take hold of her hand.
Once inside the slightly crowded restaurant, they sat silently looking over menus. Every now and then Jacob would point to something and lightly poke Elisabeth in the arm to ask her what it was. Soon a waiter was there filling up Joshua and Elisabeth’s glasses with red wine.
Breaking the silence that had suddenly settled on the table, Joshua lifted his glass and offered up the same sugary sweet smile as before. “I just want to make a toast. To family.”
Elisabeth looked at her husband in disgust as his lips turned down when she didn’t lift her glass with his. “You really should have been an actor,” she stated flatly and saw the corners of his mouth tugging upward.
“Well, I should say the same thing about you,” he retorted. “You should win an Oscar. You’re almost convincing with the “I love this place” act. But really, Lizzie, you aren’t convincing me.”
Elisabeth watched as his hazel eyes clouded over with fury and he placed his glass back down on the table.
“Kids, I just wanted to bring us all here together as a family. I’m very upset about this, and I don’t know how to break it to you, but your Mother doesn’t love me anymore; she wants to be with another man,” Joshua’s voice broke with fake emotion.
“Joshua,” Elisabeth’s voice was low and full of rage. “What are you doing?”
“Why, Lizzie, baby, don’t you think that the children should be aware of what’s going on? They deserve to know. You have been leaving them alone since you’ve been here; I know you haven’t bee spending time with them because you’ve been with another man.”
Elisabeth opened her mouth to say something, but quickly stopped. Whatever I say will be turned against me, she thought as her anger began to rise.
“The first night you didn’t come home you were with him down here at the beach,” Joshua continued. “And you’ve stayed out all night twice; obviously with this guy. Why else would you stay out all night knowing your children are at home wondering where their mother could be? I could sit back and watch this all unfold, but how would that be fair to me?”
Suddenly Kaitlyn’s voice rang out loudly silencing everyone nearby. “I knew it! I knew you were cheating on Daddy with Nick!!!”
“Katy, hush,” Elisabeth said furiously. “People are staring.”
“SO?” Kaitlyn’s voice grew louder. “You’re a liar and I hate you! See, Jake? I told you!”
Elisabeth looked over at her son. His brow was furrowed and confusion was written on his angelic face. She could only guess that he didn’t fully understand what was going on. Without a word, she stood up and leaned down to give Jacob a kiss on the forehead. Her heart broke when he grabbed her hand.
“Mommy, where are you going?”
“I’m just going for a walk, sweetie,” she said and reached down to place a kiss on Kaitlyn’s forehead.
“Don’t touch me,” her daughter said harshly as she backed away.
Fighting back her tears, Elisabeth looked at her husband who was smiling at her. “I want you gone,” she said to him before turning and leaving the crowd of people that was still stealing glances at them.
Elisabeth handed the cab driver the fare telling him to keep the change and then stepped out of the cab. She took a deep breath of warm, salty air and made her way to the sand. Stopping long enough to take her sandals off, she tossed them down by the large blue trash barrel and half expected to see the pair of shoes she had left there the night she had been with Nick.
She wasn’t sure exactly what time it was, but she knew it couldn’t be very late. It had only been a little after 8 when she left the restaurant and that hadn’t been that long ago.
Letting out a sigh, Elisabeth walked to the water and let it wash over her bare feet. Not caring that she might ruin her dress, she sat down in the water and hugged her knees tightly. Tonight had been hell; that was the mild description. She didn’t understand how Joshua could know every move she was making when he had been in Chicago. Surely he wouldn’t believe Kaitlyn? He knew about her night on the beach with Nick, the night they spent at Madison Inn, and just the night before at Hurricane.
Because I know people in this town as well, or did you forget that? Joshua’s words sliced into her mind suddenly. “He has people watching me, but who?”
She glanced back up at the sky, admiring the millions of stars that were twinkling brightly. I wonder what Nick’s doing? she thought.
Nick… It was amazing how just thinking his name could send a rush of emotions through her body. Happiness, excitement, hope, love… He was all that and more. He made her feel alive again; unlike Joshua who always made her feel completely worthless.
“How did I get here?” she questioned aloud as the waves washed up over her legs.
As much as she hated Joshua, she suddenly realized he was to thank for her situation. If it wasn’t for him, she would never have met Nick and she would never be this happy. She would never be in love…
Standing up, Elisabeth turned and headed away from the water. “Thank you, Joshua…thank you.”
Nick stood at the kitchen sink washing the breakfast dishes while Winnie and David bustled around the house packing. Every June they would drive down to Charleston to spend a week and they were leaving in the next hour. He smiled to himself when he heard Winnie scurry through the kitchen.
“Are you sure you won’t come with us, sweetheart?” she asked as she re-entered the room with her suitcase.
“I’m sure, Gram. You and David go and have fun,” Nick smiled and wrapped his grandmother in a warm hug.
“Okay then,” she smiled and kissed his cheek. “You know where to call if you need anything.”
Nick nodded and smiled at David as he appeared behind his wife. “Everything is going to be fine.”
Nick told them goodbye a final time and David practically had to drag Winnie away from him. Even if he was 23 years old and had lived by himself before, she often forgot that. She was always making sure he was okay and asking if he needed anything. A true worrywart.
Because the hardware shop wasn’t open this week while David and Winnie would be gone he would be working around the house, so Nick finished up the dishes and decided to head outside to wash the cars. As he was filling up his bucket, he heard a car horn out front. A few minutes later Graham, Chase, Joylyn and Dee-Dee rounded the corner of the house.
“Look at you…the perfect little housewife,” Chase called out causing his girlfriend to giggle.
Nick rolled his eyes at Chase’s bad joke and resumed filling up the bucket. “What are you doing here?”
“Just thought we’d stop by and see how you are,” Chase grinned from ear to ear as he sat down on the steps. “Can’t friends check up on one another anymore?”
“Not when they don’t want something,” Nick joked and began to spray down the truck. “That’s the only time I ever see you.”
“Oh, puh-leeze,” Chase scoffed.
“Hey, Dee-Dee,” Nick offered a friendly smile when he noticed she hadn’t taken her eyes off him.
‘Hey,” she responded quietly and quickly looked away.
“So, what are you doing tonight?” Chase asked when everyone was quiet again.
Nick just shrugged and continued on with his chore. Realizing Graham had not spoken a word the entire time he’d been standing there, he shut off the water and turned to face his friend. “What’s the matter with you? Are you sick or something? I know something’s got to be wrong if you aren’t talkin’.”
Graham smiled and shook his head. “Nah, nothing’s wrong.”
“He’s got a hot date tonight, so he won’t be out with us,” Chase said loudly causing Nick to grin.
“Well, it’s about time,” he joked as Graham shot him the finger. “Who’s the hot date and where are ya takin’ her?”
“Paige Harrelson. We’re probably going to get pizza or something local,” Graham answered with a shrug of his shoulders.
“You comin’ out with us?” Chase interrupted.
“Nope,” Nick answered quickly and he saw Dee-Dee’s face fall. “I’ve got a lot of shit to do.”
“Oh, well, your loss,” he replied and pulled a weed from beside the steps.
“You can’t be that busy,” Joylyn spoke up, sending a cold glare toward Nick.
“Actually, I don’t just go out and get drunk all the time. I have stuff I need to do before Gram and David get back,” he retorted ignoring Joylyn’s attitude.
“Okay, well, I think we are gonna leave so you can get your shit done,” Chase said and swatted Joylyn on the backside. “We’ll get up with ya later, Nickolas.”
Nick nodded and rolled his eyes. He knew why Joylyn had such a problem with him so suddenly; Dee-Dee told her what was going on. Before long, everybody in this damn town is gonna know…
Elisabeth stepped out of her bathroom feeling oddly refreshed. When she got home the night before, Joshua was gone. He had come home shortly after she walked out of the restaurant and decided he would stay in a hotel nearby.
Pulling on a pair of khaki shorts and a t-shirt, she went downstairs and found her mother making breakfast as Kaitlyn sat at the bar, pouting. “Good morning,” she greeted as she took the orange juice out of the refrigerator.
When no one answered Elisabeth turned to find her mother and daughter both staring at her. “What’s wrong?”
Kaitlyn rolled her eyes and left the kitchen without saying anything, but Abigail kept staring.
“What is the matter?” Elisabeth asked, growing frustrated.
“Nothing,” she answered and turned back to the pan of bacon.
“Okay,” Elisabeth replied and finished her glass of juice before leaving the room. Picking up the keys to her mother’s Denali, she smiled. “I think I will go see Nick.”
Was that someone at the door? Nick asked himself as he shut off the washer. When he heard the knock again, he dropped the laundry basket and went to see who was at the door. “God, I hope it’s not Dee-Dee.”
Before he went to open the door, he grabbed the telephone so he would be able to get out of her visit if need be. Nick put the phone to his ear and, reluctantly, opened the door. “Lizzie,” he smiled forgetting about the phone.
“Uh, if you’re busy I can come back later,” she said when she saw that he was in the middle of a phone call.
“Oh, no,” he smiled sheepishly and put the phone on the counter as he stepped aside to let her in. “I had that in case it was Dee-Dee.”
“Oh…okay,” she laughed and walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and placing her head on his chest. “I’m sorry I didn’t call yesterday.”
Nick pulled her closer and smiled as he took in the heavenly scent of peaches that seemed to envelop her. “That’s okay, I know you have a family.”
Elisabeth smiled as Nick lifted her chin and placed a soft kiss on her lips. She could feel herself melting in his arms and then remembered what she had to tell him. Breaking the kiss, she let out a short sigh. “Can we talk?”
“Sure,” he answered as a mixture of worry and confusion appeared in his eyes. Taking her hand in his, he led them to the den. “Is everything okay?”
“That depends on how you look at things,” she said before biting her bottom lip. “Joshua’s in town.”
“He is?” Nick’s eyes widened. “Well, do you think you should be here?”
“Honestly, no, I shouldn’t be here. He knows about us, Nick,” Elisabeth said truthfully. “I don’t know how he knows about us, but he knows it all. The night on the beach…at the Inn…at Hurricane. He’s very well informed.”
Raking his hands nervously through his hair, Nick let out a worried sigh. “How could he know what’s going on between us?”
“I have no idea how he found out but he knows everything.”
Nick sighed contentedly and rubbed Elisabeth’s back as the lay snuggled together on his couch. Brushing her hair away from her eyes he kissed her forehead and wrapped his arms around her tighter. “Stay here tonight.”
It was more a request than a demand, but it nevertheless caught her off guard. “What?”
“Spend the night here. Gram and David are gone until next week and I have this place to myself.”
“I don’t know, Nick.”
“I know Joshua is here, but how will he know? I can pick you up from somewhere later; we can go get some things to make for dinner and I can cook for you. What do ya say? Spend the night?”
Elisabeth began to chew her bottom lip as she thought about what she should do. Deciding that she really had nothing else to lose, she nodded. “Okay.”
“Great,” Nick grinned. “We can have a romantic night in.”
Nick walked through the grocery store picking up the essentials for a nice, romantic dinner for two. He decided to make a chicken dish that Winnie had taught him years ago. He would admit that he was no Emeril, but he could make a mean Chicken Parmesan.
“Candles…” he mumbled heading to that aisle.
“You have a hot date, too?” Dee-Dee’s soft voice came from behind him.
Damn it. “I wouldn’t say that,” he chuckled and picked up a few candles.
“Could’ve fooled me,” she replied eyeing the contents of his shopping cart. Half a dozen long stem red roses, white wine, candles…looked like a steamy night planned.
“Well, I’ve gotta get going,” Nick said as he started to push his cart toward the front of the store, leaving Dee-Dee standing there.
As soon as Nick got to the truck, he checked his watch. 4:52. He had just enough time to get home and shower then set up and start dinner before he had to pick Elisabeth up at 6:30.
He was almost giddy at the thought of the night ahead of him. It was as if he were spending the night with her for the first time in his life; his stomach was one big knot. It is the first time she’s ever stayed with me at home, he reasoned with himself trying to find an excuse for his nervousness.
“This is wonderful, Nick,” Elisabeth smiled up at him. He had picked her up, roses in hand, and taken her back to his home. The room was lit by candles and there was soft music playing.
Nick snaked his arms around her waist from behind as she stood staring into the dining room, a smile on her lips and tears in her eyes. “Is this okay?”
“This is beautiful,” she tried to find the right words to describe the setting. “No one has ever done anything like this for me before. Thank you.”
“Well, get used to it,” Nick smiled and pulled a chair out for her. I’m gonna go get dinner.”
Elisabeth propped her head on her hand and looked around the room. There were candles everywhere and a vase of wildflowers were at the center of the table. She could tell Nick had put a lot of work into getting all this ready for her. She smiled at Nick as he came back into the dining room pushing a cart with the food.
“Where did you get that?” she laughed referring to the cart.
“Gram has had it a long time and I decided it would come in handy tonight,” he grinned. Clearing his throat, Nick tried using a posh British accent that didn’t quite come out right. “Dinner is served, Madam.”
Elisabeth burst out laughing as he impersonated a stuffy butler. “Nick, you don’t have to go that far.”
“Okay, okay. The accent is a bit much,” he leaned down and kissed her forehead before placing her plate down in front of her. Taking his seat he lifted the bottle of white wine and filled their glasses. “I hope all of this is okay?”
“Are you serious?” she asked as she took a bite of her chicken. “Okay, this is perfect. You are really too good to be true.”
Nick smiled and felt a slight blush creeping up his neck onto his cheeks. “Nah.”
After they finished eating dinner, Nick loaded all the dishes onto his cart and pushed them back into the kitchen with Elisabeth following closely behind.
“Let me help you with those,” she said as she picked up a plate.
“Don’t you dare,” Nick swatted her hand away. “I’m just gonna put these in the dish washer and be done with them. I have an idea. Why don’t you go take a nice warm bubble bath while I do this.”
“Are you sure?” she asked not wanting to leave him to do all the work.
Nick turned to Elisabeth and put his index finger on her lips to keep her from saying anything else. “I’m positive. Now, go take a bath and relax. Don’t come out until you’re good and ready.”
Smiling, she stood on her toes and kissed Nick’s soft lips. “Definitely too good to be true.”
Getting the last of the dishes in the dish washer, Nick put away everything and blew out all the candles. As he was moving the candles off of the table, he stumbled over something on the floor. He bent down to see what he had kicked over and saw that it was Elisabeth’s purse. “Woops,” he said to himself and bent to pick it up, dropping the contents on the floor. “Shit.”
Scooping everything up, he lifted it so he could put it back in the bag. He didn’t want Elisabeth to come back in the room and assume he was going through her stuff. “That would be great,” he grumbled as he dropped something on the floor. Bending down once more he saw he dropped some pictures. “So, this is Elisabeth the family woman.” He smiled as he flipped past a picture of Elisabeth with her two children. There were many pictures of Jacob and Kaitlyn and a couple of Elisabeth with her parents. The last picture was of Elisabeth with her husband and children. He brought the wallet sized picture closer so he could see it better. Staring back at him was a man he had seen before. He’d seen him the day before with Graham.
After getting a chocolate cake, Nick rounded the corner to find the lighter fluid and ran into Graham who was talking to an older man. “Hey Graham,” he smiled and gave a polite nod to the man who simply looked at him with disinterest.
“Hey, bud,” Graham smiled and patted Nick on the back. Glancing at Joshua he motioned to his friend, “This is an old friend, Josh.”
“Nice to meet you, man,” Nick said and extended his hand.
Blowing off the handshake, Josh cocked his eyebrow and sized Nick up before directing his attention back to Graham. “Remember what we talked about. I’ll see you around.”
Nick watched, slightly amused, as Josh stalked off towards the front of the store. “What the hell was that about?”
“Nothin’,” Graham laughed. “He’s uptight sometimes.”
“Yeah, I noticed that.”
“So, what are you doing here?” Graham asked, changing the subject. “Thought you would be on a hot date with Elisabeth.”
“That son of a bitch,” Nick said angrily as he grabbed his car keys. “No wonder Joshua knows about Lizzie and me. There’s a fucking weasel in town.”
“Hey man, what are you doin’ here?” Chase asked as Nick pushed his way inside. “You want a beer or something?”
“Where’s Graham?” Nick asked as he looked around the small living room of Chase’s apartment.
“Where the hell is Graham?” he yelled.
“He had that date tonight. What’s wrong?” Chase questioned.
“Where did he take her?”
“What? Man, what the hell is wrong with you?”
“Are you stupid or something? Where did Graham go on his date?”
Chase scowled at Nick as they stood toe to toe. “Banana Joe’s.”
Wasting no time, Nick was out the door again and on his way to Banana Joe’s to “talk” to his dear friend.
It only took Nick ten minutes to get across town to Banana Joe’s and once inside he immediately spotted Graham and his date. They were nice and cozy in a booth away from everyone; very happy looking. Yeah, I’m gonna give you something to smile about, asshole…
Graham looked up just in time to see Nick’s fist coming straight for his face, but he didn’t have time to react. “What the hell is your problem, Nick?” he yelled when he tasted blood in his mouth.
“You are,” Nick yelled and grabbed the collar of Graham’s shirt and jerked him out of the booth.
Graham tried his best to free himself from Nick’s grasp, but it was no use. Nick was much taller and bigger and he soon found himself being thrown against the wall. He heard Paige yelling for someone to come get Nick off of her date, but it seemed like it was taking forever. Everything was going in slow motion.
“You are one sorry bastard,” Nick yelled as he delivered one punch after the other to Graham’s aching stomach. “I can’t believe you could even call me your friend. You know how much I love her and you ratted us out to her husband.”
Before Nick could say anything else, he felt a pair of large hands pulling on his arms. It’s gonna take more than that to move me, he thought with another adrenaline rush as he began to furiously fight against the man tugging at him. He was throwing blind punches at Graham, but he knew that no matter where they landed, they were doing the damage he intended. Finally, Nick felt two more men pulling him away from Graham and he decided he wouldn’t fight them this time. He’d done enough; Graham was curled up on the floor with a bloody nose and lip and he was holding his stomach.
“You need to come with me,” the manager said in a frustrated tone. “You’re gonna take a little ride to the police station.”
“Sure thing,” Nick said nonchalantly. Turning slightly he looked down at Graham with a smirk. “I hope you got my point.”
“You know, Nick, I was thinking-” Elisabeth stopped short when she entered the dining room. Her purse and most of her belongings were scattered on the table and floor. “Nick?”
Walking from room to room, she heaved a sigh when she found the house was empty. “Where could he be?” she asked as she re-entered the dining room to pick up her things. As she was putting her possessions back into the purse, she noticed that the pictures of her family were missing. “That’s odd…”
Taking another look around the room she saw that nothing else was disturbed. “I wonder where he went. And better yet…why did he leave?”
Elisabeth decided she would grab her things and just go home. I have no business here by myself, she told herself as she made sure the doors were locked before leaving. “I’ll just walk home; it’s not that far.”
Face it Elisabeth…he doesn’t want you. He was using you and you gave him all he wanted, the little voice crept from the back of her mind to nag at her. He doesn’t love you…the only thing he wanted from you was sex and he got it. Now he can let you down…
“No, that’s not true,” she shook her head and tried to rid her mind of the thoughts. “I know he loves me.”
Don’t be so sure…
“Okay, Nick, make yourself comfy…this is your home for the night,” the officer said as he shoved Nick into the small cell.
“Damn it, Reggie! You don’t have to shove…I know how to walk.”
Reggie Clark laughed and sat down at his desk. “You know, I never pegged you as a fighter, Nick. You surprise me sometimes.”
Nick dropped down on the small bed and placed his head in his hands. “So what? Not everyone can be pegged.”
“Oh, you do realize that Graham wants to press assault charges against you, right?” Reggie asked casually as he looked over a few things on his desk. “He’s pretty pissed that you decided to beat the shit out of him on his date. And in case you didn’t notice…Paige Harrelson is pretty hot.”
“Whatever,” he glared at Reggie through the bars. “I’m gonna do a lot more than assault his ass when I get out of here.”
“Now, now Nicky…what kind of attitude is that? Just for that, I’m gonna leave you in there to think about your actions tonight,” his voice was full of sarcasm as he stood and headed out of the room.
“What about my one phone call?” Nick called angrily.
“You don’t get one tonight. I’ll let you make a call in the morning after you’ve cooled off. That is, if you’ve cooled off.”
“Asshole,” Nick grumbled and tried to make himself comfortable on the tiny cot. It was sure to be a long night…
Elisabeth slipped her key into the door, but before she could turn it and get the door open, someone was opening it for her. Stepping back from the door she watched as her mother appeared on the other side, a grave expression on her face.
“I didn’t think you would be back tonight,” Abigail said as she nervously began to wring her hands.
“I felt like coming home,” Elisabeth shrugged and stepped past her mother into the foyer. “What’s the matter?”
“Well, sweetie, Joshua left tonight-”
“Good,” she said quickly as she started for the stairs.
“He took the children with him.”
“He what?” Elisabeth quickly turned to look at her mother.
Averting her gaze away from her daughter Abigail only nodded. “He came in tonight and they were gone in less than an hour.”
“Why the hell would you let him take my children?” Elisabeth shouted. She could feel her anger rising quickly.
“Now, honey-”
“No! Don’t “honey” me. Why on earth would you let that bastard take my children? Are you completely stupid?”
Abigail tried to compose herself, but she could feel the tears stinging her eyes. “I didn’t have a choice, Elisabeth. The children…they left willingly. They said they didn’t want to be here with you anymore.”
“Wha-what?” she felt like she had been slapped in the face.
“They both asked if they could go back to Chicago with their father.”
“Jacob, too?” Elisabeth tried to keep her tears under control, but it was no use. She had never felt worse in her life.
“Yes, honey. Jacob, too. I’m so sorry,” Abigail reached out to pull her daughter into an embrace.
“Don’t touch me,” Elisabeth cried and pushed Abigail away. “Just leave me alone.”
“Reggie? Reggie!” Nick yelled as loud as he could and waited for the smug officer to come strolling back in.
“What is it, Nick? This isn’t the Holiday Inn, you know.”
“Cute, really…I’m serious, Reg…I want my phone call.”
“And I was serious when I told you that you had to wait until in the morning. I’m not letting you call someone to bail you out just so you can go beat the shit out of Graham again,” Reggie said as he took a seat at the desk. Propping his legs atop all the clutter, he laughed. “You’re worse than an old drunk dragging his cup across the bars.”
“Screw you, Reggie,” Nick rolled his eyes as he started to pace the tiny space.
“What are David and Winnie gonna say about you giving Graham a public ass whoopin’?”
“Now, who said they had to know?” Nick raised an eyebrow.
“Well, I just figured they would have to know since they’re probably the ones you’re gonna call to wire you the cash to pay your bail,” Reggie shrugged and picked up an old, worn out magazine. “What made you do that tonight, anyway?”
“You sure are nosey tonight,” Nick muttered.
“And you’re pissy, so what? If you’re gonna supply the gossip of the town, I’m gonna ask.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
Elisabeth rolled over as a ringing pulled her out of her restless sleep. It was late when she finally fell asleep and she had not bothered to change out of her clothes into her night gown. No wonder I didn’t sleep well. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she looked at her watch and groaned. 7:14…who’s calling this early?
Her cell phone continued to ring and she knew if she didn’t get to it soon, her voice mail would pick up. She finally found it under the edge of her bed next to her purse. “Hello?”
“Lizzie?” Nick asked sounding exhausted.
“Nick, what happened to you?” her question was harsher than she intended.
“I’m really sorry I left like that, Lizzie. I, uh…well, see…something came up and it was kinda bad.”
“Well, where are you now? I’ll come get you.”
“The police station.”
“Okay, that’s fine. I’ll be there in a few minutes,” she said and started to hang up.
“Wait! Okay, Lizzie, here’s the thing…I’m in jail. I don’t have time to explain right now, but I will once you get here. That is if you come,” his voice lowered to a whisper. “I love you.”
That made Elisabeth smile. “I love you, too. I’ll be there in a little while.” Grabbing her keys she started out of the room but something on her dresser caught her eye. A credit card. Joshua’s credit card… “Well, that will come in handy,” she smiled to herself and slid it in the back pocket of her jeans.
A few minutes later Elisabeth was walking into the small police station. Stopping at the desk that was occupied by a man, she cleared her throat and smiled. “Hi. I’m here to see Nick Carter.”
The cop raised an eyebrow and nodded wordlessly. Elisabeth smiled again and followed him to where Nick was being held.
“Thank God,” Nick said when he saw them coming. “Now, let me outta here Reggie.”
A little while later, Elisabeth and Nick were exiting the police station. Neither of them said anything as they got into the SUV.
“I’m sorry you had to bail me out, but I didn’t have anyone else to call,” Nick said quietly. “I’ll pay you back.”
“You don’t have to worry about it…Joshua paid for it,” she said with a mischievous grin as she flashed the MasterCard. “So, why were you in jail anyway?”
Shifting uncomfortably, Nick ran a hand through his already tousled hair. “Last night when you were taking a bath, I knocked over your purse. I was trying to pick it up and put everything back so you wouldn’t think I was just snooping around in your stuff when I came across these.”
Elisabeth reached out and took the pictures he was handing her. “But I don’t understand.”
“I was looking at the pictures to see that side of you and I realized I had seen Joshua before. Just the day before to be exact. I bumped into Graham in Food Lion and Joshua was with him. I guess you could say I put two and two together, so I left and went to find Graham. And when I found him, I beat the hell out of him.”
“So that’s how Joshua has been keeping tabs on us,” she said absently as she turned onto Nick’s street.
“Exactly. I just lost it last night and I wanted to call you then, but that asshole Reggie wouldn’t let me.”
“It’s okay Nick,” she said and stopped in front of his house.
“I’m sorry our night was ruined by my temper,” he reached over and tucked her hair behind her ear. “Why don’t we try again tonight?”
“Joshua took the kids back to Chicago,” she said suddenly and turned to look at him with tears shining in her eyes. Wiping her eyes she forced a chuckle, “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Nick asked and pulled her into his arms. “Why did he take them?”
“I’m an unfit mother, I guess, but they went willingly. My mother was waiting for me when I got home last night and she said they were in and out in less than an hour. He knows that they are my life and that’s why he’s doing this. He filled their minds with garbage and now they hate me…even Jacob,” she finished as she broke down sobbing.
Nick wrapped his arms around her tightly as she cried. He tried his best to soothe her, but the truth was he didn’t have a clue how she felt and he couldn’t relate. The only thing he could do was let her cry.
“I’m sorry,” she said and quickly pulled away. “I don’t need to dump this all on you.”
“No, it’s okay, really,” he said as his forehead creased in concern. “You know I don’t mind listening to you. And I’m glad you feel like you can talk about it with me.”
“Thank you,” she whispered and pressed her lips to his. “I should get going before my mother starts calling to find out where her truck is.”
“Okay,” he nodded and captured her lips once again. “I love you.”
“Love you too,” she said and watched as Nick crossed his yard and disappeared into his house.
Nick flopped down onto the couch. He let out a deep sigh and ran his hand through his disheveled blonde hair. Something didn’t seem quite right to him. His thoughts wandered to Elisabeth and he scrubbed his hands over his face. Elisabeth…
Nick knew she was upset and she had every reason in the world to be. But something seemed to tug at him; an unresolved feeling settled within him as he tried to pin point where it was coming from. For some reason, Elisabeth seemed distant and uneasy around him this morning. I’m just thinking crazy, he tried to reason with himself.
He couldn’t help but feel that it was true. Elisabeth’s marriage was over and her children were gone because of him. How could he possibly feel good knowing he was the cause of all her unhappiness? But I’m also the cause of all her happiness now…she said so herself. That didn’t settle his uneasiness. No matter what he told himself, he still felt shitty.
Elisabeth checked her watch and saw that it was almost 10 am. She had been driving around for nearly two hours and she still didn’t feel any better. A heavy feeling weighed on her shoulders as she thought about Nick. He had gone out and gotten himself thrown in jail because of her.
Pulling onto Main Street, she parked the Denali and was preparing to head inside the small diner to get herself a biscuit and some coffee when she saw Dee-Dee. Cocking her head to the side, Elisabeth watched as Dee-Dee made her way inside the diner. She looked terrible; her features were drawn in worry and she almost seemed lost.
She let out a short sight and cranked the large SUV; she couldn’t go in there while Dee-Dee was there. Elisabeth didn’t know how Dee-Dee would react to seeing her, but she really didn’t want to risk finding out. She could just picture Dee-Dee completely freaking out and starting a catfight or completely breaking down and blubbering about how she “stole her Nicky.” Elisabeth rolled her eyes at the mere thought of how Dee-Dee might handle the situation if it arose. Well, I am not going to find out today.
As she drove back to her parents’ home, Elisabeth couldn’t shake the heavy feeling that had nestled in her stomach. Nick is happy…and he makes me happy and that’s all that matters… she assured herself. That didn’t settle her uneasiness. No matter what she told herself, she still felt shitty.
Come Away With Me by Bianca
Nick sighed and tried to shake his uneasiness. Picking up the telephone, he dialed Elisabeth’s cell phone and waited for her to answer.
“Hello?” she sounded upset.
“Hey,” Nick said softly. “Are you okay?”
“Nick,” Elisabeth’s said quietly. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired, I suppose.”
“I was just wondering if you would like to have lunch with me here. Since our romantic night was ruined and well, just to take your mind off of everything. That mostly,” he asked.
Elisabeth smiled slightly to herself. “That would be nice. I’ll be there in about an hour. Is that okay?”
“Perfect,” his smile could be heard through the phone.
After lunch, Nick and Elisabeth sat cuddled on the couch; Elisabeth had her head on his chest and his arms were around her waist. Nick listened to her breathing as it became steady and even. She was asleep. Damn it, he thought when he heard someone knock on the door. Carefully, he moved from beneath Elisabeth and made sure he didn’t wake her up. Opening the door, he found Joylyn on the other side.
“What are you doing here?” he asked surprised.
“Can we talk, Nick?” Joylyn asked and stepped past Nick.
“Yeah, but keep it down, okay? Elisabeth is asleep,” he said and motioned for her to follow him to the kitchen.
Joylyn rolled her eyes but followed anyway. “Well, I won’t keep you long.”
“What’s up?” he looked at her. She looked angry. “You want something to drink or anything?”
“No, I don't want anything to drink. Look, Nick I don't know if you care or not, but I thought you should know that I went with Dee-Dee to the clinic in Wilmington today. They did a blood test and it came back positive.”
“So, I thought that you should know since it's your baby.”
“I told her that baby isn’t mine,” he began to protest, but Joylyn held up her hand.
“Listen…Dee is my best friend, okay? She told me that you are the only guy she has been with; why is that so hard to believe? Not every woman is a fucking whore, Nick. Anyway, I just thought I would come by and deliver the news so you would know for sure one way or another.”
“If she's so sure it's mine why didn't she come and deliver the news her damn self.”
“Because, she isn't sure if she is going to keep it or not you stupid son of a bitch.”
Nick watched, somewhat dumbfounded as Joylyn turned to leave.
But before she was out of the room, she turned back staring at Nick with questioning brown eyes. “Hey, can I ask you one thing?” When Nick shrugged, she placed her hands on her hips and tilted her head to one side. “If you weren't with what's-her-name, do you think that you and Dee-Dee could have ever worked things out?”
Jamming his hands into his pockets, Nick shrugged again before nodding slightly. “Maybe…If Elisabeth hadn’t come into my life. But she did and I love her, so I guess we’ll never know.”
Joylyn just nodded and turned to the door. Nick sat down in one of the chairs at the kitchen table and placed his head on the table...what am I gonna do?
Elisabeth felt Nick trying not to wake her up as he moved so he could answer the door. Not wanting to let him know he had been unsuccessful, she stayed on the couch and tried to drift back off. It was no use…she wasn’t that tired anyway. Rolling onto her side, she listened as Nick greeted the visitor.
“What are you doing here?” he asked surprised.
“Can we talk, Nick?” Joylyn asked and stepped past Nick.
“Yeah, but keep it down, okay? Elisabeth is asleep,” he said and motioned for her to follow him to the kitchen.
Joylyn rolled her eyes but followed anyway. “Well, I won’t keep you long.”
“What’s up?” he looked at her. She looked angry. “You want something to drink or anything?”
“No, I don't want anything to drink. Look, Nick I don't know if you care or not but I thought you should know that I went with Dee-Dee to the clinic in Wilmington today. They did a blood test and it came back positive.”
“So, I thought that you should know since it's your baby.”
“I told her that baby isn’t mine,” he began to protest, but Joylyn held up her hand.
“Listen…Dee is my best friend, okay? She told me that you are the only guy she has been with; why is that so hard to believe? Not every woman is a fucking whore, Nick. Anyway, I just thought I would come by and deliver the news so you would know for sure one way or another.”
“If she's so sure it's mine why didn't she come and deliver the news her damn self.”
“Because, she isn't sure if she is going to keep it or not you stupid son of a bitch.”
Nick watched, somewhat dumbfounded as Joylyn turned to leave.
But before she was out of the room, she turned back staring at Nick with questioning brown eyes. “Hey, can I ask you one thing?” When Nick shrugged, she placed her hands on her hips and tilted her head to one side. “If you weren't with what's-her-name, do you think that you and Dee-Dee could have ever worked things out?”
Jamming his hands into his pockets, Nick shrugged again before nodding slightly. “Maybe…If Elisabeth hadn’t come into my life. But she did and I love her, so I guess we’ll never know.”
Elisabeth tried hard to keep her emotions under control, but that was almost impossible. Dee-Dee was in fact pregnant and it was Nick’s child. But that didn't seem to bother her as much as what Joylyn had said regarding the baby and Nick's answers to Joylyn’s questions. “Because, she isn't sure if she is going to keep it or not you stupid son of a bitch…“Maybe…If Elisabeth hadn’t come into my life. But she did and I love her, so I guess we’ll never know. Those words sliced through her heart a little more each time they ran through her mind. She couldn’t help but feel terrible for Dee-Dee; she had been in the same position when she was only seventeen. She had considered having an abortion, but looking back on her choices, she knew she had made the right one…sure, Joshua wasn’t the husband she had always dreamed of, but he was there to help her when she was pregnant with Katy. She just couldn’t stand in the way of Nick and Dee-Dee working things out and it was obvious…if it wasn’t for her they would be able to. If Elisabeth hadn’t come into my life… Letting out a short sigh, she stood up and pushed back the tears struggling to break through.
“Hey, baby,” Nick smiled. “I didn’t know you were up.”
“Yeah,” she nodded absently. “I just woke up.”
“Are you okay?” concern filled his handsome features.
“Yeah,” she forced a smile. “I should get back home. I’ve got some things to do.”
“Oh, okay,” Nick said disappointed.
Elisabeth smiled up at him and placed her hand on the side of his face. Oh how she did love him. He had become her everything in such a short time; but all good things eventually came to a close. Brushing her thumb across his soft lips, she brought his face to hers. Closing her eyes at the feeling of their lips melting together, she did everything she could to keep from crying. She felt his hands slide to her waist as he deepened the kiss; pulling their bodies as close as he could. Her arms immediately snaked around his neck as she began to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. This was the kind of love she had always prayed for; the kind you could feel from you head down to your toes just from a kiss.
Sliding his hands gently over her backside, he brought them back to her hips and she slowly began to move them towards the bedroom. “Stay with me,” he whispered as his hands found their way under her shirt. “Just for a little while.”
Unable to say no, Elisabeth continued to kiss him and soon found herself gently being pushed down onto his bed. Her breath caught in her throat as Nick pulled her shirt over her head and his hands began to caress her skin, leaving a trail of goose bumps where ever he touched her. She closed her eyes and bit her lip as he replaced his hands on her skin with his mouth.
Elisabeth raked her fingernails gently across Nick’s back as he began to nibble on her collarbone. “I love you, Nick,” she said unable to keep her tears from breaking free.
Looking up at her beautiful face, Nick smiled and kissed away the tears that had fallen from her eyes. “I love you, baby.”
Closing her eyes, she could feel her body begging to feel him and she arched her back. Ever so gently, Nick complied and they were soon lost in each other. Elisabeth sighed softly at the feelings rushing through her. She was doing all she could to remember everything about Nick; she wanted to forget nothing. After all, this would be her last memory of him.
Elisabeth looked down at Nick’s sleeping form and bit her lip to keep from sobbing aloud. This was the absolute hardest thing she had ever decided to do, but she knew she didn’t have a choice. Bending down, she placed a feather soft kiss on his lips and watched as he stirred slightly in his sleep. Picking up her purse, Elisabeth placed the folded piece of paper on the pillow beside his head and turned on the stereo to play softly before she quietly exited the room.
As soon as she got home and got her luggage, she would be catching a flight back to Chicago. After loving one another for the last time, Elisabeth waited until Nick had fallen asleep and called her mother asking her to have her bags ready when she got home. Thankfully, Abigail didn’t question her and said everything would be in order when she arrived. All Elisabeth had to do was get on the plane and that was going to be difficult enough.
Why did I think falling in love would be easy?
Nick slowly began to awaken a short while after Elisabeth left. Sitting up, he looked around and tried to figure out why his stereo was on. He threw his legs over the edge of the bed and looked around the room; his mind was still clouded with sleep and he wasn’t sure if he was really awake or just dreaming.
The soft music started over and the melodic voice began to drift through his speakers.
Come away with me in the night
Come away with me
And I will write you a song
Come away with me on a bus
Come away where they can’t tempt us
With their lies
I want to walk with you
On a cloudy day
In fields where yellow grass grows
knee high
So won’t you try to come
Come away with me and we’ll kiss
On a mountain top
Come away with me
And I’ll never stop loving you
And I want to wake up with the rain
Falling on a tin roof
While I’m safe there in your arms
So all I ask is for you
To come away with me in the night
Come away with me*
Looking around his bedroom, Nick saw that Elisabeth was gone along with any evidence that she had ever been there. She said she had to leave earlier…before… he told himself. He stood up and turned to see a piece of paper on his pillow. He didn’t know why, but he was suddenly filled with dread. Gingerly, he lifted the folded paper and opened it. Nick could see a few tear stains on the paper had smudged some of the ink just slightly.
Dear Nick,
By the time you read this, I’ll be gone. Cliché, I know… Where do I start with this? As I sit here now watching you sleep, I am filled with sorrow at the fact that I know this will be the last time I ever see you. I never thought I would be leaving a “Dear John” letter, but I don’t think I could bring myself to say this aloud. I guess by writing it out, it makes it seem more like a nightmare than the reality that is my life. And I honestly don’t know if I can bring myself to say goodbye to you…
Every minute that passes breaks my heart a little more; I know my time is limited and if I don’t leave now, you will be waking up soon…I doubt I would be able to leave if you weren’t sleeping. How do I tell the one person that means the world to me that I can no longer be with them? It hardly seems fair to have been so happy just days ago… You have been my angel; you are the person that proved to me that love exists. I prayed to God every night that He would take pity on me and show me a way out. Then I met you. You showed me what it is like to fall completely in love and want nothing else but to be with that person.
The song you are listening to right now makes me think of us. It’s bittersweet isn’t it? “Come away with me…And I’ll never stop loving you…And I want to wake up with the rain…Falling on a tin roof…While I’m safe there in your arms…So all I ask is for you…To come away with me in the night…Come away with me…” But that is completely and honestly how I feel about you. It’s bitter to think that our love had to be so short-lived, but then again, it won’t be will it? As long as I have my memories, I will never forget you. That’s part of the sweet…
Take care of Dee-Dee…I have no doubt she’ll be good to you. And remember when you see that beautiful baby, you will forget everyone and everything else in the world…there’s no other feeling better than knowing you helped create a life. Just promise me that you won’t forget us… I love you more than anything. You have my heart completely and forever and there will not be a day I won’t think of you. That’s something I’m certain of. I will carry your memory with me forever…
With all the love I possess,
Nick choked back his sobs as be finished the letter. She left him. Oh, God…what am I gonna do?
* “Come Away With Me” by Norah Jones
Nick sat for a few minutes just staring at the piece of paper he was clutching tightly in his hands. How can she be gone? he asked himself over and over. Jumping up, Nick folded the letter and slid it into his back pocket. “What the hell am I doing just sitting here? I have to stop her.”
Grabbing the keys to David’s old Chevy, he hurried outside as quickly as possible. He looked up at the sky and saw that it had darkened and an ominous cloud was moving in; it seemed to mirror his feelings. Nick stuck the key into the ignition, but as he turned it nothing happened. “Oh, come on…this is not happening…” Turning the key again, the engine didn’t so much as turn over.
“Shit!” Nick yelled as he emerged from the truck as the rain began to fall. “Damn it…” he said as he began to run in the direction of Elisabeth’s house. I have got to get to her.
By the time Nick reached the front door of the Butler residence the light rain had turned into a steady downpour and he was completely soaked. Wasting no time, he began to pound on the door.
“Nick?” Robert Butler was surprised to see David Gaines’ grandson on his front steps in the pouring rain. “What are you doing here, son?”
“Lizzie…I need…to…see her…” he panted and tried to catch his breath. “Please…it’s…important…”
“I’m sorry, Nick. She’s not here; she left a little while ago. Is there something I can help you with?”
“No…you don’t understand,” he said as tears streamed down his cheeks, mixing with the unforgiving rain. “I love her!”
Robert’s face filled with shock as Nick continued to beg for information. He looked at Nick and he was suddenly able to see the big picture. “Hang on,” he told Nick and grabbed a rain jacket and his set of keys.
“Where are you going?” Abigail appeared behind him.
“Nick and I are gonna see if we can’t catch Lizzie,” he replied and placed a quick kiss on his wife’s cheek.
Elisabeth arrived at the airport and checked her luggage then found a seat as she waited for her flight to board. She would be taking a flight to Charlotte and then a connecting flight would take her to Chicago. Running a hand through her hair, she looked out the window and saw the rain had begun to fall. At least now I don’t have to cry, she thought miserably.
Why did this have to be so hard? How could she have become so attached to Nick in such a short amount of time? None of it made any sense to Elisabeth and she took a deep breath to keep from crying. All she needed was to be stared at because she was sobbing.
He’ll be here, she thought to herself suddenly. And when he gets here he will beg me to stay…and I will… she felt herself smile. She was weak and she knew that once she saw him that’s all it would take.
Turning to look toward the entrance of the airport, she waited anxiously. Closing her eyes briefly, she smiled as she imagined feeling his lips on hers, pleading for her to stay with him forever. Just thinking of staying with him forever made her heart swell.
“Going home to the love of your life?” a soft voice startled Elisabeth out of her wishes.
“Oh, no,” she replied somewhat forlornly. “Actually, I’m hoping he will stop me from leaving.” Why am I telling a complete stranger this? Looking at the small woman to her left, she smiled. She had to be the sweetest looking woman Elisabeth had ever seen.
“Well, then, I’m sure you will get that wish,” the elderly woman smiled gently and patted Elisabeth’s hand softly.
“I hope so,” she replied as she felt the familiar sting in her eyes. He will be here…
“What makes you think he wouldn’t come for you?” the lady asked, once again drawing Elisabeth from her thoughts.
“Well…I dunno,” Elisabeth said quietly. “I actually left him, but I think I made a mistake, and I’m hoping he will be here to tell me that.”
“Well, hon, if it’s meant to be, it will be. Everything happens for a reason…nothing is pure happenstance. I don’t believe in luck.”
“Why?” she questioned.
“Well, when you get to be my age you realize that God has a meaning behind everything that happens. It’s not mere circumstance that I’m sitting here talking to you; I believe that there is a reason behind it. We may not know it now, but it will be evident later.”
Elisabeth only nodded as the woman’s words echoed in her mind. Nothing is pure happenstance… Looking at her watch, she sighed. God, please let him get here, she began to pray silently.
Nick rushed into the airport with Robert close behind. When he saw the woman behind the counter, he ran up to her. “What gate is the flight for Charlotte leaving from?”
“Gate 7,” she answered, but quickly added, “You had better hurry if you want to catch it. They’ll be boarding in the next few minutes.”
“Thanks,” Nick called and made a mad dash to find Gate 7. The metal detector sounded as he hurriedly stepped through. “Shit.”
“Please step back through, sir,” the security guard directed. “If you would, please empty your pockets.”
Taking everything out of his pockets, Nick stepped back through and was relieved when it didn’t go off. He didn’t bother to grab his belongings; he was too intent on catching Elisabeth. He was gonna make it…
Flight 1809, Wilmington to Charlotte now boarding…
Elisabeth sighed sadly and took one final glance in the direction she had been watching closely. He’s not coming after all. Handing her boarding pass to the flight attendant she bit her lip and tried to force away her tears.
“Have a nice flight,” the woman smiled brightly.
Elisabeth didn’t attempt to return the smile. Stepping out into the rain, she made her way to the small plane. Nothing is pure happenstance.
Kiss the rain
Whenever you need me
Kiss the rain
Whenever I'm gone too long
If your lips feel lonely and thirsty
Kiss the rain
And wait for the dawn
Keep in mind
We're under the same sky
And the night's
As empty for me as for you
If you feel
You can't wait till morning
Kiss the rain
Finally finding Gate 7, Nick stopped and looked around. There were no passengers waiting to board the plane, there was no flight attendant waiting to take boarding passes, and worst of all, there was no plane.
“Wh-where is she? We can’t be too late?”
“Oh, hon…you’re who she was waiting for?” a small, elderly woman addressed Nick quietly.
“Excuse me?”
“There was a beautiful young lady here just a little while ago waiting for someone to stop her from making a mistake. She seemed so sad, but she was waiting for you.”
Immediately tears sprung to his eyes. She was waiting for me… “Oh God.”
“The plane took off just a few minutes ago,” the little lady said softly.
Walking over to the window, Nick looked out at the sky. She was gone…he was too late. He tried to control his sobs as he stepped out onto the runway letting the rain, once again, drench him.
Kiss the rain
Whenever you need me
Kiss the rain
Whenever I'm gone too long
If your lips
Feel hungry and tempted
Kiss the rain
And wait for the dawn
Keep in mind
We're under the same sky
And the night's
As empty for me as for you
If you feel you can't wait till morning
Kiss the rain
No longer caring about anything, Nick fell to his knees as sobs wracked his entire body. He had never felt emptier in his whole life; he felt helpless. The only person he had ever loved had come and gone like a rain shower on a summer afternoon. Staring up at the tempestuous sky his anguish was quickly replaced with anger. It surged through his so furiously. “Why would You take her away from me?”
“Nick, come back in, son,” Robert’s voice cut through the silence.
Nick didn’t protest when he felt Robert helping him off the pavement; he let the man guide him into the airport and to a seat.
“I’ll go find a towel or something,” Robert said and walked away.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Nick said hatefully when he felt the old woman staring at him.
“Like what, hon?” she asked quietly.
“Don’t look at me like you pity me.”
Frowning, she slid over so she was seated directly beside him. “I don’t pity you sweetheart. I am relating to you.”
“What?” Nick asked as he turned to stare into her wise brown eyes. Reaching up he wiped away some of the water that was dripping down his face.
“I know how it feels to watch the person you love walk out of your life,” her eyes clouded with sadness. “It’s the hardest thing I ever had to do.”
“It’s not fair,” he said as he started sobbing again. “I’ve waited my whole life for her and now she’s gone again.”
Placing her wrinkled hand on Nick’s rain soaked knee, she shook her head. “No, it’s not fair at all, but sometimes you have to realize that maybe it’s not meant to be. Sometimes you have to kiss the rain and let go.”
Kiss the rain
Whenever you need me
Kiss the rain
Whenever I'm gone too long
If your lips
Feel hungry and tempted
Kiss the rain
And wait for the dawn
Keep in mind
We're under the same sky
And the night's
As empty for me as for you
If you feel you can't wait till morning
Kiss the rain*
Nick looked into her eyes, searching for a way to understand. “But…it’s not that easy to let go. I don’t know how to say goodbye.”
Smiling gently, the woman took his large frame into her arms and soothed him as best she could. “Don’t.”
The End
* “Kiss the Rain” by Billie Myers
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.