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Past Featured StorySummary:

After an unexpected twist of fate, Kevin must make a pivotal decision. Will he, and the other Boys, overcome the trial that awaits?

Takes place circa 2001.

Rated: PG
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11
Completed: Yes
Word count: 25998
Read: 24985
Published: 07/11/11
Updated: 08/02/11

1. One by Louise [ - ] (4176 words)

2. Two by Louise [ - ] (1466 words)

3. Three by Louise [ - ] (1336 words)

4. Four by Louise [ - ] (1804 words)

5. Five by Louise [ - ] (2255 words)

6. Six by Louise [ - ] (2571 words)

7. Seven by Louise [ - ] (1818 words)

8. Eight by Louise [ - ] (2321 words)

9. Nine by Louise [ - ] (3927 words)

10. Ten by Louise [ - ] (3608 words)

11. Epilogue by Louise [ - ] (716 words)

This story is dedicated to all the wonderful reviewers who took time to write! You are awesome.