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Wherein it came from out of the fog…

Rated: R
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Suspense
Warnings: Violence
Series: Tradewinds
Chapters: 13
Completed: Yes
Word count: 15173
Read: 19953
Published: 09/19/11
Updated: 10/01/11

1. I by shadesmaclean [ - ] (2179 words)
out of the fog...

2. II by shadesmaclean [ - ] (1269 words)
touring the derelict

3. III by shadesmaclean [ - ] (744 words)
the Sweet Lady of Twylight

4. IV by shadesmaclean [ - ] (629 words)
Shades makes it back...

5. V by shadesmaclean [ - ] (1132 words)
...Max doesn't

6. VI by shadesmaclean [ - ] (785 words)
Shades and Justin debate

7. VII by shadesmaclean [ - ] (1053 words)
the shades of men walk the decks

8. VIII by shadesmaclean [ - ] (1054 words)
Shades challenges the derelict

9. IX by shadesmaclean [ - ] (1243 words)
Max is not alone

10. X by shadesmaclean [ - ] (960 words)
Shades at wits' end

11. XI by shadesmaclean [ - ] (915 words)
Justin's vigil

12. XII by shadesmaclean [ - ] (1476 words)
garbled exchange

13. XIII by shadesmaclean [ - ] (1734 words)
into the mist from which it came...