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Summary: Meg Michaels, Rolling Stone writer & self-proclaimed butt-kicker at large, is mortified when she's sent out on tour for a week with the boy band she loved a dozen years ago. But nobody, including herself, is quite what they appear to be. And as she finds herself becoming part of the story -- and befriends a band member reeling from a failed marriage -- the boys on the bus begin to change her life.
Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction >
Backstreet Boys Characters: Brian,
Genres: Dramedy,
Romance Warnings: None
Challenges: Series: We Are the Story
Chapters: 19
Completed: Yes
Word count: 65004
Read: 58108
Published: 09/09/12
Updated: 09/16/12
Story Notes:
This is my first piece of fanfiction in 13 years & an extensive reworking of my first piece of fanfiction ever. I started writing this in 2009 as a totally random mental health break in grad school, abandoned it, picked it up again in late 2011 to help break through a case of writer's block during National Novel Writing Month, abandoned it, returned this summer to finish it & am finally sharing it with the world!
A very special thanks to the author of A Christmas Story, Diane Moody, for helping me realize that an older fan & a professional writer can have fanfiction fun, too.
1. Prologue by Ellebeth [ - ] (446 words)
2. Chapter 1 by Ellebeth [ - ] (4413 words)
3. Chapter 2 by Ellebeth [ - ] (3810 words)
4. Chapter 3 by Ellebeth [ - ] (3374 words)
5. Chapter 4 by Ellebeth [ - ] (3513 words)
6. Chapter 5 by Ellebeth [ - ] (3153 words)
7. Chapter 6 by Ellebeth [ - ] (3213 words)
8. Chapter 7 by Ellebeth [ - ] (3562 words)
9. Chapter 8 by Ellebeth [ - ] (2976 words)
10. Chapter 9 by Ellebeth [ - ] (4328 words)
11. Chapter 10 by Ellebeth [ - ] (3725 words)
12. Chapter 11 by Ellebeth [ - ] (4110 words)
13. Chapter 12 by Ellebeth [ - ] (4293 words)
14. Chapter 13 by Ellebeth [ - ] (3446 words)
15. Chapter 14 by Ellebeth [ - ] (3181 words)
16. Chapter 15 by Ellebeth [ - ] (4473 words)
17. Chapter 16 by Ellebeth [ - ] (4008 words)
18. Chapter 17 by Ellebeth [ - ] (4767 words)
19. Epilogue by Ellebeth [ - ] (213 words)