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Summary: When a nightmare starts with a failed suicide attempt by one of his closest friends, Howie is determined to find out the answers to a story that doesn't make sense. What happens when suicide is not really suicide, but a murderer gotten loose? Howie is about to find out.


Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Brian, Group, Howie, Kevin, Nick
Genres: Angst, Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Assault/Rape, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 33
Completed: No
Word count: 58449
Read: 60167
Published: 12/12/12
Updated: 08/28/15

1. Prologue by freedomwriter [ - ] (149 words)

just tell me if I should continue :)

2. 1. REASONS FOR BLAME by freedomwriter [ - ] (864 words)

If you still like it, please let me know. Reviews feed my soul. (and my muse)

3. 2. SECRETS TO KEEP by freedomwriter [ - ] (1398 words)


If you still like it, please let me know. Reviews feed my soul. (and my muse)




4. 3. SHAMPOO by freedomwriter [ - ] (2741 words)

If you still like it, please let me know. Reviews feed my soul. (and my muse)

5. 4. LOST AT MIDNIGHT by freedomwriter [ - ] (2593 words)

i don't know if i should continue. I had this whole idea for the story, but I'm just not sure if i can pull it off... What do you guys think? Let me know please, I'm desperate :(

6. 5. CALCULATIONS, OR: THE ART OF CONVICTION by freedomwriter [ - ] (3763 words)

if you still like the story, please leave a message :)

7. 6. OUT OF HAND, OUT OF CONTROL by freedomwriter [ - ] (1179 words)

I must admit that this is just a filler. But it does make the story more tense.

please review, it makes my day and sparks my motivation

8. 7. MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH by freedomwriter [ - ] (2046 words)

please review, it makes my day and sparks my motivation.


9. 8. DOING THE RIGHT THING by freedomwriter [ - ] (2834 words)

please review, it makes my day and sparks my motivation.

10. 9. CAUSE THERE'S NO CHRISTMAS WITHOUT MISERY by freedomwriter [ - ] (3115 words)



11. 10. SAVE THE DAY by freedomwriter [ - ] (2374 words)

just a filler, introducing a new character. Tell me what you think please?

12. 12. REMEMBER PETER? by freedomwriter [ - ] (3196 words)

13. 13. MY DARK FRIEND by freedomwriter [ - ] (1517 words)

it's a little bit different than previous chapters, (a little lot), but I can say for sure that this is my favourite chapter so far :)

14. 14. Looking Back by freedomwriter [ - ] (1004 words)
I think this story needs a revival with a slightly different approach

15. 15. Two Types by freedomwriter [ - ] (937 words)

16. 16. As Long As They're Here by freedomwriter [ - ] (1438 words)
We are finally getting somewhere!

yes, Peter is definitely a creep

can you tell from this chapter what happened seven years ago?

I dare you, I double dare you :)

17. 17. Not Alone by freedomwriter [ - ] (895 words)

18. 18. Outrage by freedomwriter [ - ] (1773 words)
Hold on, I have somewhat of a plottwist in mind for this one, so hold on tight ^^

19. 19. Do It For Them by freedomwriter [ - ] (1760 words)
enjoy :D

20. 20. A Nice New Record by freedomwriter [ - ] (2020 words)
I guess we're back at Howie again. We're getting closer and closer to the truth now.

21. 21. Like It's 1999 by freedomwriter [ - ] (1417 words)
just a sneak peek really XD

22. 22. Not A Good Day by freedomwriter [ - ] (1438 words)

23. 23. Make Him Pay by freedomwriter [ - ] (1144 words)

24. 24. Destroy by freedomwriter [ - ] (1238 words)
This is so full of feels, drama and fluff, I can't even...

25. 25. Unmistakable by freedomwriter [ - ] (2044 words)
to understand this chapter a little better, I suggest you read chapter 21. Like It's 1999 again before reading this one. Just a tip

26. 26. The Most Fascinating Thing by freedomwriter [ - ] (1640 words)

27. 27. Not So Bad by freedomwriter [ - ] (1966 words)
He's just really feeling sorry for himself today

28. Chapter 28 by freedomwriter [ - ] (2229 words)

29. 29. To Make Sense by freedomwriter [ - ] (1014 words)

30. 30.The Bumps Along the Way by freedomwriter [ - ] (2810 words)

31. 31. Irresponsibility by freedomwriter [ - ] (910 words)

32. 32. Accident by freedomwriter [ - ] (1658 words)

33. 33. Moving On by freedomwriter [ - ] (1345 words)
so long time no see :)

I think I finally thought of a suiting ending for this story, so hold tight while I go and figure it all out.

Also, woot for Howie the detective.