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She disappeared from the airport and two weeks later her jacket and purse showed up on the banks of a river twenty miles away, but I only know that from the news reports I saw at the diner. She told me to run. So I ran.
Rated: R
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Child Abuse, Death, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 13
Completed: No
Word count: 16383
Read: 16655
Published: 02/25/13
Updated: 03/07/13

1. Prologue by Pengi [ - ] (259 words)

2. Chapter One by Pengi [ - ] (1235 words)

3. Chapter Two by Pengi [ - ] (1416 words)

4. Chapter Three by Pengi [ - ] (975 words)

5. Chapter Four by Pengi [ - ] (1313 words)

6. Chapter Five by Pengi [ - ] (1448 words)

7. Chapter Six by Pengi [ - ] (1402 words)

8. Chapter Seven by Pengi [ - ] (1124 words)

9. Chapter Eight by Pengi [ - ] (1235 words)

10. Chapter Nine by Pengi [ - ] (1341 words)

11. Chapter Ten by Pengi [ - ] (1475 words)

12. Chapter Eleven by Pengi [ - ] (1806 words)

13. Chapter Twelve by Pengi [ - ] (1354 words)