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For the past couple of years Nick's work schedule has been insane. Now that his tour with Jordan Knight is only a few shows away from ending, he's looking forward to nothing more than getting home to his wife. What he doesn't know is that his journey home is far from over...
Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Angst, Horror, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Graphic Violence, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 12
Completed: No
Word count: 25057
Read: 21626
Published: 02/14/15
Updated: 07/29/20
Story Notes:
I will update the warnings as we go!

1. Prologue by Rose [ - ] (407 words)

2. Crash and Burn by Rose [ - ] (2353 words)

3. I Promise You by Rose [ - ] (2378 words)

4. Into the Woods by Rose [ - ] (2483 words)

5. Say a Little Prayer for Me by Rose [ - ] (2227 words)
Sorry guys, had to repost the updates after the maintenance done by AC!

6. An Oasis or a Mirage? by Rose [ - ] (2825 words)
The second update that had to be reposted. I promise the next update will be real LOL.

7. The Raven by Rose [ - ] (2518 words)

8. Trouble by Rose [ - ] (2296 words)
Sorry about the delay! Real life issues got in the way. But that's all fixed now so expect regular updates again soon!

9. I'm Taking Off by Rose [ - ] (2087 words)

10. Don't Leave Me by Rose [ - ] (1776 words)

11. Shattered by Rose [ - ] (1878 words)
I know, it's been awhile. I want to be sure I'm doing this story right so I'm hording chapters and I kept changing things. Hopefully some of you are still reading and either way, I'm sorry this chapter took me so long to post.

12. I Will Wait by Rose [ - ] (1829 words)