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Chapter 15 – Almost Perfect

“D, what the Hell are you doing here?” AJ openly groaned, startling the rest of the group from their folders of information. Immediately, four faces tilted upward, watching Howie hurry into the large conference room with blank stares. They hadn’t expected Howie to show for the meeting because of the recent night’s events. Yet there he was, but the boys weren’t pleased like he had expected. Howie still looked exhausted from the dreadful night at the hospital with Jillian. His dark chocolate eyes were heavy with dark bags mooning beneath his bottom eyelids, complimenting the frazzled state of his usually perfected curls. He looked like death warmed over, which seemed to be a far-stretching compliment for his state. Though, Kevin looked the most dissatisfied with his appearance, feeling the group didn’t need any hindrances in Howie’s health to set them back.

“I’m here for the meeting,” Howie replied quizzically, pouring a fresh cup of coffee from the nearby station of continental breakfast assortments. He stifled a yawn within the process, scurrying to his place at the large oak table and reaching for his own thick folder. He had slept peacefully with Keveney curled to his side and didn’t understand the others distress. The sweet smell of lavender had soothed him to peace as he inhaled her freshly washed curls that had managed to fan upon his chest. So, when Kevin had called to startle him from his sleep, he was struck with a fresh idea of brilliance. So, as much as he wanted to stay rounded beside Keveney; he had to attend the meeting for better purposes.

“When we called, we said to stay home,” Brian reminded.

“Are you dyslexic when it comes to listening?” AJ mused, adding his two cents.

“And you should be home with Jillian,” Kevin scorned.

“It’s okay, Kevin. Jillie’s home with Keveney. She spent the night with us—”

“You spend the night alone with Keveney then drop the kid on her as a parting gift? Damn, D, that’s a little too cold for my tastes,” Nick murmured.

“I didn’t—”

“More importantly, you actually left the house after you spend the night with her! Where exactly did we go wrong?!” AJ moaned, pretending to sob outright with the fury of a parent who believed he had corrupted his son.

“Shut up, AJ,” Brian laughed, adding some sugar to his coffee, though it looked more like he had dumped the entire bowl into the black liquid.

“No way, not while the getting’s good! Did she sleep in the guest room? Or were you two just a little more…cozy…?” AJ immediately continued, leaning forward onto the table with his elbows propped upward to hold his face within the palms of his hands. His dark sunglasses slipped down the bridge of his nose, showing the lights dancing across his dark eyes. AJ always became acutely alert whenever any form of sexual interaction was announced

“It’s none of your—”

“That means a big old ‘no’ on the guest room!” AJ smirked with pure triumph.

“Which means she was in his bed!” Nick laughed.

“Which means he had an ample opportunity to—”

“This is not an episode of C.S.I., dimwits,” Brian groaned, “What happened is totally Howie’s business, even though I don’t think he should have been engaging in such...activities when he was so tired… Might give Keveney the wrong idea…”

“Nothing happened!” Howie objected. “Like that was on my mind with a sick kid in the house!”

“But you admit it’s been on your mind?” AJ squealed.

“Look, can I just talk about Kevie going on tour like I wanted?!”


Keveney released a soft groan as the internal clock of her body’s programmed sleeping time was abruptly alarmed, arousing her from the darkness of a perfect sleep. She popped her eyes open, blinking several times as her eyes slowly adjusted to the surroundings along with her body. She lay perfectly still, inhaling the soft aroma of Howie’s sweet musky cologne from the pillow softly nestling her head with support. Then, without warning, an alarm sounded within her brain practically screaming her eldest sister’s name.
Grimacing, she rolled onto her side, finally deciding to reach for the cordless phone on Howie’s bedside. She knew she would have Hell to pay whenever Stevie picked up the apartment’s phone. But, Keveney wasn’t dreading it like she normally did. Instead, she could only withdraw into the sweetest memories of last night while punching the familiar keys. She distinctly remembered Howie awakening earlier that morning with a snort that turned to the cutest growl. Usually, Keveney wouldn’t even awaken for a deadly hurricane. Yet, the sweet tones of Howie’s voice stirred her for a moment while he spoke upon the phone. Then she heard the soft click of the phone disconnecting and a shift upon the mattress. Briefly, he whispered something about a band meeting. And she remembered the faintest brush of the sweetest lips against hers…

But was that just an illusion?

“Hello? Hello? Hello?! Look, pervert, I’m half a step away from Star 69’ing your ass—”

“Evie, woah—”

“Keveney Marie?!”

“The one and—”


“Grounded, I know.”

“I hope you also know how worried I was. You’ve been gone for almost two days. But do you call? No! Instead, you have me pacing around this entire house! I wore a freaking line in the living room! An honest to God line! And you know I have important interviews this week! It’s imperative that I look well rested and down-right gorgeous—”

“Are you joining Mom’s guilt-trip package or what?” Keveney interrupted with a thick groan, startling Stevie into a brief silence. She rolled her eyes, peeling the covers back from her body. She hadn’t wanted to get into this kind of conversation this early in the morning, but it was happening nonetheless. So, she stretched for a moment before padding over to the nursery to check upon Jillian. “And I’m sorry about not calling, okay?”

“Better, now where are you?”

“I stayed with Howie and Jillie Bean.”

“How is she?”

“Better – it was an ear infection.”

“Poor Baby!”

“Yeah…” Keveney sighed, gently creeping into the nursery. She prayed for a significant improvement in the child’s appearance, because she couldn’t stand the heartache. The infant had given both Howie and Keveney a frightful scare the previous day. And Keveney was so anxious to see the child that she hurried quick goodbyes when she peered into the warm crib. And thankfully, Jillian was awake and simply peering at the ceiling while gurgling softly to herself. Her cheeks were still flushed with a slight fever, but she had regained her creamy-peach complexion. And no miserable wails erupted from her slowly rising chest. She was simply tranquil, chewing upon her fingers while continuing to chatter.

“Well, good morning, Jillian Luz!” Keveney greeted warmly, unable to hide her exuberant pride in Jillian’s health. She leaned over the crib and offered several high pitched coos to alert the infant’s attention. Jillian emitted a lazy smile with a soft grunt, kicking her legs out with an excited approval. Keveney’s body immediately warmed over, scooping the child up. She cradled Jillian close, kissing her forehead. “It’s great to see that smile, Baby Girl. And you’re not as warm as before. Daddy’s going to be so happy—”

“To be the first to see the two most beautiful women this morning? Oh yes!” Howie enthused, popping into the room without warning. He dropped everything in his hands, grasping Keveney’s shoulders as he pressed a kiss to her cheek before kissing Jillian’s flailing hands. He then allowed Jillian to grasp his index finger, nibbling upon it with her toothless mouth. “How is she?”

“Much better! The fever’s down.”

“Thank God,” Howie breathed, watching Jillian smile with the softest yawn after releasing his finger. He leaned over Keveney’s shoulder to press the gentlest kiss to Jillian’s cooling brow. “You’re not very funny, Jillian Luz. I was very scared last night. But, I know that you like to tease me. But I think you’re learning too much from Kevie.”

“Oh, thanks, Howie!” Keveney scoffed with a soft laugh.

“You know it’s true!”

“So?” Keveney tempted, puffing out her chest as if challenging him to a fight. But, he simply poked her in the chest and the air deflated from her lungs with a soft 'pfft.'

“Keveney,” Howie laughed. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”