Elisabeth rolled over in her bed and looked at her clock. It was 6:15 am and she had probably been awake for two hours. It had been three days since her date with Nick and she had not seen or heard from him since. In fact, she didn’t really expect to after the way she had treated him. I can’t blame him if he doesn’t want to see me again… she thought and threw her covers off of her. She quickly made her bed and decided she could use a nice run on the beach making sure to leave a note on the kitchen counter so her mother wouldn’t send a search party out for her.
After finding her workout attire, she was on her way. It was already warm and humid; sure to be another nearly unbearable day. She crossed the small streets and made her way out to the beach, taking deep breaths of the fresh salty air. It had been a while since she had been jogging and even longer since she had been jogging on the beach. She had nearly forgotten how peaceful it was in the early morning.
After nearly half an hour, Elisabeth slowed her jog to a walk and began to catch her breath before she went back home. She stood at the edge of the shore letting the cool breeze that was coming off the water embrace her. Taking another deep breath of ocean air, she turned and began to jog back in the direction she had come from.
“Elisabeth?” she heard someone yell her name.
Turning around, she saw a tall blonde woman about her own age heading toward her. Elisabeth looked at the woman trying to figure out why she was beckoning her. As the blonde got closer, Elisabeth’s eyes filled with recognition and a smile began to spread on her face.
“Greta? Is that you?”
“I cannot believe it!” Greta exclaimed and threw her arms around Elisabeth’s neck in a friendly embrace. “When did you come back?”
Elisabeth laughed and returned the hug before stepping back to get a good look at her friend. Greta Henderson had been Elisabeth’s best friend all through junior high and high school, and she hadn’t talked to her in almost 2 years. “Wow, Greta, you look great!”
Greta blushed and pushed her blonde hair out of her face. “Thanks. You look great, too. Gosh, it’s been so long.”
“I know,” Elisabeth nodded. “I thought you moved away from this town like I did. I had no idea that you still lived here.”
‘Well, I’m on vacation with my husband; we’re living up near Charlotte,” she replied. “What about you? How is Joshua?”
“Joshua…” Elisabeth said his name as though it left a bad taste in her mouth. Crossing her arms over her chest, she looked down at the sand, “Well, he’s living it up I guess. I told him that I was bringing the kids down here for the summer and he could do what he wanted. It’s getting pretty bad with us, but it did last a lot longer than I thought it ever would.”
Greta frowned at the sadness displayed on Elisabeth’s face and in her voice. “If you want my opinion, I think you should just get out now. Liz, you could meet the man of your dreams and be the happiest woman on earth.”
Elisabeth cocked her head to the side and gave Greta a strange glance. “Yeah, I guess… Anyway, what are you doing out this early? I know you always loved to sleep.”
Greta smiled and her green eyes seemed to sparkle with pride. “My little girl was up early.”
“Greta!” Elisabeth smiled and hugged her friend again. “Congratulations! How old is she?”
“9 months. You will have to see her,” she said, the smile still on her face. “Why don’t you come over tonight and you can meet Lily. Then we could go out and get some dinner or something; Lawrence will watch Lily and we can have a girl’s night.”
Elisabeth smiled and nodded. “That sounds good. Are you staying in the same house?”
“Yeah, just come by some time this evening. I’m so glad we bumped into each other.”
“Me, too,” Elisabeth nodded. “I’ll see you later.”
She jogged back home and was relieved to see that no one was up yet. “Good, I can shower and hopefully have breakfast peacefully.”
“Good morning, Nick,” Winnie greeted her grandson when he found his way into the kitchen. She frowned when she got a good look at him. His hair was a tangled mess; standing up in every direction possible. He looked as though he hadn’t slept in a few days and the stubble on his chin was more than just a five o’clock shadow. “Are you okay sweetheart?”
“Morning,” he said unenthusiastically as he walked to the refrigerator and getting out the orange juice.
“Nick?” Winnie’s voice was full of concern as she repeated her question, “Are you okay?”
“Yes ma’am.”
Winnie watched as he poured a glass of juice and exited the kitchen just as quietly as he had entered. Smiling at David as he passed Nick on his way in, she sighed. “Have you noticed anything wrong with Nick?”
“Looks a little scruffy,” he answered with a chuckle.
Winnie just smiled at her husbands comment and checked the clock when she heard someone knock on the door. “I wonder who that is this early.”
David opened the door and found a grinning Graham.
“Good morning Mr. and Mrs. G. Lovely day isn’t it?”
“Morning, Graham. Would you like some breakfast?”
“No thank you, ma’am. Is Nick awake?”
“He sure is. In his room.”
“Thanks,” he said and started for Nick’s bedroom. He knocked once before going straight in. “Man, where have you been for the last three days?”
Nick looked up and smirked at Graham’s bright red and white Hawaiian shirt. “I’ve been here not feeling that wonderful. I think I’m coming down with something.”
“Man, that’s the funniest bullshit I’ve ever heard. Get dressed and come on…we’re gonna go out to the beach,” Graham said and left the room.
“What is this all about, man?” Nick asked as he and Graham began to wade into the water with their surfboards under one arm. “Why did we have to come surfing today?”
“Because you and I need to talk. What’s up with you, man? You’ve been acting so weird lately.”
“What do you mean?” Nick offered a chuckle.
“Well, okay, Chase said he saw you coming home at like 4 in the morning and your clothes were soaked. Who was the hot date with? I know it wasn’t Dee-Dee because she was at the pool hall that night.”
“No one,” Nick stiffened up and began paddling out a little further so he would be able to catch a good wave. “Didn’t you come out here to surf?”
Graham let out a frustrated sigh. “Somebody said they saw you with Robert Butler’s daughter…is that true? Cause man, you don’t need to mess with a married woman.”
Nick rolled his eyes; he knew it was too good to be true. “Why do you have to be all serious today? Let’s just surf and have some fun.”
“So, it’s true? You were with her, weren’t you?”
“You know what? I did not come out here to let you interrogate me on something that is not any of your business,” Nick said in a frustrated tone as he headed back for the shore.
“Tell me you didn’t sleep with her,” Graham called causing a few people nearby to stare.
Nick turned and glared at Graham as he also came ashore. “What the hell is wrong with you? Do you have to spread my business around everywhere like it’s nothing? I don’t want the whole town to know about what I do.”
“You did sleep with her, didn’t you?”
“Why the hell is that any of your business?” Nick asked defensively before he dropped his surfboard on the ground and stalked off.
Graham could only watch as his friend pushed through a small crowd of people that were trying to beat the rush of people that was sure to come. This is not a good thing.
“You’re going out again tonight, Elisabeth?” Abigail Butler questioned with a disappointed glance. “I thought you would like to stay in and spend the evening with your family.”
Sorting through the stack of mail lying on the counter, Elisabeth suppressed the urge to groan. Her mother would always treat her like a toddler, but she just wished she would leave her alone sometimes. “Mom, I have all summer to spend the evening with you, and I haven’t seen Greta in a long time. So, no, I will not be staying home tonight.”
“You really should be home with your children,” Abigail’s tone was almost condescending.
“Why? Am I a terrible mother? Is that what you think?” Elisabeth questioned as she watched her mother wash the few dishes that had been in the sink.
“No, that’s not what I said-”
“But that’s what you think. Look, I don’t know what changed these last couple weeks, but you have become a major pain in the ass when it comes to butting into my life. I’m sure that has a lot to do with all the talks you’ve been having with Katy; there’s no telling what she’s told you about me and how horrible I am.”
“She doesn’t hate you and you don’t have to hate me,” her mother’s face clouded with sadness. “I’m only trying to help you.”
“Well, stay out of it,” she retorted as the phone began to ring. “Butler residence.”
“May I please speak with Elisabeth Walker?”
“Speaking,” she replied, confused as to who was on the other end of the line.
As if reading her mind, the man said, “This is Michael Langley from Pittman and White.”
“Oh, good morning Mr. Langley. How are you?”
“Mrs. Walker, I’m afraid I am having some trouble. I have been in contact with your firm in Chicago and I’m afraid you’re no longer employed there,” his voice was soft and full of what Elisabeth could only detect as pity. “I was told you left with no warning; that you didn’t bother to call or contact anyone. I’m sorry.”
“No, there must be some mistake. I…oh God…” she trailed off and tried hard to fight back the angry tears that were quickly rising in her eyes.
“Well, I’m very regretful to have to say this, but without a firm’s recommendation, I cannot consider you for our position.”
“Okay, thank you,” she said and replaced the phone in a daze.
“Elisabeth, what’s the matter?”
“That son of a bitch,” she cried and put her head in her hands. “He’s trying to ruin my life.”
“What are you talking about?” her mother tried her best to console her. “What’s going on?”
Elisabeth straightened up and wiped her eyes. He is not going to get the best of me…no matter what… “Well, it seems as though I just left my job and now I’m unemployed; I’m sure I have Joshua to thank for that. He’s trying to make my life a living hell, but it is not going to work. I will not let him ruin me.” Rubbing her hands over her face, Elisabeth thought back to the day she left Chicago. Her boss—Jared Anderson—had been out of the office the entire day so she was just going to leave him a note explaining that she needed some time off. He was usually very understanding about those things because he knew what she was going through. Even if he was her boss, he was also a close friend and he knew everything that was going on between Joshua and Elisabeth. Before she left to take Jared her note, Joshua had offered to give it to him to make sure she and the children didn’t miss their flight to North Carolina.
“Oh, honey, I’m sorry,” Abigail tried to comfort her daughter.
Elisabeth shrugged off her mother and lifted the phone back to her ear, dialing the number to her firm back in Chicago. After two rings she heard Jill’s voice.
“Jill, hi, this is Elisabeth Walker. It seems there is a misunderstanding and I am a little confused about some things going on. Is Mr. Anderson around?”
“No, he’s out of the office today,” came her curt reply.
“Well, can you tell me what is going on, please?” Elisabeth nervously began to twirl a strand of her dark hair as she paced the length of the large kitchen.
“Mr. Anderson has had your belongings boxed up and he had them shipped to Mr. Walker. He said that if you felt like you were sick of the firm, he would respect your wishes.”
“Excuse me?” Elisabeth asked as confusion flooded her voice.
“When I called Mr. Walker he explained to me that you no longer wished to be employed by the firm and that’s why you left. I’m sorry you felt that way, Mrs. Walker, but Mr. Anderson has taken care of it.”
“Okay,” was the only reply Elisabeth could come up with. She suddenly felt like her throat was closing and she choked out, “Thank you.”
“Well, what happened?” her mother’s voice sounded far away.
“N-nothing.” Stubbornness took over inside Elisabeth and she plastered a smile on her flawless face.
“Darling, I’m so sorry,” her mother tried to reach for her but was once again shrugged away.
“Don’t be; it was time for a change anyway.” Elisabeth left the kitchen and went straight to her bedroom. Once inside and sure that no one was there to try and “be there” for her, she collapsed on the end of her bed and began to cry. Joshua was out for blood and if he wanted a fight, that is exactly what he would get.
“Oh, Greta, she’s beautiful,” Elisabeth cried when her friend brought her 9 month old daughter from the bedroom. “She looks just like you.”
Greta smiled and handed her baby to Elisabeth before easing down onto the couch beside her husband. “Well, thank you. Lawrence is a little jealous because everyone always says that, but I find if flattering.”
“Aww, well, she looks like both of you, but she just takes after Greta,” Elisabeth smiled in Lawrence’s direction. She pulled the infant closer to her, enjoying the feeling of a baby in her arms; she missed it so much.
After about twenty minutes, Greta got up and picked up Lily giving her a kiss before placing her in Lawrence’s arms. “Are you ready to go, Liz?”
“Absolutely,” Elisabeth smiled and stood up. No one would ever think that her whole world was crumbling around her.
Nick walked into the restaurant behind Chase and Graham. He hadn’t wanted to go out to dinner, but when they showed up unannounced at his door, his grandmother insisted that he go out and have a good time.
“Tell me again why you two felt like you had to “drag” me out of the house,” Nick asked, making quotation marks with his fingers.
“Because, my friend, you are bringing us down,” Chase grinned and threw his arm around Nick’s neck, pulling the tall blonde into a headlock.
“Yeah, man, learn to have some fun,” Graham laughed as Nick shoved Chase away.
When they were seated and looking over the menu, Nick stood up. “You two know what kind of pizza I like so don’t screw it up. I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you goin’ man?” Chase called.
“Do you mind if I go take a piss?” Nick turned to look him. “Okay, thanks.”
Shaking his head at his nosey friends, Nick pushed through the group of people that had accumulated in the entrance of the restaurant. “Excuse me.”
“No, it’s not that I’m scared of him. That’s not it at all; I’m more concerned about Kaitlyn and Jacob than anything else,” Elisabeth told Greta as they entered Pizza Hut. “Wow, it really is crowded in here.”
“Well, what do you expect for a Friday night?” Greta poked her tongue out. “Liz, I really think you should have Joshua served with divorce papers. You deserve so much more than he can give you and I think it’s time you dump him on his ass.”
“It’s not that easy,” Elisabeth mumbled as a waitress showed them to a booth. “That’s exactly what he wants and I am not going to give him that satisfaction.”
“What do you mean that’s exactly what he wants?” Greta asked as she opened the menu.
“He wants me to be the reason this marriage breaks up and I won’t let that happen. Kaitlyn resents me enough as it is, but she’s not going to hate me for leaving her father, too. I’ll let her see that he’s not as perfect as she makes him out to be.”
“I still don’t think you need to compromise your happiness to prove a point. Trust me honey, Kaitlyn will get over it if you two break it off. Don’t you remember how I hated my mother for leaving Dad? Now, she’s my best friend. It just goes to show you, just because you feel one way when you’re a teenager it doesn’t mean you will feel that way forever. Just consider leaving that bastard; you will be better off in the long run.”
“Yeah, I guess,” Elisabeth said and closed her menu.
“Oh, good,” Greta said and handed her menu to the man standing at the end of the table. “We’ll, have the-”
“Oh, no, I’m sorry, I’m not the waiter,” Nick smiled and motioned toward Elisabeth. “I just wanted to say hi.”
“Hi,” Greta said sarcastically.
“Nick,” Elisabeth looked up and felt herself smile. “How are you?”
“I’m okay,” he returned her smile and watched as she nervously tugged her hand through her hair. “I’ve been better.”
“Oh, where are my manners? Nick, this is my best friend Greta Henderson; Greta, this is a friend… Nick Carter.”
“Nice to meet you,” Greta smiled and curiously watched the exchange between the two “friends”.
“Uh, I was wondering if we could talk? I was on my way back to my table when I spotted you and well, my friends can wait,” Nick said as he jammed his hands in his pockets.
“Well…” Elisabeth started to protest.
“Go ahead, Liz. I’ll order for us, don’t worry. And take your time,” she winked at Nick.
Elisabeth took Nick’s hand and let him help her out of the booth before they headed out to the patio area of the restaurant. “So,” she said feeling a little awkward.
“I just wanted to apologize for the other night,” Nick’s voice was soft. “I don’t know what got into me and I shouldn’t have taken things that far.”
Sitting down on one of the cement benches, Elisabeth smiled and shook her head. “Nick, you weren’t the only one there that night and it’s not your fault. It takes two to tango; you didn’t force me to do anything against my will. I’m sorry, too. We were just caught in the moment.”
Nick smiled in relief and took her hand in his. “Lizzie…you’re all I can think about.”
Elisabeth looked into his eyes, shifting uncomfortably. Why did he have to say that? her mind began to scream. “Nick…”
Before Elisabeth could be rational with him, Nick took her face in his hands and seized her lips with his. He gently began to trace her lips with his tongue, begging her to open up to him. When she finally parted her soft lips, he slid his tongue into her mouth, entangling it with hers. After a moment, he was kissing her jaw line and down to the hollow of Elisabeth’s neck, setting her soul on fire. He followed the flushed trail back to her mouth before pulling away to look into her eyes.
Elisabeth looked deep into the gentle blue eyes that seemed to be questioning her. She could deny it no longer—there was something between them that she could not ignore.
Nick reached over and ran a hand through her mahogany hair; it felt like silk gliding through his fingers. He leaned in for another brief kiss before he picked up Elisabeth’s right hand and placed it on his chest over his heart. “Lizzie…I…you are all I think about anymore. Two weeks ago, I was a single guy with nothing to worry about and then I met you. There isn’t a second in the day that you don’t cross my mind.”
“Nick…” her voice was soft and she tried to pull her hand back, but Nick wouldn’t let her.
“Lizzie, please don’t push me away. You feel it too, I can see it in your eyes,” he said and pressed her hand back to his chest. “Here…can you feel it?”
“Feel what?” she asked quietly, tears stinging her eyes.
“That’s me, falling in love with you.”