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Author's Chapter Notes:
Chapter 3 is up! I wasn't going to finish this because after chapter 1, nobody reviewed...but I got things flowing yesterday and finished 4 chapters, so thru chapter 6 is done!!! lol. Please leave a review...and well, read it (lol) cuz I feel this may be one of my better stories..and the end will surprise everyone.
Chapter Three

Brian flinched when he heard two men fighting in a cell right next to him. He recoiled back in the corner he’d positioned him in, trying to curl up even tighter. He was afraid. He was used to this by now, as he’d been in the dingy, dark cell for a couple of weeks now. But nonetheless, he was still afraid.

Physical fights broke out almost constantly amongst the men. He was lucky enough to have a cell all to himself...so far. That could change at any moment of any day. But for now, he was alone and safe from the wrath of other criminals. At the thought of that, Brian laughed bitterly. Him, a criminal. It sounded weird, as he’d always been looked at as being so calm and sweet. He was known for following all of the rules of God and not betraying the trust of anybody. It was funny how things changed by a simple fight and a handful of accusations directly following. Now, nothing made sense.

The first day of the trial hadn’t gone nearly as expected. Brian hadn’t known what to expect, but what had happened wasn’t it. He’d never in a million years thought that he would ever be on the stand in a court room being charged for something so horrible. He’d thought that everybody would see in to his good heart and realize right away that he was innocent with no questions asked. That wasn’t even close though. Day one and he’d been so nervous that it looked like he had something to hide. In his mind though, he didn’t. Not really....or did he? Brian was just completely confused.

“I’m going to rip your throat out!”

Brian swallowed back fear as he heard the angry shouts of a guy so close to him followed by a clatter and a thump. Then there was more yelling. A lot more yelling. Brian bowed his head down, covering his ears to block it all out. He hated this with a passion. Not only that, he missed his friends. He wondered what they were thinking at that exact moment. Were they on his side, or did they doubt him. He wished that he knew.

“God, Julian...where are you...” Brian muttered aloud. He ran his fingers through his sandy locks in distress.

Her whereabouts was something that he wondered and had been wondering every day since those officers had come up to his door, banging roughly upon the mahogany wood. He’d opened and they’d drug him out like a filthy criminal stating that he was under arrest for the disappearance of his lovely Julian, or what he thought to be his lovely Julian before he’d caught her cheating on him. But was it really possible that the vibrant, full of life woman was dead? It seemed surreal to him. The whole thing was surreal. Brian swore that lines of age were starting to etch their way in to his facial features from all the stress that he was undergoing.

Sighing, he looked up. In all of his thinking, Brian realized that the yelling had stopped. He was thankful for that, positive that if it had continued, one of them would have ended up hospitalized by the end of it all. Or had that already happened? Or had somebody been killed? Brian had heard horror stories about prison fights where one person ended up dead by the end of it all. Either way, it was obvious that an officer had split it up. It made him look forward to having a cell mate even less. He didn’t exactly have a ‘tough’ image to stand up to and defend himself with.

Thinking again, he closed his eyes and saw the jury before him. They all had such accusing looks in their eyes, ready to judge without knowing. Then again, he hadn’t exactly told the entire truth either. He figured that they’d probably seen through that. Unfortunately. Then there was the look her parents kept shooting him. It was accusing through teary grief filled eyes. That look had caused him so much pain. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to lose a child. He didn’t have any of his own, but he’d have liked to have them with Julian...before she cheated on him.

Brian sighed. Where were his friends? He needed them there to talk to. To tell him that everything would work out and he would be okay. That reassurance was something that he was finding difficult to come by all on his own without an outside force telling him so. Everything was such a mess. They hadn’t come by though, and Brian wasn’t sure if they would. Sure, their looks in the courtroom had been sympathetic towards him. He was almost sure that they were on his side. But then there was that little stray fringe of doubt sneaking up on him, making him wonder if they too blamed him for killing Julian.

“Lights out!” bellowed a voice.

Brian looked up just on time to see a security officer walking through, flipping light switches along the way as darkness took over the entire room. He sighed, getting up from his position on the floor. Silence was now deafening as he quietly padded his way over to his bed, afraid to make the slightest disruptance for fear that it would set off a fury of fights all around. Peace had finally taken over. But it would only last so long, because once morning came, another day of unknown events would take place, mostly for the worst. That’s how it always turned out.

April 2nd, 2005

Brian’s eyes widened in sheer delight as he watched Julian emerge from the bathroom wearing a light pink bikini. It was tied in the back around her neck and again in the middle giving it a near strapless look. The bottoms tied at the sides where they were in tight little bows, clinging her the curves of her hips perfectly. He could feel himself almost drooling at the sight, her tanned, lean, toned stomach showing through teasingly.

“Wow...” was all he could muster, her perfection leaving him speechless.

Julian laughed daintily as she bowed her head in a slight blush, “You don’t look too bad yourself, Mr. Littrell.” she teased, walking straight in to his arms to plant a kiss on him, “You look damn sexy in those.”

Brian laughed, wondering how he could look good in a simple pair of hunter green swimming trunks that were slightly baggy and came to his knees...the latest style. He accepted her kinds words though, returning a kiss as a thank you. They stood in the hotel room, just holding each other and staring in to one another’s eyes with complete adoration. Brian honestly couldn’t remember a time when he’d loved somebody this much nor had such a great connection with them.

“So,” Julian asked, breaking the moment, “Are we going to go down to the beach or what? I’m dying to take a dip in the ocean. It’s such a beautiful day!”

Brian smiled at her enthusiasm, glad that his idea to take her on a small mini-vacation was paying off. She was definitely grateful for it. It was so weird to think that when they’d first met, she had been screaming at him and cursing under her breath in distress because he’d hit her in a car accident. And somehow, he’d had the gull to ask her out in the middle of all of it. He shook his head and chuckled to himself with the irony of it all. She’d been reluctant, but had agreed, mostly to get him off of her back. They had really it off though.

“What are you laughing at?” Julian crinkled her nose at him.

“Just thinking of how we met,” she laughed softly at this, “Don’t you find it odd?”

Julian shrugged her shoulders, “Yeah, well...it all worked out for the best, and I got a new better car out of it!” she winked at him

“Hey,” Brian called out in protest, going after her in a joking manner.

Julian’s eyes widened in surprise as she squealed, taking a run for it as Brian chased her. She made it all the way to the door before he cornered her, tackling her in to a corner as he smothered her in kisses as they both laughed in between each one. Julian’s heart fluttered at how sweet Brian was and how amazingly they fit together. It was almost as if they were meant for one another in some weird, twisted way. She could only hope that things lasted. So far, she couldn’t ask for anything better and things had been running strongly and smoothly for almost two months.

‘What do you say...we go down...to the beach now...” Julian mumbled in between quick pecks of passion on the mouth.

Brian smiled as he kissed his girlfriend one last time, embracing her closely against his chest in a hug, “Sounds great,” he replied, “Just let me grab the beach towels and we’ll be on our way.”

Julian waited by the door as Brian disappeared in to the bedroom, watching his butt the whole way back. She smiled, leaning against the front door of their suite casually as she waited. She shook her head and laughed when a loud crash was heard from the room. Not long after, Brian emerged with two towels draped over his shoulder and a bottle of sun tan lotion. He held it up as if she hadn’t noticed it before.

“I don’t want you to burn...the sun reflecting off of the sand on you will roast you alive and turn you in to a lobster.”

“Ah...” was all Julian responded with, but she found his gesture, although simple...very sweet

“So lets go!” Brian exclaimed as he opened the door for Julian, holding his hand outward as a motion for her to go first.

“You’re such a corn-ball!” She laughed, walking out. Brian followed, the door clicking silently behind them.

The walk down to the beach was short and once there, they found the perfect spot to lye out their beach towels. Brian slathered lotion all over Julian to make sure she didn’t burn, rubbing gently and in a way that sent shivers of excitement up and down her spine. When he was done, Julian did the same to Brian, even kissing his neck gently as she did so sending him moaning in pleasure at her teasing ways.

The majority of that afternoon had been spent either swimming in the depths of the clear blue ocean or catching the suns rays for a perfect tan. Either way, the couple was enjoying each others company and just having fun. Things were simple and that was the way that they liked it for the moment without the press getting in to their business. It was just them...