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From the beginning, Ana had felt unsure about that moment of her life when dawn was threatening to break and she was startled from a sound sleep with a loud series of bangs on her front door. She had first wanted to ignore what she assumed to be a drunken soliciter, considering she lived in New York City. But the pestering had become increasingly demanding, so she had to drag herself from the depth of her comforters. Rubbing her face to clear away the drowsiness of sleep, she carefully slipped down the steps of her home. Announcing that she was coming, she had hoped that the knocking would cease, but it became louder than before. Wrinkling her nose, she peered out of the window beside her door and felt her heart give at the sight of Kevin. "What the Hell are you doing here?"

"Let me in."

"It's four in the morning! Go back to the hotel."

"No, you're going to let me in."


"NOW!" Kevin pounded as hard as he could on the door, causing Ana to jump. A shriek caught in her throat as she fumbled for her cell phone; maybe just a threat of the police would scare him away.

"Get out of here or I'm calling the police!"

"Stop fucking around Ana!" Kevin growled, reaching for the doorknob to rattle it furiously. But the door would not budge. The alcohol that he had dumped into his system had finally started to take effect. The lightheadedness giving way to the numbness of his body. But the stark contrast was the way that the liquor had intensified his emotions. He could think of nothing else but the disaster that his young cousin was getting himself into and wanted to put an end to it. Now. So, with all his strength, he forced his fist through the window beside the door, fumbling till he reached the lock.

"Damnit Kevin! I'm calling the police!" Ana hollered with disbelief, stumbling backward when the door was forced open. Cell phone sliding out of her hands, she stumbled in attempts to reach it, yelping sharply when a fistful of her honey blonde curls were yanked and she was forced to stand. "Kevin, don't--"

"You couldn't just leave things alone! No! I told you to stay away from my cousin, but you just kept coming back! This is over, Ana! DONE! And I am going to make sure that you understand this time!" Kevin grasped Ana's throat and made her look into his eyes. "Stay away from Brian."

"O-Okay," Ana promised with a hard whimper when she was slammed against the nearby wall. Squeezing her eyes closed, she listened to the shattering of glass around her as pictures fell. But he still kept a tight hold over her throat, constricting the flow of air. The smell of stale liquor was overpowering as his hot breath flooded over her face. Wheezing, she squirmed in attempts to break free, but he continued to rage. Fearing she might lose conciousness, she brought her knee to his groin as hard as she possibly could. Immediately, he released her throat and she fell to the floor. Grunting, she crawled over the glass and sought any sort of weapon.

"You. Stupid. BITCH!" Kevin roared, holding a hand to his groin while using the other to get back on his feet. Anger seemed to course through his veins as he watched her search frantically for some sort of protection. He had thought roughing the woman up would be easy like in the hotel, but she proved to be a fighter when provoked. He would have to change that.

Not bothering to answer his displeasure, Ana scrambled from the floor and stumbled into her kitchen. Her heart hammered wildly against her ribcage as if fighting to break free. Cold sweat clung to her dampened locks. Squinting in the darkness, she felt dismay when she found nothing except for her baseball bat from a recent outing with Brian to the parks. Hearing the lumbering of a somewhat injured man, she seized up the bat and turned sharply. "Kevin! Stop!"

"I'm not going to stop. Slamming you into that hotel wall did SHIT. So, I'm going to have to really make my fucking point," Kevin growled, his voice low and dangerous as he eyed the bat in her hands. "Brian will end up looking at you in a body bag if you don't put the bat down."

"If you don't get the fuck away from me, I'm going to put you in the damn body bag, Kevin," Ana threatened, stepping forward in hopes that he would take a step back. But when he stood his ground, she felt her heart lurch painfully. She didn't want to hit the man. She truly didn't.

"Are you going to hit me? Try it. Then maybe Brian will truly see how much of a conniving bitch you really are."

When he advanced, Ana recoiled and aimed the bat for his head. But the courage behind her swing was less than impressive and he took the brunt of the hit into his palm. Gripping the end of the bat, he gave a firm yank, causing her to fall forward and him to gain control. And he wasted no time in bringing the bat across her back. Immediately, the air was crushed from her lungs and she sprawled onto her stomach, unable to comprehend the pain surging through her lower back.

"Fucking pathetic. You can't beat me, Ana. I always," Kevin pressed the end of the bat into her flaming back and grinned as she screamed. "Win."

"Okay, you win," she gasped when he grabbed a fistful of her hair to flip her over. Inhaling in hopes to garnish of breath of air, she winced when his foot dug into the pit of her stomach. "Kevin, I'm sorry--"

"You haven't even begun to be sorry for all the shit you've caused. Not in the fucking least!" Kevin raised the bat and swung down as hard as he could, not caring what the destination was, as long as he heard screams of pain.

A hot, white flash of searing pain ripped through her leg when the bat connected with her right knee and the joint gave way beneath the force. Yet Kevin didn't bother to wait for the pain to dissipate. Instead, he dropped to his knees on her gut and curled his hands into powerful fists. Furiously, he layered her body with heavy blows, screaming horrible explitives in her ear. "Stop," she gasped in a hoarse whisper. "I'll leave him alone. Stop--"

"I knew you were nothing but a sack of lies. If you had really loved him, nothing would have made you leave him alone," Kevin laughed harshly, stopping his blows to grasp her throat once again. "If you change your mind and go back to him, I will kill you. Without a second thought. You got that?"

Ana attempted to nod in confirmation of his demands, just hoping that perhaps he would allow her a chance to rest. The world was weighing heavily on her. Practically threatening to consume her should she allow her eyes to close. But the darkness seeping into her seemed so warm. So comforting. Offering her a chance to escape the pain if she would submit. But, she was unable to consent when Kevin grabbed a fistful of her bloody honey curls and slammed her head to the wooden floor.


"Are you sure she didn't show up? Ana's not like that."

"I am absolutely sure, sir. She didn't not come in for the meeting, nor did she call to say she was unavailable. There's nothing else I can tell you."

"Alright... will you please tell her to call Brian if she does come in?"

"I will, sir. Have a nice day."

"Thank you," Brian hung up and dialed her cell phone once again. He had been trying to get a hold of her for over an hour and he still wasn't having any luck--

Hi, you've reached my cell phone. Obviously I can't answer right now... More than likely I am busy getting my groove on with B in random places of my apartment--

Ana! Baby, what are you doing?

Nothing, B! For God sakes, put some clothes on!

You know you love seeing this! Brian could hear himself tackle Ana to the couch, and her giggles filter through the voicemail.

Leave a message... I might get back to you if this monkey ever gets off of me! *beep!*

"Hey Sweetheart, it's your B... I know this is probably the millionth message that I've left since... God knows when... But I really need you to call me back. I'm not mad about last night, honest. I just... I want to hear your voice, Baby. Please call me as soon as possible--" Grunting in dismay when the voicemail chirped with annoyance, indicating that his message was done despite his need to continue, Brian tossed his cell phone to the coffee table. Collapsing into the couch once more, he ran his hands furiously through his sandy curls and concentrated on a benign spot on the ceiling. He couldn't imagine why she wasn't answering...

She didn't show up to her meeting. Her cell phone was going straight to voicemail. Her home home was off the hook. He prayed that she wasn't just ignoring his calls, afraid he was upset with her. Brian sighed heavily, closing his eyes for a moment. The more he thought about the weird circumstances, the more he worries. If only she would call him back--

"Hey Brian, you done playing the obsessive boyfriend? Because I've been dying to go out to eat for hours and you refuse to answer me--" Nick stopped shortly when Brian offered him a furious glance. "...What'd I say now?"

"I am not obsessive. I'm worried."

"So she's not answering her phone... maybe she's sleeping after that meeting with her editor."

"She never showed up to that meeting."

"What? Why the Hell would she skip out on that?" Nick furled his eyebrows in confusion. Ana took work very seriously and wouldn't miss a single meeting, even if she was on her death bed.

"If I knew, do you think I'd be here?"

"Bri, there could be a number of reasons why she didn't go to the meeting. It doesn't mean something bad happened!"

"It just doesn't feel right."

"Then go over to her apartment."

"You--" Brian suddenly vaulted to his feet. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because you're not a genius like me--"

"Are you coming?"

"Me? Oh Hell no, what if you find her dismembered or something? I'd puke on her remains and then they'd implicate me in her murder and--"

"Shut up and nevermind," Brian groaned, trying not to create such an image in his mind as he went into his room to get sneakers and a hat.

"But what about lunch?!"

"I'm sorry, but my girlfriend is more important than food!" Brian rolled his eyes in disbelief, pushing his favorite UK hat over his locks. "No wonder you're single!"

"I'm single because there's too much man beneath this t-shirt for one woman. Every lady needs a piece-- Hey! D! Tell him how much of a man I am!"

Slipping out of his room where Stephanie had finally allowed herself the chance to rest with a fresh dose of pain medication, Howie arched his dark brows in surprise at being comendeered to Nick's fight for manhood. Opening his mouth with every intention of teasing the man, he glanced sideways to see Brian hurriedly collecting his things throughout the living room. "...Where you going, Brian?"



"Bri thinks there's something wrong because she didn't show up to some meeting and isn't answering the phone," Nick spoke for Brian, who was stuffing his feet into his sneakers. "I'm telling you, bro, she's sleeping! You are worried over nothing."

"I do remember Steph saying that the girl won't budge an inch for nothing if she cuddled under warm blankets and enjoying--" Stopping his attempt to soothe the man's worries, Howie reached for his coat and jacket. "Want company?"

"Please," Brian stood up and slipped on his jean jacket.

"What about lunch?!" Nick complained once again as the two older man made their way out of the penthouse.

"Kevin can take you," Howie called, gesturing toward the large man stepping out of the elevator. Only, a short gasp caught in his throat when he noticed how the man shuffled painfully toward them, holding what appeared to be a large cast of a right hand against his chest. "What the Hell happened to you?"

"Nothing," Kevin muttered, squinting against the brightness of the hallway lights. His head throbbed with a fresh sting of pain from the invasion of voices, but he still proceeded forward. He wanted nothing more than to crawl deep into the layers of his bed and forget about the world.

"Nothing? Kev, your hand is in a cast!"

"I said nothing, D. Fucking leave it be."

"...I think I'll just have Marcus join me or something..." Nick trailed off, quickly getting out of Kevin's way before walking down the hall to locate one of their loyal security guards.

Howie continued to press though Brian waited impatiently in the elevator. "You were out all night and--"

"I'm fucking hungover, my arm hurts, and my head is throbbing. Drop it, alright?" Kevin snarled, stalking into the penthouse without further complaint.

"No wonder Ana's terrified of him," Howie muttered with a shake of his head as he joined Brian in the elevator.

"She's terrified of him?" Brian questioned in confusion, punching the number for the lobby of the hotel.

"When he's like that, who isn't terrified of him?"

"I've never seen him so..."


"Yeah... even growing up..."

"Better to just leave vicious sleeping dogs lie," Howie pressed for the main floor, pulling his hat down as far as he could to hide his recognizable curls. Fans were constantly lurking around the hotel, dying to catch a glimpse of them. Any other day, and he would have welcomed it.

"I'll agree with you on that," Brian murmured, fishing in the pocket of his jean jacket for the keys to the rental. Brushing off the need for the supervison of their body guards, he hurriedly slipped into the driver's seat and revved the engine. A few flashes from various cameras exploded in his field of vision, but he said nothing. Concentrating on the road and hurrying Howie into the passenger side of the SUV before driving away.

"I'm sure she's okay, Bri. Maybe her power went out or something," Howie tried to assuage Brian's anxiety as his foot pressed the accelerator nearly to the floor.

"She still would have picked up her cell phone and went to the meeting with her editor--"

"You can't think the worst of the situation--"

"No offense, but this past year has taught me that anything that can happen, will. Ana's so responsible, D. Something is wrong..."

"And it's probably something so minor--"

"Well, we're about to find out," Brian grunted, swerving sharply to cross a lane of traffic so he could easily pull into Ana's driveway. Throwing the shifting gear sharply into park, he didn't even bother stopping the engine before he hurdled himself from the car. Moving up the walkway, he tilted his head in confusion when he noticed the shattered window and the front door hanging ajar. "Howie, call the police--"

"Already calling," Howie replied, who immediately pulled out his cell phone when they pulled into the driveway. He quickly followed Brian and they cautiously walked into Ana's home. "Yes, I'm at a friend's house... I think it was broken into."

"Ana? Ana! Where are you, Baby?" Brian scanned the house looking for any signs of his girlfriend. Shattered pictures lay on the floor, glass sprayed like a fine mist.

There was no response from within the overly quiet home, causing worry to stir in Brian, ready to be set off like an explosion. Some sort of chatter, whether it be a music system of the TV was always on in her home. It was a comfort that Brian found, especially when he hadn't much to say. They just allowed the background noise to speak instead. But, his mind was elsewhere as he moved around the foyer, feeling his body begin to tremble when he noted the smear of blood on the far wall leading into the living room.

"Howie. Blood..." Brian pointed to the wall, his heart pounding fast as he turned the corner. "Ana! Baby! C'mon, answer me, this isn't funny!"

An abnormal sound of a gutteral cry mangled in his throat when he came upon Ana's lifeless body sprawled between the living room and the kitchen. Her body looked awkwardly positioned as her right knee seemed to bend inward at a unnatural angle. Blood matted her thick honey locks and her face seemed grossly swollen and littered with bruises. Dead. She had to be dead.

"Brian, what--" Howie stopped in his tracks as he watched Brian swoop down on Ana's still body. "Oh my God. Operator, we need an ambulance. Our friend was attacked. Hurry! Please!"

Brian's hands trembled furiously when he sank to his knees, knowing that his body was dead weight. He searched for a portion of his lover's body that could be potentially felt, hoping he could offer some support. But every inch of her seemed to be battered. "Ana... Sweetheart... Ana..."

"Brian, the operator wants you to check for a pulse and if she's breathing."

"She's all bruised up--"

"Hover your hand by her mouth and nose," Howie knelt down, the phone still pressed against his ear as he gently pressed two fingers against the side of her neck.

Brian was at a loss when Howie murmured something about feeling a pulse, though it was weak at best. "--And if she's not?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Is she breathing?"

"I..." Brian trailed off at the look on Howie's face as he continued to speak with the 911 operator. Swallowing hard, he raised his hand over Ana's nose and mouth. Tears came to his eyes as he felt her breath softly touch his skin. "Oh thank you Lord... she's breathing..."

"She's breathing," Howie hurriedly repeated to the operator, nodding furiously when the woman began to instruct him further. Sliding his now bloody fingers away from Ana's throat, he glanced about the room to assure that she wasn't in any present danger. Nodding once more, though the woman could not see, he offered a short breath before looking to Brian. "We shouldn't move her. Just watch her breathing and keep checking for a pulse. The medics will be here soon."

"O-Okay," Brian whispered, watching Ana's chest rise and fall ever-so-gently; it almost looked like she wasn't breathing at all. He placed a hand against her forehead and allowed his tears to spill down his cheeks. "If only I hadn't listened and went back to the hotel..."

"Brian," Howie murmured softly after the operator instructed him to stay on the line till the medics arrived. Reaching out, he placed a soft hand on his friend's shoulder, trying to force his body into a calm state. Brian and Ana both needed someone with a level head. Brian needed someone stable to keep him grounded till the medics arrived. Ana just needed someone to help her survive. "You couldn't have predicted this would happen. New York is a rough place and... It's not your fault... She wouldn't want you to believe that..."

"I could have protected her, D. She's strong, but a man can overpower a woman when he wants to," Brian carefully ran his fingers through her matted curls. It scared him to think she might leave him without a good-bye or one last 'I love you'. He just couldn't lose her like that. "I'm so sorry, Baby."

"She's going to be fine," Howie stressed.

"But what if she--"

"You of all people know better than to think like that, Brian."

"I could have stayed. Just to hold her--"

"Nothing could have prevented this. If you were here, you could have been laying broken on the floor right next to her."

"I would have protected her--"

"And likely got yourself killed in the process," Howie murmured, listening to the distant wail of approaching sirens. "Stay with her. I'll go direct the police inside, okay?"

"Okay..." Brian watched Howie jog out of the house and he turned his gaze back to Ana, bending down to kiss a small, unmarred part of her forehead. "I am so sorry I wasn't here. I could have done something. I didn't protect you like I promised."