Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Nick
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 8
Completed: No
Word count: 14892
Read: 16376
Published: 04/02/07
Updated: 10/22/07
1. Chapter 1 by Moony44 [ - ] (1471 words)
Okay, so I'm coming out of the proverbial Backstreet fanfiction "closet" with my first novel. Thank you Kelly for all of your feedback and support! I couldn't have done it without you! Reviews would be appreciated!
2. Chapter 2 by Moony44 [ - ] (4221 words)
Thanks for the reviews, everyone! It really means a lot to get any kind of feedback.
3. Chapter 3 by Moony44 [ - ] (1542 words)
Anyone want to review?
4. Chapter 4 by Moony44 [ - ] (3000 words)
Thank you for the reviews everyone! Keep them coming please! Feedback is definitely my motivation to keep posting week after week.
5. Chapter 5 by Moony44 [ - ] (2672 words)
Sorry about the delay! Here is the next chapter!
6. Chapter 6 by Moony44 [ - ] (1053 words)
Sorry it's been so long but summer vacay has taken a toll in my writing groove.
Thank you for everyone who has reviewed! Please, keep them coming!
7. Chapter 7 by Moony44 [ - ] (620 words)
So I haven't written in a long time and looking back at this chapter, it reads very corny. I don't know maybe it's just me. Let me know what you think!
8. Chapter 8 by Moony44 [ - ] (313 words)
Oooh an update! It's a short one...sorry! Keep the reviews coming please! Maybe it'll motivate me to write a ton.