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“Alright,” Sam sat down, on the couch and took a deep breath. He fiddled with his hands and stared at the floor. “There is no easy way to do this so…I’m just going to tell you everything.”

“Everything? Well…out with it then,” I urged. My eyebrows were scrunched and I was anxiously awaiting his explanation. I knew that I was probably going to regret listening to this, but I needed to know what was going on.

“Well, have you ever heard of Sergio Ramirez?”

“Who?” I scrunched my nose, looking up at him.

“Sergio Ramirez. He’s a Mexican mobster. His boys have been smuggling drugs into the U.S. for years. Well, Sergio’s nephew, Marco, was in the U.S. making some deals, and he happened to make a deal with a man by the name of, John St. Lucas. Now, John St. Lucas is the leader of a small southern U.S. gang, called The Rayzerz. Are you with me, so far?”

“Um…I guess so.”

“Alright. Well, the deal between Marco and John went sour. Of course, the gang was pissed off and, it so happens, that one of the other members is married to a woman, named Isabella Calderone. Are you still with me?”


“Okay, Isabella and her brother, Giovanni are United States citizens of Italian descent, whose father happens to be in the Italian Mafia. Once the deal, between Marco and John, went sour, the word passed from the gang and through to the Mafia. Word, of this type of thing, travels fast through the world of organized crime. So, before he knows what hits him, Marco is dead. Needless to say, Sergio is not happy about this and, so begins, a war of sorts between the Mexican Mob, the Italian Mafia and the small U.S. gang, The Rayzerz.”

“Okay. So this Sergio guy’s nephew pissed off a gang and the Italian Mafia…so what? What does this have to do with me?”

“Marco was killed by a man named Gian Franco Munna. Ring a bell? You witnessed the murder of Marco, Nick, and you testified against one of The Rayzers. Does it make sense now?”

“Wait. So, I witnessed a murder that started a big fight between all these people? That’s what made it a matter of international security and made it necessary for the CIA to get involved?”

“Yep. You have had the Italian Mafia and The Rayzerz after you, Nick, for sending one of them up the river. That’s why you were put in the WPP…that’s why the CIA was involved…that’s what Jordan meant when she said it wasn’t all about you. There is an international war going on between these people. Luckily for you, you have the Mexican Mob on your side and watching your back.”

“I have a mob watching me?!? Like, right now?” I began to look around me, peering out windows. Panic threatened to take over my body, as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“Yes, Nick. There have been Mexican Mobsters following you since you testified in court. You brought justice to the death of Marco and they protect you, because of it; you have earned their respect. They are better at staying in the shadows than Jordan was, though.”

“Wait…you said ‘they are’ and ‘she was’.”

“Yes, Nick. I’m sure you’ll be under their watch for the rest of your life.”


“There’s more.”

“How, the fuck, could there possibly be more?!?”

“The leader of the gang, John St. Lucas, has a sister…”

“SHARON!!!” My voice cracked and my eyes widened, as I put the pieces together. I knew that chick was bad news bears!



“The gang is after AJ for a couple of reasons. First, they know it’s an easy way to get to you. Second, he cheated on Sharon. So, when they broke up, he became an easy target.”

Okay, let me tell you that I was pacing the floor like a little kid, waiting for recess. My mind was trying to process all of the things that Sam was saying, but it was all a confused mess. This guy was related to that guy, who married some other guy’s sister…what the hell? I didn’t sign up for any kind of ‘Mobster Family Tree’ college course!

So, I have the Italian Mafia and some gang wanting a toe tag on me, but I have a bunch of Mexicans protecting my ass?!? On top of, the fact, that I have the CIA and WPP watching over me? Is this some sort of reality TV show? Where’s Ashton Kutcher? I have got to be getting Punked! This is too bazaar, to be real.

“I know this is a lot to digest. Unfortunately, I’m not done. Jordan disappeared three days ago…”

“W…w…wha…” I couldn’t breathe, my chest felt like it was being crushed, as I looked down at him with wide eyes.

“The gang sent a tape to the office…with your name on it.” He slowly made his way to the entertainment system and put in the tape. The screen was black for a few moments.

“We have her, Carter…” a deep voice startled me, as the screen remained black. The light was flipped on and light filled the room. I gasped at the sight on the screen, as the light revealed what was in that room. Jordan’s body was lying, limply, on a bed with her hands and feet tied. The only clothes covering her were a pair of shorts and her bra. Her body was covered in bruises, blood staining her stomach and running from her lip.

“Jordan…” her name escaped my lips as more of a whisper, than anything.

“You will listen or she will die!” The owner of the voice was never seen…only Jordan’s beaten body. As the screen went black, the shrill ring of the phone made Sam and I jump. I quickly picked up the cordless receiver.

“H…h…hello?” I stuttered as tears stung my eyes.

“Seen my little movie? Now, we’re going to play a little game, Mr. Carter. You will follow my instructions, without any funny business…or else, she dies. You and your visitor will go to Mr. McLean’s house. He will be accompanying you.”

I slowly hung up the phone, after hearing the line go dead. I wiped my eyes and headed up the stairs. Sam followed me, as I began to pack my bags. Trying to keep my composure, I explained the phone call and what the man had said. It wasn’t any more than ten minutes, before we were headed to AJ’s house. Once we got there, I gave him the Reader’s Digest version of the story and he, too, packed. Just as we were about to leave, his phone rang.

“Hello? He’s right here.” AJ gave me a sympathetic look and handed me the phone.

“Alright. Now, the three of you are to get on a plane and fly to D.C. I expect you to be there, by sundown tomorrow. There will be a payphone, by the main doors. Expect my call. Let the games begin! By the way, I don’t kill people quickly.”

“Let the games begin? What a mother fucking ass hole!” I screamed, throwing the phone, across the room. We grabbed our stuff and left. I was in a very pissy mood…but, I am sure, you could have guessed that. It wasn’t long, before we were at the airport, buying tickets.

“Which gate are we going to, again?” AJ questioned as we walked through the crowds of people.

“Oh my god, we’re being followed!” I whispered to them, as we continued on our path. Sam looked around and spotted the men that I was referring to.

“Well, they look Mexican, so I think we’re safe.”

“I still can’t believe that you have mobs after you and mobs protecting you. You really are the popular one of the group,” AJ chuckled at his own joke, before turning serious again. “Wait. The same guys that are after him, are after me too, right?”

“Yeah,” Sam answered with a nod.

“Does that mean the same guys, that are protecting him, are protecting me?”

“Not necessarily. I would be inclined to doubt it, because you didn’t do anything that would earn you that protection. But, then again, they might, just because you mean so much to him and they are committed to keeping him safe.”

“This is a cluster fuck,” I scoffed as we finally found our gate. We sat down and waited for our flight to be called.