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I set out to separate my five sons, to protect them, but as fate would have it, they somehow find each other… that’s when I realized that they were destined to come back together.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Action, Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural, Suspense
Warnings: Domestic Violence, Graphic Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 28
Completed: No
Word count: 43099
Read: 64351
Published: 03/28/08
Updated: 10/07/11

1. Prologue by rebellious_one [ - ] (593 words)
Alrighty, here's a new story I started. It's a supernatural story, because those are my favorites to read, and I thought I'd give it a try. If it seems like I posted too much, well I am because I'm leaving for the weekend tomorrow and I just want to post what I've got so far. :) I would like some feedback on it. Welps, enjoy the story!!

2. Chapter 1 by rebellious_one [ - ] (1624 words)

3. Chapter 2 by rebellious_one [ - ] (604 words)

4. Chapter 3 by rebellious_one [ - ] (574 words)

5. Chapter 4 by rebellious_one [ - ] (613 words)

6. Chapter 5 by rebellious_one [ - ] (1500 words)

7. Chapter 6 by rebellious_one [ - ] (962 words)

8. Chapter 7 by rebellious_one [ - ] (663 words)

9. Chapter 8 by rebellious_one [ - ] (1375 words)

10. Chapter 9 by rebellious_one [ - ] (1679 words)
Back from my convention, and of course my computer would start giving me a hard time, argh!! Well, here's the update. I'm glad people are enjoying this story, and to all the people who have reviewed, thank you!!

11. Chapter 10 by rebellious_one [ - ] (1372 words)

12. Chapter 11 by rebellious_one [ - ] (1044 words)

13. Chapter 12 by rebellious_one [ - ] (3178 words)

14. Chapter 13 by rebellious_one [ - ] (1484 words)

15. Chapter 14 by rebellious_one [ - ] (784 words)
Ugh, sorry such a short chapter!! Been busy and on top of that writers block was trying to rear its ugly little head!! But, thought I'd post this part to keep people from hanging on, lol. Working on the next chapter, so I'll have that up real soon. For those who have reviewed, thank you sooo much for your kind words of encouragement and support, and for those who haven't reviewed... well, I love feedback!! =) And if you're not a review kinda person... well, I just hope ya'll are enjoying the story!! :D

16. Chapter 15 by rebellious_one [ - ] (534 words)
MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Another short chapter!! Lol. I'm trying to build up the suspense here... and also just posting what I have so far so it buys me time to figure out what I want to happen next, lol. Pain in the ass, I know... but I promise the next update will be lengthy!! =]

17. Chapter 16 by rebellious_one [ - ] (1800 words)

18. Chapter 17 by rebellious_one [ - ] (2144 words)

19. Chapter 18 by rebellious_one [ - ] (1815 words)
Okay, decided to change it up a bit. This chapter won't be the ellaboration of powers, but instead an emo chapter. Yay. Lol. Thanks to all those who have reviewed and are enjoying the story. =]

19. Chapter 18 by rebellious_one [ - ] (1815 words)
Okay, decided to change it up a bit. This chapter won't be the ellaboration of powers, but instead an emo chapter. Yay. Lol. Thanks to all those who have reviewed and are enjoying the story. =]

21. Chapter 19 by rebellious_one [ - ] (3955 words)

22. Chapter 20 by rebellious_one [ - ] (1512 words)

23. Chapter 21 by rebellious_one [ - ] (1303 words)

24. Chapter 22 by rebellious_one [ - ] (1698 words)
Sorry for the brief, WTF update, but here's an update. :D Working on another chapter to get up soon, as well as working on updating Satan's Playgound for my wonderful readers!! Thanks for all the reviews ya'll; you guys/gals are the best!! =]

25. Chapter 23 by rebellious_one [ - ] (2441 words)
Wow you guys!! It's a freaking update!! Lol. Well, thanks to some special individuals, I was given the inspiration to break away from writers block trying to consume me and was able to work on updating this story. As some of ya'll know, I recently joined some other fellow authors and had created a story that's out. It's funny, ya'll should go check it out! As for other news, I have more new and exciting projects on the horizon, which includes collabing with Kelly (AJsKellyMouse) and Ashley (MonkeyAbu), so look out for those stories that'll be out sometime soon, it'll be GREAT!! Lol. But for now, here's an update on this story. This update actually turned out really long, so I decided to divide it up into two chapters, so I'll be giving my lovely readers two chappies to read, yay!! Lol. Hopefully I can stay on top of these stories and not keeping ya'll hanging for so long. I'm gonna try my best, but don't hold me to it!! Lol. Thanks for those who are continuing to read and review this story, and sorry that this chapter note is gonna be a novel in itself, lol. Anywho, I'll shut the hell up now, so read and enjoy!! =] AND PLEASE REVIEW!!

26. Chapter 24 by rebellious_one [ - ] (1626 words)
Alright, so here's the other half... ya know, the update that turned out really long and I decided to divide it into two chapters to update this story with. :) So yay for having a cool, long update, lol. Please read and don't forget to review!! I love you all!!

27. Chapter 27 by rebellious_one [ - ] (1991 words)

Here I am, back with a BRAND FREAKING NEW chapter for this story! I ain't updated this story in THREE years!! O__O Wow. Mare, I hope I can get you back on this story!! :) Anywho, I hope this update not only calls back my fellow readers, but new readers as well! :) As always, feedback welcomed, appreciated and LOVED!! :D

28. Chapter 28 by rebellious_one [ - ] (2416 words)