I'd like to respectfully disagree with some of what you said, Mel.
Personally, I think it was rather pointless to bring up the Nick romance topic because it has been dead for quite some time. Also, I re-read the slash story thread and didn't find anything very offensive in it. We simply said it was odd, but we never said that the story was "OMG AWFUL! the author should be tarred and feathered for ever even thinking of the story idea!"
Honestly, the only things that we're really mean about are Oreos--and we're just doing it all in good fun, so I can see your point in that, but not in the other two instances.
I think it's a little bit ridiculous if somebody is scared off of AC or the forum because we say something not nice about the genre of story that they may be writing. Again, with the diversity, we need to recognize that everyone has opinions and we're all free to express them. Sure, maybe we could be nicer, but those offended people need to not be so hypersensitive (If you knew the school I go to, you'd understand why I'm so incensed by hypersensitivi
ty). If someone is having so much trouble taking certain opinions on a forum that is ONLINE, how on earth do they live their real lives offline because people in real life are not nice and things are messy.
We are all real people, with real opinions that I think should be expressed. Could we be a tad less snarky about it? Sure, why the hell not? Should we stop being negative completely? **** no.
And that is my opinion. You are welcome to dispute it, but I've honestly said all I'm going to say on this matter.
Thanks, and have a nice day