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--- Quote from: honey on June 25, 2008, 01:40:24 PM ---lol you want my idea? (probably not, but I'm going to tell you anyway...)

I was thinking what we should do is have each epi be their own story and put them in a series. (essentially that's what they are anyway.)

But I was thinking that since each epi is so long, we should have each part that we wrote be seperated into chapters  so that it breaks up the long episodes for the readers. I know that sounds like a lot of work, but I would be willing to help you if you if that sounds like any kind of idea worth doing. Then in the future episodes, we could all just post our own parts or something so there is less work for you.  I dunno... I was just thinking that it is annoying to have a story be over 10,000 words and have no chapter breaks. I never read anything 10,000 words in one sitting...

--- End quote ---

LOL that's exactly what we're doing!   Except as of now, we're still keeping it all one story so we're not hogging the recent updates.  It seems easier to have it all in one place.  But take a look at it right now:  I think it's still easy to follow, but broken up more, so people like Mare will give it a chance LOL.

lmao so first I break em up into separate stories, but don't make em have separate chapters.

Then Julie breaks them up as separate chapters but keeps it all in one story.

We can't win lmao. Cause Kelly might have the best idea.

But lookie, last mini banner is done till I find a way to make the Epi 4 one how I want to lol.

What do you think is too long for one chapter?  The first part of Episode 3 is over 5,000 words... is that too much?  Should I have split it into 5 or 6 parts instead of 4?

LOL we're so wordy.

Hmm...maybe 5 would work better.

Oh lol I know you're copy/pasting from the files you have. But it still has Brian being from the FBI instead of the CIA lmao. I already fixed it on AC but if you change it to 5 parts instead of might recopy/paste so I thought I'd let you know lol.

Maybe we should have just let Brian be from the FBI :P lol as many times as we accidentally put him there

Oh, thanks!  I thought it was fixed already because it says CIA when Brian first comes in... I guess it didn't get changed at the end.

Yeah, I'm torn... I'm so anal, I want it to be even... but I'm not sure which is better, to be even with number of parts for episode or even with word count per part.


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