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Author Topic: Five questions at a time....  (Read 27053 times)


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #30 on: February 05, 2007, 11:50:57 PM »

38) Going off of #9, what is one thing that annoys you most about fanfic authors? Why? (I figure, we’re all authors, so why not? I critique myself all the time!)

I'm not really sure if there's anything that bothers me about fanfic authors. I think it's an awesome thing we do and I can't down someone for doing it. I may not always agree with the way some people act, but it's all part of life I guess, right? lol

we ARE doing something fantastic, and you're absolutely right! it IS part of life, but, personally, i get annoyed when they stress exactly how much Nick loves Girl A ten times in one chapter. I love emotion, don't get me wrong...but sometimes repeating something more than twice in a chapter or two makes my nose wrinkle. but, it's probably something I've done and will do...and it's an annoyance that i have learned to live with. C'est la vie (ooh..six years of french later, i'm actually using it!)!

**Edit** Ok, I'm gonna change question 38 and say "What is one thing that shows up in stories that bothers you (for example, Nick falls in love *author's name* or teeny plots, etc)?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 11:55:21 PM by starbeamz2 »


  • Commander of Confusion
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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2007, 12:04:37 AM »

Oook here I go! Might take me all night, but I'm up for the challenge

1) Do you go by a pen name when you write? If so why did you choose it?
Not really... I mean my name on the boards is Mellz Bellz just cuz there are so many Mel's that write fan fics. Its just a nickname one of my friends started calling me and it kind of stuck.

2) Name a story you wish you had written and why (meaning a fanfic that already exists)
Hmm... I'm not sure if I can think of a story I wish I'd written. I respect a lot of stories, but mostly because I couldn't write them quite like that. Dunno if I'd go as far as saying i wish I wrote a certain one though.

3) What is the most creative idea you have ever had for a story?
I've had some pretty out there ideas. In both the good and bad sense lol. I think Sexcapades is rather brilliant if I can toot my own horn (well and Laura's too) I also had a really awesome idea for lke a supernatural kind of story involving Nick and some girl to find themselves the last two people on earth, but that isn't my cup of tea when writing, so it'll prolly never get written

4) What is the most cliched story you have written?
"Don't Wanna Lose You Now." Not only was it my first real fic which is buried on my original site which maybe some day I'll share just to show how far a writer can come, but the plot was retarded. My main character of course was named Melissa. She met Nick in Cancun and fell n love in like 3 days and then she had brain cancer and stuff. It was just real sappy and in the end they got engaged after 3 months of knowing each other at the ripe age of 19 LOl

5) What is the most overused plot line out there in fanfic today?
I just get sick of the predictable "Boy meets girl. They fall in love. She gets pregnant. He cheats on her. She forgives him. Then they married." kind of story. Also a lot of best friend plots kind of irk me. I've used the friend thing in the past, but you have to put a new spin on it somehow.

6 ) What started you on writing fan fiction?
I don't remember exactly LOL. I think I came across some of it and I thought hey I like to write and I can do this. It looked lke fun, so I gave it a whirl

7 ) Is fan fiction more of a hobby or is it a stepping stone to something you want to persue realistically?
It could lead to something more. I know a lot of authors who use their fics as drafts to hopeful novels. Personally, for me its more of a hobby. I've always flirted with the idea of writing a novel on the side some day, but I'm not sure if I'm a good enough writer or if I have the paitence to write and rewrite and edit. So, for now its all in fun!

8 ) If your fan fiction career ended tomorrow, what would you regret?
Well if it ended tomorrow I'd be pissed that I didn't finish anything I've started. As of right now I think my writing is the best its ever been and I think I'd like at least one completed testemant to that.

9 ) Is there anything that turns you off about fan fiction readers as a whole?
Sometimes you have to spell things out to them word for word. Subtle clues just seem to fly right over their heads.

10 ) What are your thoughts on including Kevin in a piece of fan fiction these days, assuming the piece is not an AU?
Good question! I think its fine to include him. He was and still is a HUGE part of the other guys lifes. I think  life after him in bsb is an interesting path to take with a story.

11) What's one genre you'd never write about & why?
Slash cuz just the idea makes me wanna gag... And I guess fantasy cuz its just too complicated to me

12) Did you ever write a story not because you wanted too, but because you felt you HAD too [like, you were forced to write it]?
Not necessarily forced, but I definitely had ouside pressure urging me to write something that wasn't really in my comfort zone.

13) What's one story you've written that most people would be shocked to find?
A lot of my earlier stuff cuz there's SUCH a difference. And prolly Strangers in the Night my Nick vizzy/vampire fic that was only 4 chapters. I'm ashamed of writing it lol. I found it not too long ago and parts of it made me blush now LOL

14) Do you have a story you've written & posted online, but will never post on absolutechaos because you're afraid of what people night think?
All of my earlier work

15) Do you have a favourite absolutechaos author? If so, who is it & why?
I don't think I can pick just one. There are SOOO many talented authors on there that I've read who I try to leave feedback for as much as I can

16) What story pulled you out of your writing comfort zone and why?
Sexcapades definitely. It's a lot more blunt and in your face then I'm used to, but its helped me be more relaxed in even other stories like Under my Skin. It's definitely helped me add more humor into my writing and not to be so shy lol

17) Name a relatively unknown writer who you feel needs to be recognized, one of her/his fics and why.
Hmm... I can't think of anyone on AC because i think most authors are recognized there in some form or another

18.) Has a music video inspired one of your stories? How?
Not that i can recall

19.) What skill do you feel you need to work on as a writer?
Descriptions kill me. Also minor things like overusing dialogue tags.

20.) What do you feel is your best skill as a writer?
I think I'm pretty good at developing characters and building a relationship between them. I also think I'm pretty good at dialogue flow between characters. I'm especially proud lately of the way that Alyssa and Nick seem to play off each other dialoguewise in UMS

21) If someone started professionally publishing Backstreet novels (multi-genre; anything from suspense to action to romance), would you be likely buy them?
I suppose so

22) On which TV show would you most want to see the BSB guest star--either as themselves or as characters on the show? (Can have them all on the same show, or if prefer they’re each guest staring on different shows--which one stars on which show?)
That's a toughie... I'm not sure

23) If you tired of writing BSB, do you think you would continue to write fanfiction for another fandom, or would it likely be the end of your fanfic “career”?
Probably... I can't see myself writing any other kind of fan fic besides BSB. Maybe i'd write original fiction (but BSB might still be the inspiration for my characters lol)

24) What Alternate Universe would you most want to see a story about? (examples: BSB as doctors, as firefighters, as police officers, as squirrels (hmm actually I challenge anyone to write that one!)
BSB as normal everyday guys... They don't have to be anything special.

25) Going back to question# 11. What would it take for you to reconsider writing a fic of that dreaded genre? (i.e. Would you if challenged? Would you for money? For a best friend’s birthday? Under absolutely no circumstances?)
Slash... No way I just can't lol Fantasy? Maybe with an experienced cowriter and a VERY simple plot lol

26) What influences you to continue writing? Is it reader support, number of reviews, your own determination, or something else? Why does it influence you?
I write because I love it, but I'll admit that positive feedback definitely motivates me to write quicker. Otherwise I'd write VERY slowly probably. Seeing others become excited about my story definitely makes me wanna churn out more for them to talk about.

27) Was there ever a time you felt that you could no longer write fan fiction and took a "hiatus"? What did you do during that time?
Yea sorta... I kinda slacked off fiction for about a year or 2 about my sophmore and junior years of college. BSB wasn't doing much and the fan fic world was kina dead then

28) If for some reason, due to circumstances beyond your control, you were forced to give up your fan fiction career, who would you want to finish your incompleted works?
I dunno if I'd want to anyone to finish my stories. I think I'd leave them unfinished. Except sexcapades I'd prolly give to Teri to finish if she wanted

29) If you could no longer write fan fiction, what is the one thing you would like to be remembered for?
A creative writer who always offered help and support to fellow writers

30) What is your main goal in your writing? Do other people influence this goal, or is it more of a singular thing?
Wow thats deep... I guess to entertain others. To share my ideas with others. To make them escape reality for a little bit.

31) Do you share your fan fiction with the people you know uotside of the internet? Or is it a secret part of you that only us special people get to see?
It's a deep, dark, secret. Nobody knows beside people on the net, so feel damn special lol
 32)  Kind of relating to #29, if you were asked to select one of your fanfics to be put in a time capsule and preserved, which one would you choose and why?
I think UMS since I'm the proudest of it and it is my most sucessful. Or maybe Quarter Life Crisis even though I just started it. It's supposed to be mirroring what is going on in my life currently, so that might be a cool choice

33)  Name a story you read the summary of or heard a synopsis of and scoffed, thinking it sounded like a terrible idea, and then read, only to be pleasantly surprised by how good it was.
Hmm... I dunno. I try not to judge a story by its summary. This isn't from the summary, but I'll admit when I first started reading Broken I thought it was goin to be boring and predictable and WHOA was I wrong LOL

34)  If one of the Backstreet Boys emailed you and said that he had stumbled onto your site/fanfics, what would your reaction be?  (Let's say you know for sure that it's the real him, not a poser.)
I'd be REALLY embarassed Lol

35)  As a follow-up to #34, if you had the chance (or were forced) to give one of your stories to the Boys to read, which one would it be and why?
LOL Hmm... I think I'd like Nick's reaction to Sexcapades. Of course I'd explain that its humor and I REALLY don't think thats the way he acts at all  ;) LOL

36)  Name a story that you think would make an excellent book (as in a published novel) or movie, and tell us why you think so.
Wow... Hmm I'm not sure there a lot out there
 37) Is there any story that you think could make a great screenplay for a movie (if it were made into non-BSB or if it’s an AU)? Again... Not sure. I alwas picture everything I read like a movie in my head

38) Going off of #9, what is one thing that annoys you most about fanfic authors? Why? (I figure, we’re all authors, so why not? I critique myself all the time!)
When they expect other authors to tell them where their story should go

39) When you read a synopsis for a story, what would make you not want to read the story (i.e. what about the story idea would turn you away from it)? Why?
Any kind of slash I guess. If it sounds too teeny or too cliched


  • Commander of Confusion
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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #32 on: February 06, 2007, 12:11:22 AM »

Guess I should try to contribute some questions although I doubt i'll be able to come up w/ 5 but we'll see...

43) What was the most messed up plot you've ever seen in a fan fiction?

44) Do you base your ideas off of real events that happen to the guys, or do you make things up?

45) How do you feel about integrating lyrics into fics. Good idea or bad idea?



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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #33 on: February 06, 2007, 12:58:41 AM »

25) Going back to question# 11. What would it take for you to reconsider writing a fic of that dreaded genre? (i.e. Would you if challenged? Would you for money? For a best friend’s birthday? Under absolutely no circumstances?)
Slash... No way I just can't lol Fantasy? Maybe with an experienced cowriter and a VERY simple plot lol

I've stored that in my memory, and someday I'll take you up on that thought. ;)

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #34 on: February 06, 2007, 01:36:28 AM »

Hey guys, I'm trying to fill up this questionnaire but i need help, lol...what happened to question #42? Did I miss it? Because sometimes i tend to do that, so just checking if anyone can point me to the right post, thankies :D
What succor, what consolation is there in truth, compared to a story? What good is truth, at midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? What you need are the plump comforts of a story. Th soothing, rocking safety of a lie - Vida Winter


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #35 on: February 06, 2007, 01:48:55 AM »

Forty-two does not exist.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #36 on: February 06, 2007, 02:03:26 AM »

Can i just say, after reading all the answers given...that im glad you guys have no problem whatsoever about writing Kevin even though he left? it gives me a very nice tingly feeling :D

and THANK YOU to Rose, Julie, Starbeamz2 and Mare for mentioning my fic/s. I appreciate them a lot :D *gets another tingly feeling*
What succor, what consolation is there in truth, compared to a story? What good is truth, at midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? What you need are the plump comforts of a story. Th soothing, rocking safety of a lie - Vida Winter


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #37 on: February 06, 2007, 02:04:48 AM »

Forty-two does not exist.

awww I hope #42 didnt get offended by that. Then again something that doesnt exist cant possibly be offended right? lol Thanks btw :D
What succor, what consolation is there in truth, compared to a story? What good is truth, at midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? What you need are the plump comforts of a story. Th soothing, rocking safety of a lie - Vida Winter


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #38 on: February 06, 2007, 02:18:42 AM »

Can i just say, after reading all the answers given...that im glad you guys have no problem whatsoever about writing Kevin even though he left? it gives me a very nice tingly feeling :D

and THANK YOU to Rose, Julie, Starbeamz2 and Mare for mentioning my fic/s. I appreciate them a lot :D *gets another tingly feeling*

Hehe you're welcome, tingly feelings are always nice.
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

"Don't annoy the writer. They may put you in a book and kill you." —Anonymous

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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #39 on: February 06, 2007, 04:00:14 AM »

awww I hope #42 didnt get offended by that. Then again something that doesnt exist cant possibly be offended right? lol Thanks btw :D

No, it probably can't. :D

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #40 on: February 06, 2007, 04:13:33 AM »

1) Do you go by a pen name when you write? If so why did you choose it?
Yes I do. And ‘mersey’ is a short for ‘merseyside’ a place in Liverpool, and because I’m an avid fan of Liverpool FC. Yes, kind of a boring explanation there, lol.

2) Name a story you wish you had written and why (meaning a fanfic that already exists)
I wish I had written ‘Why…’ by Mare. (And I said this while reading the question and before seeing Mare’s answers). It’s a fic that made me laugh and cry, made me furious and confused (not by her writing though, lol) and made me want more.

3) What is the most creative idea you have ever had for a story?
I honestly don’t know. I don’t think I sit around and think okay, I think this is creative, I’ll go with this one. I’m not disciplined either, cause I don’t plan what I write, I just have a jist of the idea, see a beginning and an ending and just winged it in the middle and hope I get myself to the end. Having said that, and having read the answers from you guys here, I’d go with Finding Brotherhood.

4) What is the most cliched story you have written?

Oh goodness, lol. Perhaps On The Run? Back then I thought the idea of getting the guys suffered a bus crash and running in the woods chased by bad guys was good, and then of course I realised there had been more fics like that before I even thought of writing one, so that’s kind of clichéd right?

5) What is the most overused plot line out there in fanfic today?

To be honest, I’ve been very selective with the stuff I read these days. Also, I’m lazy and hardly go around looking for new fics to read (a bad habit I know) so I’m not sure what’s overused these days.

6 ) What started you on writing fan fiction?
 When I found out it existed! I read all these amazing fics and couldn’t believe my eyes. I’ve always wanted to write something suspenseful/adventurous but figured why write something when you have no one to share it with right? I used to write for my own leisure but it kind of depressing as well, I like the idea of writing for someone else’s enjoyment. So yes, to finally realise I have a place where I can feel belong to, I decided I should join the club and start writing.

7 ) Is fan fiction more of a hobby or is it a stepping stone to something you want to persue realistically?
It’s a hobby. It’s hard to get anything published where I’m at. The kind of genre that attracts the public attention here are those that I’m not used to writing, so yeah, hobby it shall be then.
8 ) If your fan fiction career ended tomorrow, what would you regret?
I love how you refer to this as a career! It makes me feel like I’ve contributed to the society somehow, lol. I’d regret not finishing my stories to leaving behind the fandom, everything that co-exist within the fanfic community.

9 ) Is there anything that turns you off about fan fiction readers as a whole?
They don’t mind me much, I’d be glad if I get a handful of reviews for myself. So this doesn’t really turn me off just sometimes frustrates me, when a reader reviews and say ‘ok that kind of confused me but I like it’ and didn’t explain what was it that confuses them. It’s also like saying ‘ok I’m confused by your writing but I pity you so I’ll throw in a ‘I like it’ as well’.

10 ) What are your thoughts on including Kevin in a piece of fan fiction these days, assuming the piece is not an AU?
I really would like to encourage writers to keep on writing Kevin, whether he is still in BSB or not, where the fic is concerned. It’d also be nice to read fics centred on Kevin and how life is for him now that he’s no longer in BSB but still somehow incorporate the boys in it.

11) What's one genre you'd never write about & why?
Never say never. But closest to never would be anything rated NC17 and above.

12) Did you ever write a story not because you wanted too, but because you felt you HAD too [like, you were forced to write it]?
Forced as in a bad way? Okay nevermind, when have ‘forced’ been a good way (except for ‘may the force be with you’ that’s good right?)…hmmm…no, I don’t think so.

13) What's one story you've written that most people would be shocked to find?
Heh. I don’t think anyone has ever been shocked by my writing. We’re talking plot wise right? Cause if it’s mistakes wise, I’m sure I’ve shocked a lot of people with my grammar, tenses etc.

14) Do you have a story you've written & posted online, but will never post on absolutechaos because you're afraid of what people night think?
I have written, posted and took them offline because I’m afraid of what people might think of them (which means they seriously suck and are of total embarrassment to Mersey and her self-confidence).

15) Do you have a favourite absolutechaos author? If so, who is it & why?
Ok first of all, I’m not good with names, ask Mare, she’ll vouch for me. So while I’m always going for the old-timers (sorry guys but you do realise you’re all old-timers right? Lmao) like mare, chaos, refuse, Julie etc…I have found awesome authors here whom I’ve read and reviewed their stuff and considered them to be among my favourites. I just hardly read anymore and I wish I’d get back to reading more often and acknowledge these writers. Oh, and I do realise this question asked for ‘a fav author’ but I can’t just name one, lol.

16) What story pulled you out of your writing comfort zone and why?
Every time I tried to write a scene where it involves a place that actually exist. I have problems trying to sell it to the readers, I’m always doubting myself because I’ve never been there and I wonder if what I wrote is too little or too much. I did some googling for the places that the guys went to in ‘the house in crossgrate lane’ and I often find myself going ‘wtf is a Singaporean girl doing trying to write about a place in the UK she’s never been to?’ So yeah, it’s not really about a particular story that pulls me out of my comfort zone, it’s stuff like this that do me in, lol.

17) Name a relatively unknown writer who you feel needs to be recognized, one of her/his fics and why.
Okay this is where I have to say again that it’s been a while since I read stuff from new writers so I can’t really point to one. Yes, I’ve a feeling I’m missing out on a lot of good fics out there.

18.) Has a music video inspired one of your stories? How?
 Not that I remember right now…I don’t think so.

19.) What skill do you feel you need to work on as a writer?

 I need to be more disciplined and have some concrete plans for my fics and to be sure I see each of them through to the end. I’m guilty of not updating old fics.

20.) What do you feel is your best skill as a writer?
 Oh dear…I really am not sure. I like to think that when write something, it connects to the readers in some way or form? Is that a skill?

21) If someone started professionally publishing Backstreet novels (multi-genre; anything from suspense to action to romance), would you be likely buy them?
It depends really. I’ll most likely buy it if I know the author, as a way of supporting them. Someone I know actually planned on asking authors to submit their BSB fics and she’d get them printed out in a book form from a printing company, just for fun and keepsake and authors will have to pay for the printing costs but she kind of disappeared after a while so that thing never took off even though a lot of authors responded to the idea. Personally, I’d pay for that, for memory sake.
22) On which TV show would you most want to see the BSB guest star--either as themselves or as characters on the show? (Can have them all on the same show, or if prefer they’re each guest staring on different shows--which one stars on which show?)
Ok wow. I’d like Kevin in Grey’s Anatomy for a role as McGorgy to stomp out McDreamy and McSteamy. Although I think another name would be better since that one sounds pornish.

AJ to appear in Lost. Could be Charlie’s best nail polish buddy.

Howie to appear in Numb3rs. You know he’d be jealous to find out he’s not the only curly haired dude on the show.

Brian in Prison Break as himself, and having a conflict with doing what’s right and what’s wrong when he crossed paths with the Burrows.

Nick in Supernatural because a horror show? I bet he’d be in his element. Could be a ghost or something, lol.

23) If you tired of writing BSB, do you think you would continue to write fanfiction for another fandom, or would it likely be the end of your fanfic “career”?
I’ve written an SN fic and a Harry Potter fic but I don’t see myself writing more in those genres. I really need to get myself invested in the shows and really understand the characters to write more. So if I ever stop writing BSB, I might dabble in some other fandom but it wont be the same as BSB.

24) What Alternate Universe would you most want to see a story about? (examples: BSB as doctors, as firefighters, as police officers, as squirrels (hmm actually I challenge anyone to write that one!)
Squeak, squeakity, squeak squeakin’. Does anyone remember the end of The Emperor’s New Groove with the evil witch as a squirrel? Somehow, the squirrel thing reminded me of that LOL.

Where all the guys are some kind of animals. I dare Mare to write this.

25) Going back to question# 11. What would it take for you to reconsider writing a fic of that dreaded genre? (i.e. Would you if challenged? Would you for money? For a best friend’s birthday? Under absolutely no circumstances?)
Oh honey, I’m cheap. I’ll go pull one right out of my ass if they’re paying me for it!

26) What influences you to continue writing? Is it reader support, number of reviews, your own determination, or something else? Why does it influence you?
it’s a mixture of everything really. But I realised I write best when my muse refuse to leave me alone and makes me do it. Write it down<I> now</I> and I obeyed.

27) Was there ever a time you felt that you could no longer write fan fiction and took a "hiatus"? What did you do during that time?
 Wow…it’s been what? Almost a year since I’ve been actively updating any of my fics. I came back to post one shots when the muse came with something for me to write, other than that, I’ve been on hiatus. I just posted a new fic and the way things are going, it’d be multi-chaptered. I hope it’s a sign that I’m out of my funk but I shall not jinx myself so shutting up now. 

While in hiatus, I do nothing much, continue reading fics that I’ve been keeping up with and hanging in there hoping for the best, lol.

28) If for some reason, due to circumstances beyond your control, you were forced to give up your fan fiction career, who would you want to finish your incompleted works?
They’d kill me for this, but I shall pass them to Mare and Maria. I’ll give mare Fear Factor (and she’d be happy cause there’s only 1 chapter left to that one) and The Kidnapping of Nick Carter and I’ll give Maria ‘Children Like Me’. The rest will have to be forever incomplete because there’re too many and it’s unfair to dump all of them to these girls, hehe.

29) If you could no longer write fan fiction, what is the one thing you would like to be remembered for?
 I’d like to be remembered for my stories. Oh that Mersey girl? Yes, I remember that one fic of hers, I like it…ok seriously, #28 and #29 are scaring me! Lmao

30) What is your main goal in your writing? Do other people influence this goal, or is it more of a singular thing?
my main goal is to be able to share what I write with everyone out there and hopefully touched them in some ways.

31) Do you share your fan fiction with the people you know outside of the internet? Or is it a secret part of you that only us special people get to see?

It’s not a secret, some of my friends/family know about this. I don’t share my fics with them though, when they did read, it was because they visited my site and decided to read one. They don’t tell me what they think about this hobby of mine and I didn’t ask, lol.

32) Kind of relating to #29, if you were asked to select one of your fanfics to be put in a time capsule and preserved, which one would you choose and why?
Probably On The Run because it’s my first baby and I know I’d get a huge laugh when I read it again. Cheese anyone?

33) Name a story you read the summary of or heard a synopsis of and scoffed, thinking it sounded like a terrible idea, and then read, only to be pleasantly surprised by how good it was.
Not so much a terrible idea and I definitely didn’t scoff, but I just went ‘huh’ when I read the title ‘Mizpah’ from Mare. The summary didn’t give much away too. Not knowing what ‘Mizpah’ means, I skipped it a few times over a few weeks until one day I just decided you know what, I keep seeing you buddy, it’s like a sign trying to tell me ‘READ ME ALREADY DAMN IT!’ so I did and oh my God, it’d be the biggest mistake of my life if I had missed this!

34) If one of the Backstreet Boys emailed you and said that he had stumbled onto your site/fanfics, what would your reaction be? (Let's say you know for sure that it's the real him, not a poser.)

I'd thank him for reading, asked him wtf is he doing surfing for fanfiction and then thanked him for the cute paramedic who had to resuscitate me (mouth to mouth, there's no other way!) after i hyperventilate d and died reading his email.

35) As a follow-up to #34, if you had the chance (or were forced) to give one of your stories to the Boys to read, which one would it be and why?

LMAO! I’d give them the collab I did with mare and maria…5 backstreet boys in search of a plot. And hope we made them laugh (and cry).

36) Name a story that you think would make an excellent book (as in a published novel) or movie, and tell us why you think so.

Mel’s Tree by Mare. It’s a story that will touch the hearts, it’ll definitely make me cry. We need more movies like that. And its’ already a published novel.

37) Is there any story that you think could make a great screenplay for a movie (if it were made into non-BSB or if it’s an AU)? If so, which one?
I’m going to go with Chaos’ The End Of The World. I can see it in my head but I don’t know how to describe this, lol.

38) What is one thing that shows up in stories that bothers you (for example, Nick falls in love *author's name* or teeny plots, etc)?
When a BSB fic is written in the POV of a girl. When the first sentence to the first chapter is about 3-5 girls getting ready and comparing outfits and rushing themselves because Brian, one of the girl’s cousin, is coming and he’s bringing his friends and they can’t afford to be late. Yup. Those kinds. When it becomes the girls’ story more than the boys itself, I usually give up, lol.

39) When you read a synopsis for a story, what would make you not want to read the story (i.e. what about the story idea would turn you away from it)? Why?

I have to go with mare in this one. And it’s not even about having girls in the fic or it being a romance fic cause I find Julie’s Broken an excellent example of a fic that balance drama/angst/romance very well and I enjoyed that. It’s just when a girl’s name is in the summary, I tend not to read the fic.

40) If you could make a trailer for one of your fics, which one would that be? Describe a little how this trailer would look like.
Ok so I’m stuck at my own question, wtf. I’d probably go with Darla. It’d show Nick and his family in good times with his voice over talking about how bright his future is, that he’s blessed, and then having it all turned upside down when he got into the accident and was diagnosed with the disease later. Then it’d show the Darla house and the conspiracies around the whole thing and the town and how now it’s up to them to tell the truth. Woohoo that came out of nowhere, lol.

41) Relating to #37 here…which actors/actresses would you like to act out the main characters in this movie?
The End Of The World involved all five guys so I'd prefer the actors to be new actors, undiscovered talents you know? lol...Kevin's character could be played by Kevin since he wont be busy with the group anymore and if he's not busy with any other projects...i'd definitely get Kevin :D

Wow, this took me a few hours! I love this :D
« Last Edit: February 06, 2007, 06:42:04 AM by mers »
What succor, what consolation is there in truth, compared to a story? What good is truth, at midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? What you need are the plump comforts of a story. Th soothing, rocking safety of a lie - Vida Winter


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #41 on: February 06, 2007, 06:44:43 AM »

someone mentioned abt writing a fic in the POV of Baylee and seeing the world of the BSB through his eyes...sorry i forgot who wrote that but i just want to say i find that idea very unique and can be very funny and interesting.  ;)
What succor, what consolation is there in truth, compared to a story? What good is truth, at midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? What you need are the plump comforts of a story. Th soothing, rocking safety of a lie - Vida Winter


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #42 on: February 06, 2007, 07:27:29 AM »

we ARE doing something fantastic, and you're absolutely right! it IS part of life, but, personally, i get annoyed when they stress exactly how much Nick loves Girl A ten times in one chapter. I love emotion, don't get me wrong...but sometimes repeating something more than twice in a chapter or two makes my nose wrinkle. but, it's probably something I've done and will do...and it's an annoyance that i have learned to live with. C'est la vie (ooh..six years of french later, i'm actually using it!)!

**Edit** Ok, I'm gonna change question 38 and say "What is one thing that shows up in stories that bothers you (for example, Nick falls in love *author's name* or teeny plots, etc)?

Oh that's a good idea. See, I thought you meant actual authors lmao this is much better. I can answer that one now and not feel like a bitty.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #43 on: February 06, 2007, 07:54:38 AM »

43) What was the most messed up plot you've ever seen in a fan fiction?

Messed up? I'm not really sure. I mean there are a few stories I read and went wtf? but it wasn't really because it was messed up. More so that it was all over the place and made little to no sense. I think the weirdest plots I have seen but have never read are the ones where one of the boys is actually pregnant. What's that all about? lol

44) Do you base your ideas off of real events that happen to the guys, or do you make things up?

I do a little of both. For Why blah blah blah it's based mainly on real events which I have fictionalized but most of my suspense/action stuff is all made up.

45) How do you feel about integrating lyrics into fics. Good idea or bad idea?

I'm not a big fan of lyrics in songs. I usually end up not reading those fics in the end unless they are an integral part of the plot. Lyrics work as an introduction I think but I hate when they are randomly stuck in the middle of a chapter. To me it's like adding more words just to make a school report longer remember doing that? Dinosaurs are very very very very very very old and very very very very very dead! lmao

LMAO okay now we're getting a little confusing. Poor 42 :( sorry buddy...maybe next survey.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #44 on: February 06, 2007, 07:59:17 AM »

the new 38 I can answer lol yay!

38) What is one thing that shows up in stories that bothers you (for example, Nick falls in love *author's name* or teeny plots, etc)?

The example you just used is what bothers me most. I am not a big fan of stories where the author is the main character. Especially when love scenes are involved lol it's like uh...I don't want to know about you and Nick getting it on in the shower, save that for your diary, but seriously it doesn't bother me too much because like I said numerous times before, I skip those fics in the first place. lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green
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