Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured story for March 2007 - Love of A Child

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Congrats girls for being picked :D

Yay! I'm glad to see people discussing this fic and it's always extra great when the authors are part of the forum.

When I had my fanfic of the month club I used to write interviews for the authors so I thought i'd ask you some of those questions now. :)

~It's hard to write a collaboration, what made the two of you decide to collaborate on this story?

~While writing this story, what was the process, meaning do you guys alternate chapters or do you write each chapter together?

~Do you take turns coming up with plot points or do you kind of follow each other's lead?

~ What made you decide on Brian and Nick as your two leads?

There were a few to start you off lol I enjoy being Oprah so I may be back with more.

I am always amazed and awed by people who can collaborate so flawlessly. I think it takes a special talent to write with someone.  :)

i have a question! i hope both or one of you can answer this.

how did the fic come about? did one of you contact the other and said, listen, i have this story nagging in my head and i figured maybe you'd like to write it with me? or did the plot/fic came after you both decided to collab and then just brainstorm for an idea of a story?

thanks in adv. btw!


--- Quote from: mare on March 20, 2007, 09:51:27 PM ---Yay! I'm glad to see people discussing this fic and it's always extra great when the authors are part of the forum.

When I had my fanfic of the month club I used to write interviews for the authors so I thought i'd ask you some of those questions now. :)

I am always amazed and awed by people who can collaborate so flawlessly. I think it takes a special talent to write with someone.  :)

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Wow, mare, thanks so much! *blushes* I'll take a crack at answering these, though I'm sure Anastacia can come up with more answers for you as well...

--- Quote ---~It's hard to write a collaboration, what made the two of you decide to collaborate on this story?

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1. This story isn't our first collaboration. Bring Me To Life was our first, and after that we began a sequel, Wake Me Up Inside, and we just had so much fun writing together that we decided to come up with more story ideas to collaborate on. I can't remember who first had the idea, whether it was a mutual thought or one of us said, "Hey! How's this sound?!"

--- Quote ---While writing this story, what was the process, meaning do you guys alternate chapters or do you write each chapter together?

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We actually write each chapter together, usually writing a paragraph at a time. We always have a base plan for a chapter before we begin, and I must say that going back and forth makes it more interesting (for me), because I can write something and expect a certain reply from another character, but Anastacia surprises me with something completely different. It's very exciting this way, and I'm always blown away by her.

--- Quote ---~Do you take turns coming up with plot points or do you kind of follow each other's lead?

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For the most part we follow each other's lead, I believe. Ideas pop up for me at very weird moments, and I usually dive for the cell phone so I can text her the idea and see what she thinks. (Try texting a story idea while changing a dirty diaper, it ain't easy!) Or we'll be writing on a scene and it will create more ideas for the story further down the road, and we discuss things thorougly before actually writing them, so we both know what's going to happen.

--- Quote ---~ What made you decide on Brian and Nick as your two leads?

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Egads, I honestly can't remember. Brian was a natural, considering that the story began with Baylee's heart problems, and when our plot bunnies were going crazy I had a major soft spot for Brian. (*cough* I still do, but I honestly switch between the Boys almost as much as I do underwear... *ahem*) Unless I'm mistaken, I want to say that Nick was an automatic decision, because it seemed to us that Brian and Nick had sort of grown apart since his marriage and the birth of Baylee, and we wanted the happenings in the story to make them inseparable as before.

--- Quote ---There were a few to start you off lol I enjoy being Oprah so I may be back with more.

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Yes, I remember your many Oprah interviews from the fanfic club. To me they were probably the most interesting things about the entire deal; I enjoy finding out what things caused a writer to start a story and all that. Thanks again, mare.  ;)

--- Quote from: mers on March 20, 2007, 10:19:07 PM ---i have a question! i hope both or one of you can answer this.

how did the fic come about? did one of you contact the other and said, listen, i have this story nagging in my head and i figured maybe you'd like to write it with me? or did the plot/fic came after you both decided to collab and then just brainstorm for an idea of a story?

thanks in adv. btw!

--- End quote ---

*facepalm* I can't remember. I'll go dig through our conversation history and see if I can find out how the idea came up to begin with. *is off to search*

oh! Thanks for making us a featured story, and for all the great things you guys have been saying. *is humbled*

There isn't much that I can add with Shrinkingviole t's questions. She answered pretty much as I would answer, which is probably why we work so well together. We've got the same wave lengths in our brains, or so it seems when I end up completing her thoughts or vice versa.

Though, I can shed light to the original fiction idea for LOAC. You see, for our first fiction, Bring Me To Life, Shrinkingviole t had that original idea. So, of course, I had to step up and give her an idea to go on. Since I'm a Registered Nurse and absolutely adore the pediatric field, I thought it would be interesting to give Baylee a congential heart defect, because they are genetic and since Brian had one... It seemed plausible that Baylee would develop one as well. Then, because I'm in a Nick mood, I thought it'd be interesting to let him develop a relationship with the nurse, since, technically, nurses are not allowed to kindle relationship with patients... But, hey, friends of patients are neutral territory, my friend!


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