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Coaster Series Thread
Ok...totally did NOT notice it before that our names are the same Jen!!! KEWL BEANS!!!!
LoL there's only so long I want to be known as 'evergreenwrite r83' Love the pen name but for discussion boards it's a little weird :)
Mrs. Emmett Cullen:
i was re-reading the series from the begining and right now i'm at the part in the first one where they are planning the masquerade video with fatima. it's written in there that she says she didn't do the dance to Everybody, but she actually did do the choreography for that dance. i have the all access video vhs and she's was their choreographer for that first album music video's. she did alaylm, aihtg and everybody.
I have the video too...looks like I'm going to have to watch it again. It's one of my favs when I'm feel old school. I double checked Chapter 11 and removed three words and voila! I'm accurate again :) Thanks for the heads up.
Mrs. Emmett Cullen:
no problem. lol :) i read it and was like wait a minute i remember seeing her teaching them the dance.
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