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1000 Ways To Kill Nick Carter

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Purpura Lipstick:
Thanks for the compromise Mare

I think that's a good compromise too.

I need to start making a list of the ways Nick's died so I don't duplicate, unless someone else already has one  ;)

I added a chapter, and I have no problem with the rules, it seems fair to me!

Here's a list of the deaths so far!

Death #1 - cracked his head open on a urinal
Death #2 - crushed by a fallen piano
Death #3 - allergic reaction to anesthesia after being spurred by a platypus
Death #4 - bad reaction to caffeine led to being crushed by the stage platform
Death #5 - hit by a truck
Death #6 - decapitated in an elevator
Death #7 - impaled by a falling chandelier
Death #8 - sliced in half by a sheet of glass
Death #9 - leapt off a balcony while sleepwalking
Death #10 - infected with ebola
Death #11 - shark attack
Death #12 - killed by a llama
Death #13 - impaled by a moose flying through his windshield
Death #14 - impaled by a stake through the eye
Death #15 - fell off a roof while planking
Death #16 - shot in a train robbery
Death #17 - death by Viagra
Death #18 - sliced and diced by a falling tree

Maybe Rose, if she wants to, can post this in her original post of the thread and update as more are added, unless you think it's giving away too many "spoilers" LOL.  I know some people tried to keep it a surprise what the actual death would be at the end.


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