Fic Talk > Research Assistance

College help

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I never did the whole living away at college thing as the college I went to is where I live.  But it sounds like fun and also a little crazy too!  Good luck with your research Tracy :)

Julie seems to have you covered. But like she said if you do a scene in a science class, remember there's a lab. The lab is basically another class LOL. You have the big lecture type class and then the lab which is smaller and hands on. For me, my basic general courses, (100-200 level classes) were the more lecture hall style courses, while my more specialized classes (300-400) for my Major are like 20-30 people.

I've never done any sorority stuff though, not my thing at all LOL.

Purpura Lipstick:
I lived in a dorm for 3 out of my 4 years in college and I rushed a sorority (did not get in thankfully).  The sorority I rushed though was brand new to the college I was at so it was a tad bit different than other rushes I'm sure.  I can give you some info about that but 10 years and not getting in probably have me pushing it out of my mind ;)

I DO know someone who rushed a sorority, got in and was involved in helping with the consectutive rushes for her remaining years in college but good luck getting her to come out of hiding as she is one of the ones who has disappeared. 

All that sorority stuff goes over my head, I've no idea what it is, only that it's a club or something?

Too bad Dee isn't still around, she is the ideal source of info for the Greek thing! haha

We don't really do sororities/fraternities here either, Steph. Mostly just the ones that have travelled up from the states and caught on at some of the bigger campuses. I guess it's sort of like a society/club, but generally they all live together and pledge to always be part of one specific group for life. They date back to secret societies in ancient Greece and such.


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