Yay, new questions! It has been way too dead around here this summer! I have been MIA like many of you too. I haven't written much of anything fanfic-wise since the beginning of the year because my master's classes have been pretty intense, and I didn't have a student teacher this year like I have in years past to ease some of my planning and grading load, so my nights and weekends and the whole month of June were spent doing schoolwork or trying to relax in between doing schoolwork. I just haven't had the time or mental energy to write anything other than the required papers. Now that I'm done with that for the summer, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things for at least a few weeks before I have to start school all over again... ugh! The good news is that I only have one more year to go before I'm done with grad school, and then I should have less stress and more time to get back into fanfic.
In the meantime, my main goal this summer is to finish my part of Song for the Undead and see what I can do on Sick as My Secrets. For anyone still waiting for updates on that or my other stories, you should probably just consider me "on hiatus" until I'm done with my master's, but please know that I fully plan on coming back when all that's over with. I still love the Boys, love writing, and have a lot of story ideas; I just know I don't have the time I need to devote to them right now. But even when I'm not writing, I still enjoy talking about fanfic on here, so keep the questions and answers coming!