LOL Tracy... I also finish stories so infrequently, I'm sitting here going, "Hm... what DO I usually do?" I used to start a brand new story right away, but the last few years I've always had another story or two in progress to go back to, so I guess I've just attempted to do that.
I told myself I was going to take a break after finishing SAMS, but it's been two days, and I'm already like, "...okay, now what?" I've already thought of two new story ideas in the last two weeks, so I probably will be either starting something new or hopefully updating something old at some point soon. I'm not gonna go the rest of my summer vacation without writing.
I guess I'm a multitasker when it comes to writing. I usually seem to have a main project, a side project, and a collaboration in the works at the same time. Sometimes it's nice to have options, but I do kinda wish I would be able to get back down to writing just one story at a time. That would require me to actually finish some of these "side projects" before starting something new, though, which is not likely to happen.