Fic Talk > Writer's Circle
WTF, Google Docs?
Google docs keeps trying to correct Nick's grammar when I try to write him in the way he talks since it's first person and it amuses me.
Yeah, Google Docs has a problem with natural dialogue that isn't necessarily grammatically correct. It hates when Drums talks in 00Carter LOL.
Speaking of Drums... I wrote "Drums's," and Google suggested "Trump's." NOOOOOO!!!
“You like Mexican, right?” Nick asked, as he pulled into the parking lot of what was clearly a Mexican restaurant. It was a little late for me to say no, since AJ was going to meet us there, but luckily, I do like Mexican.
Google suggested, "Luckily, I do like Mexicans." LOL
Doctor: "We're going to lie you down now, Mr. Carter."
Google Docs thinks it should be, "We're going to lie to you now, Mr. Carter." That will not improve people's trust in medical professionals, Google. LOL
But should it be "lay you down" instead? Lay/lie can be confusing because lay is also the past tense of lie, but usually we lay down objects, not people. People lie down. Nick is going to be lying down, but he's not putting himself in that position; the doctor is going to lower the head of his bed to make it flat. So I dunno... is it lay or lie? I could go either way on this one. But I guess since it's being used in dialogue, it doesn't really matter what is most grammatically correct. Which word would a real person be most likely to use? Obviously my first instinct was "lie," but feel free to weigh in with your opinion!
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