That's why I hate textured paint also, lol. Hubs loves it and looks at me like I'm crazy every time I say, "but it's terrible for hanging things!" lol! See, I've broken many a wall with them, so I'd rather patch a hole at this point. I blame the wall more than me.
What color did you decide to go with? And I get it, holiday weekends are always busy.
Ah yes, textured paint probably makes it harder for the strips to stick. They usually work fine for me, but I had a hell of a time hanging my framed Millennium record. I framed the DNA record and hung it up with Command strips, and it stayed fine. Then, months later, I tried to hang Millennium on the same wall with the same kind of album frame, and it kept falling down, breaking the glass and taking some of the paint and dry wall with it. I think it was too humid, and the strips wouldn't fuse to the wall right. I finally gave up and waited until it was cooler to try again, and then I was able to get it to stick. It's now hiding the damaged part of the wall LOL.
I'm getting a color called "olive white." It's a really light, subtle olive green - almost beige/gray. I think it will compliment the 70s orange, red, and brown of the shower curtain, and it's a nod to the green bathroom in room 237 without being full on seafoam green. I'm also going to paint the back of the door an antique white to make REDRUM stand out more.
I feel like they'd never admit it though? lol I wonder who's on autopilot the most.
Kevin and Howie definitely have the most opportunities to be on autopilot, with all the songs they have no solos on.
I think if I really want to be better about it, I'll have to look at it as a habit, like I did when I started writing again. Realistically, I could be better about reading a book before bed (for instance), rather than crawling into bed and staring at the tiny internet on my phone, lol.
Very true. I do most of my reading in bed, too, and it's definitely easier with a physical book or on a tablet with a larger screen than on my phone. I don't like leaving reviews on my phone either just because it takes longer. If I'm reading an entire story, I'll read on my tablet or Chromebook in a comfy place, but if I'm following a story as it's written, I try to make myself read and review the latest chapter before I open my own story to write.
Love it! No better suggestion for the 90s than boybands, plus the dances are just iconic. I'm impressed! Only a few days! Was it several teachers or just a few? Anyone else know the choreography already?
I teach in a big school, so we had ten of us for the boyband part! We made shirts that said BSB for five of us and shirts that spelled out NSYNC for the other five. Of course, I was a Backstreet Boy. None of the others knew the choreography, so I ended up being the one to teach the rest of them.
I think that channeling feelings works out better for me in the cathartic sense. I tended to meander when it was too close to personal experience. And I agree completely about the distraction; I'd forgotten how much writing used to get me out of "feelings spirals." (probably because writing itself became a feelings spiral, lol.)
That's exactly it - it's cathartic to write (and read) about other people's (fictional) problems, which are usually worse than mine. I think that's why I've always preferred drama.
The holiday derailed me for sure, but here's hoping for tomorrow. I think I might skip around a bit and see if that helps too. It feels like my main problem might be that my "Nick voice" is the strongest of all the Boys, so it just inherently feels more interesting. I honestly might be using it as a crutch, since I already know I can spin the story to Nick's POV and it will be entertaining. I think I want to tackle the first Howie chapter tomorrow rather than continuing on with this Brian one, though, so we'll see how Howie goes. 
I also doesn't help that I've totally distracted myself with both that World Anvil thing I was talking about and Grammarly, lol. It doesn't point out everything I hoped it would, but it has been helpful with suggesting sentences that may need clarity for a general audience. World Anvil, meanwhile, might be the biggest rabbit hole I've ever jumped into; I think it will help, but it is a monstrosity.
It definitely derailed me too. Unlike the previous chapter, I know exactly how this chapter is going to go, and oddly enough, I think that's part of what is making me procrastinate on it. I'm like, "Eh, I can write this any time; I'll wait till I feel like it to really sit down and hammer it out." But that hasn't happened yet this month; I just keep writing a few sentences at a time to keep the streak alive and then moving on to something else - whoops.
You could always experiment with trying to write a scene in one of the other guys' POV and then write the same scene in Nick's and see which you like better. If it helps, you'll probably get more readers if it seems like a Nick story.

Ooh, new toys! I don't know anything about World Anvil except for what you said here, but it does seem like it would be time-consuming. Hopefully worth it in the long run! Have fun playing with it!