Fic Talk > Updates
Once Upon a Time FINISHED (FINALLY!)
LOL I wouldn't say blessed with imagination but more like cursed with it. I think I've slowed down in the writing aspect of story-making. It takes me a lot longer to write a story now than it did in the beginning, but, at the same time, there's a lot of ideas that keep popping up in my head and I have to stop myself from writing them. Of course, the majority of them do have plotholes, which means I probably shouldn't write them down--but I do. Bad me LOL I think BMS wouldn't have been as awesome if it hadn't been your main baby because you put all your time and effort into it, whereas Proving Them Wrong or Once Upon a Time, for example, are so much worse for me because I've overextended myself. I guess i just need to work harder on restraining myself from starting other stories when the unfinished ones are still waiting...
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