Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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Hopefully my productive streak keeps up. I'm really hoping anyway lol. I'm adjusting to my school schedule now, so I'm thinking I'll be writing more again. (Even if today's updates were helped by Labor Day lol)

I'm hoping your productive streak stays too :)  Looking forward to more SFTU too!

Go Rose!  And Steph, SFTU should be updated soon; my goal was to finish the next chapter over the weekend, and I didn't quite get there, but it's almost done.  Hoping to finish it in the next few days or def next weekend.

Thanks :). Yes, Undead is coming. We're working on a hopefully soon update now that both of us are becoming all acclimated to the new schedules we have lol.

Yay you updated! I'm goping to try to read it now if not i'll have to wait until later but yoot to you!


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