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Rose's Update-palooza

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Here We Stand is amazingly perceptive and awesome! Love every moment of it, even  when Nick's being silly. Definitely looking forward to the next chapter.


--- Quote from: mare on August 18, 2013, 07:21:27 AM ---Great update, Rose. I like how you managed to touch on a little bit of everything in this chapter without going too overboard with any of it. Love the bonding Kevin, Nick and Howie moments and of course Brian and Nick at the end, the only thing missing was Brian telling Nick he was sorry for being a lug nut all those years ago. I don't know why, but I feel like I need an apology to get over my feelings about all of that! 

I do wonder and hope that kind of discussion really did go down. I could see Nick being the one to address the issue and then feel guilty about it. For all we know, it was Howie being all "Brian you suck! we are doing things THIS way!!" We are all probably missing the mark with him and he is somehow the ruthless leader of the pack! I couldn't even say that with a straight face! LOL

Anyway, great to see you writing again. :)

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Thanks Mare! There was a lot I wanted to cover with Nick but without going too far into any of them. LOL I'd love to get an apology from Brian but in my head for this one they've already done that. Though I wouldn't mind another!

There had to have been a talk in real life at some point. Howie's backed Brian too often for there not to have been. I do think it was Nick or Kevin. Nick's really stepped up over the years and I remember on their Around The World thing Nick was irritated when they were debating vocals. And Kevin's the perfectionist we know and love. AJ's AJ, and Howie's so PC that I don't think they'd do it lol. But of course with Nick, there's guilt.

It's great to be writing again. :)


--- Quote from: SpursLover53 on August 18, 2013, 02:01:35 PM ---Hi, I wanted to say that your story "Here We Stand" is amazing and I'm in love with it.

I love how you've captured each Backstreet Boy. I agree with Mare the bond between Nick and Kevin ♥ Just loved it and can totally see that, you've painted a picture incredibly well. I'm anxious to see what's in store for everybody next  8-)

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Hi, thank you! I love finding out new people read my stuff.

Thank you again. This is my first story where I tackled all five POVs (and it's not AU) and in some cases it's not easy LOL. I don't know how Mare does it all the time. I'm really happy you're enjoying it.


--- Quote from: Carter-Orange on August 18, 2013, 02:08:11 PM ---Great chapter Rose, I couldn't believe it when I got an email to say you'd updated!

I liked how the voice issues were addressed, and also the way Howie and Kevin are there for Nick.  Good to see you back with this story :)

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lol I couldn't believe it when I realized I finished it.

I love our Boys' bromances, I really missed writing this story. Thanks Steph!


--- Quote from: brian_fan_4eva on August 18, 2013, 03:04:19 PM ---Here We Stand is amazingly perceptive and awesome! Love every moment of it, even  when Nick's being silly. Definitely looking forward to the next chapter.

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Awww well thank you!


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