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Rose's Update-palooza

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--- Quote from: Rose on August 18, 2013, 03:28:11 PM ---Thanks Mare! There was a lot I wanted to cover with Nick but without going too far into any of them. LOL I'd love to get an apology from Brian but in my head for this one they've already done that. Though I wouldn't mind another!

There had to have been a talk in real life at some point. Howie's backed Brian too often for there not to have been. I do think it was Nick or Kevin. Nick's really stepped up over the years and I remember on their Around The World thing Nick was irritated when they were debating vocals. And Kevin's the perfectionist we know and love. AJ's AJ, and Howie's so PC that I don't think they'd do it lol. But of course with Nick, there's guilt.

It's great to be writing again. :)

--- End quote ---

One day a short story where a long overdue apology is given may be written. LOL perhaps on one's birthday!

Maybe one day we'll get the full story from Kevin about the whole Brian voice issue! Once again, welcome back! :)

That's not a bad idea lol. Especially since Nick and Brian are so squishy again.

Yes, it's time for s Frick and Frack story maybe with a happier ending than last birthday lol

I love your avy. And yes it is!

In honor of their squishyness I changed my avy cause I really did miss those two.

Loved the new chapter Rose. I love a good Nick/Brian angst scene. I had to laugh at Nick's ADD brain cheering on the squirrel LMFAO


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